public void Validate() { bool wasValid = valid; valid = true; if (ColumnNamesSettings == null) { MissingReference(nameof(ColumnNamesSettings)); } if (ControlSettings == null) { MissingReference(nameof(ControlSettings)); } if (FileLocationSettings == null) { MissingReference(nameof(FileLocationSettings)); } if (GuiSettings == null) { MissingReference(nameof(GuiSettings)); } if (!wasValid && valid) { Debug.Log(TuxLog.Good($"{nameof(ExperimentDesignFile2)} Fixed."), this); } }
void InitGui(ExperimentRunner experimentRunner) { gameObject.SetActive(true); int targetDisplay = experimentRunner.DesignFile.GetGuiSettings.TargetDisplay; if (Display.displays.Length > targetDisplay || Application.isEditor) { if (!Application.isEditor) { Display.displays[targetDisplay].Activate(); } Debug.Log($"{TuxLog.Prefix} Setting UI to show on Display {targetDisplay + 1}. Click here to highlight current settings file in project.", experimentRunner.DesignFile.GetGuiSettings); if (targetDisplay > 0 && experimentRunner.DesignFile.GetGuiSettings.WarnUserIfNotDisplayOne) { Debug.LogWarning(TuxLog.Warn("UI is on secondary display. If you can't see UI, adjust settings. You can turn this warning off (click on this message)."), experimentRunner.DesignFile.GetGuiSettings); } } else { Debug.LogWarning($"{TuxLog.Prefix} Not enough displays plugged in to accommodate your UI settings. Reverting UI to display on {Display.displays.Length}"); targetDisplay = Display.displays.Length; } Canvas.targetDisplay = targetDisplay; if (targetDisplay != 0) { placeholderCamera.targetDisplay = targetDisplay; } }
void StartRunningBlock(Block block) { currentlyRunningBlock = block; Debug.Log(""); TuxLog.Log($"{TuxLog.FormatOrange("Starting")} Block {BlockIndex(currentlyRunningBlock)+1} / {blocks.Count}"); ExperimentEvents.BlockHasStarted(block); ExperimentEvents.StartPart(block); }
void LogTrial(string filePath) { string successText = currentlyRunningTrial.CompletedSuccessfully ? "successfully" : "<color=red><b>unsuccessful</b></color>"; TuxLog.Log($"{TuxLog.FormatGreen("Finished")} {currentlyRunningTrial.TrialText} {successText}. \tOutput Updated: {filePath} \n" + $"Output Table for this trial:\n" + $"{currentlyRunningTrial.Data.AsString(header: true)}"); }
void StartRunningTrial(Trial trial) { currentlyRunningTrial = trial; TuxLog.Log($"{TuxLog.FormatOrange("Starting")} {currentlyRunningTrial.TrialText}"); ExperimentEvents.StartPart(trial); ExperimentEvents.TrialHasStarted(trial); }
public void Start() { Running = true; if (currentTrialList.Count == 0) { TuxLog.LogError("No Trials Defined! You probably didn't set up a design file."); return; } StartRunningTrial(currentTrialList[0]); }
List <string> GetBlockPermutationsStrings() { if (baseBlockTable.Rows.Count <= MaxBlockPermutationsAllowed && designFile.GetBlockOrderConfigurations.Count == 0) { return(baseBlockTable.BlockPermutationsStrings); } if (designFile.GetBlockOrderConfigurations.Count > 0) { return(GetBlockOrderConfigStrings()); } TuxLog.LogError("There are too many block values to create a permutation table. " + "Block orders must be defined manually using OrderConfig files. " + "See documentation for more information"); throw new BlockPermutationError("Too many block values for auto permutation"); }
Type GetScriptTypeFromInspector <T>(TextAsset textAsset, bool optional = false) where T : ExperimentPart { string typeName = typeof(T).LastPartOfTypeName(); if (textAsset == null) { if (optional) { return(GetDefaultExperimentPart <T>()); } throw new NullReferenceException($"{typeName} Script null. Create custom {typeName} script and drag into inspector"); } Type returnType = GetType(; if (!returnType.IsSubclassOf(typeof(T))) { throw new NullReferenceException($"{typeName} Script that was dragged in is not subclass of {typeName} Class"); } Debug.Log(TuxLog.Good($"Successfully linked with {returnType.LastPartOfTypeName()} script"), textAsset); return(returnType); }
void MissingReference(string missingReference) { TuxLog.LogError($"{nameof(ExperimentDesignFile2)} does not have {missingReference} defined. " + $"Please drag {missingReference} into the proper place in the design file", this); valid = false; }