public void ReadSettingsFromDevice() { string[] deviceCommands = new string[] { CommandTypes.Trigger }; string deviceQueries = string.Concat(deviceCommands.Select(command => command + "?").ToArray()); string[] channelCommands = new string[] { CommandTypes.Frequency, CommandTypes.Amplitude, CommandTypes.PLL, CommandTypes.SweepLower, CommandTypes.SweepUpper, CommandTypes.SweepStepSize, CommandTypes.SweepStepTime, CommandTypes.SweepDirection }; string channelQueries = string.Concat(channelCommands.Select(command => command + "?").ToArray()); Connect(SerialTerminationMethod.TerminationCharacter); Write(deviceQueries + CommandTypes.Channel + "0" + channelQueries + CommandTypes.Channel + "1" + channelQueries, true); int numberCommands = deviceCommands.Length + 2 * channelCommands.Length; string[] responses = new string[numberCommands]; for (int i = 0; i < numberCommands; i++) { string response = Read(); responses[i] = response.Substring(0, response.Length - 1); } Disconnect(); bool[] channels = new bool[2] { false, true }; triggerMode = (TriggerTypes)Convert.ToInt32(responses[0]); ChannelA.SyncSettings(responses.Skip(1).Take(channelCommands.Length).ToArray()); ChannelB.SyncSettings(responses.Skip(channelCommands.Length + 1).Take(channelCommands.Length).ToArray()); }
public static void DrawTrigger(Vector2 position, bool on, TriggerTypes type) { switch (type) { case TriggerTypes.triggerOld: if (on) { Game1.SpriteBatchGlobal.Draw(Game1.triggerOnTex, position); } else { Game1.SpriteBatchGlobal.Draw(Game1.triggerOffTex, position); } break; case TriggerTypes.triggerBase: if (on) { Game1.SpriteBatchGlobal.Draw(Game1.Textures["TriggerBase"], position, sourceRectangle: new Rectangle(0, 0, 24, 48)); } else { Game1.SpriteBatchGlobal.Draw(Game1.Textures["TriggerBase"], position, sourceRectangle: new Rectangle(24, 0, 24, 48)); } break; } }
public static void FireGuardianHurtTrigger(Vector2 Position, TerraGuardian guardian, int Damage, bool Critical, bool PvP) { TriggerTypes trigger = TriggerTypes.Hurt; int Value = Damage; FireTrigger(Position, trigger, new TriggerTarget(guardian), Value, Critical ? 1 : 0, PvP ? 1 : 0); }
public static void FirePlayerHurtTrigger(Vector2 Position, Player player, int Damage, bool Critical, bool PvP) { TriggerTypes trigger = TriggerTypes.Hurt; int Value = Damage; FireTrigger(Position, trigger, new TriggerTarget(player), Value, Critical ? 1 : 0, PvP ? 1 : 0); }
public static void FirePlayerDeathTrigger(Vector2 Position, Player player, int Damage, bool PvP) { TriggerTypes trigger = TriggerTypes.Death; int Value = Damage; FireTrigger(Position, trigger, new TriggerTarget(player), Value, PvP ? 1 : 0); }
public ITrigger GetTrigger(TriggerTypes triggerType) { switch (triggerType) { case TriggerTypes.Text: return(new TextTrigger()); break; case TriggerTypes.Color: throw new NotImplementedException(); break; case TriggerTypes.IncrementingNumber: throw new NotImplementedException(); break; case TriggerTypes.DecrementingNumber: throw new NotImplementedException(); break; default: throw new ArgumentException($"Type does not exist for passed in Trigger Type {triggerType}"); } }
private WritableTableDefinition <T> AppendTriggerData(TriggerTypes TriggerType, string TriggerBody, bool AppendTriggerBody = true) { var trigger = new DALTrigger <T>(TriggerType, TriggerBody) { DatabaseName = this.DatabaseName }; Triggers = Triggers ?? new Dictionary <TriggerTypes, DALTrigger <T> >(); if (Triggers.ContainsKey(TriggerType)) { if (AppendTriggerBody) { trigger.TriggerBody = $"{Triggers[TriggerType].TriggerBody};{Environment.NewLine}{trigger.TriggerBody}"; } Triggers[TriggerType] = trigger; } else { Triggers.Add(TriggerType, trigger); } return(this); }
public static void FireGuardianDownedTrigger(Vector2 Position, TerraGuardian guardian, int Damage, bool PvP) { TriggerTypes trigger = TriggerTypes.Downed; int Value = Damage; FireTrigger(Position, trigger, new TriggerTarget(guardian), Value, PvP ? 1 : 0); }
