예제 #1
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates tag. Called when the "Create tag" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool AddTagToDocument()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        // Get the root document
        TreeNode root = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, "/", null, true);

        // Get tag group ID
        TagGroupInfo updateGroup = TagGroupInfoProvider.GetTagGroupInfo("MyNewGroup", CMSContext.CurrentSiteID);

        if ((root != null) && (updateGroup != null))
            // Add tag to document
            root.DocumentTags = "\"My New Tag\"";

            // Add tag to document
            root.DocumentTagGroupID = updateGroup.TagGroupID;

            // Update document

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Creates attendee. Called when the "Create attendee" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the CreateEvent method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateAttendee()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        // Get event document
        TreeNode eventNode = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, "/MyNewDocument/MyNewEvent", null, true);

        if (eventNode != null)
            // Create new attendee object
            EventAttendeeInfo newAttendee = new EventAttendeeInfo();

            // Set the properties
            newAttendee.AttendeeEmail = "*****@*****.**";
            newAttendee.AttendeeEventNodeID = eventNode.NodeID;
            newAttendee.AttendeeFirstName = "My firstname";
            newAttendee.AttendeeLastName = "My lastname";

            // Save the attendee

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply control settings.
    /// </summary>
    public bool ApplySettings()
        if (MasterTemplateId <= 0)
            lblError.Text = GetString("TemplateSelection.SelectTemplate");
            return false;
            // Update all culture versions
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
            DataSet ds = tree.SelectNodes(SiteName, "/", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, "CMS.Root", null, null, -1, false);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Update the document
                    TreeNode node = TreeNode.New("CMS.Root", dr, tree);



                    // Update search index for node
                    if (DocumentHelper.IsSearchTaskCreationAllowed(node))
                        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Update, TreeNode.OBJECT_TYPE, SearchFieldsConstants.ID, node.GetSearchID(), node.DocumentID);

        return true;
		protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
			districtParm =  DistrictParms.LoadDistrictParms();
            treeProvider = KenticoHelper.GetUserTreeProvider(SessionObject.LoggedInUser.ToString());
			Master.Search += SearchHandler;

			base.Page_Init(sender, e);

			if (!IsPostBack)
			{ InitializeCriteriaControls(); }

			btnAdd.Visible = UserHasPermission(Thinkgate.Base.Enums.Permission.Add_Reference);
            string cmsTreePathToReferences = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["CMSTreePathToReferences"];
            if (districtParm.isStateSystem)
                stateInitial.Value = districtParm.State.ToString();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(cmsTreePathToReferences))
                TreeNode tNode = treeProvider.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, cmsTreePathToReferences.Substring(0, cmsTreePathToReferences.Length - 2), CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode);

                if (tNode != null)
                    int messageCenterClassId = CMS.SettingsProvider.DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass("Thinkgate.ReferenceCenter").ClassID;
                    classId.Value = messageCenterClassId.ToString();
                    parentNodeId.Value = tNode.NodeID.ToString();
                    clientName.Value = districtParm.ClientID.ToString();
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns true if contact came to specified landing page.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="parameters">Contact; Node ID or alias path of the page</param>
    public static object CameToLandingPage(params object[] parameters)
        switch (parameters.Length)
            case 2:
                int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters[1], 0);
                string nodeIds = null;
                if (nodeId <= 0)
                    string alias = ValidationHelper.GetString(parameters[1], "");
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(alias))
                        TreeNodeDataSet ds = new TreeProvider().SelectNodes(TreeProvider.ALL_SITES, alias, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true);
                        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                            nodeIds = TextHelper.Join(",", SystemDataHelper.GetStringValues(ds.Tables[0], "NodeID"));

                if (nodeId > 0)
                    return OnlineMarketingFunctions.DidActivity(parameters[0], "landingpage", null, 0, "ActivityNodeID = " + nodeId);
                else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIds))
                    return OnlineMarketingFunctions.DidActivity(parameters[0], "landingpage", null, 0, "ActivityNodeID IN (" + nodeIds + ")");
                return false;

                throw new NotSupportedException();
예제 #6
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the control properties.
    /// </summary>
    protected void SetupControl()
        string path = (string)this.GetValue("Path");
        string formatPath = path.Substring(1);

            litArchive.Text = (string)this.GetValue("Header");

            DataSet dataSet = null;
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider();
            dataSet = tree.SelectNodes("Custom.BlogMonth").Path(formatPath, PathTypeEnum.Children)
                            .OrderBy("NodeLevel, NodeOrder, NodeName");

            if (dataSet != null)
                rptblogLister.DataSource = dataSet.Tables[0];

        catch (Exception ex1)
            Response.Write(ex1.Message.ToString() + ex1.StackTrace.ToString());
    /// <summary>
    /// Copies the document under workflow to a different section. Called when the "Copy document" button is pressd.
    /// Expects the "CreateExampleObjects" and "CreateDocument" methods to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CopyDocument()
        // Create an instance of the Tree provider first
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        // Prepare parameters
        string siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
        string aliasPath = "/API-Example/My-new-document";
        string culture = "en-us";
        bool combineWithDefaultCulture = false;
        string classNames = TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES;
        string where = null;
        string orderBy = null;
        int maxRelativeLevel = -1;
        bool selectOnlyPublished = false;
        string columns = null;

        // Get the example folder
        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, culture, combineWithDefaultCulture, classNames, where, orderBy, maxRelativeLevel, selectOnlyPublished, columns, tree);

        aliasPath = "/API-Example/Source";

        // Get the new parent document
        TreeNode parentNode = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, culture, combineWithDefaultCulture, classNames, where, orderBy, maxRelativeLevel, selectOnlyPublished, columns, tree);

        if ((node != null) && (parentNode != null))
            // Copy the document
            DocumentHelper.CopyDocument(node, parentNode.NodeID, false, tree);

            return true;

        return false;
예제 #8
    public void ProcessAction()
        if (ctrl != null)
            // Get the node
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

            TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(mNodeId);
            int groupId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(ctrl.Value, 0);

            // Check inherited documents
            if (chkInherit.Checked)
                tree.ChangeCommunityGroup(node.NodeAliasPath, groupId, mSiteId, true);

            // Update the document node
            node.SetIntegerValue("NodeGroupID", groupId, false);

            // Log synchronization
            DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, tree);

        ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("wopener.ReloadOwner(); window.close();");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int currentNodeId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);

        // Initializes page breadcrumbs
        string[,] pageTitleTabs = new string[2, 3];
        pageTitleTabs[0, 0] = GetString("Relationship.RelatedDocs");
        pageTitleTabs[0, 1] = "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Properties/Relateddocs_List.aspx?nodeid=" + currentNodeId;
        pageTitleTabs[0, 2] = "propedit";
        pageTitleTabs[1, 0] = GetString("Relationship.AddRelatedDocs");
        pageTitleTabs[1, 1] = string.Empty;
        pageTitleTabs[1, 2] = string.Empty;
        titleElem.Breadcrumbs = pageTitleTabs;

        if (currentNodeId > 0)
            TreeProvider treeProvider = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
            TreeNode node = treeProvider.SelectSingleNode(currentNodeId);
            // Set edited document
            EditedDocument = node;

            // Set node
            addRelatedDocument.TreeNode = node;
            addRelatedDocument.IsLiveSite = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Apply control settings.
    /// </summary>
    public bool ApplySettings()
        if (MasterTemplateId <= 0)
            lblError.Text = GetString("TemplateSelection.SelectTemplate");
            return false;
            // Update all culture versions
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
            DataSet ds = tree.SelectNodes(SiteName, "/", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, "CMS.Root", null, null, -1, false);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Update the document
                    TreeNode node = TreeNode.New(dr, "CMS.Root", tree);
                    node.DocumentPageTemplateID = MasterTemplateId;

