예제 #1
        private void Destroy(IntPtr hwnd)
            // MessageBox.Show("Destroying", "hwnd " + hwnd);

            var process = Process.GetProcesses().Where(p => p.MainWindowHandle == hwnd).First();

            Console.WriteLine("process " + process);

            if (process == null)

            var window = new HwndControl(process.MainWindowHandle, new Point(0, 0));

            TweenShark.To(window, 2F,
                          new TweenOps(Ease.OutBounce)
                          .PropBy("X", _random.Next(100) - 50)
                          .PropBy("Y", _random.Next(100) - 50)

            var mainPoint = new Point(window.X, window.Y);

            DestroyRecursive(process.MainWindowHandle, mainPoint);
예제 #2
        public void RegisterPropertyTweenerTest()
            TweenShark.Initialize(new TweenSharkTickImpl(), new NullLogger());

            var type = typeof(TweenShark);
            var info = type.GetField("_core", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            var core = (TweenSharkCore)info.GetValue(null);

            // the core must be created
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(core, typeof(TweenSharkCore));

            var param0   = new PrivateObject(core);
            var accessor = new TweenSharkCore_Accessor(param0);

            var beforeCount = accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners.Count;

            // if we overwrite an existing type the number of registered tweeners must not change
            TweenShark.RegisterPropertyTweener(typeof(SimpleTweenerImpl <SByte>), typeof(SByte));
            Assert.AreEqual(beforeCount, accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners.Count);
            // the tweener for sbyte must be overwritten
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(SByte).FullName], typeof(SimpleTweenerImpl <SByte>));

            // if we overwrite an existing type the number of registered tweeners must change
            TweenShark.RegisterPropertyTweener(typeof(SimpleTweenerImpl <SByte>), typeof(TweeningTestObject));
            Assert.AreEqual(beforeCount + 1, accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners.Count);
            // the tweener for sbyte must be overwritten
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(TweeningTestObject).FullName], typeof(SimpleTweenerImpl <SByte>));
예제 #3
        public void RunningTweenSharkConstructorTest()
            TweenShark        tweenShark = null; // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            RunningTweenShark target     = new RunningTweenShark(tweenShark);

            Assert.Inconclusive("TODO: Code zum Überprüfen des Ziels implementieren");
예제 #4
        public void InitializeTest()
            TweenShark.Initialize(new TweenSharkTickImpl(), new NullLogger());

            var type = typeof(TweenShark);
            var info = type.GetField("_core", BindingFlags.NonPublic | BindingFlags.Static);
            var core = (TweenSharkCore)info.GetValue(null);

            // the core must be created
            Assert.IsInstanceOfType(core, typeof(TweenSharkCore));

            var param0   = new PrivateObject(core);
            var accessor = new TweenSharkCore_Accessor(param0);

            // the standard property tweeners must be registered
            Assert.AreEqual(10, accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners.Count);
            // check that all tweeners are registerd correctly
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(SByte).FullName], typeof(SignedByteTweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(Int16).FullName], typeof(SignedInt16Tweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(Int32).FullName], typeof(SignedInt32Tweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(Int64).FullName], typeof(SignedInt64Tweener));

            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(Byte).FullName], typeof(UnsignedByteTweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(UInt16).FullName], typeof(UnsignedInt16Tweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(UInt32).FullName], typeof(UnsignedInt32Tweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(UInt64).FullName], typeof(UnsignedInt64Tweener));

            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(Single).FullName], typeof(FloatTweener));
            Assert.AreEqual(accessor._registeredPropertyTweeners[typeof(Double).FullName], typeof(DoubleTweener));
예제 #5
 private void SpinCubeAroundX()
     TweenShark.To(_cube.transform, 10, new TweenOps(GetSelectedEasingFunction())
                   .UV3CompBy("localEulerAngles", 600, V3Compnent.Right)
                   .OnUpdate(t => Debug.Log("x: " + _cube.transform.localEulerAngles.x))
 private void TweenButton()
     TweenShark.To(_btn, 5, new TweenOps(Ease.InOutQuart)
                   .Prop(new PropertyOps("X", 500, false).Ease(Ease.Linear))
                   .Prop(new PropertyOps("Y", 500, false).Ease(Ease.OutQuint))
예제 #7
        public Form1()

