public void LoadData() { Guid WarehouseId = Guid.Empty; WarehouseId = UserBLL.GetCurrentWarehouse(); if (WarehouseId != Guid.Empty) { TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL obj = new TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL(); List <TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL> list = null; list = obj.GetAbsentTrucks(WarehouseId); this.gvDetail.DataSource = list; this.gvDetail.DataBind(); } }
public static bool Insert(TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL obj, SqlTransaction tran) { string strSql = "spInsertTrucksMissingOnSampling"; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[8]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@Id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = obj.Id; arPar[1] = new SqlParameter("@TrucksForSamplingId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[1].Value = obj.TrucksForSamplingId; arPar[2] = new SqlParameter("@DateTimeReported", SqlDbType.DateTime); arPar[2].Value = obj.DateTimeReported; arPar[3] = new SqlParameter("Reason", SqlDbType.Text); arPar[3].Value = obj.Remark; arPar[4] = new SqlParameter("Status", SqlDbType.Int); arPar[4].Value = (int)obj.Status; arPar[5] = new SqlParameter("TrackingNo", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50); arPar[5].Value = obj.TrackingNo; arPar[6] = new SqlParameter("@CreatedBy", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[6].Value = obj.CreatedBy; arPar[7] = new SqlParameter("WarehouseId", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[7].Value = obj.WarehouseId; int AffectedRow = 0; AffectedRow = SqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery(tran, strSql, arPar); if (AffectedRow == 1) { return(true); } else { throw new Exception("Unable to Insert all the Data."); } }
protected void gvDetail_RowCommand(object sender, GridViewCommandEventArgs e) { if (e.CommandName == "UpdateStatus") { int index = Convert.ToInt32(e.CommandArgument); GridViewRow rw = this.gvDetail.Rows[index]; Label id = (Label)rw.FindControl("lblId"); DropDownList cboSt = (DropDownList)rw.FindControl("cboRemark"); TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL obj = new TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL(); obj.Id = new Guid(id.Text); obj.Status = (TrucksMissingOnSamplingStatus)(int.Parse(cboSt.SelectedValue)); if (obj.UpdateStatus() == true) { this.lblMessage.Text = "Data Updated Successfully"; Response.Redirect("ConfirmTrucksForSampling.aspx"); } else { this.lblMessage.Text = "Unable to update data please try agin"; } } }
public static List <TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL> GetAbsentTrucks(Guid warehouseid) { List <TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL> list = null; string strSql = "spGetTrucksMissingOnSampling"; SqlDataReader reader; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[1]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@warehouseid", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = warehouseid; SqlConnection conn = null; conn = Connection.getConnection(); reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, strSql, arPar); if (reader.HasRows) { list = new List <TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL>(); while (reader.Read()) { TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL obj = new TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL(); if (reader["Id"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.Id = new Guid(reader["Id"].ToString()); } if (reader["TrucksForSamplingId"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.TrucksForSamplingId = new Guid(reader["TrucksForSamplingId"].ToString()); } if (reader["DateTimeReported"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.DateTimeReported = DateTime.Parse(reader["DateTimeReported"].ToString()); } if (reader["Reason"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.Remark = reader["Reason"].ToString(); } if (reader["Status"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.Status = (TrucksMissingOnSamplingStatus)reader["Status"]; } if (reader["CreatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.CreatedBy = new Guid(reader["CreatedBy"].ToString()); } if (reader["CreatedTimestamp"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.CreatedTimestamp = DateTime.Parse(reader["CreatedTimestamp"].ToString()); } if (reader["LastModifiedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.LastModifiedBy = new Guid(reader["LastModifiedBy"].ToString()); } if (reader["LastModifiedTimestamp"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.LastModifiedTimestamp = DateTime.Parse(reader["LastModifiedTimestamp"].ToString()); } if (reader["TrackingNo"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.TrackingNo = reader["TrackingNo"].ToString(); } if (reader["WarehouseId"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.WarehouseId = new Guid(reader["WarehouseId"].ToString()); } if (reader["ReRequestedTime"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.ReRequestedTime = DateTime.Parse(reader["ReRequestedTime"].ToString()); } if (reader["isReRequested"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.IsRequested = bool.Parse(reader["isReRequested"].ToString()); } if (reader["PlateNumber"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.PlateNo = reader["PlateNumber"].ToString(); } if (reader["TrailerPlateNumber"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.TrailerPlateNo = reader["TrailerPlateNumber"].ToString(); } list.Add(obj); } if (conn != null) { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } return(list); } else { if (conn != null) { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } return(null); } }
public static TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL GetById(Guid Id) { string strSql = "spGetTrucksMissingOnSamplingById"; SqlDataReader reader; SqlConnection conn = null; SqlParameter[] arPar = new SqlParameter[1]; arPar[0] = new SqlParameter("@id", SqlDbType.UniqueIdentifier); arPar[0].Value = Id; try { conn = Connection.getConnection(); reader = SqlHelper.ExecuteReader(conn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, strSql, arPar); if (reader.HasRows == true) { TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL obj = new TrucksMissingOnSamplingBLL(); reader.Read(); if (reader["Id"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.Id = new Guid(reader["Id"].ToString()); } if (reader["TrucksForSamplingId"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.TrucksForSamplingId = new Guid(reader["TrucksForSamplingId"].ToString()); } if (reader["DateTimeReported"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.DateTimeReported = DateTime.Parse(reader["DateTimeReported"].ToString()); } if (reader["Reason"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.Remark = reader["Reason"].ToString(); } if (reader["Status"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.Status = (TrucksMissingOnSamplingStatus)reader["Status"]; } if (reader["CreatedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.CreatedBy = new Guid(reader["CreatedBy"].ToString()); } if (reader["CreatedTimestamp"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.CreatedTimestamp = DateTime.Parse(reader["CreatedTimestamp"].ToString()); } if (reader["LastModifiedBy"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.LastModifiedBy = new Guid(reader["LastModifiedBy"].ToString()); } if (reader["LastModifiedTimestamp"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.LastModifiedTimestamp = DateTime.Parse(reader["LastModifiedTimestamp"].ToString()); } if (reader["TrackingNo"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.TrackingNo = reader["TrackingNo"].ToString(); } if (reader["WarehouseId"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.WarehouseId = new Guid(reader["WarehouseId"].ToString()); } if (reader["ReRequestedTime"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.ReRequestedTime = DateTime.Parse(reader["ReRequestedTime"].ToString()); } if (reader["isReRequested"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.IsRequested = bool.Parse(reader["isReRequested"].ToString()); } if (reader["PlateNumber"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.PlateNo = reader["PlateNumber"].ToString(); } if (reader["TrailerPlateNumber"] != DBNull.Value) { obj.TrailerPlateNo = reader["TrailerPlateNumber"].ToString(); } return(obj); } else { return(null); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; } finally { if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { conn.Close(); } } }