예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Every Source is required to have a single entry point called DS_Entry. DS_Entry is only called by the Source Manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appId">This points to a TwIdentity structure, allocated by the application, that describes the
        /// application making the call. One of the fields in this structure, called Id, is an arbitrary and
        /// unique identifier assigned by the Source Manager to tag the application as a unique TWAIN
        /// entity. The Source Manager maintains a copy of the application’s identity structure, so the
        /// application must not modify that structure unless it first breaks its connection with the Source
        /// Manager,then reconnects to cause the Source Manager to store the new, modified identity.</param>
        /// <param name="dg">The Data Group of the operation triplet. Currently, only DG_CONTROL, DG_IMAGE, and DG_AUDIO are defined.</param>
        /// <param name="dat">The Data Argument Type of the operation triplet.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">The Message of the operation triplet.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The pData parameter is a pointer to the data (a variable or, more
        /// typically, a structure) that will be used according to the action specified by the operation
        /// triplet.</param>
        /// <returns>TWAIN Return Codes.</returns>
        public TwRC ProcessRequest(TwIdentity appId, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, IntPtr data)
            try {
                if (dg == TwDG.Control)
                    switch (dat)
                    case TwDAT.Identity:
                        return(this._IdentityControlProcessRequest(appId, msg, data));

                    case TwDAT.Status:
                        return(this._StatusControlProcessRequest(appId, msg, data));

                    case TwDAT.EntryPoint:
                        return(this._EntryPointControlProcessRequest(appId, msg, Marshal.PtrToStructure(data, typeof(TwEntryPoint)) as TwEntryPoint));
                this._SetConditionCode(appId, TwCC.Success);
                return(this._handlers[appId.Id].ProcessRequest(dg, dat, msg, data));
            } catch (DataSourceException ex) {
                this._SetConditionCode(appId, ex.ConditionCode);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
            this._SetConditionCode(appId, TwCC.OperationError);
예제 #2
 private TwRC DSMparent(TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr refptr)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSMparent(origin, zeroptr, dg, dat, msg, ref refptr));
         return(Twain32.DSMparent(origin, zeroptr, dg, dat, msg, ref refptr));
예제 #3
 private TwRC DSuserif(TwIdentity origin, TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwUserInterface guif)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSuserif(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, guif));
         return(Twain32.DSuserif(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, guif));
예제 #4
 private TwRC DSMident(TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwIdentity idds)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSMident(origin, zeroptr, dg, dat, msg, idds));
         return(Twain32.DSMident(origin, zeroptr, dg, dat, msg, idds));
예제 #5
 private TwRC DSevent(TwIdentity origin, TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref TwEvent evt)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSevent(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, ref evt));
         return(Twain32.DSevent(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, ref evt));
예제 #6
 private TwRC DSiinf(TwIdentity origin, TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwImageInfo imginf)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSiinf(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, imginf));
         return(Twain32.DSiinf(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, imginf));
예제 #7
 private TwRC DSixfer(TwIdentity origin, TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSixfer(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, ref hbitmap));
         return(Twain32.DSixfer(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, ref hbitmap));
예제 #8
 private TwRC DSpxfer(TwIdentity origin, TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwPendingXfers pxfr)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DSpxfer(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, pxfr));
         return(Twain32.DSpxfer(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, pxfr));
예제 #9
 private TwRC DScap(TwIdentity origin, TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwCapability capa)
     if (IntPtr.Size == 8)
         return(Twain64.DScap(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, capa));
         return(Twain32.DScap(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, capa));
예제 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Invoked to processing a TWAIN operations (Triplets).
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="dg">The Data Group of the operation triplet. Currently, only DG_CONTROL, DG_IMAGE, and DG_AUDIO are defined.</param>
        /// <param name="dat">The Data Argument Type of the operation triplet.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">The Message of the operation triplet.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The pData parameter is a pointer to the data (a variable or, more
        /// typically, a structure) that will be used according to the action specified by the operation
        /// triplet.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// TWAIN Return Codes.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="DataSourceException">
        /// </exception>
        protected override TwRC OnProcessRequest(TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, IntPtr data)
            if (dg == TwDG.Image)
                switch (dat)
                case TwDAT.ImageLayout:
                    return(this._ImageLayoutProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.ImageInfo:
                    if ((this.State & DataSourceState.Ready) != 0)
                        return(this._ImageInfoProcessRequest(msg, data));
                    throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.SeqError);