                    // Update search index for node
                    if ((node.PublishedVersionExists) && (SearchIndexInfoProvider.SearchEnabled))
                        SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Update, PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT, SearchHelper.ID_FIELD, node.GetSearchID());

        return true;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Redirect to the web site root by default
        string returnUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl("~/");

        // Check whether on-site editing is enabled
        if (PortalHelper.IsOnSiteEditingEnabled(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
            var cui = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
            // Check the permissions
            if (cui.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Editor,SiteContext.CurrentSiteName)  && cui.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.content", "ExploreTree") && cui.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.content", "Read"))
                // Set edit-live view mode
                // Redirect to access denied page when the current user does not have permissions for the OnSite editing

            // Try get return URL
            string queryUrl = QueryHelper.GetString("returnurl", String.Empty);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryUrl) && (queryUrl.StartsWithCSafe("~/") || queryUrl.StartsWithCSafe("/")))
                // Remove return url duplication if exist
                int commaIndex = queryUrl.IndexOfCSafe(",", 0, false);
                if (commaIndex > 0)
                    queryUrl = queryUrl.Substring(0, commaIndex);
                returnUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(queryUrl);
            // Use default alias path if return url isn't defined
                string aliasPath = PageInfoProvider.GetDefaultAliasPath(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(aliasPath))
                    // Get the document which will be displayed for the default alias path
                    TreeProvider tr = new TreeProvider();
                    TreeNode node = tr.SelectSingleNode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, aliasPath, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, true);
                    if (node != null)
                        aliasPath = node.NodeAliasPath;

                    returnUrl = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(aliasPath);
                    returnUrl = URLHelper.ResolveUrl(returnUrl);

            // Remove view mode value from query string
            returnUrl = URLHelper.RemoveParameterFromUrl(returnUrl, "viewmode");

        // Redirect to the requested page
예제 #12
        /// <summary>
        /// Get url by Guid</summary>
        public static string GetDocumentLink(Guid nodeGuid, string siteName)
            var tp = new TreeProvider();
            TreeNode tn = tp.SelectSingleNode(TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByNodeGUID(nodeGuid, siteName));
            if (tn != null) return tn.RelativeURL;

            return string.Empty;
예제 #13
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Register script files

        ltlScript.Text = GetSpellCheckDialog();

        parentNodeId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);
        txtPageName.MaxLength = TreePathUtils.MaxNameLength;

        TreeProvider tp = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
        // For new node is not document culture important, preffered culture is used
        TreeNode node = tp.SelectSingleNode(parentNodeId);
        if (node != null)
            selTemplate.DocumentID = node.DocumentID;
            selTemplate.ParentNodeID = parentNodeId;

        // Register progress script

        // Check permission to create page with redirect

        if (!LicenseHelper.LicenseVersionCheck(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Documents, VersionActionEnum.Insert))
            RedirectToAccessDenied(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.documentslicenselimits"), ""));

        // Hide error label
        lblError.Style.Add("display", "none");

        string jsValidation = "function ValidateNewPage(){" +
        " var value = document.getElementById('" + txtPageName.ClientID + "').value;" +
        " value = value.replace(/^\\s+|\\s+$/g, '');" +
        " var errorLabel = document.getElementById('" + lblError.ClientID + "'); " +
        " if (value == '') {" +
        " errorLabel.style.display = ''; errorLabel.innerHTML  = " + ScriptHelper.GetString(GetString("newpage.nameempty")) + "; resizearea(); return false;}";

        jsValidation += selTemplate.GetValidationScript();

        jsValidation += " return true;}";

        // Register validate script
        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "ValidateNewPage", ScriptHelper.GetScript(jsValidation));

        // Register save document script
        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "SaveDocument",
            ScriptHelper.GetScript("function SaveDocument(nodeId, createAnother) {if (ValidateNewPage()) { " + ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "#", false).Replace("'#'", "createAnother+''") + "; return false; }}"));

        // Set default focus on page name field
        if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Register the scripts

        UIContext.PropertyTab = PropertyTabEnum.Categories;

        // UI settings
        lblCategoryInfo.Text = GetString("Categories.DocumentAssignedTo");
        categoriesElem.DisplaySavedMessage = false;
        categoriesElem.OnAfterSave += categoriesElem_OnAfterSave;
        categoriesElem.UniSelector.OnSelectionChanged += categoriesElem_OnSelectionChanged;

        int nodeId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);
        if (nodeId > 0)
            tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
            node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, false);

            // Redirect to page 'New culture version' in split mode. It must be before setting EditedDocument.
            if ((node == null) && displaySplitMode)
                URLHelper.Redirect("~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/New/NewCultureVersion.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);
            // Set edited document
            EditedDocument = node;

            if (node != null)
                // Check read permissions
                if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)
                    RedirectToAccessDenied(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoreaddocument"), node.NodeAliasPath));
                // Check modify permissions
                else if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)
                    hasModifyPermission = false;
                    pnlUserCatgerories.Enabled = false;

                    // Disable selector
                    categoriesElem.Enabled = false;

                    lblCategoryInfo.Text = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoeditdocument"), node.NodeAliasPath);
                    lblCategoryInfo.Visible = true;
                // Display all global categories in administration UI
                categoriesElem.UserID = CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID;
                categoriesElem.DocumentID = node.DocumentID;

                // Register js synchronization script for split mode
                if (displaySplitMode)
                    RegisterSplitModeSync(true, false);
예제 #15
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        UIContext.PropertyTab = PropertyTabEnum.RelatedDocs;

        nodeId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);

        // Check if any relationship exists
        DataSet dsRel = RelationshipNameInfoProvider.GetRelationshipNames("RelationshipNameID", "RelationshipAllowedObjects LIKE '%" + CMSObjectHelper.GROUP_DOCUMENTS + "%' AND RelationshipNameID IN (SELECT RelationshipNameID FROM CMS_RelationshipNameSite WHERE SiteID = " + CMSContext.CurrentSiteID + ")", null, 1);
        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(dsRel))
            pnlNewItem.Visible = false;
            relatedDocuments.Visible = false;
            lblInfo.Text = ResHelper.GetString("relationship.norelationship");
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            if (nodeId > 0)
                // Get the node
                tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
                node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture);
                // Set edited document
                EditedDocument = node;

                if (node != null)
                    // Check read permissions
                    if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Read) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)
                        RedirectToAccessDenied(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoreaddocument"), node.NodeAliasPath));
                    // Check modify permissions
                    else if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(node, NodePermissionsEnum.Modify) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Denied)
                        relatedDocuments.Enabled = false;
                        lnkNewRelationship.Enabled = false;
                        imgNewRelationship.Enabled = false;
                        lblInfo.Visible = true;
                        lblInfo.Text = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtoeditdocument"), node.NodeAliasPath);
                        lblInfo.Visible = false;

                    // Set tree node
                    relatedDocuments.TreeNode = node;

                    // Initialize controls
                    lnkNewRelationship.NavigateUrl = "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Properties/Relateddocs_Add.aspx?nodeid=" + nodeId;
                    imgNewRelationship.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/Properties/addrelationship.png");
                    imgNewRelationship.DisabledImageUrl = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/Properties/addrelationshipdisabled.png");
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Current Node ID
        int nodeId = 0;
        if (Request.QueryString["nodeid"] != null)
            nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Request.QueryString["nodeid"], 0);

        switch (QueryHelper.GetString("action", "edit").ToLower())
            case "delete":
                // Do not include title upon delete
                this.titleElem.SetWindowTitle = false;

        // Get the node
        string aliasPath = TreePathUtils.GetAliasPathByNodeId(nodeId);
        if (aliasPath == "/")
            // Set path as site name if empty
            SiteInfo si = CMSContext.CurrentSite;
            if (si != null)
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

            // Get the DataSet of nodes
            string where = TreeProvider.GetNodesOnPathWhereCondition(aliasPath, true, true);
            DataSet ds = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, "NodeLevel ASC", -1, false, tree);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                string[,] bc = new string[ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count, 3];
                int index = 0;

                // Build the path
                foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    string documentName = ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["DocumentName"], "");

                    bc[index, 0] = documentName;
                    bc[index, 1] = string.Empty;
                    bc[index, 2] = string.Empty;


                this.titleElem.Breadcrumbs = bc;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Initialization
        productId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("productId", 0);
        skuGuid = QueryHelper.GetGuid("skuguid", Guid.Empty);
        currentSite = SiteContext.CurrentSite;

        var skuObj = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUInfo(productId);

        if ((skuObj != null) && skuObj.IsProductVariant)
            // Get parent product of variant
            var parent = skuObj.Parent as SKUInfo;

            if (parent != null)
                productId = parent.SKUID;
                skuGuid = parent.SKUGUID;

        string where = null;
        if (productId > 0)
            where = "NodeSKUID = " + productId;
        else if (skuGuid != Guid.Empty)
            where = "SKUGUID = '" + skuGuid + "'";

        if ((where != null) && (currentSite != null))
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
            DataSet ds = tree.SelectNodes(currentSite.SiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, "", where);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                // Ger specified product url
                url = DocumentURLProvider.GetUrl(Convert.ToString(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["NodeAliasPath"]));

        if ((url != "") && (currentSite != null))
            // Redirect to specified product
            URLHelper.RedirectPermanent(url, currentSite.SiteName);
            // Display error message
            lblInfo.Visible = true;
            lblInfo.Text = GetString("GetProduct.NotFound");
예제 #18
        /// <summary>
        /// Get node by Guid</summary>
        /// <remarks> 
        /// Return null if nodeGuid is empty or node is not exist </remarks> 
        public static TreeNode GetNode(Guid nodeGuid, string siteName)
            if (nodeGuid != Guid.Empty)
                var tp = new TreeProvider();

                return tp.SelectSingleNode(TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByNodeGUID(nodeGuid, siteName));

            return null;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Register the dialog script

        // Get the document ID
        int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Request.QueryString["nodeid"], 0);
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
        TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES);

        if (node == null)
            this.menuElem.Visible = false;
    public override void ReloadData(bool forceLoad)
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
        DocTreeNode nd = tree.SelectSingleNode(EventID, LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode, tree.CombineWithDefaultCulture, false);
        if (nd == null)
            plcSend.Visible = false;
            lblTitle.Visible = false;

        //Enable controls
        txtSenderName.Enabled = true;
        txtSenderEmail.Enabled = true;
        txtSubject.Enabled = true;
        htmlEmail.Enabled = true;
        btnSend.Enabled = true;

        if (forceLoad)
            string siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            txtSenderEmail.Text = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSEventManagerInvitationFrom");
            txtSenderName.Text = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSEventManagerSenderName");
            txtSubject.Text = SettingsKeyInfoProvider.GetValue(siteName + ".CMSEventManagerInvitationSubject");

        // Disable form if no attendees present or user doesn't have modify permission
        if (MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("cms.eventmanager", "Modify"))
            DataSet ds = EventAttendeeInfoProvider.GetEventAttendees(EventID)

            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                lblInfo.Text = GetString("Events_List.NoAttendees");
                lblInfo.Visible = true;
            ShowWarning(GetString("events_sendemail.modifypermission"), null, null);
예제 #21
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int nodeId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);

        // Get current node
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
        TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId);

        // Set edited document
        EditedDocument = node;

        frameHeader.Attributes.Add("src", "header.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);

        if (CultureHelper.IsUICultureRTL())
    /// <summary>
    /// OkClick Handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string culture = ValidationHelper.GetString(cultureSelector.Value, "");

        if ((culture != "") && ((currentCulture.ToLower() != culture.ToLower()) || chkDocuments.Checked))
            // Set new culture
            SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(siteId);
            if (si != null)
                    // Set default culture and change current culture label
                    ObjectHelper.SetSettingsKeyValue(si.SiteName + ".CMSDefaultCultureCode", culture.Trim());

                    // Change culture of documents
                    if (chkDocuments.Checked)
                        // Change culture of the documents
                        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
                        tree.ChangeCulture(si.SiteName, currentCulture, culture);

                    if (!LicenseHelper.CheckFeature(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Multilingual))
                        // If not multilingual, remove all cultures from the site and assign new culture
                        CultureInfoProvider.AddCultureToSite(culture, si.SiteName);

                    ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("wopener.ChangeCulture('" + chkDocuments.Checked.ToString() + "'); window.close();");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    EventLogProvider ev = new EventLogProvider();
                    ev.LogEvent("SiteManager", "ChangeDefaultCulture", ex);
            ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("window.close();");
예제 #23
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        int eventId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("eventId", 0);

        // Check if requested event exists
        TreeProvider mTree = new TreeProvider();
        TreeNode mEventNode = mTree.SelectSingleNode(eventId);
        if ((mEventNode == null) || (mEventNode.NodeClassName.ToLower() != "cms.bookingevent"))
            CMSPage.EditedObject = null;

        emailSender.EventID = eventId;
        if (!URLHelper.IsPostback())
        emailSender.OnCheckPermissions += new CMSAdminControl.CheckPermissionsEventHandler(emailSender_OnCheckPermissions);
    /// <summary>
    /// OkClick Handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        string culture = ValidationHelper.GetString(cultureSelector.Value, "");

        if ((culture != "") && ((currentCulture.ToLowerCSafe() != culture.ToLowerCSafe()) || chkDocuments.Checked))
            // Set new culture
            SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(siteId);
            if (si != null)
                    // Set default culture and change current culture label
                    SettingsKeyInfoProvider.SetValue("CMSDefaultCultureCode", si.SiteName, culture.Trim());

                    // Change culture of documents
                    if (chkDocuments.Checked)
                        // Change culture of the documents
                        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
                        tree.ChangeCulture(si.SiteName, currentCulture, culture);

                    if (!LicenseHelper.CheckFeature(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.Multilingual))
                        // If not multilingual, remove all cultures from the site and assign new culture
                        CultureSiteInfoProvider.AddCultureToSite(culture, si.SiteName);

                    ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("wopener.ChangeCulture('" + chkDocuments.Checked + "'); CloseDialog();");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    LogAndShowError("Sites", "ChangeDefaultCulture", ex);
            ltlScript.Text = ScriptHelper.GetScript("CloseDialog();");
예제 #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the OnAfterSave event of the EditForm control.
    /// </summary>
    private void EditForm_OnAfterSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (UIFormControl.EditedObject != null)
            // Log widget variant synchronization
            MVTVariantInfo variantInfo = (MVTVariantInfo)UIFormControl.EditedObject;

            // Clear cache
            CacheHelper.TouchKey("om.mvtvariant|bytemplateid|" + variantInfo.MVTVariantPageTemplateID);

            if (variantInfo.MVTVariantDocumentID > 0)
                // Log synchronization
                TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
                TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleDocument(variantInfo.MVTVariantDocumentID);
                DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, tree);
예제 #26
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        lblChoose.Text = GetString("TemplateSelection.chooseTemplate");
        ScriptHelper.RegisterClientScriptBlock(this, typeof(string), "SaveDocument", ScriptHelper.GetScript("function SaveDocument(nodeId, createAnother) { " + ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(this, "#", false).Replace("'#'", "createAnother+''") + "; return false; }"));

        ltlScript.Text = GetSpellCheckDialog();

        int nodeId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);

        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
        // For new node is not document culture important, preffered culture is used
        TreeNode node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId);
        if (node != null)
            selTemplate.DocumentID = node.DocumentID;

        selTemplate.ParentNodeID = nodeId;
예제 #27
    /// <summary>
    /// Handles the Load event of the Page control.
    /// </summary>
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check UI Permissions
        if ((CMSContext.CurrentUser == null) || (!CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerUIElement("CMS.Content", "Properties.Variants")))
            RedirectToCMSDeskUIElementAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "Properties.Variants");

