예제 #1
        public override bool FinishedLaunching(UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
            // Override point for customization after application launch.
            // If not required for your application you can safely delete this method

            // Code to start the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent
                        #if ENABLE_TEST_CLOUD

            Window = new UIWindow(UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

            var tutor = new Tutor.iOS.Tutor(
                new List <PageInfo> {
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "screen1.png", PageText = "Welcome", BackgroundColor = UIColor.DarkTextColor, PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Bottom, PageTextColor = UIColor.White
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "screen2.png"
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "screen3.png"
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "screen4.png"
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "screen5.png"
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "1 - Death Star (Flat).png", PageText = "Ipsum", PageTextColor = UIColor.White
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "2 - TIE Fighter (Flat).png", BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red, PageText = "Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Bottom, PageTextColor = UIColor.LightGray
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "3 - Fighting Spaceship (Flat).png", BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green, PageText = "Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris.", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Middle, PageTextColor = UIColor.Yellow
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "4 - Avatar Ship (Flat).png", BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue, PageText = "Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta.", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Top, PageTextColor = UIColor.White
                new PageInfo {
                    ImagePath = "5 - Artifficial Gravity Module (Flat).png"
                new PageInfo {
                    BackgroundColor = UIColor.Purple, PageText = "Vestibulum sapien", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Top, PageTextColor = UIColor.White

            Window.RootViewController = tutor;

            // make the window visible

예제 #2
		public override bool FinishedLaunching (UIApplication application, NSDictionary launchOptions)
			// Override point for customization after application launch.
			// If not required for your application you can safely delete this method

			// Code to start the Xamarin Test Cloud Agent

			Window = new UIWindow (UIScreen.MainScreen.Bounds);

			var tutor = new Tutor.iOS.Tutor(
				new List<PageInfo> {
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "screen1.png", PageText = "Welcome", BackgroundColor = UIColor.DarkTextColor, PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Bottom, PageTextColor = UIColor.White },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "screen2.png" },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "screen3.png" },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "screen4.png" },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "screen5.png" },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "1 - Death Star (Flat).png", PageText = "Ipsum", PageTextColor = UIColor.White },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "2 - TIE Fighter (Flat).png", BackgroundColor = UIColor.Red, PageText = "Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet.", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Bottom, PageTextColor = UIColor.LightGray },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "3 - Fighting Spaceship (Flat).png", BackgroundColor = UIColor.Green, PageText = "Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris.", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Middle, PageTextColor = UIColor.Yellow },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "4 - Avatar Ship (Flat).png", BackgroundColor = UIColor.Blue, PageText = "Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta.", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Top, PageTextColor = UIColor.White },
					new PageInfo { ImagePath = "5 - Artifficial Gravity Module (Flat).png" },
					new PageInfo { BackgroundColor = UIColor.Purple, PageText = "Vestibulum sapien", PageTextLocation = PageTextLocation.Top, PageTextColor = UIColor.White }

			Window.RootViewController = tutor;

			// make the window visible
			Window.MakeKeyAndVisible ();

			return true;