예제 #1
        public void ExportTrifoliaTest()
            MockObjectRepository mockRepo = TestDataGenerator.GenerateMockDataset2();

            int            implementationGuideId = 1;
            TrifoliaExport target = new TrifoliaExport(mockRepo, implementationGuideId);

            string expected = string.Empty;
            string actual   = target.GetExport();

            bool foundContext             = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `dictionarycontext` (`ID`, `context`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, 'value',");
            bool foundCodeSystem          = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `dictionarycontext` (`ID`, `OID`, `codeSystemName`, `description`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, '6.96', 'SNOMED CT',");
            bool foundValueSet            = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `valueset` (`ID`, `OID`, `valueSetName`, `valueSetCode`, `description`, `intensional`, `intensionalDefinition`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, '11.1', 'GenderCode', ");
            bool foundValueSetMember      = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `valuesetmember` (`ID`, `valueSetId`, `valueSetOId`, `codeSystemId`, `code`, `codeSystemOID`, `displayName`, `dateOfValueSetStatus`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (3, 1, '11.1', '3', 'U', '1.2.3', 'Undetermined', '1/2/2012 12:00:00 AM',");
            bool foundConformance         = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `conformance_type` (`id`, `conftype`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, 'SHALL',");
            bool foundTemplateType        = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `template_type` (`id`, `templatetype`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, 'Document',");
            bool foundImplementationGuide = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `implementationguide` (`id`, `title`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, 'The IG',");
            bool foundUser                  = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `tdb_users` (id, user_name, user_password) VALUES (1,'defaultUser','ž·Ó');");
            bool foundTemplate              = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `template` (`ID`, `OID`, `isOpen`, `title`, `templatetype`, `description`, `keywords`, `primaryContext`, `impliedTemplate`, `notes`, `lastUpdate`, `uname`) VALUES (1, '', 0, 'Test Template 1', 1, 'Test Description 1', NULL, NULL, NULL, 'Test Notes 1',");
            bool foundConstraint            = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `template_constraint` (`ID`, `parentConstraintID`, `templateID`, `order`, `isBranch`, `businessConformance`, `cardinality`, `context`, `containedTemplate`, `isPrimitive`, `constraintNarrative`, `valueConformance`, `staticDynamic`, `valueSetOID`, `version`, `codeOrValue`, `codeSystemOID`, `displayName`, `datatype`, `schematronTest`, `lastUpdate`, `uname`) VALUES (1, NULL, 1, 0, 0, 1, '1..1', 1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL,");
            bool foundIGTemplateAssociation = actual.Contains("INSERT INTO `associationtemplateimplementationguide` (`ID`, `templateId`, `implementationGuideId`, `lastUpdate`) VALUES (1, 1, 1,");

            Assert.IsTrue(foundContext, "Expected to find an insert statement for context 'statusCode'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundCodeSystem, "Expected to find an insert statement for 'SNOMED CT (6.96)'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundValueSet, "Expected to find an insert statement for valueset '11.1'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundValueSetMember, "Expected to find an insert statement for valueset member '3'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundConformance, "Expected to find an insert statement for conformance 'SHALL'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundTemplateType, "Expected to find an insert statement for template type 'Document'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundImplementationGuide, "Expected to find an insert statement for implementation guide 'The IG'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundUser, "Expected to find an insert statement for user 'defaultUser'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundTemplate, "Expected to find an insert statement for template 'Test Template 1'");
            Assert.IsTrue(foundIGTemplateAssociation, "Expected to find an insert statement associating ig 'The IG' to template 'Test Template 1'");
예제 #2
        public void CreateInsertStatementTest()
            string table = "test_table";
            Dictionary <string, string> columnValues = new Dictionary <string, string>()
                { "column1", "value1" },
                { "column2", "value2" },
                { "column3", "\"value3\"" }

            string expected = "INSERT INTO `test_table` (`column1`, `column2`, `column3`) VALUES (value1, value2, \"value3\");";
            string actual   = TrifoliaExport.CreateInsertStatement(table, columnValues);

            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual);