public List <Trip> GetTrips(GPS gps, string gpxFileName) { return(TripCollection .Where(t => t.GPS.DeviceID == gps.DeviceID) .Where(t => t.GPXFileName == gpxFileName) .ToList()); }
public void Visit(TripCollection trips) { using (var textReader = GetTextReader <Trip>()) { Feed.Trips = new TripCollection(GetEntityParser <Trip>().Parse(textReader).Cast <Trip>()); } }
public TripCollection SelectList() { TripCollection collection = new TripCollection(); IDataReader Reader = DataAccess.SelectList(); while (Reader.Read()) { TripInfo tripInfo = new TripInfo(); tripInfo.TripID = Convert.ToString(Reader["TripID"]); tripInfo.TripCode = Convert.ToString(Reader["TripCode"]); tripInfo.TripDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Reader["Date"]); tripInfo.TimeID = Convert.ToString(Reader["TimeID"]); tripInfo.Time = Convert.ToString(Reader["Time"]); tripInfo.RouteID = Convert.ToString(Reader["RouteID"]); tripInfo.RouteName = Convert.ToString(Reader["RouteName"]); tripInfo.BusID = Convert.ToString(Reader["BusID"]); tripInfo.BusNo = Convert.ToString(Reader["BusNo"]); tripInfo.Driver1ID = Convert.ToString(Reader["Driver1ID"]); tripInfo.Driver1Name = Convert.ToString(Reader["DriverName"]); tripInfo.Driver2ID = Convert.ToString(Reader["Driver2ID"]); tripInfo.Driver2Name = Convert.ToString(Reader["DriverName"]); tripInfo.Price = Convert.ToDecimal(Reader["Price"]); collection.Add(tripInfo); } Reader.Close(); return(collection); }
public void MarkAllNotShownInMap() { foreach (var item in TripCollection.Where(t => t.ShownInMap)) { item.ShownInMap = false; } }
public List <Trip> GetTrips(GPS gps, DateTime dateOfTrip) { return(TripCollection .Where(t => t.GPS.DeviceID == gps.DeviceID) .Where(t => t.DateTimeDeparture > dateOfTrip) .Where(t => t.DateTimeDeparture < dateOfTrip.AddDays(1)) .ToList()); }
public List <Trip> TripsUsingGPSByMonth(GPS gps, DateTime month) { return(TripCollection .Where(t => t.GPS.DeviceID == gps.DeviceID) .Where(t => t.DateTimeDeparture > month) .Where(t => t.DateTimeDeparture < month.AddMonths(1)) .OrderBy(t => t.DateTimeDeparture).ToList()); }
private void BindTripDate() { TripController tripController = new TripController(); TripCollection tripCollection = tripController.SelectDateByRouteID(this.cboTrip.SelectedValue.ToString()); this.cboDate.DisplayMember = "TripDate"; this.cboDate.ValueMember = "TripDate"; this.cboDate.DataSource = tripCollection; }
public Dictionary <DateTime, List <Trip> > TripArchivesByMonth(GPS gps) { var d = TripCollection .Where(g => g.GPS.DeviceID == gps.DeviceID) .OrderBy(m => m.DateTimeDeparture) .GroupBy(o => o.MonthYear) .ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.ToList()); return(d); }
public bool AddRecordToRepo(Trip trip) { if (trip == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("Error: The argument is Null"); } trip.DateAdded = DateTime.Now; TripCollection.Add(trip); return(_operationSucceeded); }
public TripCollection SelectTime(string routeID, DateTime date) { TripCollection tripCollection = new TripCollection(); IDataReader reader = DataAccess.SelectTime(routeID, date); while (reader.Read()) { TripInfo tripInfo = new TripInfo(); tripInfo.TimeID = Convert.ToString(reader["TimeID"]); tripInfo.Time = Convert.ToString(reader["Time"]); tripCollection.Add(tripInfo); } reader.Close(); return(tripCollection); }
public TripCollection SelectDateByRouteID(string routeID) { TripCollection tripCollection = new TripCollection(); IDataReader Reader = DataAccess.SelectDateByRouteID(routeID); while (Reader.Read()) { TripInfo tripInfo = new TripInfo(); tripInfo.TripDate = Convert.ToDateTime(Reader["Date"]); tripCollection.Add(tripInfo); } Reader.Close(); return(tripCollection); }
private void BindTime() { TripController tripController = new TripController(); TripCollection tripCollection = tripController.SelectTime(this.cboTrip.SelectedValue.ToString(), Convert.ToDateTime(this.cboDate.SelectedValue.ToString())); TripInfo tripInfo = new TripInfo(); tripInfo.Time = "-Select One-"; tripInfo.TimeID = null; tripCollection.Insert(0, tripInfo); this.cboTime.DisplayMember = "Time"; this.cboTime.ValueMember = "TimeID"; this.cboTime.DataSource = tripCollection; this.cboTime.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void BindTripID() { TripController tripController = new TripController(); TripCollection tripCollection = tripController.SelectList(); TripInfo tripInfo = new TripInfo(); tripInfo.TripCode = " - Select One - "; tripInfo.TripID = null; tripCollection.Insert(0, tripInfo); this.cboTrip.DisplayMember = "TripCode"; this.cboTrip.ValueMember = "TripID"; this.cboTrip.DataSource = tripCollection; this.cboTrip.SelectedIndex = 0; }
private void BindToTripCode() { TripController tripController = new TripController(); TripCollection tripCollection = tripController.SelectListRecord(); TripInfo info = new TripInfo(); info.TripCode = " - Select One - "; info.TripID = null; tripCollection.Insert(0, info); cboToTripCode.DisplayMember = "TripCode"; cboToTripCode.ValueMember = "TripID"; cboToTripCode.DataSource = tripCollection; cboToTripCode.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public bool DeleteRecordFromRepo(int tripID) { if (tripID == 0) { throw new Exception("Trip ID cannot be null"); } int index = 0; while (index < TripCollection.Count) { if (TripCollection[index].TripID == tripID) { TripCollection.RemoveAt(index); break; } index++; } return(_operationSucceeded); }
