public TurnBasedMatch(string kind, string matchId, string applicationId, string variant, string status, string userMatchStatus, List <TurnBasedMatchParticipant> participants, TurnBasedMatchModification creationDetails, TurnBasedMatchModification lastUpdateDetails, TurnBasedAutoMatchingCriteria autoMatchingCriteria, TurnBasedMatchData data, ParticipantResult results, string inviterId, string withParticipantId, string description, string pendingParticipantId, string matchVersion, string rematchId, string matchNumber, TurnBasedMatchData previousMatchData) { Kind = kind; MatchId = matchId; ApplicationId = applicationId; Variant = variant; Status = status; UserMatchStatus = userMatchStatus; Participants = participants; CreationDetails = creationDetails; LastUpdateDetails = lastUpdateDetails; AutoMatchingCriteria = autoMatchingCriteria; Data = data; Results = results; InviterId = inviterId; WithParticipantId = withParticipantId; Description = description; PendingParticipantId = pendingParticipantId; MatchVersion = matchVersion; RematchId = rematchId; MatchNumber = matchNumber; PreviousMatchData = previousMatchData; }
IEnumerator CheckMatchStatus() { Action <bool, TurnBasedMatch, string> cb = (success, match, errors) => { if (success) { Debug.Log("GridManager:CheckMatchStatus success"); int turn = 0; int time = 90; int mana = 0; basicMatchUIView.SetTurnText("Turn: " + turn.ToString()); basicMatchUIView.SetTimeText("Time: " + time.ToString()); basicMatchUIView.SetManaText(mana.ToString() + "/10"); basicMatchUIView.SetManaMeter(mana); string pendingParticipantId = match.PendingParticipantId; if (String.Compare(pendingParticipantId, GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId) == 0) { Debug.Log("GridManager:Start() it's my turn: " + pendingParticipantId); if (String.Compare(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId, "player1") == 0) { currentPlayer = player1; // unitViews[player2].SetColor(Color.white); } else if (String.Compare(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId, "player2") == 0) { currentPlayer = player2; // unitViews[player1].SetColor(Color.white); } else { Debug.Log("GridManager:Awake unknown player ID"); } isPlayerTurn = true; // unitViews[currentPlayer].SetColor(; } else { if (String.Compare(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId, "player1") == 0) { // unitViews[player2].SetColor(; } else if (String.Compare(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId, "player2") == 0) { // unitViews[player1].SetColor(; } else { Debug.Log("GridManager:Awake unknown player ID"); } // unitViews[currentPlayer].SetColor(Color.white); } string currentPlayerId = GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId; TurnBasedMatchData d = match.Data; TurnBasedMatchDataStructure ds = d.Data; try { GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchTurnNumber = ds.GetInt("turn"); basicMatchUIView.SetTurnText("Turn " + GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchTurnNumber.ToString()); int manaPoints = ds.GetInt("mana"); basicMatchUIView.SetManaText(manaPoints.ToString() + "/10"); basicMatchUIView.SetManaMeter(manaPoints); if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchTurnNumber >= 5) { ResultsImage.SetActive(true); if (GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId == "player2") { resultsText.text = "You Lose!"; } else { resultsImage.color = Color.yellow; } // TODO: clone results image (you win/you lose) and attach to Canvas } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.Log("GridManager:CheckMatchStatus TurnNumber failure: " + e.ToString()); } // update opponent position // TODO: update your own position as long as the player is not moving or selecting if (String.Compare(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId, "player1") == 0 && !IsUnitMoving() && !map.DestinationSelected && map.OriginTile == null) { Point p1; try { p1 = ds.GetPoint("position", GameManager.Instance.CurrentPlayerId); } catch (Exception e) { p1 = new Point(Player1StartX, Player1StartY); } Vector3 v = mapView.GetTileViewAt(p1).GetPosition(); // unitViews[player1].SetPosition(v); // player1.Location = p1; Point p2; try { p2 = ds.GetPoint("position", GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchOpponentPlayerId); } catch (Exception e) { p2 = new Point(Player2StartX, Player2StartY); } Vector3 v2 = mapView.GetTileViewAt(p2).GetPosition(); // unitViews[player2].SetPosition(v2); // player2.Location = p2; } else if (String.Compare(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchPlayerId, "player2") == 0 && !IsUnitMoving() && !map.DestinationSelected && map.OriginTile == null) { Point point1; try { point1 = ds.GetPoint("position", GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchOpponentPlayerId); } catch (Exception e) { point1 = new Point(Player1StartX, Player1StartY); } Vector3 v = mapView.GetTileViewAt(point1).GetPosition(); // unitViews[player1].SetPosition(v); // player1.Location = point1; Point point2; try { point2 = ds.GetPoint("position", GameManager.Instance.CurrentPlayerId); } catch (Exception e) { point2 = new Point(Player2StartX, Player2StartY); } Vector3 v2 = mapView.GetTileViewAt(point2).GetPosition(); // unitViews[player2].SetPosition(v2); // player2.Location = point2; } } else { Debug.Log("GridManager:CheckMatchStatus failure"); } }; yield return(StartCoroutine(Platform.Instance.GetMatchInfo(GameManager.Instance.CurrentMatchId, cb))); }
private TurnBasedMatch ParseMatch(string results) { string matchKind = ""; string id = ""; string applicationId = ""; string variant = ""; string status = ""; string userMatchStatus = ""; List <TurnBasedMatchParticipant> ppp = new List <TurnBasedMatchParticipant>(); string creationDetailsKind = ""; string creationDetailsParticipantId = ""; long creationDetailsModifiedTimestampMillis = 0; TurnBasedMatchModification creationDetails = new TurnBasedMatchModification(creationDetailsKind, creationDetailsParticipantId, creationDetailsModifiedTimestampMillis); string lastUpdateDetailsKind = ""; string lastUpdateParticipantId = ""; long lastUpdateModifiedTimestampMillis = 0; TurnBasedMatchModification lastUpdateDetails = new TurnBasedMatchModification(lastUpdateDetailsKind, lastUpdateParticipantId, lastUpdateModifiedTimestampMillis); string autoMatchingCriteriaKind = ""; int autoMatchingCriteriaMinAutoMatchingPlayers = 0; int autoMatchingCriteriaMaxAutoMatchingPlayers = 0; int autoMatchingCriteriaExclusiveBitmask = 0; TurnBasedAutoMatchingCriteria autoMatchingCriteria = new TurnBasedAutoMatchingCriteria(autoMatchingCriteriaKind, autoMatchingCriteriaMinAutoMatchingPlayers, autoMatchingCriteriaMaxAutoMatchingPlayers, autoMatchingCriteriaExclusiveBitmask); string dataKind = ""; bool dataDataAvailable = false; TurnBasedMatchDataStructure dataData = new TurnBasedMatchDataStructure(null); TurnBasedMatchData data = new TurnBasedMatchData(dataKind, dataDataAvailable, dataData); string myResultsKind = ""; string myResultsParticipantId = ""; string myResultsResult = ""; string myResultsPlacing = ""; ParticipantResult myResults = new ParticipantResult(myResultsKind, myResultsParticipantId, myResultsResult, myResultsPlacing); string inviterId = ""; string withParticipantId = ""; string description = ""; string pendingParticipantId = ""; string matchVersion = ""; string rematchId = ""; string matchNumber = ""; string previousMatchDataKind = ""; bool previousMatchDataDataAvailable = false; TurnBasedMatchDataStructure previousMatchDataData = new TurnBasedMatchDataStructure(null); TurnBasedMatchData previousMatchData = new TurnBasedMatchData(previousMatchDataKind, previousMatchDataDataAvailable, previousMatchDataData); Dictionary <string, System.Object> resp = MiniJSON.Json.Deserialize(results) as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; System.Object ooo; resp.TryGetValue("match", out ooo); Dictionary <string, System.Object> ddd = (Dictionary <string, System.Object>)ooo; Debug.Log(ddd.ToString()); foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> matchData in ddd) { if (matchData.Key == "kind") { if (matchData.Value != null) { matchKind = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "matchId") { if (matchData.Value != null) { id = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "applicationId") { if (matchData.Value != null) { applicationId = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "variant") { if (matchData.Value != null) { variant = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "status") { if (matchData.Value != null) { status = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "userMatchStatus") { if (matchData.Value != null) { userMatchStatus = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "participants") { ppp = new List <TurnBasedMatchParticipant>(); List <System.Object> participants = new List <System.Object>(); // = matchData.Value as List<System.Object>; if (matchData.Value != null) { participants = matchData.Value as List <System.Object>; } foreach (System.Object o in participants) { Dictionary <string, System.Object> participantData = (Dictionary <string, System.Object>)o; System.Object v; participantData.TryGetValue("id", out v); string playerId = ""; if (v != null) { playerId = (string)v; } participantData.TryGetValue("kind", out v); string k = ""; if (v != null) { k = (string)v; } participantData.TryGetValue("autoMatched", out v); bool autoMatched = false; if (v != null) { autoMatched = bool.Parse((string)v); } participantData.TryGetValue("status", out v); string playerStatus = ""; if (v != null) { playerStatus = (string)v; } participantData.TryGetValue("player", out v); Dictionary <string, System.Object> playerD = new Dictionary <string, System.Object>(); // = (Dictionary<string, System.Object>) v; if (v != null) { playerD = (Dictionary <string, System.Object>)v; } string kind = ""; string participantId = ""; string avatarImageUrl = ""; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> playerData in playerD) { if (playerData.Key == "kind") { if (playerData.Value != null) { kind = (string)playerData.Value; } } else if (playerData.Key == "participantId") { if (playerData.Value != null) { participantId = (string)playerData.Value; } } else if (playerData.Key == "avatarImageUrl") { if (playerData.Value != null) { avatarImageUrl = (string)playerData.Value; } } } Player player = new Player("player", participantId, avatarImageUrl); TurnBasedMatchParticipant p = new TurnBasedMatchParticipant(k, playerId, player, autoMatched, playerStatus); ppp.Add(p); } } else if (matchData.Key == "creationDetails") { string kind = ""; string participantId = ""; long modifiedTimestampMillis = 0; Dictionary <string, System.Object> details = new Dictionary <string, System.Object>(); // = matchData.Value as Dictionary<string, System.Object>; if (matchData.Value != null) { details = matchData.Value as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> p in details) { if (p.Key == "kind") { if (p.Value != null) { kind = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "participantId") { if (p.Value != null) { participantId = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "modifiedTimeStampMillis") { if (p.Value != null) { modifiedTimestampMillis = (long)p.Value; } } } creationDetails = new TurnBasedMatchModification(kind, participantId, modifiedTimestampMillis); } else if (matchData.Key == "lastUpdateDetails") { string kind = ""; string participantId = ""; long modifiedTimestampMillis = 0; Dictionary <string, System.Object> details = new Dictionary <string, System.Object>(); // = matchData.Value as Dictionary<string, System.Object>; if (matchData.Value != null) { details = matchData.Value as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> p in details) { if (p.Key == "kind") { if (p.Value != null) { kind = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "participantId") { if (p.Value != null) { participantId = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "modifiedTimeStampMillis") { if (p.Value != null) { modifiedTimestampMillis = (long)p.Value; } } } lastUpdateDetails = new TurnBasedMatchModification(kind, participantId, modifiedTimestampMillis); } else if (matchData.Key == "autoMatchingCriteria") { string kind = ""; int minAutoMatchingPlayers = 0; int maxAutoMatchingPlayers = 0; int exclusiveBitmask = 0; Dictionary <string, System.Object> criteria = new Dictionary <string, System.Object>(); // = matchData.Value as Dictionary<string, System.Object>; if (matchData.Value != null) { criteria = matchData.Value as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> p in criteria) { if (p.Key == "kind") { if (String.Compare((string)p.Value, "\"null\"") == 0) { kind = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "minAutoMatchingPlayers") { if (String.Compare((string)p.Value, "\"null\"") == 0) { minAutoMatchingPlayers = int.Parse((string)p.Value); } } else if (p.Key == "maxAutoMatchingPlayers") { if (String.Compare((string)p.Value, "\"null\"") == 0) { maxAutoMatchingPlayers = int.Parse((string)p.Value); } } else if (p.Key == "exclusiveBitmask") { if (String.Compare((string)p.Value, "\"null\"") == 0) { exclusiveBitmask = int.Parse((string)p.Value); } } } autoMatchingCriteria = new TurnBasedAutoMatchingCriteria(kind, minAutoMatchingPlayers, maxAutoMatchingPlayers, exclusiveBitmask); } else if (matchData.Key == "data") { string kind = ""; bool dataAvailable = false; TurnBasedMatchDataStructure theData = new TurnBasedMatchDataStructure(null); if (matchData.Value != null) { Dictionary <string, System.Object> d = matchData.Value as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> p in d) { if (p.Key == "kind") { if (String.Compare((string)p.Value, "\"null\"") == 0) { kind = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "dataAvailable") { if (String.Compare((string)p.Value, "\"null\"") == 0) { dataAvailable = bool.Parse((string)p.Value); } } else if (p.Key == "data") { if (p.Value != null) { theData = new TurnBasedMatchDataStructure((Dictionary <string, System.Object>)p.Value); } } } } data = new TurnBasedMatchData(kind, dataAvailable, theData); } else if (matchData.Key == "results") { string kind = ""; string participantId = ""; string result = ""; string placing = ""; if (matchData.Value != null) { List <System.Object> l = matchData.Value as List <System.Object>; if (l != null) { foreach (System.Object o in l) { Dictionary <string, System.Object> d = o as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; if (d != null) { foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> p in d) { if (p.Key == "kind") { if (p.Value != null) { kind = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "participantId") { if (p.Value != null) { participantId = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "result") { if (p.Value != null) { result = (string)p.Value; } } else if (p.Key == "placing") { if (p.Value != null) { placing = (string)p.Value; } } } } } } } myResults = new ParticipantResult(kind, participantId, result, placing); } else if (matchData.Key == "inviterId") { if (matchData.Value != null) { inviterId = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "withParticipantId") { if (matchData.Value != null) { withParticipantId = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "description") { if (matchData.Value != null) { description = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "pendingParticipantId") { if (matchData.Value != null) { pendingParticipantId = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "matchVersion") { if (matchData.Value != null) { matchVersion = matchData.Value.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "rematchId") { if (matchData.Value != null) { rematchId = matchData.Key.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "matchNumber") { if (matchData.Value != null) { matchNumber = matchData.Key.ToString(); } } else if (matchData.Key == "previousMatchData") { string kind = ""; bool dataAvailable = false; TurnBasedMatchDataStructure theData = new TurnBasedMatchDataStructure(null); Dictionary <string, System.Object> d = new Dictionary <string, System.Object>(); // = matchData.Value as Dictionary<string, System.Object>; if (matchData.Value != null) { d = matchData.Value as Dictionary <string, System.Object>; } foreach (KeyValuePair <string, System.Object> p in d) { if (p.Key == "kind") { kind = (string)p.Value; } else if (p.Key == "dataAvailable") { dataAvailable = bool.Parse((string)p.Value); } else if (p.Key == "data") { theData = new TurnBasedMatchDataStructure((Dictionary <string, System.Object>)p.Value); } } previousMatchData = new TurnBasedMatchData(kind, dataAvailable, theData); } } return(new TurnBasedMatch(matchKind, id, applicationId, variant, status, userMatchStatus, ppp, creationDetails, lastUpdateDetails, autoMatchingCriteria, data, myResults, inviterId, withParticipantId, description, pendingParticipantId, matchVersion, rematchId, matchNumber, previousMatchData)); }