예제 #1
        private static void ConvertTransfer(global::VoiceModel.Transfer model, ref Tropo tmodel)
            List <string> toList = new List <string>();


            TropoCSharp.Tropo.Transfer xfer = new TropoCSharp.Tropo.Transfer()
                To   = toList,
                From = model.from
        public void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs args)
            // Create a new instance of the Tropo object.
            Tropo tropo = new Tropo();

            Say say1 = new Say("Are you frank on windows. thanks to jerry");
            Say say2 = new Say("Are you frank on Mac.  thanks to jerry");
            Say say3 = new Say("");

            // Choices for the Ask.
            //Choices choices = new Choices("1,2,3");

            // Set up the dialog.
            //tropo.Call("sip:[email protected]:5678");

            IDictionary <string, string> headers = new Dictionary <String, String>();

            headers.Add("foo", "bar");
            headers.Add("bling", "baz");

            List <String> to = new List <String>(1);

            //to.Add("sip:[email protected]:5678");
            to.Add("sip:[email protected]:5678");

            Call call = new Call();

            call.Headers       = headers;
            call.Timeout       = 10;
            call.AnswerOnMedia = false;
            call.Channel       = Channel.Voice;
            //call.Network = Network.SMS;
            call.To = to;
            //call.From = "3055551212";
            call.MachineDetection = new MachineDetection("For the most accurate results, the introduction should be long enough to give Tropo time to detect a human or machine.");
            //call.MachineDetection = new MachineDetection();
            //call.Voice = Voice.UsEnglishFemale_Allison;
            call.Voice = "en-us";
            //call.CallbackUrl = "";
            //call.CallbackUrl = "http://requestb.in/zm7e2zzm";
            call.CallbackUrl = "";
            //call.PromptLogSecurity = "none";
            call.Label = "canUseAppidASLabel";

            //tropo.Call("sip:[email protected]:5678");

            Transfer             transfer   = new Transfer();
            IEnumerable <string> transferTo = new string[] { "sip:[email protected]:5678", "sip:[email protected]:5678" };
            string from = "87473032";

            //string[] names = { "sip:[email protected]:5678", "sip:[email protected]:5678" };
            //to = (IEnumerable<string>)names.GetEnumerator();
            transfer.To            = transferTo;
            transfer.From          = from;
            transfer.AnswerOnMedia = true;
            On on = new On();

            on.Event = "connect";
            on.Next  = "";
            on.Next  = "http://freewavesamples.com/files/Kawai-K5000W-AddSquare-C4.wav";
            on.Say   = say3;
            //on.Post = "http://requestb.in/1cp3mf01";
            on.Post = "";
            //transfer.On = on;
            transfer.RingRepeat  = 3;
            transfer.PlayTones   = true;
            transfer.CallbackUrl = "";
            MachineDetection ma = new MachineDetection("At some point in the future there may be a standard libpcap release with remote capture support, and at some point after that Apple may pick up that release, and at some point the OS X version of Wireshark may be modified to use those capabilities if present.");

            transfer.MachineDetection = ma;
            //transfer.PromptLogSecurity = "";
            transfer.Label = "transferL55abel";

            ////tropo.On("ring", "http://freewavesamples.com/files/Kawai-K5000W-AddSquare-C4.wav", say3);


            ////tropo.Call("sip:[email protected]:5678");

            tropo.On("continue", "TropoResult.aspx", new Say("call test result"));