        // Set NodeID in order to check the access to the document
        listElem.NodeID = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);

        // Remove MoveUp, MoveDown buttons
        listElem.Grid.GridActions.Actions.RemoveRange(2, 2);

        // Display disabled information
        if (!SettingsKeyProvider.GetBoolValue(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSContentPersonalizationEnabled"))
            this.pnlWarning.Visible = true;
            this.lblWarning.Text = ResHelper.GetString("cp.disabled");

        int nodeid = QueryHelper.GetInteger("nodeid", 0);
        bool displaySplitMode = false;

        if (nodeid > 0)
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
            TreeNode treeNode = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(nodeid, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, tree);

            displaySplitMode = CMSContext.DisplaySplitMode;
            if ((treeNode == null) && displaySplitMode)
                URLHelper.Redirect("~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/New/NewCultureVersion.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query);

        // Register js synchronization script for split mode
        if (displaySplitMode)
            RegisterSplitModeSync(true, false);
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds document to category. Called when the button "Add document from category" is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool AddDocumentToCategory()
        // Get the category
        CategoryInfo category = CategoryInfoProvider.GetCategoryInfo("MyNewCategory", SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
        if (category != null)
            // Get the tree structure
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

            // Get the root document
            TreeNode root = tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, "/", null, true);

            // Add document to category
            DocumentCategoryInfoProvider.AddDocumentToCategory(root.DocumentID, category.CategoryID);

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes site. Called when the "Delete imported site" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the ImportSite method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool DeleteImportedSite()
        // Get the site
        SiteInfo deleteSite = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo("MyNewImportedSite");

        if (deleteSite != null)
            TreeProvider treeProvider = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

            // Delete documents belonging under the site
            DocumentHelper.DeleteSiteTree("MyNewImportedSite", treeProvider);

            // Delete the site

            return true;

        return false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Moves the document to the Archived step in the workflow process. Called when the "Archive document" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the "CreateExampleObjects" method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool ArchiveDocument()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

        // Prepare parameters
        string siteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
        string aliasPath = "/API-Example";
        string culture = "en-us";
        bool combineWithDefaultCulture = false;
        string classNames = TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES;
        string where = null;
        string orderBy = null;
        int maxRelativeLevel = -1;
        bool selectOnlyPublished = false;
        string columns = null;

        // Get the document
        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, culture, combineWithDefaultCulture, classNames, where, orderBy, maxRelativeLevel, selectOnlyPublished, columns, tree);

        if (node != null)
            WorkflowManager workflowManager = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);

            WorkflowInfo workflow = workflowManager.GetNodeWorkflow(node);

            // Check if the document uses workflow
            if (workflow != null)
                // Archive the document
                workflowManager.ArchiveDocument(node, null);

                return true;
                apiArchiveDocument.ErrorMessage = "The page doesn't use workflow.";

        return false;
예제 #31
    /// <summary>
    /// Checks out the document. If check-in/check-out is disabled for the default workflow, the example can't be used. Called when the "Check out document" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the "CreateExampleObjects" method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CheckOut()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        // Prepare parameters
        string siteName  = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
        string aliasPath = "/API-Example";
        string culture   = "en-us";
        bool   combineWithDefaultCulture = false;
        string classNames = TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES;

        string where = null;
        string orderBy             = null;
        int    maxRelativeLevel    = -1;
        bool   selectOnlyPublished = false;
        string columns             = null;

        // Get the document
        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, culture, combineWithDefaultCulture, classNames, where, orderBy, maxRelativeLevel, selectOnlyPublished, columns, tree);

        if (node != null)
            // Create a new Workflow manager instance
            WorkflowManager workflowmanager = new WorkflowManager(tree);

            // Make sure the document uses workflow
            WorkflowInfo workflow = workflowmanager.GetNodeWorkflow(node);

            if (workflow != null)
                // Check if the workflow uses check-in/check-out functionality
                if (workflow.UseCheckInCheckOut(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName))
                    // The document has to be checked in
                    if (!node.IsCheckedOut)
                        // Create a new version manager instance
                        VersionManager versionmanager = new VersionManager(tree);

                        // Check out the document to create a new document version

                        apiCheckOut.ErrorMessage = "The document has already been checked out.";
                    apiCheckOut.ErrorMessage = "The workflow does not use check-in/check-out. See the \"Edit document\" example, which checks the document out and in automatically.";
                apiCheckOut.ErrorMessage = "The document doesn't use workflow.";

    /// <summary>
    /// Archives document(s).
    /// </summary>
    private void ArchiveAll(object parameter)
        if (parameter == null)

        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(currentUser);

        tree.AllowAsyncActions = false;

            // Begin log
            AddLog(ResHelper.GetString("content.archivingdocuments", currentCulture));

            string[] parameters = ((string)parameter).Split(';');

            string siteName = parameters[1];

            // Get identifiers
            int[] workNodes = nodeIds.ToArray();

            // Prepare the where condition
            string where = SqlHelper.GetWhereCondition("NodeID", workNodes);
            string columns = SqlHelper.MergeColumns(TreeProvider.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS, "NodeAliasPath, ClassName, DocumentCulture");

            // Get cultures
            string cultureCode = chkAllCultures.Checked ? TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES : parameters[0];

            // Get the documents
            DataSet documents = tree.SelectNodes(siteName, "/%", cultureCode, false, null, where, "NodeAliasPath DESC", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, columns);

            // Create instance of workflow manager class
            WorkflowManager wm = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(documents))
                foreach (DataRow nodeRow in documents.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Get the current document
                    string   aliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(nodeRow["NodeAliasPath"], string.Empty);
                    TreeNode node      = GetDocument(tree, siteName, nodeRow);

                    if (PerformArchive(wm, tree, node, aliasPath))

                    // Process underlying documents
                    if (chkUnderlying.Checked && (node.NodeChildNodesCount > 0))
                        if (ArchiveSubDocuments(node, tree, wm, cultureCode, siteName))
                AddError(ResHelper.GetString("content.nothingtoarchive", currentCulture));
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            string state = ValidationHelper.GetString(ex.ExceptionState, string.Empty);
            if (state != CMSThread.ABORT_REASON_STOP)
                // Log error
                LogExceptionToEventLog(ResHelper.GetString("content.archivefailed", currentCulture), ex);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Log error
            LogExceptionToEventLog(ResHelper.GetString("content.archivefailed", currentCulture), ex);
예제 #33
    /// <summary>
    /// Publishes document(s).
    /// </summary>
    private void PublishAll(object parameter)
        if (parameter == null)

        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(currentUser);

        tree.AllowAsyncActions = false;

            // Begin log
            AddLog(ResHelper.GetString("content.publishingdocuments", currentCulture));

            string[] parameters = ((string)parameter).Split(';');

            string siteName = parameters[1];

            // Get identifiers
            int[] workNodes = nodeIds.ToArray();

            // Prepare the where condition
            string where = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("NodeID", workNodes).ToString(true);
            string columns = SqlHelper.MergeColumns(DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS, "NodeAliasPath, ClassName, DocumentCulture");

            // Get cultures
            string cultureCode = chkAllCultures.Checked ? TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES : parameters[0];

            // Get the documents
            DataSet documents = tree.SelectNodes(siteName, "/%", cultureCode, false, null, where, "NodeAliasPath DESC", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, columns);

            // Create instance of workflow manager class
            WorkflowManager wm = WorkflowManager.GetInstance(tree);

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(documents))
                foreach (DataRow nodeRow in documents.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Get the current document
                    TreeNode node = GetDocument(tree, siteName, nodeRow);

