예제 #1
    new public void Button_Red()
        //Debug.Log ("Red button clickedasdfasdfasdf");
        var ButtonObj   = GameObject.Find("WorldObjects/Canvas/Button0");
        var DropdownObj = GameObject.Find("WorldObjects/Canvas/Dropdown");

        if (CustomRosBridge.isMoving)
            CustomRosBridge.isMoving = false;
            ButtonObj.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Stop";
            //Stop navigation
            TwistMsg msg = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(0, 0, 0), new Vector3Msg(0, 0, 0));
            if (CustomRosBridge.ros != null)
                CustomRosBridge.ros.Publish(RobotVelPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
            CustomRosBridge.isMoving = true;
            ButtonObj.GetComponentInChildren <Text>().text = "Confirm";
            //Start navigation
            StringMsg msg = new StringMsg("\"" + DropdownObj.GetComponentInChildren <Label>().text + "\"");
            if (CustomRosBridge.ros != null)
                CustomRosBridge.ros.Publish(RobotDataPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
예제 #2
    protected override void StartROS()
        Debug.Log("Started ROS");
        _rosLocomotionDirect = new ROSLocomotionDirect(ROSAgent.AgentJob.Subscriber, _rosBridge, "/cmd_vel");
        _rosLocomotionDirect.OnDataReceived += ReceivedLocomotionDirectUpdate;
        _rosJoystick = new ROSGenericSubscriber <TwistMsg>(_rosBridge, "/teleop_velocity_smoother/raw_cmd_vel",
                                                           TwistMsg.GetMessageType(), (msg) => new TwistMsg(msg));
        _rosJoystick.OnDataReceived += ReceivedJoystickUpdate;

        //odometry subscriber is not needed for the virtual robot
        //_rosOdometrySubscriber = new ROSGenericSubscriber<OdometryMsg>(_rosBridge, "/odom", OdometryMsg.GetMessageType(), (msg) => new OdometryMsg(msg));
        //_rosOdometrySubscriber.OnDataReceived += ReceivedOdometryUpdate;

        //odometry publisher
        _rosOdometry = new ROSGenericPublisher(_rosBridge, "/odom", OdometryMsg.GetMessageType());
        //robot_gps_pose publisher
        _rosOdometryGPSPose = new ROSGenericPublisher(_rosBridge, "/robot_gps_pose", OdometryMsg.GetMessageType());
        //odo_calib_pose publisher
        _rosOdometryOverride = new ROSGenericPublisher(_rosBridge, "/odo_calib_pose", OdometryMsg.GetMessageType());

        _transformUpdateCoroutine = StartCoroutine(SendTransformUpdate(_publishInterval));

        _rosLocomotionWaypointState = new ROSLocomotionWaypointState(ROSAgent.AgentJob.Publisher, _rosBridge, "/waypoint/state");
        _rosLocomotionWaypoint      = new ROSLocomotionWaypoint(ROSAgent.AgentJob.Publisher, _rosBridge, "/waypoint");
        _rosLocomotionLinear        = new ROSGenericPublisher(_rosBridge, "/waypoint/max_linear_speed", Float32Msg.GetMessageType());
        _rosLocomotionAngular       = new ROSGenericPublisher(_rosBridge, "/waypoint/max_angular_speed", Float32Msg.GetMessageType());
        _rosLocomotionControlParams = new ROSLocomotionControlParams(ROSAgent.AgentJob.Publisher, _rosBridge, "/waypoint/control_parameters");
        _rosLogger = new ROSGenericPublisher(_rosBridge, "/debug_output", StringMsg.GetMessageType());

        _rosLocomotionLinear.PublishData(new Float32Msg(RobotConfig.MaxLinearSpeed));
        _rosLocomotionAngular.PublishData(new Float32Msg(RobotConfig.MaxAngularSpeed));
        _rosLocomotionControlParams.PublishData(RobotConfig.LinearSpeedParameter, RobotConfig.RollSpeedParameter, RobotConfig.PitchSpeedParameter, RobotConfig.AngularSpeedParameter);
예제 #3
    void Update()

        if (!_running)

        timer -= Time.deltaTime;

        if (timer <= 0)
            timer = pollRate;

            PointMsg               point  = new PointMsg(1, 2, 3);
            QuaternionMsg          quat   = new QuaternionMsg(1, 2, 3, 4);
            PoseMsg                pose   = new PoseMsg(point, quat);
            PoseWithCovarianceMsg  posec  = new PoseWithCovarianceMsg(pose);
            Vector3Msg             vec3   = new Vector3Msg(1, 2, 3);
            TwistMsg               twist  = new TwistMsg(vec3, vec3);
            TwistWithCovarianceMsg twistc = new TwistWithCovarianceMsg(twist, new double[36]);
            HeaderMsg              header = new HeaderMsg(1, new TimeMsg(1, 1), "0");