            TweenShark.Initialize(new TweenSharkWinformsTick(), new ConsoleLogger());
            TweenShark.RegisterPropertyTweener(typeof(ColorTweener), typeof(Color));

            Deactivate += (sender, e) => Destroy(GetForegroundWindow());

            this.Click += (sender, e) =>

//            this.BackgroundImage = Resources.background;
//            this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.None;
//            this.TransparencyKey = Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 255);

            button1.MouseEnter += HandleButtonMouseEnter;
            button1.MouseLeave += HandleButtonMouseLeave;
            button2.MouseEnter += HandleButtonMouseEnter;
            button2.MouseLeave += HandleButtonMouseLeave;
예제 #8
        public void EmitOnUpdateTest()
            TweenShark        tweenShark = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            RunningTweenShark target     = new RunningTweenShark(tweenShark); // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren

            Assert.Inconclusive("Eine Methode, die keinen Wert zurückgibt, kann nicht überprüft werden.");
예제 #9
        public void ProgressTest()
            TweenShark        tweenShark = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            RunningTweenShark target     = new RunningTweenShark(tweenShark); // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            float             actual;

            actual = target.Progress;
            Assert.Inconclusive("Überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit dieser Testmethode.");
예제 #10
        private void SpinWasher(ComponentEvent e)
            var dichWasher = GetDishWasher();

            TweenShark.To(dichWasher.transform, 10,
                          new TweenOps(Ease.InOutQuad)
                          .UV3CompTo("localEulerAngles", 27000, V3Compnent.Up)
예제 #11
        private void HandleButtonMouseEnter(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var b = (Button)sender;

            TweenShark.To(b, 0.2F, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad)
//                .PropTo("Left", b.Left < 100 ? 200 : 50)
                          .PropTo("BackColor", Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 0, 0))
예제 #12
 private void SpinCubeAroundZ()
     TweenShark.To(_cube, 10, new TweenOps(GetSelectedEasingFunction())
                   .URotateTo(1200, V3Compnent.Forward)
                   .OnStart(t => Debug.Log("OnStart Progress = " + t.Progress))
                   .OnUpdate(t => _progressTextField.Text = "Progress: " + t.Progress)
                   .OnComplete(t => Debug.Log("OnComplete Progress = " + t.Progress))
예제 #13
 private void TweenMaterial()
     TweenShark.To(_cube, GetTweenDuration(), new TweenOps(GetSelectedEasingFunction())
                   .UFadeMaterials(new Material[]
예제 #14
        private void HandleButtonMouseLeave(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var b = (Button)sender;

//            b.BackColor = null;
            TweenShark.To(b, 0.2F, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad)
                          .PropTo("BackColor", Color.FromArgb(0, 255, 255, 255))
            //b.BackColor = Color.FromArgb()
예제 #15
        public void AddTweenSharkTest()
            Assert.Inconclusive("needs to be rewritten to prevent runtime errors");

            var obj = new TweeningTestObject();
            var registeredPropertyTweens = new Dictionary <string, Type>();

            registeredPropertyTweens.Add(typeof(SByte).FullName, typeof(SignedByteTweener));

            var target   = new TweenedObject(obj, registeredPropertyTweens);
            var param0   = new PrivateObject(target);
            var accessor = new TweenedObject_Accessor(param0);

            var tweenShark = new TweenShark(obj, 1, new TweenOps().PropTo("DoubleValue", 100).PropTo("FloatValue", 101));


            // check for count of tweens and tweened properties
            Assert.AreEqual(1, accessor._tweens.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, accessor._propertyTweens.Count);
            // check for target values
            Assert.AreEqual(100, ((DoubleTweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["DoubleValue"])).GetTargetValue());
            Assert.AreEqual(101, ((FloatTweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["FloatValue"])).GetTargetValue());

