예제 #1
        public void AddGraphObstacles(Simulator sim, NavGraph graph)
            if (this.obstacles.get_Count() > 0 && this.lastSim != null && this.lastSim != sim)
            this.lastSim = sim;
            INavmesh navmesh = graph as INavmesh;

            if (navmesh == null)
            int[] uses = new int[20];
            navmesh.GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode _node)
                TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = _node as TriangleMeshNode;
                uses[0] = (uses[1] = (uses[2] = 0));
                if (triangleMeshNode != null)
                    for (int i = 0; i < triangleMeshNode.connections.Length; i++)
                        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = triangleMeshNode.connections[i] as TriangleMeshNode;
                        if (triangleMeshNode2 != null)
                            int num = triangleMeshNode.SharedEdge(triangleMeshNode2);
                            if (num != -1)
                                uses[num] = 1;
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        if (uses[j] == 0)
                            VInt3 vertex  = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(j);
                            VInt3 vertex2 = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex((j + 1) % triangleMeshNode.GetVertexCount());
                            this.obstacles.Add(sim.AddObstacle(vertex, vertex2, this.wallHeight));
예제 #2
    private void DrawTriangles()
        // draw all graph nodes
        Vector3 offsetUp = new Vector3(0f, 0.1f, 0f);

        for (int graphIndex = 0; graphIndex < AstarPath.active.graphs.Length; ++graphIndex)
            NavGraph graph = AstarPath.active.graphs[graphIndex];
            INavmesh ng    = graph as INavmesh;
            if (null != ng)
                ng.GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode _node)
                    // if we are only displaying one region, and this is not that region
                    if (desplaySpecifiedRegion != DisplayAllRegions && desplaySpecifiedRegion != _node.Area)

                    Color theColor = graph.NodeColor(_node, AstarPath.active.debugPathData);
                    theColor.a     = navMeshAlpha;

                    TriangleMeshNode node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;
                    if (!node.Walkable)
                        theColor = Color.black;


                    Vector3 vert0 = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(0);
                    Vector3 vert1 = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(1);
                    Vector3 vert2 = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(2);

                    GL.Vertex(vert0 + offsetUp);
                    GL.Vertex(vert1 + offsetUp);
                    GL.Vertex(vert2 + offsetUp);

예제 #3
    private static float CalculateY(Vector3 pf, TriangleMeshNode node)
        Vector3 vector;
        Vector3 vector2;
        Vector3 vector3;

        node.GetPoints(out vector, out vector2, out vector3);
        float num  = ((vector2.z - vector3.z) * (vector.x - vector3.x)) + ((vector3.x - vector2.x) * (vector.z - vector3.z));
        float num2 = 1f / num;
        float num3 = ((vector2.z - vector3.z) * (pf.x - vector3.x)) + ((vector3.x - vector2.x) * (pf.z - vector3.z));

        num3 *= num2;
        float num4 = ((vector3.z - vector.z) * (pf.x - vector3.x)) + ((vector.x - vector3.x) * (pf.z - vector3.z));

        num4 *= num2;
        float num5 = (1f - num3) - num4;

        return(((num3 * vector.y) + (num4 * vector2.y)) + (num5 * vector3.y));
예제 #4
    private static float CalculateY(Vector3 pf, TriangleMeshNode node)
        Vector3 vector;
        Vector3 vector2;
        Vector3 vector3;

        node.GetPoints(ref vector, ref vector2, ref vector3);
        float num  = (vector2.z - vector3.z) * (vector.x - vector3.x) + (vector3.x - vector2.x) * (vector.z - vector3.z);
        float num2 = 1f / num;
        float num3 = (vector2.z - vector3.z) * (pf.x - vector3.x) + (vector3.x - vector2.x) * (pf.z - vector3.z);

        num3 *= num2;
        float num4 = (vector3.z - vector.z) * (pf.x - vector3.x) + (vector.x - vector3.x) * (pf.z - vector3.z);

        num4 *= num2;
        float num5 = 1f - num3 - num4;

        return(num3 * vector.y + num4 * vector2.y + num5 * vector3.y);
예제 #5
    private bool NodeHas2VerticesTouchingEdge(TriangleMeshNode node, Vector3 axisFilter, Int3 valueInt3)
        isTouching = true;

        node.GetVertices(out v0, out v1, out v2);
        if (axisFilter.x != 0)
            isTouching = isTouching && (Mathf.Abs(v0.x - valueInt3.x) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) + (Mathf.Abs(v1.x - valueInt3.x) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) + (Mathf.Abs(v2.x - valueInt3.x) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) >= 1;
        if (axisFilter.y != 0)
            isTouching = isTouching && (Mathf.Abs(v0.y - valueInt3.y) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) + (Mathf.Abs(v1.y - valueInt3.y) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) + (Mathf.Abs(v2.y - valueInt3.y) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) >= 1;
        if (axisFilter.z != 0)
            isTouching = isTouching && (Mathf.Abs(v0.z - valueInt3.z) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) + (Mathf.Abs(v1.z - valueInt3.z) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) + (Mathf.Abs(v2.z - valueInt3.z) <= maxGap_Int3 ? 1 : 0) >= 1;

예제 #6
    public static bool GetGroundY(VInt3 pos, out VInt groundY)
        if (AstarPath.active == null)
            groundY = pos.y;
        groundY   = pos.y;
        acotrName = "null";
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = AstarPath.active.astarData.GetLocatedByRasterizer(pos);

        if (locatedByRasterizer == null)
        float num = CalculateY_Clamped((Vector3)pos, locatedByRasterizer);

        groundY = (VInt)num;
    private static float CalculateY_Clamped(Vector3 pf, TriangleMeshNode node)
        Vector3 vector;
        Vector3 vector2;
        Vector3 vector3;

        node.GetPoints(out vector, out vector2, out vector3);
        float num  = (vector2.z - vector3.z) * (vector.x - vector3.x) + (vector3.x - vector2.x) * (vector.z - vector3.z);
        float num2 = 1f / num;
        float num3 = (vector2.z - vector3.z) * (pf.x - vector3.x) + (vector3.x - vector2.x) * (pf.z - vector3.z);

        num3 *= num2;
        num3  = Mathf.Clamp01(num3);
        float num4 = (vector3.z - vector.z) * (pf.x - vector3.x) + (vector.x - vector3.x) * (pf.z - vector3.z);

        num4 *= num2;
        num4  = Mathf.Clamp01(num4);
        float num5 = Mathf.Clamp01(1f - num3 - num4);

        return(num3 * vector.y + num4 * vector2.y + num5 * vector3.y);
    public static bool GetGroundY(VInt3 pos, out VInt groundY)
        if (!AstarPath.active)
            groundY = pos.y;
        groundY = pos.y;
        PathfindingUtility.acotrName = "null";
        AstarData        astarData           = AstarPath.active.astarData;
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = astarData.GetLocatedByRasterizer(pos);

        if (locatedByRasterizer == null)
        float f = PathfindingUtility.CalculateY_Clamped((Vector3)pos, locatedByRasterizer);

        groundY = (VInt)f;
예제 #9
    public static bool GetGroundY(ActorRoot actor, out VInt groundY)
        if ((AstarPath.active == null) || (actor == null))
            groundY = (actor == null) ? 0 : actor.groundY;
        groundY   = actor.groundY;
        acotrName = (actor == null) ? string.Empty : actor.name;
        VInt3            location            = actor.location;
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = AstarPath.active.astarData.GetLocatedByRasterizer(location);

        if (locatedByRasterizer == null)
        float num2 = CalculateY_Clamped((Vector3)location, locatedByRasterizer);

        groundY = (VInt)num2;
예제 #10
    public static bool GetGroundY(Actor actor, out Int1 groundY)
        if (!AstarPath.active || actor == null)
            groundY = ((actor == null) ? 0 :(int)actor.ActorTransform.position.y);
        groundY = (int)actor.ActorTransform.position.y;
        PathfindingUtility.acotrName = ((actor == null) ? string.Empty : actor.ActorId.ToString());
        Int3             location            = (Int3)actor.ActorTransform.position;
        AstarData        astarData           = AstarPath.active.astarData;
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = astarData.GetLocatedByRasterizer(location);

        if (locatedByRasterizer == null)
        float f = PathfindingUtility.CalculateY_Clamped((Vector3)location, locatedByRasterizer);

        groundY = (Int1)f;
예제 #11
    private static Int3 InternalMove(Int3 srcLoc, Int3 delta, ref Int1 groundY, Actor actor)
        if (!AstarPath.active)

        //if (delta.x == 0 && delta.z == 0)
        //  return delta;

        Int3             vInt             = srcLoc + delta;
        int              startEdge        = -1;
        int              actorCamp        = (int)actor.CampId;
        AstarData        data             = AstarPath.active.astarData;
        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = data.GetLocatedByRasterizer(srcLoc);

        if (triangleMeshNode == null)
            TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = data.IntersectByRasterizer(srcLoc, vInt, out startEdge);
            if (triangleMeshNode2 == null)
            triangleMeshNode = triangleMeshNode2;
        Int3 lhs;

        PathfindingUtility.MoveFromNode(triangleMeshNode, startEdge, srcLoc, vInt, out lhs);

        groundY = lhs.y;
        if (!PathfindingUtility.MoveAxisY)
            lhs.y = srcLoc.y;
        return(lhs - srcLoc);
    public static bool GetGroundY(ActorRoot actor, out VInt groundY)
        if (!AstarPath.active || actor == null)
            groundY = ((actor != null) ? actor.groundY : 0);
        groundY = actor.groundY;
        PathfindingUtility.acotrName = ((actor != null) ? actor.name : string.Empty);
        VInt3            location            = actor.location;
        AstarData        astarData           = AstarPath.active.astarData;
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = astarData.GetLocatedByRasterizer(location);

        if (locatedByRasterizer == null)
        float f = PathfindingUtility.CalculateY_Clamped((Vector3)location, locatedByRasterizer);

        groundY = (VInt)f;
예제 #13
    public static List <Vector3> GetRandomPointsOnNavmesh(Vector3 origin, int count, float maxRadius, float minRadius = 0.0f)
        List <TriangleMeshNode> validNodes = GetAllNodesInRadius(origin, maxRadius);

        // remove nodes in smaller radius
        if (minRadius > 0.0f)
            List <TriangleMeshNode> invalidNodes = GetAllNodesInRadius(origin, minRadius);
            for (int i = 0; i < invalidNodes.Count; i++)

        List <Vector3> points = new List <Vector3>();

        if (validNodes.Count == 0)
            //EB.Debug.LogError("No valid navmesh nodes found!");
        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            TriangleMeshNode randomNode  = validNodes[UnityEngine.Random.Range(0, validNodes.Count)];
            Vector3          randomPoint = RandomPointInTrangle((Vector3)randomNode.GetVertex(0), (Vector3)randomNode.GetVertex(1), (Vector3)randomNode.GetVertex(2));

            float dist = (randomPoint - origin).magnitude;
            if (dist <= maxRadius && dist > minRadius)
                points.Add(origin + (randomPoint - origin).normalized * (minRadius + maxRadius) / 2.0f);

    public static bool ValidateTarget(VInt3 loc, VInt3 target, out VInt3 newTarget, out int nodeIndex)
        newTarget = target;
        nodeIndex = -1;
        if (!AstarPath.active)
        AstarData        astarData           = AstarPath.active.astarData;
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = astarData.GetLocatedByRasterizer(target);

        if (locatedByRasterizer != null)
        int num = -1;
        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = astarData.IntersectByRasterizer(target, loc, out num);

        if (triangleMeshNode == null)
        VInt3[] staticVerts = PathfindingUtility._staticVerts;
        triangleMeshNode.GetPoints(out staticVerts[0], out staticVerts[1], out staticVerts[2]);
        bool  flag = false;
        VInt3 vInt = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref target, ref loc, ref staticVerts[num], ref staticVerts[(num + 1) % 3], out flag);

        if (!flag)
        if (!PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref vInt, triangleMeshNode, -4, 4, -4, 4, VInt3.zero))
        newTarget = vInt;
예제 #15
    // see if an infinite virtical ray intersects the plane of the triangle node
    public static bool VirticalRayPlaneIntersection(Vector2 rayFrom, TriangleMeshNode node, ref Vector3 intersectionPoint)
        Vector3 vertZero = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(0);
        Vector3 vertOne  = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(1);
        Vector3 vertTwo  = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(2);

        Vector3 nodeNormal = Vector3.Cross(vertOne - vertZero, vertTwo - vertZero).normalized;
        Plane   plane      = new Plane(nodeNormal, (Vector3)node.position); // create a plane from the triangle normal and a position on the triangle plane

        // make sure our ray starts below the triangle, so a virtical up ray will hit it
        float   minTriangleY = Mathf.Min(vertZero.y, Mathf.Min(vertOne.y, vertTwo.y)) - 1f;
        Vector3 rayFrom3d    = new Vector3(rayFrom.x, minTriangleY, rayFrom.y);
        Ray     ray          = new Ray(rayFrom3d, Vector3.up);

        float dist = 0f;

        if (plane.Raycast(ray, out dist))
            intersectionPoint = rayFrom3d + Vector3.up * dist;
예제 #16
 private static bool CheckNearestNodeIntersection(TriangleMeshNode node, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, ref int edge)
     if (!node.ContainsPoint(destLoc))
         int     num      = 0;
         VInt3[] numArray = _staticVerts;
         node.GetPoints(out numArray[0], out numArray[1], out numArray[2]);
         float   maxValue = float.MaxValue;
         int     num3     = -1;
         Vector3 vector   = (Vector3)srcLoc;
         Vector3 vector2  = (Vector3)destLoc;
         for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
             if (Polygon.Intersects(numArray[i], numArray[(i + 1) % 3], srcLoc, destLoc))
                 bool flag;
                 Vector3 b = Polygon.IntersectionPoint((Vector3)numArray[i], (Vector3)numArray[(i + 1) % 3], vector, vector2, out flag);
                 float num5 = vector.XZSqrMagnitude(ref b);
                 if (num5 < maxValue)
                     maxValue = num5;
                     num3     = i;
         if ((num != 2) || (num3 == -1))
             object[] args = new object[] { srcLoc, destLoc, node.NodeIndex, acotrName };
             string   str  = string.Format("Nav: Can't move, src:{0}, dest:{1}, node:{2}, actor:{3}", args);
         edge = num3;
예제 #17
    private static VInt3 InternalMove(VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 delta, ref VInt groundY, ActorRoot actor)
        VInt3 num4;

        if (AstarPath.active == null)
        if ((delta.x == 0) && (delta.z == 0))
        VInt3            end                 = srcLoc + delta;
        int              edge                = -1;
        int              actorCamp           = (int)actor.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp;
        AstarData        data                = AstarPath.active.GetData(actorCamp);
        TriangleMeshNode locatedByRasterizer = data.GetLocatedByRasterizer(srcLoc);

        if (locatedByRasterizer == null)
            TriangleMeshNode node2 = data.IntersectByRasterizer(srcLoc, end, out edge);
            if (node2 == null)
            locatedByRasterizer = node2;
        MoveFromNode(locatedByRasterizer, edge, srcLoc, end, out num4);
        groundY = num4.y;
        if (!MoveAxisY)
            num4.y = srcLoc.y;
        return(num4 - srcLoc);
예제 #18
    private static void CalculateY(ref VInt3 point, TriangleMeshNode node)
        float num = CalculateY((Vector3)point, node);

        point.y = Mathf.RoundToInt(num * 1000f);
예제 #19
 private static void MoveFromNode(TriangleMeshNode node, int startEdge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, MoveDirectionState state, out VInt3 result)
     result = srcLoc;
     while (node != null)
         int num;
         int num10;
         int count = 2;
         if (node.IsVertex(srcLoc, out num))
             int vertexIndex             = node.GetVertexIndex(num);
             List <TMNodeInfo> nodeInfos = null;
             GetAllNodesByVert(ref nodeInfos, node, vertexIndex);
             TriangleMeshNode node2 = null;
             int vi = -1;
             for (int i = 0; i < nodeInfos.Count; i++)
                 TMNodeInfo info = nodeInfos[i];
                 if ((!checkedNodes.Contains(info.node) && !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(info.v0, info.v2, destLoc)) && Polygon.Left(info.v0, info.v1, destLoc))
                     node2 = info.node;
                     vi    = info.vi;
             if (node2 != null)
                 node      = node2;
                 startEdge = (vi + 1) % 3;
                 count     = 1;
                 int     num6   = -1;
                 VFactor factor = new VFactor {
                     nom = -2L,
                     den = 1L
                 for (int j = 0; j < nodeInfos.Count; j++)
                     TMNodeInfo info2 = nodeInfos[j];
                     if (!checkedNodes.Contains(info2.node))
                         int     num8;
                         VFactor factor2 = info2.GetCosineAngle(destLoc, state, out num8);
                         if (factor2 > factor)
                             factor = factor2;
                             num6   = num8;
                             node2  = info2.node;
                 if (node2 != null)
                     MoveAlongEdge(node2, num6, srcLoc, destLoc, state, out result, true);
         int edge = -1;
         if (startEdge == -1)
             edge = node.EdgeIntersect(srcLoc, destLoc);
             edge = node.EdgeIntersect(srcLoc, destLoc, startEdge, count);
         if (edge == -1)
             if (node.ContainsPoint(destLoc))
                 result = destLoc;
                 if (MoveAxisY)
                     CalculateY(ref result, node);
                 edge = node.GetColinearEdge(srcLoc, destLoc);
                 if (edge != -1)
                     MoveAlongEdge(node, edge, srcLoc, destLoc, state, out result, true);
         TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(edge, out num10);
         if (neighborByEdge != null)
             node      = neighborByEdge;
             startEdge = num10 + 1;
             count     = 2;
             MoveAlongEdge(node, edge, srcLoc, destLoc, state, out result, true);
    private static void GetAllNodesByVert(ref List <PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo> nodeInfos, TriangleMeshNode startNode, int vertIndex)
        if (nodeInfos == null)
            nodeInfos = new List <PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nodeInfos.get_Count(); i++)
            if (nodeInfos.get_Item(i).node == startNode)
        int num;

        if (startNode.v0 == vertIndex)
            num = 0;
        else if (startNode.v1 == vertIndex)
            num = 1;
            if (startNode.v2 != vertIndex)
            num = 2;
        PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo tMNodeInfo = default(PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo);
        tMNodeInfo.vi   = num;
        tMNodeInfo.node = startNode;
        tMNodeInfo.v0   = startNode.GetVertex(num % 3);
        tMNodeInfo.v1   = startNode.GetVertex((num + 1) % 3);
        tMNodeInfo.v2   = startNode.GetVertex((num + 2) % 3);
        if (startNode.connections != null)
            for (int j = 0; j < startNode.connections.Length; j++)
                TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = startNode.connections[j] as TriangleMeshNode;
                if (triangleMeshNode != null && triangleMeshNode.GraphIndex == startNode.GraphIndex)
                    PathfindingUtility.GetAllNodesByVert(ref nodeInfos, triangleMeshNode, vertIndex);
예제 #21
    private static void MoveAlongEdge(TriangleMeshNode node, int edge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, MoveDirectionState state, out VInt3 result, bool checkAnotherEdge = true)
        bool flag;

