예제 #1
        public void TestTrie2API()
            // Trie2.createFromSerialized()
            //   This function is well exercised by TestRanges().

            // Trie2.getVersion(InputStream is, boolean anyEndianOk)

                Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0, 0);
                MemoryStream  os   = new MemoryStream();
                MemoryStream @is = new MemoryStream(os.ToArray());
                assertEquals(null, 2, Trie2.GetVersion(@is, true));
            catch (IOException e)
                Errln(where () + e.ToString());

            // Equals & hashCode
                Trie2Writable trieWA = new Trie2Writable(0, 0);
                Trie2Writable trieWB = new Trie2Writable(0, 0);
                Trie2         trieA  = trieWA;
                Trie2         trieB  = trieWB;
                assertTrue("", trieA.Equals(trieB));
                assertEquals("", trieA, trieB);
                assertEquals("", trieA.GetHashCode(), trieB.GetHashCode());
                trieWA.Set(500, 2);
                assertNotEquals("", trieA, trieB);
                // Note that the hash codes do not strictly need to be different,
                //   but it's highly likely that something is wrong if they are the same.
                assertNotEquals("", trieA.GetHashCode(), trieB.GetHashCode());
                trieWB.Set(500, 2);
                trieA = trieWA.ToTrie2_16();
                assertEquals("", trieA, trieB);
                assertEquals("", trieA.GetHashCode(), trieB.GetHashCode());

            // Iterator creation
                Trie2Writable            trie = new Trie2Writable(17, 0);
                IEnumerator <Trie2Range> it;
                using (it = trie.GetEnumerator())
                    Trie2Range r = it.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0x10ffff, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 17, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", false, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

                    r = it.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0xd800, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0xdbff, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 17, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", true, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

                    int i = 0;
                    foreach (Trie2Range rr in trie)
                        switch (i)
                        case 0:
                            assertEquals("", 0, rr.StartCodePoint);
                            assertEquals("", 0x10ffff, rr.EndCodePoint);
                            assertEquals("", 17, rr.Value);
                            assertEquals("", false, rr.IsLeadSurrogate);

                        case 1:
                            assertEquals("", 0xd800, rr.StartCodePoint);
                            assertEquals("", 0xdbff, rr.EndCodePoint);
                            assertEquals("", 17, rr.Value);
                            assertEquals("", true, rr.IsLeadSurrogate);

                            Errln(where () + " Unexpected iteration result");

            // Iteration with a value mapping function
                Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0xbadfeed, 0);
                trie.Set(0x10123, 42);

                IValueMapper vm = new Trie2ValueMapper(map: (v) =>
                    if (v == 0xbadfeed)
                        v = 42;

                using (IEnumerator <Trie2Range> it2 = trie.GetEnumerator(vm))
                    Trie2Range r = it2.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0x10ffff, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 42, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", false, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

            // Iteration over a leading surrogate range.
                Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0xdefa17, 0);
                trie.Set(0x2f810, 10);
                using (IEnumerator <Trie2Range> it = trie.GetEnumeratorForLeadSurrogate((char)0xd87e))
                    Trie2Range r = it.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0x2f800, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0x2f80f, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0xdefa17, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", false, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

                    r = it.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0x2f810, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0x2f810, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 10, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", false, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

                    r = it.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0x2f811, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0x2fbff, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0xdefa17, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", false, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

                    assertFalse("", it.MoveNext());

            // Iteration over a leading surrogate range with a ValueMapper.
                Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(0xdefa17, 0);

                trie.Set(0x2f810, 10);

                IValueMapper m = new Trie2ValueMapper(map: (@in) =>
                    if (@in == 10)
                        @in = 0xdefa17;

                using (IEnumerator <Trie2Range> it = trie.GetEnumeratorForLeadSurrogate((char)0xd87e, m))
                    Trie2Range r = it.Current;
                    assertEquals("", 0x2f800, r.StartCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0x2fbff, r.EndCodePoint);
                    assertEquals("", 0xdefa17, r.Value);
                    assertEquals("", false, r.IsLeadSurrogate);

                    assertFalse("", it.MoveNext());

            // Trie2.serialize()
            //     Test the implementation in Trie2, which is used with Read Only Tries.
                Trie2Writable trie = new Trie2Writable(101, 0);
                trie.SetRange(0xf000, 0x3c000, 200, true);
                trie.Set(0xffee, 300);
                Trie2_16 frozen16 = trie.ToTrie2_16();
                Trie2_32 frozen32 = trie.ToTrie2_32();
                assertEquals("", trie, frozen16);
                assertEquals("", trie, frozen32);
                assertEquals("", frozen16, frozen32);
                MemoryStream os = new MemoryStream();
                    Trie2 unserialized16 = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.Wrap(os.ToArray()));
                    assertEquals("", trie, unserialized16);
                    assertEquals("", typeof(Trie2_16), unserialized16.GetType());

                    os.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                    Trie2 unserialized32 = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.Wrap(os.ToArray()));
                    assertEquals("", trie, unserialized32);
                    assertEquals("", typeof(Trie2_32), unserialized32.GetType());
                catch (IOException e)
                    Errln(where () + " Unexpected exception:  " + e);
예제 #2
        public void TestTrie2WritableAPI()
            //   Trie2Writable methods.  Check that all functions are present and
            //      nominally working.  Not an in-depth test.