            // when adding a tween on another object the number of tweens must not change, because we do not add the tween
            tweenShark = new TweenShark(new TweeningTestObject(), 1, new TweenOps());
            // check for count of tweens and tweened properties
            Assert.AreEqual(1, accessor._tweens.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(2, accessor._propertyTweens.Count);

            // when adding a tween on the correct object but with another property the numbers must change
            tweenShark = new TweenShark(obj, 1, new TweenOps().PropTo("IntValue", 102));
            // check for count of tweens and tweened properties
            Assert.AreEqual(2, accessor._tweens.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, accessor._propertyTweens.Count);
            // check for target values
            Assert.AreEqual(100, ((DoubleTweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["DoubleValue"])).GetTargetValue());
            Assert.AreEqual(101, ((FloatTweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["FloatValue"])).GetTargetValue());
            Assert.AreEqual(102, ((SignedInt32Tweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["IntValue"])).GetTargetValue());

            // but when we now add another tween that overrides tweened properties, only the number of tweens may change
            tweenShark = new TweenShark(obj, 1, new TweenOps().PropTo("DoubleValue", 200).PropTo("FloatValue", 201).PropTo("IntValue", 202));
            // check for count of tweens and tweened properties
            Assert.AreEqual(3, accessor._tweens.Count);
            Assert.AreEqual(3, accessor._propertyTweens.Count);
            // check for target values
            Assert.AreEqual(200, ((DoubleTweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["DoubleValue"])).GetTargetValue());
            Assert.AreEqual(201, ((FloatTweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["FloatValue"])).GetTargetValue());
            Assert.AreEqual(202, ((SignedInt32Tweener)(accessor._propertyTweens["IntValue"])).GetTargetValue());
예제 #16
        private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var b = (Button)sender;

//            TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps().PropBy("Counter", 100));
            TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.InOutQuint)
                          .PropTo("Left", Left < 100 ? 1000 : 0) //Screen.FromControl(this).WorkingArea.Width - Width : 0)
                          .OnUpdate(tween => Counter = Left)
예제 #17
        public void GetTweenSharkTest()
            TweenShark        tweenShark = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            RunningTweenShark target     = new RunningTweenShark(tweenShark); // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            TweenShark        expected   = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            TweenShark        actual;

            actual = target.GetTweenShark();
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit dieser Testmethode.");
예제 #18
        public void TweenSharkConstructorTest()
            var         obj      = new TweeningTestObject();
            const float duration = 1F;
            var         tweenOps = new TweenOps();

            var tweenShark = new TweenShark(obj, duration, tweenOps);

            Assert.AreSame(obj, tweenShark.Obj);
            Assert.AreEqual(duration, tweenShark.Duration);
            Assert.AreSame(tweenOps, tweenShark.TweenOps);
예제 #19
        public void TickTest()
            TweenShark        tweenShark = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            RunningTweenShark target     = new RunningTweenShark(tweenShark); // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            long currentTicks            = 0;                                 // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            bool expected = false;                                            // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            bool actual;

            actual = target.Tick(currentTicks);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit dieser Testmethode.");
예제 #20
        public void RemoveTest()
            TweenShark         tweenShark = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            RunningTweenShark  target     = new RunningTweenShark(tweenShark); // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            ITweenSharkTweener tweener    = null;                              // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            bool expected = false;                                             // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            bool actual;

            actual = target.Remove(tweener);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit dieser Testmethode.");
예제 #21
        public void ToTest()
            object     obj      = null; // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            float      duration = 0F;   // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            TweenOps   tweenOps = null; // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            TweenShark expected = null; // TODO: Passenden Wert initialisieren
            TweenShark actual;

            actual = TweenShark.To(obj, duration, tweenOps);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);
            Assert.Inconclusive("Überprüfen Sie die Richtigkeit dieser Testmethode.");
예제 #22
        public RunningTweenShark(TweenShark tweenShark)
            _tweenShark = tweenShark;
            _tweenOps   = tweenShark.TweenOps;

            StartTicks    = DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            DurationTicks = (uint)(1000 * 10000 * tweenShark.Duration);
            _deltaTicks   = 0;