public static void FireNpcHurtTrigger(Vector2 Position, NPC npc, int Damage, bool Critical) { TriggerTypes trigger = TriggerTypes.Hurt; int Value = Damage; FireTrigger(Position, trigger, new TriggerTarget(npc), Value, Critical ? 1 : 0); }
public void TriggerDebugger(TriggerTypes type, ref bool debug) { EnvironmentalTrigger p = SpawnTrigger(); p.GrabPlayerWhoEarnedIt(debuggingPlayer); p.SetUpTrigger(type); debug = false; }
internal PlcMemoryInfoTrigger(Object triggerValue, TriggerTypes type, string name, string description, EventMemory memoryType = EventMemory.DM, UInt32 readOffset = 0, AccessSize accessSize = AccessSize.WORD, BitPlace bitPlace = BitPlace.NOBIT, bool isEnable = true, Object constantValue = null) : base(name, description, memoryType, readOffset, accessSize, bitPlace, isEnable, constantValue) { TriggerValue = triggerValue; TriggerType = type; }
public EventSource(AssetId assetId, TextId textSource, TriggerTypes trigger, int x = 0, int y = 0) { // Trigger = TalkTo for NPC, UseItem for item, Action for event set, Default for none AssetId = assetId; TextSource = textSource; Trigger = trigger; X = x; Y = y; }
public ZoneKey(bool global, TriggerTypes type, ushort chain) // For tests { Global = global; Trigger = type; Chain = chain; Unk1 = 0; DummyNumber = 0; Node = null; }
void FadeEffects(TriggerTypes trigger) { for (var i = currentDisplays.Count - 1; i >= 0; --i) { if (currentDisplays[i].effect.fadeTrigger == trigger) { Debug.Log($"Effect name: { currentDisplays[i].name } faded at { trigger.ToString() }. Total effects: { currentDisplays.Count }"); RemoveEffect(currentDisplays[i]; } } }
public static void ResolveTriggers(TriggerTypes triggerType, Action callBack = null) { if (callBack != null) { Console.Write(triggerType.ToString(), LogTypes.Triggers, true, "yellow"); } else { Console.Write(triggerType + " is resolved again", LogTypes.Triggers, false, "yellow"); } if (triggerType == TriggerTypes.OnDamageIsDealt && callBack != null) { DamageNumbers.UpdateSavedHP(); } StackLevel currentLevel = GetCurrentLevel(); if (currentLevel == null || currentLevel.IsActive) { CreateNewLevelOfStack(triggerType, callBack); currentLevel = GetCurrentLevel(); } if (!currentLevel.IsActive) { SetStackLevelCallBack(callBack); List <Trigger> currentTriggersList = currentLevel.GetTriggersByPlayer(Phases.PlayerWithInitiative); Players.PlayerNo currentPlayer = (currentTriggersList.Count > 0) ? Phases.PlayerWithInitiative : Roster.AnotherPlayer(Phases.PlayerWithInitiative); currentTriggersList = currentLevel.GetTriggersByPlayer(currentPlayer); if (currentTriggersList.Count != 0) { currentLevel.IsActive = true; if ((currentTriggersList.Count == 1) || (IsAllSkippable(currentTriggersList))) { FireTrigger(currentTriggersList[0]); } else { RunDecisionSubPhase(); } } else { if (triggerType == TriggerTypes.OnDamageIsDealt) { DamageNumbers.ShowChangedHP(); } DoCallBack(); } } }
// REGISTER TRIGGER protected void RegisterAbilityTrigger(TriggerTypes triggerType, EventHandler eventHandler, System.EventArgs e = null) { Triggers.RegisterTrigger(new Trigger() { Name = Name, TriggerType = triggerType, TriggerOwner = HostShip.Owner.PlayerNo, EventHandler = eventHandler, Sender = hostReal, EventArgs = e }); }
void ActivateEffects(TriggerTypes trigger) { for (var i = 0; i < currentDisplays.Count; i++) { if (currentDisplays[i].effect.activationTrigger == trigger && currentDisplays[i].effect.actionToTrigger != null) { currentDisplays[i].effect.readyToFade = true; StartCoroutine(BattleManager.instance.DoHeroAction(currentDisplays[i].effect.actionToTrigger, parentPanel, null, false)); Debug.Log($"Effect name: { currentDisplays[i].name } activated at { trigger.ToString() }."); } } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="triggerElement"></param> /// <param name="triggerType"></param> /// <param name="targetMenu"></param> /// <returns>Если менюшка создана заново, то возвращает true, если обновлена существующая, то false</returns> public static void RegisterMenu(FrameworkElement triggerElement, TriggerTypes triggerType, PopupMenu targetMenu) { UnregisterMenu(triggerElement); var menuTriggerElement = new MenuTriggerElement { PopupMenu = targetMenu, TriggerType = triggerType, TriggerElement = triggerElement }; if (targetMenu.AccessKeyElement == null) ApplicationMenus.Add(menuTriggerElement); else ApplicationMenus.Insert(0, menuTriggerElement); }