            PoseStampedMsg ps  = new PoseStampedMsg(header, pose);
            PathMsg        msg = new PathMsg(header, new PoseStampedMsg[] { ps, ps, ps });

            BoolMsg             boolmsg = new BoolMsg(true);
            StringMsg           str     = new StringMsg("This is a test");
            RegionOfInterestMsg roi     = new RegionOfInterestMsg(0, 1, 2, 3, true);
            CameraInfoMsg       caminfo = new CameraInfoMsg(header, 100, 200, "plumb_bob", new double[5], new double[9], new double[9], new double[12], 14, 123, roi);

예제 #4
    // it is called every frame update
    void Update()
        // render the ros communication

        // get the player object position
        double playerPosX = player.transform.position.x;
        double playerPosY = player.transform.position.y;
        double playerPosZ = player.transform.position.z;

        // get the player position vector
        Vector3Msg playerPositionVector = new Vector3Msg(playerPosX, playerPosY, playerPosZ);
        // get the player rotation vector
        Vector3Msg playerRotationVector = new Vector3Msg(0, 0, 0);

        // get the twist message for the player pose
        TwistMsg playerPoseMsg = new TwistMsg(playerPositionVector, playerRotationVector);

        // publish the message
        ros.Publish(BallPosePublisher.GetMessageTopic(), playerPoseMsg);

        // get player speed
        float playerSpeed = (float)BallSpeedSubscriber.playerSpeed;

        // update player speed
        playerController.speed = (playerSpeed == 0)? 1 : playerSpeed;
예제 #5
 public BodyVelocityRequestMsg(JSONNode msg)
     // parse message fields into class data
     _header       = new HeaderMsg(msg["header"]);
     _goal         = new GoalDescriptorMsg(msg["goal"]);
     _twist        = new TwistMsg(msg["twist"]);
     _disable_axis = new Bool6AxisMsg(msg["disable_axis"]);
예제 #6
 public void RemoteControl(Vector3 linear, Vector3 angular)
     if (lineOn)
         TwistMsg msg = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(linear.x, linear.y, linear.z), new Vector3Msg(angular.x, angular.y, angular.z));
         ros.Publish(RobotTeleop.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Publish velocity to turtlesim through the ROSBridge
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="linearInput"></param>
        /// <param name="angularInput"></param>
        public void SendVelocity(float linearInput, float angularInput)
            Vector3Msg linearVelocity  = new Vector3Msg(linearInput, 0f, 0f);
            Vector3Msg angularVelocity = new Vector3Msg(0f, 0f, -angularInput);
            TwistMsg   msg             = new TwistMsg(linearVelocity, angularVelocity);

            ROSBridge.Instance.Publish(TurtleVelocityPublisher.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
 public TwistWithCovarianceMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _twist = new TwistMsg(msg["twist"]);
     // Treat covariance
     for (int i = 0; i < msg["covariance"].Count; i++)
         _covariance[i] = double.Parse(msg["covariance"][i]);
 public TwistWithCovarianceMsg(JSONNode msg)
     _twist      = new TwistMsg(msg["twist"]);
     _covariance = new double[msg["covariance"].Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < _covariance.Length; i++)
         _covariance[i] = double.Parse(msg["covariance"][i], System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
예제 #10
 public static void GUI(this TwistMsg message, string name = "")
     if (name.Length > 0)
 public override void Deserialize(JSONNode msg)
     _twist = new TwistMsg(msg["twist"]);
     // Treat covariance
     for (int i = 0; i < msg["covariance"].Count; i++)
         _covariance[i] = double.Parse(msg["covariance"][i]);
예제 #12
 public BodyVelocityRequestMsg(HeaderMsg header,
                               GoalDescriptorMsg goal,
                               TwistMsg twist,
                               Bool6AxisMsg disable_axis
     _header       = header;
     _goal         = goal;
     _twist        = twist;
     _disable_axis = disable_axis;
예제 #13
    /// <param name="linear">Linear movement speed in meter/second</param>
    /// <param name="angular">Angular rotational speed in meter/second</param>
    public void PublishData(float linear, float angular)
        if (_publisher == null)

        TwistMsg twist = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(linear, 0, 0),
                                      new Vector3Msg(0, 0, angular));

예제 #14
파일: ArseaViewer.cs 프로젝트: srv/arsea
    // Update is called once per frame in Unity
    void Update()
        GameObject OVRtouchcontroller = GameObject.Find("OVR_touch_controller");
        // OVRtouchcontroller.
        // fill in the body velocity request message:
        // carregar un msg tipus body velocity request amb els continugts de Global Variables
        double vx  = Global_Variables.vel_linear_x;
        double vy  = Global_Variables.vel_linear_y;
        double vz  = Global_Variables.vel_linear_z;
        double yaw = (double)Global_Variables.yaw;