            _onStart    = _tweenOps.OnStartCallback;
            _onUpdate   = _tweenOps.OnUpdateCallback;
            _onComplete = _tweenOps.OnCompleteCallback;
예제 #23
    private void BringCubeTo(GameObject go, float forward, float right, float up, bool autoResume)
        if (_tweenerSelection.Selected == 1)
            iTween.MoveTo(go, iTween.Hash(
                              "x", right,
                              "y", up,
                              "z", forward,
                              "Time", GetTweenDuration(),
                              "onComplete", (Action <object>)((obj) =>
                if (autoResume)
                    BringCubeTo(go, (random.Next(700) - 350) / 100.0f, (random.Next(700) - 350) / 100.0f,
                                (random.Next(500) - 250) / 100.0f, true)
            var ts = TweenShark.To(go, GetTweenDuration(), new TweenOps(GetSelectedEasingFunction())
//            var ts = TweenShark.To(go, GetTweenDuration(), new TweenOps(EaseEx.InElastic, new object[] {0.1f, 0.5f})
                                   .UMoveTo(new Vector3(right, up, forward))
//                .UColorTo(new Color(random.Next(100) / 100.0f, random.Next(100) / 100.0f, random.Next(100) / 100.0f, random.Next(100) / 100.0f))

                                   .OnComplete((obj) =>
                if (autoResume)
                    BringCubeTo(go, (random.Next(700) - 350) / 100.0f, (random.Next(700) - 350) / 100.0f,
                                (random.Next(500) - 250) / 100.0f, true)
예제 #24
        private TweenSharkCore SetupCoreWithTweens()
            var core = new TweenSharkCore(new TweenSharkTickImpl());

            core.RegisterPropertyTweener(typeof(DoubleTweener), typeof(Double));
            core.RegisterPropertyTweener(typeof(FloatTweener), typeof(Single));

            // short tweens (one second)
            var duration = 1;
            var to       = new TweeningTestObject {
                DoubleValue = 100, FloatValue = 100
            var tween = new TweenShark(to, duration, new TweenOps().PropTo("DoubleValue", 200));

            tween = new TweenShark(to, duration, new TweenOps().PropTo("FloatValue", 200));

            // medium duration tweens (3 seconds)
            duration = 3;
            to       = new TweeningTestObject {
                DoubleValue = 100
            tween = new TweenShark(to, duration, new TweenOps().PropTo("DoubleValue", 200));
            tween = new TweenShark(to, duration, new TweenOps().PropTo("FloatValue", 200));

            // medium duration tweens (5 seconds)
            duration = 5;
            to       = new TweeningTestObject {
                DoubleValue = 100
            tween = new TweenShark(to, duration, new TweenOps().PropTo("DoubleValue", 200));
            tween = new TweenShark(to, duration, new TweenOps().PropTo("FloatValue", 200));

예제 #25
        private void DestroyRecursive(IntPtr hwnd, Point mainPoint, int level = 0, int maxLevel = 3)
            IntPtr child = IntPtr.Zero;

                child = FindWindowEx(hwnd, child, null, null);
                if (child != IntPtr.Zero)
                    TweenShark.To(new HwndControl(child, mainPoint), 2F,
                                  new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuint)
                                  .PropBy("X", _random.Next(100) - 50)
                                  .PropBy("Y", _random.Next(100) - 50)

                    if (level < maxLevel)
                        DestroyRecursive(child, mainPoint, level + 1, maxLevel);
            } while (child != IntPtr.Zero);
예제 #26
        private void OpenClose(ComponentEvent e)
            var dichWasher = GetDishWasher();
            var klappe     = GetDishWasherKlappe();

            if (klappe != null && dichWasher != null)
                Debug.Log("local euler: " + klappe.transform.localEulerAngles);
                Debug.Log("abs euler: " + klappe.transform.eulerAngles);
                Debug.Log("local rotation: " + klappe.transform.localRotation);
                Debug.Log("rotation: " + klappe.transform.rotation);