internal DALTrigger(TriggerTypes TriggerType, string TriggerBody = null) { TableName = typeof(T) .GetCustomAttribute <DALTable>()?.TableName?.MySqlObjectQuote() ?? throw new CustomAttributeFormatException(DatabaseCoreUtilities.NoDalTableAttributeError); this.TriggerType = TriggerType; this.TriggerBody = TriggerBody; this.DefinerUser = "******"; this.StatementDelimiter = "$$"; }
protected void RegisterTriggerSingleFriendlyCheckCommon(string text, TriggerTypes eventType) { var areThereAnyOtherEnemyShipsThanTheCapturedTie = CheckAnyOtherFriendlyShipsPresent(); if (!areThereAnyOtherEnemyShipsThanTheCapturedTie) { RegisterAbilityTrigger(eventType, (s, e) => { Messages.ShowInfoToHuman(text); HostUpgrade.TryDiscard(Triggers.FinishTrigger); }); } }
public static void ResolveTriggers(TriggerTypes triggerType, Action callBack = null) { if (DebugManager.DebugTriggers) { Debug.Log("Triggers are resolved: " + triggerType); } if (triggerType == TriggerTypes.OnDamageIsDealt && callBack != null) { DamageNumbers.UpdateSavedHP(); } StackLevel currentLevel = GetCurrentLevel(); if (currentLevel == null || currentLevel.IsActive) { CreateNewLevelOfStack(callBack); currentLevel = GetCurrentLevel(); } if (!currentLevel.IsActive) { SetStackLevelCallBack(callBack); List <Trigger> currentTriggersList = currentLevel.GetTriggersByPlayer(Phases.PlayerWithInitiative); Players.PlayerNo currentPlayer = (currentTriggersList.Count > 0) ? Phases.PlayerWithInitiative : Roster.AnotherPlayer(Phases.PlayerWithInitiative); currentTriggersList = currentLevel.GetTriggersByPlayer(currentPlayer); if (currentTriggersList.Count != 0) { currentLevel.IsActive = true; if ((currentTriggersList.Count == 1) || (IsAllSkippable(currentTriggersList))) { FireTrigger(currentTriggersList[0]); } else { RunDecisionSubPhase(); } } else { if (triggerType == TriggerTypes.OnDamageIsDealt) { DamageNumbers.ShowChangedHP(); } DoCallBack(); } } }
public static void RegisterBombDropTriggerIfAvailable(GenericShip ship, TriggerTypes triggerType, UpgradeSubType subType = UpgradeSubType.None, Type type = null, bool onlyDrop = false, bool isRealDrop = true) { if ((!isRealDrop || !ship.IsBombAlreadyDropped) && HasBombsToDrop(ship, subType, type)) { Triggers.RegisterTrigger(new Trigger() { Name = "Ask which bomb to drop", TriggerType = TriggerTypes.OnMovementActivationStart, TriggerOwner = ship.Owner.PlayerNo, EventHandler = (object sender, EventArgs e) => CreateAskBombDropSubPhase((sender as GenericShip), subType, type, onlyDrop), Sender = ship }); } }
public override void OnGUI(Rect position, SerializedProperty property, GUIContent label) { EditorGUI.BeginProperty(position, label, property); property.isExpanded = EditorGUI.Foldout(position, property.isExpanded, label); if (property.isExpanded) { EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 70; label.text = "Title: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 20, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("title"), label, true); label.text = "Type: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 40, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("type"), label, true); TriggerTypes type = (TriggerTypes)property.FindPropertyRelative("type").enumValueIndex; switch (type) { case TriggerTypes.Bool: label.text = "Default: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 60, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("defaultBool"), label, true); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(position.x + 100, position.y + 60, position.width / 2, position.height), "(" + property.FindPropertyRelative("defaultBool").boolValue.ToString() + ")"); label.text = "Current: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 80, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("triggerBool"), label, true); EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(position.x + 100, position.y + 80, position.width / 2, position.height), "(" + property.FindPropertyRelative("triggerBool").boolValue.ToString() + ")"); break; case TriggerTypes.Int: label.text = "Default: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 60, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("defaultInt"), label, true); label.text = "Current: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 80, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("triggerInt"), label, true); break; case TriggerTypes.Float: label.text = "Default: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 60, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("defaultFloat"), label, true); label.text = "Current: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 80, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("triggerFloat"), label, true); break; case TriggerTypes.Double: label.text = "Default: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 60, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("defaultDouble"), label, true); label.text = "Current: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 80, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("triggerDouble"), label, true); break; case TriggerTypes.String: label.text = "Default: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 60, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("defaultString"), label, true); label.text = "Current: "; EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 80, position.width, position.height), property.FindPropertyRelative("triggerString"), label, true); break; } EditorGUI.LabelField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 110, position.width, position.height), "Notes"); EditorGUI.PropertyField(new Rect(position.x, position.y + 110, position.width, position.height * 5), property.FindPropertyRelative("notes"), GUIContent.none); EditorGUIUtility.labelWidth = 0; } EditorGUI.EndProperty(); EditorUtility.SetDirty(property.serializedObject.targetObject); }
// REGISTER TRIGGER protected Trigger RegisterAbilityTrigger(TriggerTypes triggerType, EventHandler eventHandler, System.EventArgs e = null) { var trigger = new Trigger() { Name = Name, TriggerType = triggerType, TriggerOwner = HostShip.Owner.PlayerNo, EventHandler = eventHandler, Sender = hostReal, EventArgs = e }; Triggers.RegisterTrigger(trigger); return(trigger); }
public HSPI() { //Initialize the plugin //Enable internal debug logging to console LogDebug = true; //Setup anything that needs to be configured before a connection to HomeSeer is established // like initializing the starting state of anything needed for the operation of the plugin //Such as initializing the settings pages presented to the user (currently saved state is loaded later) InitializeSettingsPages(); //Or adding an event action or trigger type definition to the list of types supported by your plugin ActionTypes.AddActionType(typeof(WriteLogSampleActionType)); TriggerTypes.AddTriggerType(typeof(SampleTriggerType)); }
// REGISTER TRIGGER /// <summary> /// Register trigger of ability /// </summary> public Trigger RegisterAbilityTrigger(TriggerTypes triggerType, EventHandler eventHandler, System.EventArgs e = null, bool isSkippable = false) { var trigger = new Trigger() { Name = Name, TriggerType = triggerType, TriggerOwner = HostShip.Owner.PlayerNo, EventHandler = eventHandler, Sender = hostReal, EventArgs = e, Skippable = isSkippable }; Triggers.RegisterTrigger(trigger); return(trigger); }
private void RegisterAskUndock(GenericShip ship, TriggerTypes timing) { if (BoardTools.Board.IsOffTheBoard(ship)) return; bool canUndock = ship.CheckCanReleaseDockedShipRegular(); if (canUndock) { Triggers.RegisterTrigger(new Trigger() { Name = "Undocking decision", TriggerType = timing, TriggerOwner = ship.Owner.PlayerNo, EventHandler = AskUndock }); } }
