예제 #1
        /// <summary>Rechecks if we're activated -- if so enable the app features.</summary>
        void CheckIfActivated()
            bool isNowActivated = false;

                isNowActivated = ta.IsActivated();
            catch (TurboActivateException ex)
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to check if activated: " + ex.Message);

            // recheck if activated
            if (isNowActivated)
                isGenuine = true;
            else // maybe the user entered a trial extension
예제 #2
        public Form1()

                //TODO: goto the version page at LimeLM and paste this GUID here
                ta = new TurboActivate("18324776654b3946fc44a5f3.49025204");

                // set the trial changed event handler
                ta.TrialChange += trialChange;

                // Check if we're activated, and every 90 days verify it with the activation servers
                // In this example we won't show an error if the activation was done offline
                // (see the 3rd parameter of the IsGenuine() function)
                // https://wyday.com/limelm/help/offline-activation/
                IsGenuineResult gr = ta.IsGenuine(DaysBetweenChecks, GracePeriodLength, true);

                isGenuine = gr == IsGenuineResult.Genuine ||
                            gr == IsGenuineResult.GenuineFeaturesChanged ||

                            // an internet error means the user is activated but
                            // TurboActivate failed to contact the LimeLM servers
                            gr == IsGenuineResult.InternetError;

                // If IsGenuineEx() is telling us we're not activated
                // but the IsActivated() function is telling us that the activation
                // data on the computer is valid (i.e. the crypto-signed-fingerprint matches the computer)
                // then that means that the customer has passed the grace period and they must re-verify
                // with the servers to continue to use your app.

                //Note: DO NOT allow the customer to just continue to use your app indefinitely with absolutely
                //      no reverification with the servers. If you want to do that then don't use IsGenuine() or
                //      IsGenuineEx() at all -- just use IsActivated().
                if (!isGenuine && ta.IsActivated())
                    // We're treating the customer as is if they aren't activated, so they can't use your app.

                    // However, we show them a dialog where they can reverify with the servers immediately.

                    ReVerifyNow frmReverify = new ReVerifyNow(ta, DaysBetweenChecks, GracePeriodLength);

                    if (frmReverify.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                        isGenuine = true;
                    else if (!frmReverify.noLongerActivated) // the user clicked cancel and the user is still activated
                        // Just bail out of your app
            catch (TurboActivateException ex)
                // failed to check if activated, meaning the customer screwed
                // something up so kill the app immediately
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to check if activated: " + ex.Message);


            // If this app is activated then you can get custom license fields.
            // See: https://wyday.com/limelm/help/license-features/

             * if (isGenuine)
             * {
             *  string featureValue = ta.GetFeatureValue("your feature name");
             *  //TODO: do something with the featureValue
             * }
예제 #3
        public ActivationGui()

                //TODO: goto the version page at LimeLM and paste this GUID here
                ta = new TurboActivate("4jb6ccnwvp47kmfhqe6cs3jv3p5aeaa");
                // set the trial changed event handler
                ta.TrialChange += trialChange;
                // Check if we're activated, and every 90 days verify it with the activation servers
                // In this example we won't show an error if the activation was done offline
                // (see the 3rd parameter of the IsGenuine() function)
                // https://wyday.com/limelm/help/offline-activation/
                var gr = ta.IsGenuine(DaysBetweenChecks, GracePeriodLength);

                isGenuine = gr == IsGenuineResult.Genuine ||
                            gr == IsGenuineResult.GenuineFeaturesChanged ||

                            // an internet error means the user is activated but
                            // TurboActivate failed to contact the LimeLM servers
                            gr == IsGenuineResult.InternetError;

                // If IsGenuineEx() is telling us we're not activated
                // but the IsActivated() function is telling us that the activation
                // data on the computer is valid (i.e. the crypto-signed-fingerprint matches the computer)
                // then that means that the customer has passed the grace period and they must re-verify
                // with the servers to continue to use your app.

                //Note: DO NOT allow the customer to just continue to use your app indefinitely with absolutely
                //      no reverification with the servers. If you want to do that then don't use IsGenuine() or
                //      IsGenuineEx() at all -- just use IsActivated().
                if (!isGenuine && ta.IsActivated())
                    // We're treating the customer as is if they aren't activated, so they can't use your app.

                    // However, we show them a dialog where they can reverify with the servers immediately.

                    var frmReverify = new ReVerifyNow(ta, DaysBetweenChecks, GracePeriodLength);

                    if (frmReverify.ShowDialog(this) == DialogResult.OK)
                        isGenuine = true;
                    else if (!frmReverify.noLongerActivated) // the user clicked cancel and the user is still activated
                        InitPlugin.Activated = false;
            catch (TurboActivateException ex)
                // failed to check if activated, meaning the customer screwed
                // something up so kill the app immediately
                MessageBox.Show("Failed to check if activated: " + ex.Message);
                InitPlugin.Activated = false;

            InitPlugin.Activated = ta.IsActivated() && isGenuine;