        DebugHelper.Assert((edge >= 0) && (edge <= 2));
        VInt3 vertex = node.GetVertex(edge);
        VInt3 num2   = node.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3);
        VInt3 a      = destLoc - srcLoc;

        a.y = 0;
        VInt3 lhs = num2 - vertex;

        lhs.y = 0;
        int num5 = 0;

        if (state != null)
            num5 = a.magnitude2D * 0x3e8;
            VInt3 num6 = !state.enabled ? a : state.firstAdjDir;
            if (VInt3.Dot(ref lhs, ref num6) < 0)
                num5 = -num5;
                num6 = -lhs;
                num6 = lhs;
            if (!state.enabled)
                state.enabled     = true;
                state.firstAdjDir = VInt3.Lerp(a, num6, 1, 3);
                state.firstDir    = state.curDir;
                state.adjDir      = num6;
            else if (VInt3.Dot(ref state.adjDir, ref num6) >= 0)
                state.adjDir = num6;
                num5 = 0;
            state.applied = true;
            num5 = (lhs.x * a.x) + (lhs.z * a.z);
        VInt3 rhs = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref vertex, ref num2, ref srcLoc, ref destLoc, out flag);

        if (!flag)
            if (!Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, num2, srcLoc) || !Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, num2, destLoc))
                result = srcLoc;
            if (num5 >= 0)
                int num8 = (lhs.x * (num2.x - vertex.x)) + (lhs.z * (num2.z - vertex.z));
                int num9 = (lhs.x * (destLoc.x - vertex.x)) + (lhs.z * (destLoc.z - vertex.z));
                rhs = (num8 <= num9) ? num2 : destLoc;
                DebugHelper.Assert((num8 >= 0) && (num9 >= 0));
                int num10 = (-lhs.x * (vertex.x - num2.x)) - (lhs.z * (vertex.z - num2.z));
                int num11 = (-lhs.x * (destLoc.x - num2.x)) - (lhs.z * (destLoc.z - num2.z));
                rhs = (Mathf.Abs(num10) <= Mathf.Abs(num11)) ? vertex : destLoc;
                DebugHelper.Assert((num10 >= 0) && (num11 >= 0));
        int num12 = -IntMath.Sqrt(vertex.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L);
        int num13 = IntMath.Sqrt(num2.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L);

        if ((num5 >= num12) && (num5 <= num13))
            result = IntMath.Divide(lhs, (long)num5, 0xf4240L) + rhs;
            if (!node.ContainsPoint(result))
                int     num16;
                int     num17;
                int     num18;
                int     num19;
                Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(num2 - vertex);
                vector.y = 0f;
                VInt3 num14 = num2 - vertex;
                num14.y = 0;
                num14  *= 0x2710;
                long    magnitude = num14.magnitude;
                VFactor factor    = new VFactor {
                    nom = num5,
                    den = magnitude * 0x3e8L
                getMinMax(out num16, out num18, (long)num14.x, ref factor);
                getMinMax(out num17, out num19, (long)num14.z, ref factor);
                if (!MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num16, num18, num17, num19, srcLoc) && !MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num16 - 4, num18 + 4, num17 - 4, num19 + 4, srcLoc))
                    result = srcLoc;
            if (MoveAxisY)
                CalculateY(ref result, node);
            int   num20;
            int   num21;
            VInt3 num22;
            int   num24;
            if (num5 < num12)
                num20 = num5 - num12;
                num21 = (edge + 2) % 3;
                num22 = vertex;
                num20 = num5 - num13;
                num21 = (edge + 1) % 3;
                num22 = num2;
            VInt3            num23          = (VInt3)((lhs * num20) / 1000000f);
            TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(num21, out num24);
            if (neighborByEdge != null)
                MoveFromNode(neighborByEdge, num24, num22, num23 + num22, state, out result);
                if (checkAnotherEdge)
                    VInt3 num27 = node.GetVertex((edge + 2) % 3) - num22;
                    if (VInt3.Dot(num27.NormalizeTo(0x3e8), num23) > 0)
                        MoveAlongEdge(node, num21, num22, num23 + num22, state, out result, false);
                result = num22;
 private static void MoveFromNode(TriangleMeshNode node, int startEdge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, MoveDirectionState state, out VInt3 result)
     result = srcLoc;
     while (node != null)
         int count = 2;
         int i;
         if (node.IsVertex(srcLoc, out i))
             int vertexIndex = node.GetVertexIndex(i);
             List <PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo> list = null;
             PathfindingUtility.GetAllNodesByVert(ref list, node, vertexIndex);
             TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = null;
             int num = -1;
             for (int j = 0; j < list.get_Count(); j++)
                 PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo tMNodeInfo = list.get_Item(j);
                 if (!PathfindingUtility.checkedNodes.Contains(tMNodeInfo.node) && !Polygon.LeftNotColinear(tMNodeInfo.v0, tMNodeInfo.v2, destLoc) && Polygon.Left(tMNodeInfo.v0, tMNodeInfo.v1, destLoc))
                     triangleMeshNode = tMNodeInfo.node;
                     num = tMNodeInfo.vi;
             if (triangleMeshNode != null)
                 node      = triangleMeshNode;
                 startEdge = (num + 1) % 3;
                 count     = 1;
                 int     edge = -1;
                 VFactor b    = new VFactor
                     nom = -2L,
                     den = 1L
                 for (int k = 0; k < list.get_Count(); k++)
                     PathfindingUtility.TMNodeInfo tMNodeInfo2 = list.get_Item(k);
                     if (!PathfindingUtility.checkedNodes.Contains(tMNodeInfo2.node))
                         int     num2;
                         VFactor cosineAngle = tMNodeInfo2.GetCosineAngle(destLoc, state, out num2);
                         if (cosineAngle > b)
                             b                = cosineAngle;
                             edge             = num2;
                             triangleMeshNode = tMNodeInfo2.node;
                 if (triangleMeshNode != null)
                     PathfindingUtility.MoveAlongEdge(triangleMeshNode, edge, srcLoc, destLoc, state, out result, true);
         int num3;
         if (startEdge == -1)
             num3 = node.EdgeIntersect(srcLoc, destLoc);
             num3 = node.EdgeIntersect(srcLoc, destLoc, startEdge, count);
         if (num3 == -1)
             if (node.ContainsPoint(destLoc))
                 result = destLoc;
                 if (PathfindingUtility.MoveAxisY)
                     PathfindingUtility.CalculateY(ref result, node);
                 num3 = node.GetColinearEdge(srcLoc, destLoc);
                 if (num3 != -1)
                     PathfindingUtility.MoveAlongEdge(node, num3, srcLoc, destLoc, state, out result, true);
         int num4;
         TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(num3, out num4);
         if (neighborByEdge == null)
             PathfindingUtility.MoveAlongEdge(node, num3, srcLoc, destLoc, state, out result, true);
         node      = neighborByEdge;
         startEdge = num4 + 1;
    private static void MoveAlongEdge(TriangleMeshNode node, int edge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, MoveDirectionState state, out VInt3 result, bool checkAnotherEdge = true)
        DebugHelper.Assert(edge >= 0 && edge <= 2);
        VInt3 vertex  = node.GetVertex(edge);
        VInt3 vertex2 = node.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3);
        VInt3 vInt    = destLoc - srcLoc;

        vInt.y = 0;
        VInt3 vInt2 = vertex2 - vertex;

        vInt2.y = 0;
        int num;

        if (state != null)
            num = vInt.magnitude2D * 1000;
            VInt3 vInt3 = state.enabled ? state.firstAdjDir : vInt;
            if (VInt3.Dot(ref vInt2, ref vInt3) < 0)
                num   = -num;
                vInt3 = -vInt2;
                vInt3 = vInt2;
            if (!state.enabled)
                state.enabled     = true;
                state.firstAdjDir = VInt3.Lerp(vInt, vInt3, 1, 3);
                state.firstDir    = state.curDir;
                state.adjDir      = vInt3;
            else if (VInt3.Dot(ref state.adjDir, ref vInt3) >= 0)
                state.adjDir = vInt3;
                num = 0;
            state.applied = true;
            num = vInt2.x * vInt.x + vInt2.z * vInt.z;
        bool  flag;
        VInt3 rhs = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref vertex, ref vertex2, ref srcLoc, ref destLoc, out flag);

        if (!flag)
            if (!Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, vertex2, srcLoc) || !Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, vertex2, destLoc))
                result = srcLoc;
            if (num >= 0)
                int num2 = vInt2.x * (vertex2.x - vertex.x) + vInt2.z * (vertex2.z - vertex.z);
                int num3 = vInt2.x * (destLoc.x - vertex.x) + vInt2.z * (destLoc.z - vertex.z);
                rhs = ((num2 > num3) ? destLoc : vertex2);
                DebugHelper.Assert(num2 >= 0 && num3 >= 0);
                int num4 = -vInt2.x * (vertex.x - vertex2.x) - vInt2.z * (vertex.z - vertex2.z);
                int num5 = -vInt2.x * (destLoc.x - vertex2.x) - vInt2.z * (destLoc.z - vertex2.z);
                rhs = ((Mathf.Abs(num4) > Mathf.Abs(num5)) ? destLoc : vertex);
                DebugHelper.Assert(num4 >= 0 && num5 >= 0);
        int num6 = -IntMath.Sqrt(vertex.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 1000000L);
        int num7 = IntMath.Sqrt(vertex2.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 1000000L);

        if (num >= num6 && num <= num7)
            result = IntMath.Divide(vInt2, (long)num, 1000000L) + rhs;
            if (!node.ContainsPoint(result))
                Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(vertex2 - vertex);
                vector.y = 0f;
                VInt3 lhs = vertex2 - vertex;
                lhs.y = 0;
                lhs  *= 10000;
                long    num8    = (long)lhs.magnitude;
                VFactor vFactor = default(VFactor);
                vFactor.nom = (long)num;
                vFactor.den = num8 * 1000L;
                int num9;
                int num10;
                PathfindingUtility.getMinMax(out num9, out num10, (long)lhs.x, ref vFactor);
                int num11;
                int num12;
                PathfindingUtility.getMinMax(out num11, out num12, (long)lhs.z, ref vFactor);
                if (!PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num9, num10, num11, num12, srcLoc) && !PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num9 - 4, num10 + 4, num11 - 4, num12 + 4, srcLoc))
                    result = srcLoc;
            if (PathfindingUtility.MoveAxisY)
                PathfindingUtility.CalculateY(ref result, node);
            int   rhs2;
            int   edge2;
            VInt3 vInt4;
            if (num < num6)
                rhs2  = num - num6;
                edge2 = (edge + 2) % 3;
                vInt4 = vertex;
                rhs2  = num - num7;
                edge2 = (edge + 1) % 3;
                vInt4 = vertex2;
            VInt3            vInt5 = vInt2 * rhs2 / 1000000f;
            int              startEdge;
            TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(edge2, out startEdge);
            if (neighborByEdge != null)
                PathfindingUtility.MoveFromNode(neighborByEdge, startEdge, vInt4, vInt5 + vInt4, state, out result);
                if (checkAnotherEdge)
                    VInt3 vertex3 = node.GetVertex((edge + 2) % 3);
                    VInt3 lhs2    = (vertex3 - vInt4).NormalizeTo(1000);
                    if (VInt3.Dot(lhs2, vInt5) > 0)
                        PathfindingUtility.MoveAlongEdge(node, edge2, vInt4, vInt5 + vInt4, state, out result, false);
                result = vInt4;
예제 #24
        public void AddGraphObstacles(Simulator sim, INavmesh ng)
            if (this.obstacles.Count > 0 && this.lastSim != null && this.lastSim != sim)
                Debug.LogError("Simulator has changed but some old obstacles are still added for the previous simulator. Deleting previous obstacles.");
            this.lastSim = sim;
            int[] uses = new int[20];
            Dictionary <int, int>  outline         = new Dictionary <int, int>();
            Dictionary <int, Int3> vertexPositions = new Dictionary <int, Int3>();
            HashSet <int>          hasInEdge       = new HashSet <int>();