            // Trie2Writable constructor
            Trie2 t1 = new Trie2Writable(6, 666);

            // Constructor from another Trie2
            Trie2 t2 = new Trie2Writable(t1);

            assertTrue("", t1.Equals(t2));

            // Set / Get
            Trie2Writable t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);

            t1w.Set(0x4567, 99);
            assertEquals("", 10, t1w.Get(0x4566));
            assertEquals("", 99, t1w.Get(0x4567));
            assertEquals("", 666, t1w.Get(-1));
            assertEquals("", 666, t1w.Get(0x110000));

            // SetRange
            t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
            t1w.SetRange(13 /*start*/, 6666 /*end*/, 7788 /*value*/, false /*overwrite */);
            t1w.SetRange(6000, 7000, 9900, true);
            assertEquals("", 10, t1w.Get(12));
            assertEquals("", 7788, t1w.Get(13));
            assertEquals("", 7788, t1w.Get(5999));
            assertEquals("", 9900, t1w.Get(6000));
            assertEquals("", 9900, t1w.Get(7000));
            assertEquals("", 10, t1w.Get(7001));
            assertEquals("", 666, t1w.Get(0x110000));

            // setRange from a Trie2.Range
            //    (Ranges are more commonly created by iterating over a Trie2,
            //     but create one by hand here)
            Trie2Range r = new Trie2Range();

            r.StartCodePoint  = 50;
            r.EndCodePoint    = 52;
            r.Value           = 0x12345678;
            r.IsLeadSurrogate = false;
            t1w = new Trie2Writable(0, 0xbad);
            t1w.SetRange(r, true);
            assertEquals(null, 0, t1w.Get(49));
            assertEquals("", 0x12345678, t1w.Get(50));
            assertEquals("", 0x12345678, t1w.Get(52));
            assertEquals("", 0, t1w.Get(53));

            // setForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit / getFromU16SingleLead
            t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 0xbad);
            assertEquals("", 10, t1w.GetFromU16SingleLead((char)0x0d801));
            t1w.SetForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xd801, 5000);
            t1w.Set(0xd801, 6000);
            assertEquals("", 5000, t1w.GetFromU16SingleLead((char)0x0d801));
            assertEquals("", 6000, t1w.Get(0x0d801));

            // get().  Is covered by nearly every other test.

            // Trie2_16 getAsFrozen_16()
            t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
            t1w.Set(42, 5555);
            t1w.Set(0x1ff00, 224);
            Trie2_16 t1_16 = t1w.ToTrie2_16();

            assertTrue("", t1w.Equals(t1_16));
            // alter the writable Trie2 and then re-freeze.
            t1w.Set(152, 129);
            t1_16 = t1w.ToTrie2_16();
            assertTrue("", t1w.Equals(t1_16));
            assertEquals("", 129, t1w.Get(152));

            // Trie2_32 getAsFrozen_32()
            t1w = new Trie2Writable(10, 666);
            t1w.Set(42, 5555);
            t1w.Set(0x1ff00, 224);
            Trie2_32 t1_32 = t1w.ToTrie2_32();

            assertTrue("", t1w.Equals(t1_32));
            // alter the writable Trie2 and then re-freeze.
            t1w.Set(152, 129);
            assertNotEquals("", t1_32, t1w);
            t1_32 = t1w.ToTrie2_32();
            assertTrue("", t1w.Equals(t1_32));
            assertEquals("", 129, t1w.Get(152));

            // serialize(OutputStream os, ValueWidth width)
            MemoryStream os = new MemoryStream();

            t1w = new Trie2Writable(0, 0xbad);
            t1w.Set(0x41, 0x100);
            t1w.Set(0xc2, 0x200);
            t1w.Set(0x404, 0x300);
            t1w.Set(0xd903, 0x500);
            t1w.Set(0xdd29, 0x600);
            t1w.Set(0x1055d3, 0x700);
            t1w.SetForLeadSurrogateCodeUnit((char)0xda1a, 0x800);
                // Serialize to 16 bits.
                int serializedLen = t1w.ToTrie2_16().Serialize(os);
                // Fragile test.  Serialized length could change with changes to compaction.
                //                But it should not change unexpectedly.
                assertEquals("", 3508, serializedLen);
                Trie2 t1ws16 = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.Wrap(os.ToArray()));
                assertEquals("", t1ws16.GetType(), typeof(Trie2_16));
                assertEquals("", t1w, t1ws16);

                // Serialize to 32 bits
                os.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);
                serializedLen = t1w.ToTrie2_32().Serialize(os);
                // Fragile test.  Serialized length could change with changes to compaction.
                //                But it should not change unexpectedly.
                assertEquals("", 4332, serializedLen);
                Trie2 t1ws32 = Trie2.CreateFromSerialized(ByteBuffer.Wrap(os.ToArray()));
                assertEquals("", t1ws32.GetType(), typeof(Trie2_32));
                assertEquals("", t1w, t1ws32);
            catch (IOException e)
                Errln(where () + e.ToString());