                case TwDAT.ImageNativeXfer:
                    if ((this.State & DataSourceState.Ready) != 0)
                        return(this._ImageNativeXferProcessRequest(msg, data));
                    throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.SeqError);

                case TwDAT.ImageMemXfer:
                    if ((this.State & DataSourceState.Ready) != 0)
                        return(this._ImageMemXferProcessRequest(msg, data, false));
                    throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.SeqError);

                case TwDAT.ImageMemFileXfer:
                    if ((this.State & DataSourceState.Ready) != 0)
                        return(this._ImageMemXferProcessRequest(msg, data, true));
                    throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.SeqError);

                case TwDAT.ImageFileXfer:
                    if ((this.State & DataSourceState.Ready) != 0)
                    throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.SeqError);
            return(base.OnProcessRequest(dg, dat, msg, data));
예제 #11
        /// <summary>
        /// Every Source is required to have a single entry point called DS_Entry. DS_Entry is only called by the Source Manager.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="appId">
        /// This points to a TwIdentity structure, allocated by the application, that describes the
        /// application making the call. One of the fields in this structure, called Id, is an arbitrary and
        /// unique identifier assigned by the Source Manager to tag the application as a unique TWAIN
        /// entity. The Source Manager maintains a copy of the application’s identity structure, so the
        /// application must not modify that structure unless it first breaks its connection with the Source
        /// Manager,then reconnects to cause the Source Manager to store the new, modified identity.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="dg">The Data Group of the operation triplet. Currently, only DG_CONTROL, DG_IMAGE, and DG_AUDIO are defined.</param>
        /// <param name="dat">The Data Argument Type of the operation triplet.</param>
        /// <param name="msg">The Message of the operation triplet.</param>
        /// <param name="data">
        /// The pData parameter is a pointer to the data (a variable or, more
        /// typically, a structure) that will be used according to the action specified by the operation
        /// triplet.
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>TWAIN Return Codes.</returns>
        public TwRC ProcessRequest(TwIdentity appId, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, IntPtr data)
            if (this.AppIdentity == null)
                this.AppIdentity = appId;
            if (this.AppIdentity.Id != appId.Id)
                throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.OperationError);
            if (!this.SupportedDataCodes.Contains(dat))
                throw new DataSourceException(TwRC.Failure, TwCC.OperationError);
            if (dg == TwDG.Control)
                switch (dat)
                case TwDAT.Event:
                    return(this._EventProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.UserInterface:
                    return(this._UserInterfaceProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.XferGroup:
                    return(this._XferGroupProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.Capability:
                    return(this._CapabilityProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.PendingXfers:
                    return(this._PendingXfersProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.SetupMemXfer:
                    return(this._SetupMemXferProcessRequest(msg, data));