                    // Publish document
                    if (PerformPublish(wm, tree, siteName, nodeRow))

                    // Process underlying documents
                    if (chkUnderlying.Checked && node.NodeHasChildren && PublishSubDocuments(node, tree, wm, cultureCode, siteName))
                AddError(ResHelper.GetString("content.nothingtopublish", currentCulture));
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            if (!CMSThread.Stopped(ex))
                // Log error
                LogExceptionToEventLog(ResHelper.GetString("content.publishfailed", currentCulture), ex);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Log error
            LogExceptionToEventLog(ResHelper.GetString("content.publishfailed", currentCulture), ex);
예제 #34
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Switch the view mode
        CMSContext.ViewMode = ViewModeEnum.LiveSite;

        // Get the document
        int nodeId = 0;

        if (Request.QueryString["nodeid"] != null)
            nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Request.QueryString["nodeid"], 0);

        string       siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
        TreeProvider tree     = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
        TreeNode     node     = null;

        // Check split mode
        bool isSplitMode = CMSContext.DisplaySplitMode;
        bool combineWithDefaultCulture = isSplitMode ? false : SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(siteName);

        // Get the document
        node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, combineWithDefaultCulture);

        // Redirect to the live URL
        string url = null;

        if (node != null)
            // Check if the node is published or available
            if (!node.DocumentCulture.Equals(CMSContext.PreferredCultureCode, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && (!SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(siteName) || !node.DocumentCulture.Equals(CultureHelper.GetDefaultCulture(siteName), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)))
                url = "~/CMSMessages/PageNotAvailable.aspx?reason=missingculture";

            if ((url == null) && !node.IsPublished && URLRewriter.PageNotFoundForNonPublished(siteName))
                // Try to find published document in default culture
                if (SiteInfoProvider.CombineWithDefaultCulture(siteName))
                    string defaultCulture = CultureHelper.GetDefaultCulture(siteName);
                    node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, defaultCulture, false);
                    if ((node != null) && node.IsPublished)
                        // Do not use document URL path - preferred culture could be changed
                        url = CMSContext.GetUrl(node.NodeAliasPath, null);

                if (url == null)
                    // Document is not published
                    url = "~/CMSMessages/PageNotAvailable.aspx?reason=notpublished";
            url = isSplitMode ? "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/New/NewCultureVersion.aspx" + URLHelper.Url.Query : "~/CMSMessages/PageNotAvailable.aspx?reason=missingculture&showlink=false";

        if (url == null)
            // Do not use document URL path - preferred culture could be changed
            url = CMSContext.GetUrl(node.NodeAliasPath, null);

        // Split mode
        if (CMSContext.DisplaySplitMode)
            url = URLHelper.AddParameterToUrl(url, "cmssplitmode", "1");

    /// <summary>
    /// Reloads control.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="forceReload">Forces nested CMSForm to reload if true</param>
    public void ReloadData(bool forceReload)
        if (StopProcessing)

        if (!mFormLoaded || forceReload)
            // Check License
            LicenseHelper.CheckFeatureAndRedirect(RequestContext.CurrentDomain, FeatureEnum.UserContributions);

            if (!StopProcessing)
                // Set document manager mode
                if (NewDocument)
                    DocumentManager.Mode           = FormModeEnum.Insert;
                    DocumentManager.ParentNodeID   = NodeID;
                    DocumentManager.NewNodeClassID = ClassID;
                    DocumentManager.CultureCode    = CultureCode;
                    DocumentManager.SiteName       = SiteName;
                else if (NewCulture)
                    DocumentManager.Mode             = FormModeEnum.InsertNewCultureVersion;
                    DocumentManager.NodeID           = NodeID;
                    DocumentManager.CultureCode      = CultureCode;
                    DocumentManager.SiteName         = SiteName;
                    DocumentManager.SourceDocumentID = CopyDefaultDataFromDocumentID;
                    DocumentManager.Mode        = FormModeEnum.Update;
                    DocumentManager.NodeID      = NodeID;
                    DocumentManager.SiteName    = SiteName;
                    DocumentManager.CultureCode = CultureCode;


                titleElem.TitleText = String.Empty;

                pnlSelectClass.Visible = false;
                pnlEdit.Visible        = false;
                pnlInfo.Visible        = false;
                pnlNewCulture.Visible  = false;
                pnlDelete.Visible      = false;

                // If node found, init the form

                if (NewDocument || (Node != null))
                    // Delete action
                    if (Delete)
                        // Delete document
                        pnlDelete.Visible = true;

                        titleElem.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitle");
                        chkAllCultures.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AllCultures");
                        chkDestroy.Text     = GetString("ContentDelete.Destroy");

                        lblQuestion.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.Question");
                        btnYes.Text      = GetString("general.yes");
                        // Prevent button double-click
                        btnYes.Attributes.Add("onclick", string.Format("document.getElementById('{0}').disabled=true;this.disabled=true;{1};", btnNo.ClientID, ControlsHelper.GetPostBackEventReference(btnYes, string.Empty, true, false)));
                        btnNo.Text = GetString("general.no");

                        DataSet culturesDS = CultureSiteInfoProvider.GetSiteCultures(SiteName);
                        if ((DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(culturesDS)) || (culturesDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
                            chkAllCultures.Visible = false;
                            chkAllCultures.Checked = true;

                        if (Node.IsLink)
                            titleElem.TitleText    = GetString("Content.DeleteTitleLink") + " \"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(Node.NodeName) + "\"";
                            lblQuestion.Text       = GetString("ContentDelete.QuestionLink");
                            chkAllCultures.Checked = true;
                            plcCheck.Visible       = false;
                            titleElem.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitle") + " \"" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(Node.NodeName) + "\"";
                    // New document or edit action
                        if (NewDocument)
                            titleElem.TitleText = GetString("Content.NewTitle");

                        // Document type selection
                        if (NewDocument && (ClassID <= 0))
                            // Use parent node
                            TreeNode parentNode = DocumentManager.ParentNode;
                            if (parentNode != null)
                                // Select document type
                                pnlSelectClass.Visible = true;

                                // Apply document type scope
                                var whereCondition = DocumentTypeScopeInfoProvider.GetScopeClassWhereCondition(parentNode);

                                var parentClassId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parentNode.GetValue("NodeClassID"), 0);
                                var siteId        = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteID(SiteName);

                                // Get the allowed child classes
                                DataSet ds = AllowedChildClassInfoProvider.GetAllowedChildClasses(parentClassId, siteId)
                                             .Columns("ClassName", "ClassDisplayName", "ClassID");

                                ArrayList deleteRows = new ArrayList();

                                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                                    // Get the unwanted classes
                                    string allowed = AllowedChildClasses.Trim().ToLowerCSafe();
                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(allowed))
                                        allowed = String.Format(";{0};", allowed);

                                    var    userInfo  = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;
                                    string className = null;
                                    // Check if the user has 'Create' permission per Content
                                    bool isAuthorizedToCreateInContent = userInfo.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Content", "Create");
                                    bool hasNodeAllowCreate            = (userInfo.IsAuthorizedPerTreeNode(parentNode, NodePermissionsEnum.Create) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed);
                                    foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                                        className = DataHelper.GetStringValue(dr, "ClassName", String.Empty).ToLowerCSafe();
                                        // Document type is not allowed or user hasn't got permission, remove it from the data set
                                        if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(allowed) && (!allowed.Contains(";" + className + ";"))) ||
                                            (CheckPermissions && CheckDocPermissionsForInsert && !(isAuthorizedToCreateInContent || userInfo.IsAuthorizedPerClassName(className, "Create") || (userInfo.IsAuthorizedPerClassName(className, "CreateSpecific") && hasNodeAllowCreate))))

                                    // Remove the rows
                                    foreach (DataRow dr in deleteRows)