        // HeaderMsg header, GoalDescriptorMsg goal, TwistMsg twist, auv_msgs.Bool6AxisMsg disable_axis
        // twist for the boby velocity request: linear + angular speeds
        TwistMsg          twist         = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(vx, vy, vz), new Vector3Msg(0.0, 0.0, Global_Variables.yaw));
        Bool6AxisMsg      dissable_axis = new Bool6AxisMsg(false, false, false, true, true, false); // dissable axis field for the body velocity request
        string            requester     = "/teleoperation";
        GoalDescriptorMsg goal          = new GoalDescriptorMsg(requester, 0, 60);                  // id= 0, priority=60

        // header: int seq, TimeMsg stamp, string frame_id
        System.DateTime epochStart = new System.DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, System.DateTimeKind.Utc);
        double          cur_time   = ((System.DateTime.UtcNow - epochStart).TotalSeconds); // in seconds
        //print("cur_time" + cur_time);
        double decimalPart = cur_time % 1;                                                 // get the decimal part
        int    secs        = (int)(cur_time - decimalPart);                                //take the integer part of the timestamp expressed in nanoseconds
        //print("seconds" + secs);
        int nsecs = (int)(decimalPart * 1000000000);                                       // take the nanoseconds
        //print("nsencs"+ nsecs);
        TimeMsg   stamp  = new TimeMsg(secs, nsecs);
        HeaderMsg header = new HeaderMsg(0, stamp, "/map");                                          //frame id=/map.

        BodyVelocityRequestMsg msg = new BodyVelocityRequestMsg(header, goal, twist, dissable_axis); // create a clase of message to be published

        //print("Body request" + twist);
        if (Global_Variables.activate_control) //send velocity commands only if the Unity Control is active
        // print("publish body vel. request:" + msg.ToString()); // print requested vel..
            ros.Publish(RobotBodyVelocityRequest.GetMessageTopic(), msg); // descomentar !! -- 18/09/2017
        //ros.Publish(RobotBodyVelocityRequest.GetMessageTopic(), twist); // descomentar !! -- 18/09/2017

        if (Global_Variables.stop_motors) // dissable motors if required with the "A" button
            Global_Variables.stop_motors = false; // avoids to send the service all the time
        if (Global_Variables.start_motors)        // enable motors if required with button "B"
            Global_Variables.start_motors = false; // avoids to send the service all the time
                public TwistWithCovarianceMsg(TwistMsg twist, double[] covariance)
                    _twist = twist;

                    if (covariance.Length == 36)
                        _covariance = covariance;
                        _covariance = new double[36];
예제 #16
        void FixedUpdate()
            if (!isLocalPlayer)
            command_topic = string.Concat(inputField.text, "/cmd_vel2");
            if (!msg_flag)
            TwistMsg cmdvel = (TwistMsg)in_msg;

            m_Car.Move((float)(-1 * cmdvel.GetAngular().GetZ()), (float)(cmdvel.GetLinear().GetX()), (float)(cmdvel.GetLinear().GetX()), 0f);
//	m_Car.Move((float)(cmdvel.GetAngular().GetZ()),(float)0.1 ,(float)0.1, 0f);
예제 #17
        // Update is called once per frame in Unity. We use the joystick or cursor keys to generate teleoperational commands
        // that are sent to the ROS world, which drives the robot which ...
        private void Update()
            if (updateControl)
                // Instantiates variables with keyboad input (Lines 44 - 62).
                float _dx, _dy;

                if (_useJoysticks)
                    _dx = Input.GetAxis("Joy0X");
                    _dy = Input.GetAxis("Joy0Y");
                    _dx = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                    _dy = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

                // Multiplying _dy or _dx by a larger value, increases "speed".
                // Linear is responsibile for forward and backward movment.
                var linear = _dy * 3.0f;
                //angular is responsible for rotaion.
                var angular = -_dx * 2.0f;

                // Create a ROS Twist message from the keyboard input. This input/twist message, creates the data that will in turn move the
                // bot on the ground.
                var msg = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(linear, 0.0, 0.0),
                                       new Vector3Msg(0.0, 0.0, angular));

                ///////\\\\\\\\\ Need to call func to get appropriate topic
                // name for the correct selected bot. This is for testing of
                // the 4 bot environment!!!!!!

                // Publishes the TwistMsg values over to the /cmd_vel topic in ROS.
                _ros.Publish("/cmd_vel", msg);

                             msg); /////////\\\\\\\\\\ this is for testing of the 4 bots
                // environment!!!

