public override void Use() { if (objectToShoot == null) { return; } if (shootLocations.Count <= 0) { return; } //logic for (int i = 0; i < shootLocations.Count; i++) { //for all the locations we want to instantiate a slash. GameObject obj = Instantiate(objectToShoot); Transform trans = shootLocations[i].transform; obj.transform.position = trans.position; ThrowObject throwObjectComponent = obj.AddComponent <ThrowObject>(); throwObjectComponent.Instantiate(Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage), true, null); TweenBuild tweenBuild = new TweenBuild(obj); Tween tweenPosition = tweenBuild.SetTweenPosition(shootLocations[i].position + (shootLocations[i].forward * maxDistance), .4f, EasingType.Linear); tweenBuild.DestroyOnFinish = true; tweenBuild.StartTween(); } }
public override void Use() { if (throwObject == null) { return; } GameObject obj = Instantiate(throwObject); Transform trans = throwFromLocation.transform; obj.transform.position = trans.position + (trans.forward * forwardOffset); //FIX OBJECT SCRIPT ThrowObject throwObjectComponent = obj.AddComponent <ThrowObject>(); throwObjectComponent.Instantiate(Random.Range(minDamage, maxDamage), true, null); TweenBuild tweenBuild = new TweenBuild(obj); Tween tweenPosition = tweenBuild.SetTweenPosition(throwFromLocation.position + (throwFromLocation.forward * maxDistance), speed, EasingType.Linear); tweenBuild.DestroyOnFinish = true; tweenBuild.StartTween(); }