            ng.GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode _node)
                TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = _node as TriangleMeshNode;
                uses[0] = (uses[1] = (uses[2] = 0));
                if (triangleMeshNode != null)
                    for (int j = 0; j < triangleMeshNode.connections.Length; j++)
                        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = triangleMeshNode.connections[j] as TriangleMeshNode;
                        if (triangleMeshNode2 != null)
                            int num3 = triangleMeshNode.SharedEdge(triangleMeshNode2);
                            if (num3 != -1)
                                uses[num3] = 1;
                    for (int k = 0; k < 3; k++)
                        if (uses[k] == 0)
                            int i2 = k;
                            int i3 = (k + 1) % triangleMeshNode.GetVertexCount();
                            outline[triangleMeshNode.GetVertexIndex(i2)] = triangleMeshNode.GetVertexIndex(i3);
                            vertexPositions[triangleMeshNode.GetVertexIndex(i2)] = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(i2);
                            vertexPositions[triangleMeshNode.GetVertexIndex(i3)] = triangleMeshNode.GetVertex(i3);
            for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
                bool flag = i == 1;
                foreach (int num in new List <int>(outline.Keys))
                    if (flag || !hasInEdge.Contains(num))
                        int            key  = num;
                        List <Vector3> list = new List <Vector3>();
                        while (outline.ContainsKey(key))
                            int num2 = outline[key];
                            Vector3 item = (Vector3)vertexPositions[num2];
                            if (num2 == num)
                            key = num2;
                        if (list.Count > 1)
                            sim.AddObstacle(list.ToArray(), this.wallHeight, flag);
예제 #25
    void SerializeUnityNavMesh(NavMeshTriangulation unityNavMesh, ref RecastGraph recast)
        if (active == null || active.data == null)

        var vertMap = ObjectPoolSimple <Dictionary <int, int> > .Claim();

        var totalVoxelWidth = (int)(recast.forcedBoundsSize.x / recast.cellSize + 0.5f);
        var totalVoxelDepth = (int)(recast.forcedBoundsSize.z / recast.cellSize + 0.5f);
        var tileSizeX       = recast.editorTileSize;
        var tileSizeZ       = recast.editorTileSize;
        var tileXCount      = (totalVoxelWidth + tileSizeX - 1) / tileSizeX;
        var tileZCount      = (totalVoxelDepth + tileSizeZ - 1) / tileSizeZ;
        var tileWorldSize   = recast.TileWorldSizeX;
        var bucket          = ArrayPool <List <int> > .Claim((tileXCount + 1) *(tileZCount + 1));

        for (int i = 0; i < unityNavMesh.vertices.Length; i++)
            var v         = unityNavMesh.vertices[i];
            var tileIndex = vertexOnTile(
                v, recast.forcedBoundsCenter, recast.forcedBoundsSize, tileWorldSize, tileXCount, tileZCount);
            tileIndex = 0;
            if (bucket[tileIndex] == null)
                bucket[tileIndex] = ListPool <int> .Claim();
        foreach (var b in bucket)
            if (b == null)
            for (int i = 0; i < b.Count; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                    if (b[i] >= unityNavMesh.vertices.Length || b[j] >= unityNavMesh.vertices.Length)
                    if (Vector3.Distance(unityNavMesh.vertices[b[i]], unityNavMesh.vertices[b[j]]) < 1e-3)
                        vertMap[b[i]] = b[j];
        ArrayPool <List <int> > .Release(ref bucket, true);

        // only one tile
        recast.transform  = recast.CalculateTransform();
        recast.tileXCount = 1;
        recast.tileZCount = 1;
        recast.tileSizeX  = totalVoxelWidth + 1;
        recast.tileSizeZ  = totalVoxelDepth + 1;
        recast.ResetTiles(recast.tileXCount * recast.tileZCount);
        TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder((int)recast.graphIndex, recast);
        var graphUpdateLock = active.PausePathfinding();

        for (int z = 0; z < recast.tileZCount; z++)
            for (int x = 0; x < recast.tileXCount; x++)
                var tileOffset = recast.forcedBoundsCenter - recast.forcedBoundsSize * 0.5f + new Vector3(
                    x * tileWorldSize,
                    z * tileWorldSize
                var trisClaim = ArrayPool <int> .Claim(unityNavMesh.indices.Length);

                var tris = Memory.ShrinkArray(trisClaim, unityNavMesh.indices.Length);
                ArrayPool <int> .Release(ref trisClaim, true);

                for (int i = 0; i < tris.Length; i++)
                    var tri = unityNavMesh.indices[i];
                    if (vertMap.ContainsKey(tri))
                        tri = vertMap[tri];
                    tris[i] = tri;
                var vertsClaim = ArrayPool <Int3> .Claim(unityNavMesh.vertices.Length);

                var verts = Memory.ShrinkArray(vertsClaim, unityNavMesh.vertices.Length);
                ArrayPool <Int3> .Release(ref vertsClaim, true);

                for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                    var vertInWorld = unityNavMesh.vertices[i];
                    var vertInTile  = vertInWorld - tileOffset;
                    verts[i] = new Int3(vertInTile);
                recast.ReplaceTile(x, z, 1, 1, verts, tris);

        ObjectPoolSimple <Dictionary <int, int> > .Release(ref vertMap);
예제 #26
    private static void MoveAlongEdge(TriangleMeshNode node, int edge, VInt3 srcLoc, VInt3 destLoc, out VInt3 result)
        bool flag;

        DebugHelper.Assert((edge >= 0) && (edge <= 2));
        VInt3 vertex = node.GetVertex(edge);
        VInt3 num2   = node.GetVertex((edge + 1) % 3);
        VInt3 num3   = destLoc - srcLoc;

        num3.y = 0;
        VInt3 a = num2 - vertex;

        a.y = 0;
        int   num5 = (a.x * num3.x) + (a.z * num3.z);
        VInt3 rhs  = Polygon.IntersectionPoint(ref vertex, ref num2, ref srcLoc, ref destLoc, out flag);

        if (!flag)
            if (!Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, num2, srcLoc) || !Polygon.IsColinear(vertex, num2, destLoc))
                result = srcLoc;
            if (num5 >= 0)
                int num7 = (a.x * (num2.x - vertex.x)) + (a.z * (num2.z - vertex.z));
                int num8 = (a.x * (destLoc.x - vertex.x)) + (a.z * (destLoc.z - vertex.z));
                rhs = (num7 <= num8) ? num2 : destLoc;
                DebugHelper.Assert((num7 >= 0) && (num8 >= 0));
                int num9  = (-a.x * (vertex.x - num2.x)) - (a.z * (vertex.z - num2.z));
                int num10 = (-a.x * (destLoc.x - num2.x)) - (a.z * (destLoc.z - num2.z));
                rhs = (Mathf.Abs(num9) <= Mathf.Abs(num10)) ? vertex : destLoc;
                DebugHelper.Assert((num9 >= 0) && (num10 >= 0));
        int num11 = -IntMath.Sqrt(vertex.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L);
        int num12 = IntMath.Sqrt(num2.XZSqrMagnitude(rhs) * 0xf4240L);