예제 #18
    public new static void CallBack(ROSBridgeMsg msg)
        TwistMsg OdomData = msg as TwistMsg;



        //GeoPointMsg LocationGPS = msg as GeoPointMsg;

        //CompressedImageMsg imgMsg = msg as CompressedImageMsg;
예제 #19
 public ROSLocomotionDirect(AgentJob job, ROSBridgeWebSocketConnection rosConnection, string topicName)
     if (job == AgentJob.Publisher)
         _publisher = new ROSGenericPublisher(rosConnection, topicName, TwistMsg.GetMessageType());
     else if (job == AgentJob.Subscriber)
         _subscriber = new ROSGenericSubscriber <TwistMsg>(rosConnection, topicName, TwistMsg.GetMessageType(), (msg) => new TwistMsg(msg));
         _subscriber.OnDataReceived += (data) =>
             if (OnDataReceived != null)
예제 #20
    // Update is called once per frame in Unity. The Unity camera follows the robot (which is driven by
    // the ROS environment. We also use the joystick or cursor keys to generate teleoperational commands
    // that are sent to the ROS world, which drives the robot which ...
    void Update()
        float _dx, _dy;
        int   _button = 0;

        if (_useJoysticks)
            _dx = Input.GetAxis("Joy0X");
            _dy = Input.GetAxis("Joy0Y");
            _dx = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            _dy = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
            Debug.Log("no joysticks " + _dx + " " + _dy);
        float linear  = _dy * 0.5f;
        float angular = -_dx * 0.2f;

        TwistMsg msg = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(0.1, 0.2, 0.3), new Vector3Msg(-0.1, -0.2, -0.3));

        ros.Publish(RobotTeleop.GetMessageTopic(), msg);

        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))
            if (lineOn)
                ros.CallService("/turtle1/set_pen", "{\"off\": 1}");
                ros.CallService("/turtle1/set_pen", "{\"off\": 0}");
            lineOn = !lineOn;
예제 #21
        // Update is called once per frame in Unity. We use the joystick or cursor keys to generate teleoperational commands
        // that are sent to the ROS world, which drives the robot which ...
        private void Update()
            if (_useJoysticks)
                _angular = Input.GetAxis("Joy0X");
                _linear  = Input.GetAxis("Joy0Y");
                _angular = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
                _linear  = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");

            // Multiplying _dy or _dx by a larger value, increases "speed".
            // Linear is responsibile for forward and backward movment.
            _linear *= 1.0f;
            //angular is responsible for rotation.
            _angular = -_angular * 1.0f;

            // Create a ROS Twist message from the keyboard input. This input/twist message, creates the data that will in turn move the
            // bot on the ground.
            var msg = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(_linear, 0.0, 0.0),
                                   new Vector3Msg(0.0, 0.0, _angular));

            _topic = "";

            // Publishes the TwistMsg values over to the /cmd_vel topic in ROS.
            //_ros.Publish("/cmd_vel", msg);

                         msg); /////////\\\\\\\\\\ this is for testing of the 4 bots
            // environment!!!

예제 #22
    public void Send_message()
        float _dx = 0.1f, _dy = 0.2f;
        float linear  = _dy * 0.5f;
        float angular = -_dx * 0.2f;

        TwistMsg msg = new TwistMsg(new Vector3Msg(linear, 10, 10), new Vector3Msg(-10, 40, angular));

        ros.Publish(Turtle1Teleop.GetMessageTopic(), msg);
        Debug.Log("Message sent to ROS");
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.T))
            if (lineOn)
                ros.CallService("/turtle1/set_pen", "{\"off\": 1}");
                ros.CallService("/turtle1/set_pen", "{\"off\": 0}");
            lineOn = !lineOn;
예제 #23
 private void ReceivedJoystickUpdate(ROSBridgeMsg data)
     _joystickDataToConsume    = (TwistMsg)data;
     _hasJoystickDataToConsume = true;
 public static string ToYAMLString(TwistMsg msg)
예제 #25
 private void PublishVelocity(TwistMsg twist)
     _rosLocomotionDirect.PublishData((float)twist._linear._x, (float)twist._angular._z);
예제 #26
 void Awake()
     vel = new TwistMsg(
         new Vector3Msg(0, 0, 0),
         new Vector3Msg(0, 0, 0));
예제 #27
 public TwistWithCovarianceMsg(TwistMsg twist)
     _twist      = twist;
     _covariance = new double[36];
예제 #28
 public new static string GetMessageType()
 public TwistWithCovarianceMsg(TwistMsg twist, double[] covariance)
     _twist      = twist;
     _covariance = covariance;
예제 #30
 private void ReceivedLocomotionDirectUpdate(ROSBridgeMsg data)
     _locomotionDirectDataToConsume    = (TwistMsg)data;
     _hasLocomotionDirectDataToConsume = true;