public void Visit(TripCollection trips) { SetValidity(trips); }
public List <Trip> GetAllTrips() { return(TripCollection.ToList()); }
public EntityValidationResult ValidateTrip(Trip trip, bool isNew) { EntityValidationResult evr = new EntityValidationResult(); if (trip.OperatorName == null || trip.OperatorName.Length < 3) { evr.AddMessage("Operator name must be at least 3 letters long"); } if (trip.VesselName == null || trip.VesselName.Length < 3) { evr.AddMessage("Vessel name 3 letters long"); } if (trip.Gear == null && trip.OtherGear == null) { evr.AddMessage("Gear or gear other name cannnot be both empty"); } if (trip.DateTimeDeparture == null || trip.DateTimeDeparture > DateTime.Now) { evr.AddMessage("Date and time of departure cannot be empty and cannot be in the future"); } else if (trip.DateTimeArrival == null || trip.DateTimeArrival > DateTime.Now) { evr.AddMessage("Date and time of arrival cannot be empty and cannot be in the future"); } else if (trip.DateTimeDeparture >= trip.DateTimeArrival) { evr.AddMessage("Date and time of departure must be before date and time of arrival"); } int?overlapID = null; foreach (var tripItem in TripCollection .Where(t => t.TripID != trip.TripID) .Where(t => t.DeviceID == trip.DeviceID)) { if (trip.DateTimeDeparture >= tripItem.DateTimeDeparture && trip.DateTimeDeparture <= tripItem.DateTimeArrival) { overlapID = tripItem.TripID; break; } else if (trip.DateTimeArrival >= tripItem.DateTimeDeparture && trip.DateTimeArrival <= tripItem.DateTimeArrival) { overlapID = tripItem.TripID; break; } else if (trip.DateTimeDeparture <= tripItem.DateTimeDeparture && trip.DateTimeArrival >= tripItem.DateTimeArrival) { overlapID = tripItem.TripID; break; } } if (overlapID != null) { evr.AddMessage($"This trip overlaps with trip ID {overlapID}"); } return(evr); }
public string VesselOfTrip(int tripID) { return(TripCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TripID == tripID).VesselName); }
public Fisher GetFisherOfTrip(int tripID) { return(TripCollection.FirstOrDefault(t => t.TripID == tripID).Operator); }
public Trip GetLatestAdded() { return(TripCollection.OrderByDescending(t => t.DateAdded).FirstOrDefault()); }
public Trip GetTrip(int tripID) { CurrentEntity = TripCollection.FirstOrDefault(n => n.TripID == tripID); return(CurrentEntity); }
/// <summary> /// A method called by the UI to start generating the paths /// </summary> public void StartGeneration() { TripCollection.Clear(); Task.Run(() => { CSolver.GetShortestPath(); }); }
/// <summary> /// A method called when a new solution is generated /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="args"></param> private void OnNewTripFound(object sender, TripAddedEventArgs args) { OnUIThread(() => { TripCollection.Add(args.NewTrip); }); NotifyOfPropertyChange(); }
public List <Trip> GetAllTrips(string deviceID) { return(TripCollection.Where(t => t.DeviceID == deviceID).ToList()); }
protected virtual void OnTripsChecked(TripCollection trips, ValidationEventArgs e) { TripsChecked?.Invoke(trips, e); }
public void LoadFolder(string folder) { TripCollection.Clear(); _folder = folder; DirectoryInfo dir = new DirectoryInfo(folder); DateTime currentDate = DateTime.MinValue; Trip trip = null; if (!Directory.Exists(folder)) { return; } foreach (var file in dir.GetFiles("*.mp4")) { string fileName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(file.FullName); var fileStartDateTime = DateTime.ParseExact(fileName.Substring(0, fileName.LastIndexOf("_")), "yyyy_MMdd_HHmmss", null); if (currentDate.Date != fileStartDateTime.Date) { if (trip != null) { TripCollection.Add(trip); } trip = new Trip(); } else if (fileStartDateTime.Subtract(currentDate) > TimeSpan.FromMinutes(10)) { TripCollection.Add(trip); trip = new Trip(); } currentDate = fileStartDateTime; string jpg = Utils.GetFileNameWithoutExt(file.FullName) + ".jpg"; if (!File.Exists(jpg)) { try { VideoFileReader reader = new VideoFileReader(); reader.Open(file.FullName); Bitmap frame = reader.ReadVideoFrame(); reader.Close(); frame.Save(jpg, ImageFormat.Jpeg); } catch (Exception ex) { } } if (trip.StartDateTime > currentDate) { trip.StartDateTime = currentDate; } if (trip.EndDateTime < currentDate) { trip.EndDateTime = currentDate; } Video video = new Video() { FilePath = folder + file.Name, Date = fileStartDateTime, ThumbnailPath = jpg }; trip.Videos.Add(video); } if (trip != null) { TripCollection.Add(trip); } }
public Trip GetLastTripOfDevice(string deviceID) { return(TripCollection .Where(t => t.DeviceID == deviceID) .OrderByDescending(t => t.TripID).FirstOrDefault()); }
public void Visit(TripCollection trips) { OnTripsChecked(trips, new ValidationEventArgs(CheckValidity(trips))); }