                case TwDAT.SetupFileXfer:
                    return(this._SetupFileXferProcessRequest(msg, data));
            return(this.OnProcessRequest(dg, dat, msg, data));
 private static extern TwRC DScap([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwCapability capa);
예제 #13
		private TwRC DsImageLayuot([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    [In, Out] TwImageLayout imageLayuot)
			using (new MessageBoxHook())
				return _DsImageLayuot(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, imageLayuot);
예제 #14
		private TwRC DsPendingXfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    [In, Out] TwPendingXfers pxfr)
		    using (new MessageBoxHook())
			    return _DsPendingXfer(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, pxfr);
예제 #15
		private TwRC DsImageXfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    ref IntPtr hbitmap)
			using (new MessageBoxHook())
				return _DsImageXfer(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, ref hbitmap);
예제 #16
	    private TwRC DsCap([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    [In, Out] TwCapability capa)
			using (new MessageBoxHook())
				return _DsCap(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, capa);
 private static extern TwRC DSMparent([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr refptr);
 private static extern TwRC DSixfer([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap);
예제 #19
		private TwRC DsmIdent([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    [In, Out] TwIdentity idds)
		    using (new MessageBoxHook())
			    return _DsmIdent(origin, zeroptr, dg, dat, msg, idds);
예제 #20
		private TwRC DsmParent([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    ref IntPtr refptr)
		    using (new MessageBoxHook())
			    return _DsmParent(origin, zeroptr, dg, dat, msg, ref refptr);
 private static extern TwRC DSpxfer([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_PENDINGXFERS pxfr);
 private static extern TwRC DSixfer([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap);
 private static extern TwRC DSiinf([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_IMAGEINFO imginf);
 private static extern TwRC DScap([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwCapability capa);
 private static extern TwRC DSevent([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref TW_EVENT evt);
 private static extern TwRC DSiinf([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_IMAGEINFO imginf);
예제 #27
		private TwRC DsStatus([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    [In, Out] TwStatus dsmstat)
			using (new MessageBoxHook())
				return _DsStatus(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, dsmstat);
 private static extern TwRC DSMident([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY idds);
 public static extern TwRC DSMident([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwIdentity idds);
 private static extern TwRC DSMstatus([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_STATUS dsmstat);
 private static extern TwRC DSpxfer([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_PENDINGXFERS pxfr);
예제 #32
 private static extern TwRC DSpxfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwPendingXfers pxfr);
예제 #33
 public TwRC ProcessRequest(TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, IntPtr data)
     return(this.Handler.ProcessRequest(this.Application.Identity, dg, dat, msg, data));
예제 #34
 private static extern TwRC DScap([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwCapability capa);
예제 #35
 private static extern TwRC DSiinf([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwImageInfo imginf);
예제 #36
 private static extern TwRC DSMstatus([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwStatus dsmstat);
예제 #37
 private static extern TwRC DSevent([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref TwEvent evt);
 public static extern TwRC DSuserif([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwUserInterface guif);
 public static extern TwRC DSevent([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref TwEvent evt);
 private static extern TwRC DSstatus([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_STATUS dsmstat);
 public static extern TwRC DSMstatus([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwStatus dsmstat);
 public static extern TwRC DSMparent([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr refptr);
 private static extern TwRC DSuserif([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TW_USERINTERFACE guif);
 private static extern TwRC DSstatus([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TW_STATUS dsmstat);
예제 #45
 private static extern TwRC DSMparent([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr refptr);
 public static extern TwRC DSstatus([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwStatus dsmstat);
예제 #47
 private static extern TwRC DSMident([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, IntPtr zeroptr, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwIdentity idds);
 public static extern TwRC DScap([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwCapability capa);
예제 #49
 private static extern TwRC DSuserif([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwUserInterface guif);
 public static extern TwRC DSiinf([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwImageInfo imginf);
예제 #51
 private static extern TwRC DSstatus([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwStatus dsmstat);
 public static extern TwRC DSilayout([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwImageLayout value);
예제 #53
 private static extern TwRC DScap([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwSetupFileXFfer setupFileXFfer);
 public static extern TwRC DSixfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap);
예제 #55
 private static extern TwRC DSixfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref IntPtr hbitmap);
 public static extern TwRC DSpxfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwPendingXfers pxfr);
예제 #57
 private static extern TwRC DSpxfer([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, TwSetupFileXfers sfxfr);
 public static extern TwRC DScustomData([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, [In, Out] TwCustomDsData data);
 private static extern TwRC DSevent([In, Out] TW_IDENTITY origin, [In, Out] TW_IDENTITY dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg, ref TW_EVENT evt);
예제 #60
		private TwRC DsUI([In, Out] TwIdentity origin, [In, Out] TwIdentity dest, TwDG dg, TwDAT dat, TwMSG msg,
		    TwUserInterface guif)
		    using (new MessageBoxHook())
				return _DsUI(origin, dest, dg, dat, msg, guif);