IEnumerator DrawBeforeText(TutorialWave w)
        int delay = (int)w.delayBeforeWave;

        this.countDownText.enabled = true;
        for (int i = delay - 1; i > -1; i--)
            this.countDownText.text = i.ToString();
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));
        this.countDownText.enabled = false;
    IEnumerator SpawnLoop()
        foreach (TutorialWave W in waves)
            if (currentWaveIndex >= waves.Count)

            // update current wave
            m_CurrentWave = W;

            GameManager.Instance.player_totalCurrency = m_CurrentWave.startingMoney;

            foreach (MessageData messageData in W.Messages)

                // do nothing while the popup message is up
                while (this.PopupMessage.activeSelf)
                    yield return(null);

            UI_WeaponRadial.buttonDisabled["N"]  = !W.weaponRadial.N;
            UI_WeaponRadial.buttonDisabled["S"]  = !W.weaponRadial.S;
            UI_WeaponRadial.buttonDisabled["E"]  = !W.weaponRadial.E;
            UI_WeaponRadial.buttonDisabled["W"]  = !W.weaponRadial.W;
            UI_UpgradeRadial.buttonDisabled["E"] = !W.upgradeRadial.E;
            UI_UpgradeRadial.buttonDisabled["W"] = !W.upgradeRadial.W;

            if (W.clearTurrets)
                BuildZone[] bzs = FindObjectsOfType <BuildZone>();
                foreach (BuildZone bz in bzs)

            // do nothing while the popup message is up
            while (this.PopupMessage.activeSelf)
                yield return(null);

            //Display countdown to wave start
            if (W.delayBeforeWave > 0)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(W.delayBeforeWave));
            this.countDownText.enabled = false;

            //Spawners start
            isWaveActive = true;
            ZombieSpawner[] spawns = FindObjectsOfType <ZombieSpawner>();
            foreach (ZombieSpawner zs in spawns)
                //possibly add a yield return here

            //allow 1 second for spawners to start
            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1));

            // wave is not over until all zombies are dead
            while (isWaveActive || FindObjectsOfType <Zombie>().Length > 0)
                yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.1f));

            // A wave has complete
            yield return(null);  // prevents crash if all delays are 0

        if (PlayerBase_Stats.Instance.currentHitPoints > 0)

            // do nothing while the popup message is up
            while (this.PopupMessage.activeSelf)
                yield return(null);

            GameManager.Instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().clip = GameManager.Instance.menuMusic;
            GameManager.Instance.GetComponent <AudioSource>().Play();
            yield return(null);     // prevents crash if all delays are 0