                                // Check if some classes are available
                                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                                    // If number of classes is more than 1 display them in grid
                                    if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 1)
                                        ds.Tables[0].DefaultView.Sort = "ClassDisplayName";
                                        lblError.Visible = false;
                                        lblInfo.Visible  = true;
                                        lblInfo.Text     = GetString("Content.NewInfo");

                                        DataSet sortedResult = new DataSet();
                                        gridClass.DataSource = sortedResult;
                                    // else show form of the only class
                                        ClassID = DataHelper.GetIntValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "ClassID");
                                    // Display error message
                                    lblError.Visible  = true;
                                    lblError.Text     = GetString("Content.NoAllowedChildDocuments");
                                    lblInfo.Visible   = false;
                                    gridClass.Visible = false;
                                pnlInfo.Visible  = true;
                                lblFormInfo.Text = GetString("EditForm.DocumentNotFound");
                        // Insert or update of a document
                            // Display the form
                            pnlEdit.Visible = true;

                            // Try to get GroupID if group context exists
                            int currentGroupId = ModuleCommands.CommunityGetCurrentGroupID();

                            btnDelete.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");
                            btnRefresh.Attributes.Add("style", "display: none;");

                            // CMSForm initialization
                            formElem.NodeID                 = Node.NodeID;
                            formElem.SiteName               = SiteName;
                            formElem.CultureCode            = CultureCode;
                            formElem.ValidationErrorMessage = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ValidationErrorMessage);
                            formElem.IsLiveSite             = IsLiveSite;

                            // Set group ID if group context exists
                            formElem.GroupID = currentGroupId;

                            // External editing is allowed for live site only if the permissions are checked or user is global administrator or for group context - user is group administrator
                            formElem.AllowExternalEditing = !IsLiveSite || CheckPermissions || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin) || MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.IsGroupAdministrator(currentGroupId);

                            // Set the form mode
                            if (NewDocument)
                                ci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(ClassID);
                                if (ci == null)
                                    throw new Exception(String.Format("[CMSAdminControls/EditForm.aspx]: Class ID '{0}' not found.", ClassID));

                                string classDisplayName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(ci.ClassDisplayName));
                                titleElem.TitleText = GetString("Content.NewTitle") + ": " + classDisplayName;

                                // Set default template ID
                                formElem.DefaultPageTemplateID = TemplateID > 0 ? TemplateID : ci.ClassDefaultPageTemplateID;

                                // Set document owner
                                formElem.OwnerID  = OwnerID;
                                formElem.FormMode = FormModeEnum.Insert;
                                string newClassName = ci.ClassName;
                                string newFormName  = newClassName + ".default";
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AlternativeFormName))
                                    // Set the alternative form full name
                                    formElem.AlternativeFormFullName = GetAltFormFullName(ci.ClassName);
                                if (newFormName.ToLowerCSafe() != formElem.FormName.ToLowerCSafe())
                                    formElem.FormName = newFormName;
                            else if (NewCulture)
                                formElem.FormMode = FormModeEnum.InsertNewCultureVersion;
                                // Default data document ID
                                formElem.CopyDefaultDataFromDocumentId = CopyDefaultDataFromDocumentID;

                                ci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(Node.NodeClassName);
                                formElem.FormName = Node.NodeClassName + ".default";
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AlternativeFormName))
                                    // Set the alternative form full name
                                    formElem.AlternativeFormFullName = GetAltFormFullName(ci.ClassName);
                                formElem.FormMode = FormModeEnum.Update;
                                ci = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(Node.NodeClassName);
                                formElem.FormName = String.Empty;
                                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(AlternativeFormName))
                                    // Set the alternative form full name
                                    formElem.AlternativeFormFullName = GetAltFormFullName(ci.ClassName);

                            // Allow the CMSForm
                            formElem.StopProcessing = false;

                // New culture version
                    // Switch to new culture version mode
                    DocumentManager.Mode        = FormModeEnum.InsertNewCultureVersion;
                    DocumentManager.NodeID      = NodeID;
                    DocumentManager.CultureCode = CultureCode;
                    DocumentManager.SiteName    = SiteName;

                    if (Node != null)
                        // Offer a new culture creation
                        pnlNewCulture.Visible = true;

                        titleElem.TitleText    = GetString("Content.NewCultureVersionTitle") + " (" + HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(LocalizationContext.PreferredCultureCode) + ")";
                        lblNewCultureInfo.Text = GetString("ContentNewCultureVersion.Info");
                        radCopy.Text           = GetString("ContentNewCultureVersion.Copy");
                        radEmpty.Text          = GetString("ContentNewCultureVersion.Empty");

                        radCopy.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowSelection();");
                        radEmpty.Attributes.Add("onclick", "ShowSelection()");

                            "function ShowSelection() { \n" +
                            "   if (document.getElementById('" + radCopy.ClientID + "').checked) { document.getElementById('divCultures').style.display = 'block'; } \n" +
                            "   else { document.getElementById('divCultures').style.display = 'none'; } \n" +
                            "} \n"

                        btnOk.Text = GetString("ContentNewCultureVersion.Create");

                        // Load culture versions
                        SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(Node.NodeSiteID);
                        if (si != null)

                            DataSet nodes = TreeProvider.SelectNodes(si.SiteName, Node.NodeAliasPath, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, false, null, null, null, 1, false);
                            foreach (DataRow nodeCulture in nodes.Tables[0].Rows)
                                ListItem li = new ListItem();
                                li.Text  = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultureInfo(nodeCulture["DocumentCulture"].ToString()).CultureName;
                                li.Value = nodeCulture["DocumentID"].ToString();
                            if (lstCultures.Items.Count > 0)
                                lstCultures.SelectedIndex = 0;
                        pnlInfo.Visible  = true;
                        lblFormInfo.Text = GetString("EditForm.DocumentNotFound");
            // Set flag that the form is loaded
            mFormLoaded = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// Copy documents section.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Source document</param>
 /// <param name="target">Target document</param>
 /// <param name="tree">Tree provider</param>
 private void CopyDocumentSection(TreeNode source, TreeNode target, TreeProvider tree)
     DocumentHelper.CopyDocument(source, target, true, tree);
예제 #37
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Register script files
        ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(this, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Operation.js");

        if (QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash"))
            // Set current UI culture
            currentCulture = CultureHelper.PreferredUICulture;
            // Initialize current user
            currentUser = CMSContext.CurrentUser;
            // Initialize current site
            currentSite = CMSContext.CurrentSite;

            // Initialize events
            ctlAsync.OnFinished   += ctlAsync_OnFinished;
            ctlAsync.OnError      += ctlAsync_OnError;
            ctlAsync.OnRequestLog += ctlAsync_OnRequestLog;
            ctlAsync.OnCancel     += ctlAsync_OnCancel;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback())
                DataSet      allDocs = null;
                TreeProvider tree    = new TreeProvider(currentUser);
                btnCancel.Text = GetString("general.cancel");

                // Current Node ID to delete
                string parentAliasPath = string.Empty;
                if (Parameters != null)
                    parentAliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["parentaliaspath"], string.Empty);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath))
                    nodeIdsArr = QueryHelper.GetString("nodeid", string.Empty).Trim('|').Split(new char[] { '|' },
                    foreach (string nodeId in nodeIdsArr)
                        int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeId, 0);
                        if (id != 0)
                    string where = "ClassName <> 'CMS.Root'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(WhereCondition))
                        where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, WhereCondition);
                    allDocs = tree.SelectNodes(currentSite.SiteName, parentAliasPath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/' }) + "/%",
                                               TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES, where,
                                               "DocumentName", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0,
                                               TreeProvider.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS + ",DocumentName,NodeParentID,NodeSiteID");

                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(allDocs))
                        foreach (DataTable table in allDocs.Tables)
                            foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                                nodeIds.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeID"], 0));