        if ((num5 >= num11) && (num5 <= num12))
            result = IntMath.Divide(a, (long)num5, 0xf4240L) + srcLoc;
            if (!node.ContainsPoint(result))
                int     num15;
                int     num16;
                int     num17;
                int     num18;
                Vector3 vector = (Vector3)(num2 - vertex);
                vector.y = 0f;
                VInt3 num13 = num2 - vertex;
                num13.y = 0;
                num13  *= 0x2710;
                long    magnitude = num13.magnitude;
                VFactor factor    = new VFactor {
                    nom = num5,
                    den = magnitude * 0x3e8L
                getMinMax(out num15, out num17, (long)num13.x, ref factor);
                getMinMax(out num16, out num18, (long)num13.z, ref factor);
                if (!MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num15, num17, num16, num18, srcLoc) && !MakePointInTriangle(ref result, node, num15 - 4, num17 + 4, num16 - 4, num18 + 4, srcLoc))
                    result = srcLoc;
            if (MoveAxisY)
                CalculateY(ref result, node);
            int   num19;
            int   num20;
            VInt3 num21;
            int   num22;
            if (num5 < num11)
                num19 = num5 - num11;
                num20 = (edge + 2) % 3;
                num21 = vertex;
                num19 = num5 - num12;
                num20 = (edge + 1) % 3;
                num21 = num2;
            TriangleMeshNode neighborByEdge = node.GetNeighborByEdge(num20, out num22);
            if (neighborByEdge != null)
                VInt3 num23 = ((VInt3)((a * num19) / 1000000f)) + num21;
                MoveFromNode(neighborByEdge, num22, num21, num23, out result);
                result = num21;
예제 #27
        private static RecastGraph buildGraph(River river)
            RecastGraph recastGraph = LevelNavigation.addGraph();
            int         graphIndex  = AstarPath.active.astarData.GetGraphIndex(recastGraph);

            TriangleMeshNode.SetNavmeshHolder(graphIndex, recastGraph);
            recastGraph.forcedBoundsCenter = river.readSingleVector3();
            recastGraph.forcedBoundsSize   = river.readSingleVector3();
            recastGraph.tileXCount         = (int)river.readByte();
            recastGraph.tileZCount         = (int)river.readByte();
            RecastGraph.NavmeshTile[] array = new RecastGraph.NavmeshTile[recastGraph.tileXCount * recastGraph.tileZCount];
            for (int i = 0; i < recastGraph.tileZCount; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < recastGraph.tileXCount; j++)
                    RecastGraph.NavmeshTile navmeshTile = new RecastGraph.NavmeshTile();
                    navmeshTile.x      = j;
                    navmeshTile.z      = i;
                    navmeshTile.w      = 1;
                    navmeshTile.d      = 1;
                    navmeshTile.bbTree = new BBTree(navmeshTile);
                    int num = j + i * recastGraph.tileXCount;
                    array[num]       = navmeshTile;
                    navmeshTile.tris = new int[(int)river.readUInt16()];
                    for (int k = 0; k < navmeshTile.tris.Length; k++)
                        navmeshTile.tris[k] = (int)river.readUInt16();
                    navmeshTile.verts = new Int3[(int)river.readUInt16()];
                    for (int l = 0; l < navmeshTile.verts.Length; l++)
                        navmeshTile.verts[l] = new Int3(river.readInt32(), river.readInt32(), river.readInt32());
                    navmeshTile.nodes = new TriangleMeshNode[navmeshTile.tris.Length / 3];
                    num <<= 12;
                    for (int m = 0; m < navmeshTile.nodes.Length; m++)
                        navmeshTile.nodes[m] = new TriangleMeshNode(AstarPath.active);
                        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = navmeshTile.nodes[m];
                        triangleMeshNode.GraphIndex = (uint)graphIndex;
                        triangleMeshNode.Penalty    = 0u;
                        triangleMeshNode.Walkable   = true;
                        triangleMeshNode.v0         = (navmeshTile.tris[m * 3] | num);
                        triangleMeshNode.v1         = (navmeshTile.tris[m * 3 + 1] | num);
                        triangleMeshNode.v2         = (navmeshTile.tris[m * 3 + 2] | num);
            for (int n = 0; n < recastGraph.tileZCount; n++)
                for (int num2 = 0; num2 < recastGraph.tileXCount; num2++)
                    RecastGraph.NavmeshTile tile = array[num2 + n * recastGraph.tileXCount];
예제 #28
    // Token: 0x0600001A RID: 26 RVA: 0x00002B84 File Offset: 0x00000F84
    public GraphNode ClampAlongNavmesh(Vector3 startPos, GraphNode _startNode, Vector3 endPos, out Vector3 clampedPos)
        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = (TriangleMeshNode)_startNode;

        clampedPos = endPos;
        Stack <TriangleMeshNode> stack = this.tmpStack;
        List <TriangleMeshNode>  list  = this.tmpClosed;

        float            num     = float.PositiveInfinity;
        TriangleMeshNode result  = null;
        Vector3          vector  = (startPos + endPos) / 2f;
        float            num2    = AstarMath.MagnitudeXZ(startPos, endPos) / 2f;
        Vector3          vector2 = startPos;