/// <summary> /// Try to trigger an object /// </summary> /// <param name="triggerObj"></param> /// <param name="triggerType"></param> /// <returns></returns> bool TryTriggerInteraction(ObjectTrigger triggerObj, TriggerTypes triggerType) { Debug.Log(triggerObj + "TriggerType: " + triggerType); if (triggerObj != null) { if (triggerObj.actionTrigger != null && triggerObj.actionTrigger.ActionType == triggerType.ToString()) { StartCoroutine(triggerObj.TriggerAction(CompleteAction)); } else if (attemptTime <= 0) { TriggerFailAttempt(); } return(true); } return(false); }
public void Trigger(TriggerTypes type, Radio rad) { if (type == TriggerTypes.SHOW) { notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(3000, "Neue Show", + " von " + rad.moderator + " (" + + ")", ToolTipIcon.Info); } else if (type == TriggerTypes.SONG) { notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(3000, "Neuer Track", + " || " + rad.artist, ToolTipIcon.Info); wplayerSongCalls.URL = "" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(Translate( + " by " + rad.artist));; } else if (type == TriggerTypes.PICTURE) { wao.RequestPicture(rad); } }
public static TriggerBase FromType(TriggerTypes trigger) { switch (trigger) { default: return(null); case TriggerTypes.Failing: return(new FailingTrigger()); case TriggerTypes.Passing: return(new PassingTrigger()); case TriggerTypes.HitSound: return(new HitSoundTrigger()); } }
public Trigger(Vector2 position, string target, bool startOn, TriggerTypes type, bool lockAfterUse = false) { Position = position; Target = target; On = startOn; if (type == TriggerTypes.triggerOld) { Boundary = new RectangleF(64, 64, position.X, position.Y); } if (type == TriggerTypes.triggerBase) { Boundary = new RectangleF(48, 48, position.X, position.Y); } _texOnLight = Game1.triggerOnLight; _texOffLight = Game1.triggerOffLight; _type = type; _lockAfterUse = lockAfterUse; _locked = false; }
public void AddTrigger(TriggerTypes triggerType, params UIElement[] triggerElements) { foreach (FrameworkElement triggerElement in triggerElements.Where(elem => elem != null)) { PopupMenuManager.RegisterMenu(triggerElement, triggerType, this); if (triggerElement.Parent == null) triggerElement.LayoutUpdated += triggerElement_LayoutUpdated; else triggerElement_LayoutUpdated(triggerElement, null); } }
internal static void RunTriggers(Connection conn, Type tableType, Dictionary<string, object> updateFields, SelectParameter[] parameters, TriggerTypes type, out bool abort) { abort = false; ITrigger[] tmp = new ITrigger[0]; Monitor.Enter(_triggers); if (_triggers.ContainsKey(tableType)) { tmp = new ITrigger[_triggers[tableType].Count]; _triggers[tableType].CopyTo(tmp); } Monitor.Exit(_triggers); foreach (ITrigger tr in tmp) { switch (type) { case TriggerTypes.PRE_UPDATE: tr.PreUpdate(conn,tableType, updateFields, parameters,out abort); break; case TriggerTypes.POST_UPDATE: tr.PostUpdate(conn,tableType, updateFields, parameters); break; } } }
public void setTrigger(string type, string name, List<string> parameterList) { = name; // converts firstl etter to Upper character ( because the classes are named with Upper at start ) // check if its input or timer, those are protected calsses so our classes are different than the users classes conversion takes place type = char.ToUpper(type[0]) + type.Substring(1); if( type == "Input") { type = "GameInput"; } else if ( type == "Timer") { type = "GameTimer"; } // check if type of trigger exists if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TriggerTypes), type)) { // adds the current type of the trigger to the wanted type ( for easy acces ) triggerType = (TriggerTypes)Enum.Parse(typeof(TriggerTypes), type); switch(triggerType) { case TriggerTypes.GameInput: // checks if key is valid, if not return null and if count is 2. if (parameterList.Count == 2 ) { GameInput gameInput = new