                // Setup page title text and image
                CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText  = GetString("Content.DeleteTitle");
                CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/Dialogs/delete.png");

                btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", ctlAsync.GetCancelScript(true) + "return false;");

                // Register the dialog script

                titleElemAsync.TitleText  = GetString("ContentDelete.DeletingDocuments");
                titleElemAsync.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("CMSModules/CMS_Content/Dialogs/delete.png");

                // Set visibility of panels
                pnlContent.Visible = true;
                pnlLog.Visible     = false;

                // Set all cultures checkbox

                if (!CultureInfoProvider.IsSiteMultilignual(currentSite.SiteName))
                    chkAllCultures.Checked = true;
                    chkAllCultures.Visible = false;

                if (nodeIds.Count > 0)
                    if (nodeIds.Count == 1)
                        int      nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeIds[0], 0);
                        TreeNode node   = null;
                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath))
                            // Get any culture if current not found
                            node = tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, currentUser.PreferredCultureCode) ??
                                   tree.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES);
                            if (allDocs != null)
                                DataRow dr = allDocs.Tables[0].Rows[0];
                                node = TreeNode.New(dr, ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty),

                        if (node != null)
                            if (!IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(node))
                                pnlDelete.Visible = false;
                                lblError.Text     = String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtodeletedocument"),

                            if (node.IsLink)
                                CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitleLink") + " \"" +
                                                                HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.DocumentName) + "\"";
                                lblQuestion.Text       = GetString("ContentDelete.QuestionLink");
                                chkAllCultures.Checked = true;
                                plcCheck.Visible       = false;
                                string nodeName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.DocumentName);
                                // Get name for root document
                                if (node.NodeClassName.ToLower() == "cms.root")
                                    nodeName = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(currentSite.DisplayName);
                                CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitle") + " \"" + nodeName +
                                // If there is SKU
                                if (node.HasSKU)
                                    GeneralizedInfo product = ModuleCommands.ECommerceGetSKUInfo(node.NodeSKUID);
                                    if (product != null)
                                        bool authorized = false;
                                        // Check if product is global
                                        if (product.GetValue("SKUSiteID") == null)
                                            // Check EcommerceGlobalModify permission
                                            authorized = currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Ecommerce", "EcommerceGlobalModify");
                                            // Check ModifyProducts/EcommerceModify permission
                                            authorized = currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Ecommerce", "ModifyProducts") || currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Ecommerce", "EcommerceModify");

                                        if (authorized)
                                            pnlDeleteSKU.Visible = true;
                                            chkDeleteSKU.Visible = true;

                            // Show or hide checkbox
                            chkDestroy.Visible = CanDestroy(node);

                            cancelNodeId = IsMultipleAction ? node.NodeParentID : node.NodeID;
                        lblQuestion.Text    = GetString("ContentDelete.Question");
                        chkAllCultures.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.AllCultures");
                        chkDestroy.Text     = GetString("ContentDelete.Destroy");
                        chkDeleteSKU.Text   = GetString("ContentDelete.SKU");
                    else if (nodeIds.Count > 1)
                        pnlDocList.Visible = true;
                        string where       = "NodeID IN (";
                        foreach (int nodeID in nodeIds)
                            where += nodeID + ",";

                        where = where.TrimEnd(',') + ")";
                        DataSet ds = allDocs ??
                                     tree.SelectNodes(currentSite.SiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null,
                                                      where, "DocumentName", -1, false);

                        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                            TreeNode node    = null;
                            string   docList = null;

                            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath))
                                cancelNodeId =
                                        DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeParentID"), 0);
                                cancelNodeId = TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByAliasPath(currentSite.SiteName, parentAliasPath);

                            bool canDestroy = true;

                            foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                                foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                                    bool   isLink = (dr["NodeLinkedNodeID"] != DBNull.Value);
                                    string name   = (string)dr["DocumentName"];
                                    docList += HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(name);
                                    if (isLink)
                                        docList += UIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.Link);
                                    docList          += "<br />";
                                    lblDocuments.Text = docList;

                                    // Set visibility of checkboxes
                                    node = TreeNode.New(dr,
                                                        ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty));

                                    if (!IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(node))
                                        pnlDelete.Visible = false;
                                        lblError.Text     = String.Format(

                                    // Can destroy if "can destroy all previous AND current"
                                    canDestroy = CanDestroy(node) && canDestroy;

                                    if ((currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Ecommerce", "ModifyProducts") || currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Ecommerce", "EcommerceModify")) &&
                                        pnlDeleteSKU.Visible = true;
                                        chkDeleteSKU.Visible = true;
                            chkDestroy.Visible = canDestroy;

                        lblQuestion.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.QuestionMultiple");
                        CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText = GetString("Content.DeleteTitleMultiple");
                        chkAllCultures.Text           = GetString("ContentDelete.AllCulturesMultiple");
                        chkDestroy.Text   = GetString("ContentDelete.DestroyMultiple");
                        chkDeleteSKU.Text = GetString("ContentDelete.SKUMultiple");
                    // If user has allowed cultures specified
                    if (currentUser.UserHasAllowedCultures)
                        // Get all site cultures
                        DataSet siteCultures            = CultureInfoProvider.GetSiteCultures(currentSite.SiteName);
                        bool    denyAllCulturesDeletion = false;
                        // Check that user can edit all site cultures
                        foreach (DataRow culture in siteCultures.Tables[0].Rows)
                            string cultureCode =
                                ValidationHelper.GetString(DataHelper.GetDataRowValue(culture, "CultureCode"),
                            if (!currentUser.IsCultureAllowed(cultureCode, currentSite.SiteName))
                                denyAllCulturesDeletion = true;
                        // If user can't edit all site cultures
                        if (denyAllCulturesDeletion)
                            // Hide all cultures selector
                            chkAllCultures.Visible = false;
                            chkAllCultures.Checked = false;
                    // Hide everything
                    pnlContent.Visible = false;
            pnlDelete.Visible = false;
            lblError.Text     = GetString("dialogs.badhashtext");
예제 #38
    /// <summary>
    /// Copies document(s).
    /// </summary>
    private void Copy(object parameter)
        int      nodeId    = 0;
        int      oldSiteId = 0;
        int      newSiteId = 0;
        TreeNode node      = null;

        // Process Action parameters
        string[] parameters = ValidationHelper.GetString(parameter, "False;False").Split(';');
        if (parameters.Length != 2)
            parameters = "False;False".Split(';');
        bool includeChildNodes = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(parameters[0], false);
        bool copyPermissions   = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(parameters[1], false);

        ctlAsync.Parameter = null;
        string siteName = CurrentSite.SiteName;


            if (targetId == 0)
            // Get target document
            TreeNode targetNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(targetId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES);
            if (targetNode == null)

            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(documentsToProcess))
                // Create where condition
                string where = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("NodeID", nodeIds).ToString(true);
                string columns = SqlHelper.MergeColumns(TreeProvider.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS, "NodeAliasPath, ClassName, DocumentCulture");

                documentsToProcess = TreeProvider.SelectNodes(siteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, columns);

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(documentsToProcess))
                foreach (DataRow nodeRow in documentsToProcess.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Get the current document
                    nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeRow["NodeID"], 0);
                    string className  = nodeRow["ClassName"].ToString();
                    string aliasPath  = nodeRow["NodeAliasPath"].ToString();
                    string docCulture = nodeRow["DocumentCulture"].ToString();
                    node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, docCulture, false, className, null, null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, null, TreeProvider);

                    if (node == null)
                        AddLog(string.Format(GetString("ContentRequest.DocumentNoLongerExists"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(aliasPath)));

                    oldSiteId = node.NodeSiteID;