                if (klappe.transform.localEulerAngles.x <= 10)
                    TweenShark.To(klappe.transform, 2,
                                  new TweenOps(Ease.InOutQuad)
                                  .UV3CompTo("localEulerAngles", -90, V3Compnent.Right)
                    TweenShark.To(dichWasher.transform, 2,
                                  new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad)
                                  .UV3CompTo("position", 5, V3Compnent.Up)
                    TweenShark.To(klappe.transform, 2,
                                  new TweenOps(Ease.InOutQuad)
                                  .UV3CompTo("localEulerAngles", 360, V3Compnent.Right)
                    TweenShark.To(dichWasher.transform, 2,
                                  new TweenOps(Ease.InQuad)
                                  .UV3CompTo("position", 0, V3Compnent.Up)
예제 #27
        public void To(TweenShark tweenShark)
            if (tweenShark.Obj == null)
                TweenShark.Logger.Error("given object is null!");

            TweenedObject tweenedObject;

            if (!_objects.TryGetValue(tweenShark.Obj, out tweenedObject))
                tweenedObject = new TweenedObject(tweenShark.Obj, _registeredPropertyTweeners);
                _objects[tweenShark.Obj] = tweenedObject;

            // TODO: clone the tweenShark given or make some other class containing all the tweeners
            //- für die interne Verarbeitung brauchen wir Kopien der Tweens
            //	-> so kann der User seine TweenShark instanzen aufheben und wieder benutzen
            //	-> ohne die Kopie bekommt der Nutzer aus seiner Instanz die einzelnen Tweener rausgelöscht, wenn es zu einen overwrite kommt

예제 #28
        public HBoxLayout()
            SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);

                new Label(200, 122, "VBox with background and automatic vertical positioning of elements and padding of 5,5,5,5")

                new Label(100, 22, "Top Align").SetVAlign(VerticalAlign.Top)
                .SetX(170).SetY(40)     // setting of x and y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Label(100, 22, "Middle Align").SetVAlign(VerticalAlign.Middle)
                .SetX(170).SetY(40)     // setting of x and y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Label(100, 22, "Bottom Align").SetVAlign(VerticalAlign.Bottom)
                .SetX(170).SetY(40)     // setting of x and y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Button(100, 22, "Pad 0")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Padding", 0))

                new Button(100, 22, "Pad 20")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Padding", 20))

                new Button(100, 22, "Pad 100")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Padding", 100))


                new Button(100, 22, "Space 0")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Spacing", 0))

                new Button(100, 22, "Space 10")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Spacing", 10))

                new Button(100, 22, "Space 20")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Spacing", 20))
예제 #29
        public VBox100Layout()
            // 100% width

            SetPadding(5, 5, 5, 5);

                new Label(400, 22, "VBox with 100% width and padding of 5,5,5,5")

                new Button(150, 22, "Button at x=50")
                .SetX(50).SetY(30)      // setting of y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Button(150, 22, "Button at x=100")
                .SetX(100).SetY(30)      // setting of y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Button(150, 22, "Button at x=150")
                .SetX(150).SetY(30)     // setting of y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Label(100, 22, "Left Align").SetHAlign(HorizontalAlign.Left)
                .SetX(170).SetY(40)     // setting of y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Label(100, 22, "Center Align").SetHAlign(HorizontalAlign.Center)
                .SetX(170).SetY(40)     // setting of y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Label(100, 22, "Right Align").SetHAlign(HorizontalAlign.Right)
                .SetX(170).SetY(40)     // setting of y does not do anything in a vbox

                new Label(100, 22, "100% width").SetPercentualWidth(1)

                new Button(200, 22, "Set Padding to 0")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Padding", 0))

                new Button(200, 22, "Set Padding to 20")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Padding", 20))

                new Button(200, 22, "Set Padding to 100")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Padding", 100))


                new Button(200, 22, "Set Spacing to 0")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Spacing", 0))

                new Button(200, 22, "Set Spacing to 10")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Spacing", 10))

                new Button(200, 22, "Set Spacing to 20")
                    e => TweenShark.To(this, 1, new TweenOps(Ease.OutQuad).PropTo("Spacing", 20))
예제 #30
 private void BringCubeVertical(float up)
     TweenShark.To(_cube.transform, GetTweenDuration(), new TweenOps(GetSelectedEasingFunction())
                   .UV3CompBy("position", up, V3Compnent.Up)