        INavmesh navmesh = AstarData.GetGraph(triangleMeshNode) as INavmesh;

        if (navmesh == null)
        while (stack.Count > 0)
            TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode2 = stack.Pop();
            int    tileIndex         = ((RecastGraph)navmesh).GetTileIndex(triangleMeshNode2.GetVertexIndex(0));
            Int3[] verts             = ((RecastGraph)navmesh).GetTiles()[tileIndex].verts;
            int    vertexArrayIndex  = triangleMeshNode2.GetVertexArrayIndex(triangleMeshNode2.v0);
            int    vertexArrayIndex2 = triangleMeshNode2.GetVertexArrayIndex(triangleMeshNode2.v1);
            int    vertexArrayIndex3 = triangleMeshNode2.GetVertexArrayIndex(triangleMeshNode2.v2);
            if (NavMeshGraph.ContainsPoint(vertexArrayIndex, vertexArrayIndex2, vertexArrayIndex3, endPos, verts))
                result  = triangleMeshNode2;
                vector2 = endPos;
            int i  = 0;
            int i2 = 2;
            while (i < 3)
                int              vertexIndex       = triangleMeshNode2.GetVertexIndex(i2);
                int              vertexIndex2      = triangleMeshNode2.GetVertexIndex(i);
                bool             flag              = true;
                TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode3 = null;
                for (int j = 0; j < triangleMeshNode2.connections.Length; j++)
                    triangleMeshNode3 = (triangleMeshNode2.connections[j] as TriangleMeshNode);
                    if (triangleMeshNode3 != null)
                        int k  = 0;
                        int i3 = 2;
                        while (k < 3)
                            int vertexIndex3 = triangleMeshNode3.GetVertexIndex(i3);
                            int vertexIndex4 = triangleMeshNode3.GetVertexIndex(k);
                            if ((vertexIndex3 == vertexIndex && vertexIndex4 == vertexIndex2) || (vertexIndex3 == vertexIndex2 && vertexIndex4 == vertexIndex))
                                flag = false;
                            i3 = k++;
                        if (!flag)
                if (flag)
                    Vector3 vector3 = AstarMath.NearestPointStrictXZ((Vector3)verts[vertexIndex], (Vector3)verts[vertexIndex2], endPos);
                    float   num3    = AstarMath.MagnitudeXZ(vector3, endPos);
                    if (num3 < num)
                        vector2 = vector3;
                        num     = num3;
                        result  = triangleMeshNode2;
                else if (!list.Contains(triangleMeshNode3))
                    Vector3 vector3 = AstarMath.NearestPointStrictXZ((Vector3)verts[vertexIndex], (Vector3)verts[vertexIndex2], vector);
                    float   num3    = AstarMath.MagnitudeXZ(vector3, vector);
                    if (num3 <= num2)
                i2 = i++;
        clampedPos = vector2;
예제 #29
        /** Adds obstacles for a graph */
        public void AddGraphObstacles(Pathfinding.RVO.Simulator sim, NavGraph graph)
            if (obstacles.Count > 0 && lastSim != null && lastSim != sim)
                Debug.LogError("Simulator has changed but some old obstacles are still added for the previous simulator. Deleting previous obstacles.");

            //Remember which simulator these obstacles were added to
            lastSim = sim;

            INavmesh ng = graph as INavmesh;

            if (ng == null)

            //Assume less than 20 vertices per node (actually assumes 3, but I will change that some day)
            int[] uses = new int[20];

            ng.GetNodes(delegate(GraphNode _node) {
                TriangleMeshNode node = _node as TriangleMeshNode;

                uses[0] = uses[1] = uses[2] = 0;

                if (node != null)
                    //Find out which edges are shared with other nodes
                    for (int j = 0; j < node.connections.Length; j++)
                        TriangleMeshNode other = node.connections[j] as TriangleMeshNode;

                        // Not necessarily a TriangleMeshNode
                        if (other != null)
                            int a = node.SharedEdge(other);
                            if (a != -1)
                                uses[a] = 1;

                    //Loop through all edges on the node
                    for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                        //The edge is not shared with any other node
                        //I.e it is an exterior edge on the mesh
                        if (uses[j] == 0)
                            //The two vertices of the edge
                            Vector3 v1 = (Vector3)node.GetVertex(j);
                            Vector3 v2 = (Vector3)node.GetVertex((j + 1) % node.GetVertexCount());

                            //I think node vertices always should be clockwise, but it's good to be certain

                            /*if (!Polygon.IsClockwise (v1,v2,(Vector3)node.GetVertex((j+2) % node.GetVertexCount()))) {
                             *      Vector3 tmp = v2;
                             *      v2 = v1;
                             *      v1 = tmp;
                             * }*/

                #if ASTARDEBUG
                            Debug.DrawLine(v1, v2, Color.red);
                            Debug.DrawRay(v1, Vector3.up * wallHeight, Color.red);

                            //Find out the height of the wall/obstacle we are about to add
                            float height = System.Math.Abs(v1.y - v2.y);
                            height       = System.Math.Max(height, 5);

                            //Add the edge as a line obstacle
                            obstacles.Add(sim.AddObstacle(v1, v2, wallHeight));

    public static VInt3 FindValidTarget(ActorRoot actor, VInt3 start, VInt3 end, out bool bResult)
        int actorCamp = (int)actor.TheActorMeta.ActorCamp;
        TriangleMeshNode triangleMeshNode = null;

        bResult = false;
        if (!AstarPath.active)
        AstarData data = AstarPath.active.GetData(actorCamp);

        if (data == null)
        int num;
        int num2;

        data.rasterizer.GetCellPosClamped(out num, out num2, start);
        int num3;
        int num4;

        data.rasterizer.GetCellPosClamped(out num3, out num4, end);
        bool flag  = num < num3;
        bool flag2 = num2 < num4;
        int  num5  = flag ? (num3 - num) : (num - num3);
        int  num6  = flag2 ? (num4 - num2) : (num2 - num4);

        for (int i = 0; i <= num5; i++)
            for (int j = 0; j <= num6; j++)
                int           num7 = num + i * (flag ? 1 : -1);
                int           num8 = num2 + j * (flag2 ? 1 : -1);
                List <object> objs = data.rasterizer.GetObjs(num7, num8);
                if (objs != null)
                    int count = objs.get_Count();
                    if (count != 0)
                        VInt3 vInt;
                        if (count > 2)
                            if (data.rasterizer.IntersectionSegment(num7, num8, start, end) && data.CheckSegmentIntersects(start, end, num7, num8, out vInt, out triangleMeshNode))
                                if (triangleMeshNode != null)
                                    VInt3 offset = vInt;
                                    bResult = PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref vInt, triangleMeshNode, -4, 4, -4, 4, offset);
                        else if (data.CheckSegmentIntersects(start, end, num7, num8, out vInt, out triangleMeshNode))
                            if (triangleMeshNode != null)
                                VInt3 offset2 = vInt;
                                bResult = PathfindingUtility.MakePointInTriangle(ref vInt, triangleMeshNode, -4, 4, -4, 4, offset2);