GameInput(parameterList[1]); = name; trigger = (object)gameInput; } else { CodeInputHandler.abortPlay("type failed ! check your gameinput keyname -49 trigger.cs"); } break; case TriggerTypes.Loop: if (parameterList.Count == 2) { Loop loop = new Loop(parameterList[1]); = name; trigger = (object)loop; } else { CodeInputHandler.abortPlay("type failed ! check your gameinput keyname -49 trigger.cs"); } break; case TriggerTypes.Collision: Debug.Log ("does get called 77 @ trigger "); Collision collision = new Collision(); = name; // set the variables from parameters trigger = (object)collision; break; case TriggerTypes.Timer: GameTimer timer = new GameTimer(); // set the variables from parameters trigger = (object)timer; break; default : CodeInputHandler.abortPlay("type failed !check your enum cases - 70 trigger.cs"); return; } TriggerHandler.triggerDictionary.Add(name,trigger); } else { // type is not one we know. CodeInputHandler.abortPlay("type failed ! check your trigger type - 82 trigger.cs "); } }
internal static void RunTriggers(Connection conn, Table original, Table tbl, TriggerTypes type, out bool abort) { abort = false; ITrigger[] tmp = new ITrigger[0]; Monitor.Enter(_triggers); if (_triggers.ContainsKey(tbl.GetType())){ tmp = new ITrigger[_triggers[tbl.GetType()].Count]; _triggers[tbl.GetType()].CopyTo(tmp); } Monitor.Exit(_triggers); foreach (ITrigger tr in tmp) { switch (type) { case TriggerTypes.PRE_DELETE: tr.PreDelete(conn,tbl,out abort); break; case TriggerTypes.POST_DELETE: tr.PostDelete(conn, tbl); break; case TriggerTypes.PRE_INSERT: tr.PreInsert(conn, tbl, out abort); break; case TriggerTypes.POST_INSERT: tr.PostInsert(conn, tbl); break; case TriggerTypes.PRE_UPDATE: tr.PreUpdate(conn, original, tbl, tbl.ChangedFields, out abort); break; case TriggerTypes.POST_UPDATE: tr.PostUpdate(conn, original, tbl, tbl.ChangedFields); break; case TriggerTypes.PRE_DELETE_ALL: tr.PreDeleteAll(conn, out abort); break; case TriggerTypes.POST_DELETE_ALL: tr.PostDeleteAll(conn); break; } } }
public void Receive(GameObject prev = null, TriggerTypes triggerType = TriggerTypes.ActionObject) { if (!gameObject.activeSelf || !this.enabled) return; if (IsPlaying()) return; //assume actions triggered by other action objects are always valid, //otherwise make sure trigger type is valid for this action if(triggerType != TriggerTypes.ActionObject) { switch (TriggerFlag) { case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.None: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.ActionObject) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Collision01: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.WalkOn) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Direct: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.Direct) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Collision03: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.WalkInto) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Attack: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.Attack) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Direct6: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.Direct) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.MultiTrigger: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.Direct && triggerType != TriggerTypes.Attack && triggerType != TriggerTypes.WalkInto) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Collision09: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.Direct && triggerType != TriggerTypes.WalkInto) return; } break; case DFBlock.RdbTriggerFlags.Door: { if (triggerType != TriggerTypes.Door) return; } break; default: return; } } //increment activation counter activationCount++; Play(prev); return; }
