예제 #1
        private ViewBuilder AddTssClientRun(Expression <Func <ITsString> > fetchString, Func <ITsString> fetcher, TssClientRun run)
            ParaBox para = InsertParaOrRun(run);

            // Try to hook an event for notification of changes to the property.
            var       mexp   = (fetchString.Body as MemberExpression);
            var       argExp = Expression.Lambda <Func <object> >(mexp.Expression);
            Type      type   = mexp.Member.DeclaringType;
            string    name   = mexp.Member.Name;
            EventInfo einfo  = type.GetEvent(name + "Changed");
            var       target = argExp.Compile().Invoke();

            if (einfo == null)
                MakeHookupForString(fetcher, run, name, target, para);
                var stringHookup = new TssHookup(target, fetcher,
                                                 hookup => einfo.AddEventHandler(target, new EventHandler <EventArgs>(hookup.TssPropChanged)),
                                                 hookup => einfo.RemoveEventHandler(target, new EventHandler <EventArgs>(hookup.TssPropChanged)),
                AddHookupToRun(run, stringHookup);
                var propInfo = type.GetProperty(name);
                if (propInfo.CanWrite)
                    stringHookup.Writer = newVal => propInfo.SetValue(target, newVal, null);
예제 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a function that fetches strings, a run which represents the initial value of that string
        /// already inserted into a particular paragraph box, and that we have identified the fetcher as
        /// a property with the specified name of the specified target object, but we have not been able to find
        /// a ''Name'Changed' event on the target object, this stub provides a possible place for a subclass to
        /// use an alternative strategy for hooking something up to notify the view of changes to the property.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void MakeHookupForString(Func <ITsString> fetcher, TssClientRun run, string name, object target, ParaBox para)
            var cmObj = target as ICmObject;

            if (cmObj != null)
                // Set up for PropChanged notification.
                RootFdo.DataAccess = cmObj.Cache.DomainDataByFlid;                 // ensures hooked up to receive PropChanged.
                Tuple <int, int> key = GetPropChangedKey(name, cmObj);
                var stringHookup     = new TssHookup(target, fetcher,
                                                     hookup => RootFdo.AddHookupToPropChanged(key, hookup),
                                                     hookup => RootFdo.RemoveHookupFromPropChanged(key, hookup),
                stringHookup.Tag = key.Item2;
                AddHookupToRun(run, stringHookup);
                // Enhance JohnT: consider doing this by reflection.
                stringHookup.Writer = newVal => RootFdo.DataAccess.SetString(cmObj.Hvo, key.Item2, newVal);
예제 #3
        public void HookupTsString()
            MockData1 data1 = new MockData1(m_wsFrn, m_wsEng);

            data1.SimpleTwo = m_tsf.MakeString("foo", m_wsFrn);

            MockParaBox mockPara = new MockParaBox();
            var         mlHook   = new TssHookup(MockData1Props.SimpleTwo(data1), mockPara);

            mlHook.ClientRunIndex = 5;

            data1.SimpleTwo = m_tsf.MakeString("bar", m_wsFrn);

            Assert.AreEqual(5, mockPara.TheIndex, "Should have fired the event and notified the correct index");
            Assert.AreEqual("bar", mockPara.TheTsString.Text, "Should have informed para of new string");