public void TriggerElement_LeftClick(object triggerElement, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ActualTriggerType = TriggerTypes.LeftClick; if (_clickAlreadyHandledInMouseDownEvent) { _clickAlreadyHandledInMouseDownEvent = false; } else { if (OverlayPopup.IsOpen) { this.Close(); } else { var element = GetItemUnderMouse(triggerElement as FrameworkElement, e, AutoMapTriggerElementToSelectableItem, AutoSelectItem); if (element != null) { Point mousePos = PopupMenuUtils.GetAbsoluteElementPos(PopupMenuManager.ApplicationMenus.Count == 0, element); Open(mousePos, Orientation, 0, element, FocusOnShow, e); } else { ActualTriggerElement = triggerElement as FrameworkElement; // This would normally be set when calling the Open method } } } }
/// <summary> /// This method is called by the database engine once when initializing the trigger. /// </summary> /// <param name="connection">a connection to the database</param> /// <param name="schemaName">the name of the schema</param> /// <param name="triggerName">the name of the trigger used in the CREATE TRIGGER statement</param> /// <param name="tableName">the name of the table</param> /// <param name="before">whether the fire method is called before or after the operation is performed</param> /// <param name="type">the operation type: INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE</param> protected abstract void OnInit(H2Connection connection, String schemaName, String triggerName, String tableName, bool before, TriggerTypes type);
public void TriggerElement_Hover(object triggerElement, MouseEventArgs e) { ActualTriggerType = TriggerTypes.Hover; var element = GetItemUnderMouse(triggerElement as FrameworkElement, e, AutoMapTriggerElementToSelectableItem, AutoSelectItem); if (element != null) { Point mousePos = PopupMenuUtils.GetAbsoluteElementPos(PopupMenuManager.ApplicationMenus.Count == 0, element); Open(mousePos, Orientation, OpenDelay, element, FocusOnShow, e); } }
internal static void RunTriggers(Connection conn, Type tblType, TriggerTypes type, out bool abort) { abort = false; ITrigger[] tmp = new ITrigger[0]; Monitor.Enter(_triggers); if (_triggers.ContainsKey(tblType)) { tmp = new ITrigger[_triggers[tblType].Count]; _triggers[tblType].CopyTo(tmp); } Monitor.Exit(_triggers); foreach (ITrigger tr in tmp) { switch (type) { case TriggerTypes.PRE_DELETE_ALL: tr.PreDeleteAll(conn,out abort); break; case TriggerTypes.POST_DELETE_ALL: tr.PostDeleteAll(conn); break; } } }
public void TriggerElement_RightClick(object triggerElement, MouseButtonEventArgs e) { ActualTriggerType = TriggerTypes.RightClick; var element = GetItemUnderMouse(triggerElement as FrameworkElement, e, AutoMapTriggerElementToSelectableItem, AutoSelectItem) ?? triggerElement as FrameworkElement; Point mousePos = e.GetSafePosition(null); Open(mousePos, MenuOrientationTypes.Mouse, 0, element, FocusOnShow, e); }
public void TriggerButton_Click(object triggerElement, RoutedEventArgs e) { ActualTriggerType = TriggerTypes.LeftClick; Point mousePos = PopupMenuUtils.GetAbsoluteElementPos(PopupMenuManager.ApplicationMenus.Count == 0, triggerElement as FrameworkElement); Open(mousePos, Orientation, 0, triggerElement as FrameworkElement, FocusOnShow, e as MouseButtonEventArgs); }
public TriggerInfo(TriggerTypes type) { Type = type; }
public void AddTrigger(TriggerTypes triggerType, string triggerElementNames) { foreach (string elementName in triggerElementNames.Split(',')) { var elem = elementName == "{Parent}" ? PopupMenuUtils.GetContainer<UIElement>(this) : PopupMenuUtils.FindApplicationElementByName(elementName, "trigger type " + triggerType); if (elem != null) elem.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(delegate { AddTrigger(triggerType, elem as UIElement); }); } }
public void Trigger(TriggerTypes type,Radio rad) { if(type == TriggerTypes.SHOW) { notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(3000, "Neue Show", + " von " + rad.moderator + " (" + + ")", ToolTipIcon.Info); } else if(type == TriggerTypes.SONG) { notifyIcon1.ShowBalloonTip(3000, "Neuer Track", + " || " + rad.artist, ToolTipIcon.Info); wplayerSongCalls.URL = "" + WebUtility.UrlEncode(Translate( + " by " + rad.artist));; } else if(type == TriggerTypes.PICTURE) { wao.RequestPicture(rad); } }