                    // Copy the document
                    TreeNode copiedNode = CopyNode(node, targetNode, includeChildNodes, TreeProvider, copyPermissions);
                    if (copiedNode != null)
                        node = copiedNode;
                    newSiteId = node.NodeSiteID;
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            string state = ValidationHelper.GetString(ex.ExceptionState, string.Empty);
            if (state != CMSThread.ABORT_REASON_STOP)
                // Try to get ID of site
                int siteId = (node != null) ? node.NodeSiteID : SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
                // Log event to event log
                LogExceptionToEventLog("COPYDOC", "ContentRequest.CopyFailed", nodeId, ex, siteId);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Try to get ID of site
            int siteId = (node != null) ? node.NodeSiteID : SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
            // Log event to event log
            LogExceptionToEventLog("COPYDOC", "ContentRequest.CopyFailed", nodeId, ex, siteId);
            if (multiple)
                ctlAsync.Parameter = GetRefreshListingScript();
                // Set moved document in current site or parent node if copy to other site
                if (oldSiteId == newSiteId)
                    if (nodeId == 0)
                        // If processed node does not exist
                        // Process result
                        if (node != null)
                            nodeId = (multiple ? nodeId : node.NodeID);

                            ctlAsync.Parameter = "SelectNode(" + nodeId + ");RefreshTree(" + targetId + ", " + nodeId + ");";
                    ctlAsync.Parameter = string.Empty;
예제 #39
    /// <summary>
    /// Links selected document(s).
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="includeChildNodes">Determines whether include child nodes</param>
    /// <param name="targetNodeId">Target node ID</param>
    /// <param name="sourceNodes">Nodes</param>
    /// <param name="performedAction">Action to be performed</param>
    /// <param name="copyPermissions">Indicates if the document permissions should be copied</param>
    private void Link(bool includeChildNodes, int targetNodeId, List <int> sourceNodes, Action performedAction, bool copyPermissions)
        int      nodeId    = 0;
        int      oldSiteId = 0;
        int      newSiteId = 0;
        TreeNode node      = null;

        string siteName = (performedAction == Action.LinkDoc) ? targetSite.SiteName : CurrentSite.SiteName;


            if (targetNodeId == 0)

            // Check if allow child type
            TreeNode targetNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(targetNodeId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES);
            if (targetNode == null)

            // Prepare NodeIDs to process
            if (performedAction == Action.LinkDoc)
            else if (performedAction == Action.Link)

            if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(documentsToProcess))
                // Create where condition
                string where = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("NodeID", sourceNodes).ToString(true);
                string columns = SqlHelper.MergeColumns(TreeProvider.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS, "NodeParentID, DocumentName, NodeAliasPath, NodeLinkedNodeID");

                documentsToProcess = TreeProvider.SelectNodes(siteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, columns);

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(documentsToProcess))
                foreach (DataRow nodeRow in documentsToProcess.Tables[0].Rows)
                    nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeRow["NodeID"], 0);
                    string className  = nodeRow["ClassName"].ToString();
                    string aliasPath  = nodeRow["NodeAliasPath"].ToString();
                    string docCulture = nodeRow["DocumentCulture"].ToString();

                    // Get document to link
                    node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, docCulture, false, className, null, null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, null, TreeProvider);

                    if (node == null)
                        AddLog(string.Format(GetString("ContentRequest.DocumentNoLongerExists"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(aliasPath)));

                    oldSiteId = node.NodeSiteID;

                    // Link the document
                    TreeNode linkedNode = LinkNode(node, targetNode, TreeProvider, copyPermissions, includeChildNodes);
                    if (linkedNode != null)
                        node = linkedNode;
                    newSiteId = node.NodeSiteID;
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            string state = ValidationHelper.GetString(ex.ExceptionState, string.Empty);
            if (state != CMSThread.ABORT_REASON_STOP)
                // Try to get ID of site
                int siteId = (node != null) ? node.NodeSiteID : SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
                // Log event to event log
                LogExceptionToEventLog("LINKDOC", "ContentRequest.LinkFailed", nodeId, ex, siteId);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Try to get ID of site
            int siteId = (node != null) ? node.NodeSiteID : SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;
            // Log event to event log
            LogExceptionToEventLog("LINKDOC", "ContentRequest.LinkFailed", nodeId, ex, siteId);
            if (multiple)
                ctlAsync.Parameter = GetRefreshListingScript();
                if (nodeId == 0)
                    // If processed node does not exist
                    // Set linked document in current site or parent node if linked to other site
                    if (oldSiteId == newSiteId)
                        if (node == null)

                    // Process result
                    if (node != null)
                        ctlAsync.Parameter = "SelectNode(" + node.NodeID + ");RefreshTree(" + node.NodeID + ", " + node.NodeID + ");";
예제 #40
    protected void btnOk_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Let the parent control now new message is being saved
        if (OnBeforeMessageSaved != null)

        // Check if message board is opened
        if (!IsBoardOpen())

        // Check banned IP
        if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, BanControlEnum.AllNonComplete))

        // Validate form
        string errorMessage = ValidateForm();

        if (errorMessage == String.Empty)
            // Check flooding when message being inserted through the LiveSite
            if (CheckFloodProtection && IsLiveSite && FloodProtectionHelper.CheckFlooding(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser))

            var currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            BoardMessageInfo message;

            if (MessageID > 0)
                // Get message info
                message        = BoardMessageInfoProvider.GetBoardMessageInfo(MessageID);
                MessageBoardID = message.MessageBoardID;
                // Create new info
                message = new BoardMessageInfo();

                // User IP address
                message.MessageUserInfo.IPAddress = RequestContext.UserHostAddress;
                // User agent
                message.MessageUserInfo.Agent = Request.UserAgent;

            // Setup message info
            message.MessageEmail = txtEmail.Text.Trim();
            message.MessageText  = txtMessage.Text.Trim();

            // Handle message URL
            string url = txtURL.Text.Trim();
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(url))
                string protocol = URLHelper.GetProtocol(url);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(protocol))
                    url = "http://" + url;

            message.MessageURL = TextHelper.LimitLength(url, txtURL.MaxLength);
            message.MessageURL = message.MessageURL.ToLowerCSafe().Replace("javascript", "_javascript");

            message.MessageUserName = TextHelper.LimitLength(txtUserName.Text.Trim(), txtUserName.MaxLength);
            if ((message.MessageID <= 0) && (!currentUser.IsPublic()))
                message.MessageUserID = currentUser.UserID;
                if (!plcUserName.Visible)
                    message.MessageUserName = GetDefaultUserName();

            message.MessageIsSpam = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(chkSpam.Checked, false);

            if (BoardProperties.EnableContentRating && (ratingControl != null) &&
                (ratingControl.GetCurrentRating() > 0))
                message.MessageRatingValue = ratingControl.CurrentRating;

                // Update document rating, remember rating in cookie

            BoardInfo boardInfo;

            // If there is message board
            if (MessageBoardID > 0)
                // Load message board
                boardInfo = Board;
                // Create new message board according to webpart properties
                boardInfo = new BoardInfo(BoardProperties);

                // Update information on current message board
                MessageBoardID = boardInfo.BoardID;

                // Set board-role relationship
                BoardRoleInfoProvider.SetBoardRoles(MessageBoardID, BoardProperties.BoardRoles);

                // Set moderators
                BoardModeratorInfoProvider.SetBoardModerators(MessageBoardID, BoardProperties.BoardModerators);

            if (boardInfo != null)
                if (BoardInfoProvider.IsUserAuthorizedToAddMessages(boardInfo))
                    // If the very new message is inserted
                    if (MessageID == 0)
                        // If creating message set inserted to now and assign to board
                        message.MessageInserted = DateTime.Now;
                        message.MessageBoardID  = MessageBoardID;

                        // Handle auto approve action
                        bool isAuthorized = BoardInfoProvider.IsUserAuthorizedToManageMessages(boardInfo);
                        if (isAuthorized)
                            message.MessageApprovedByUserID = currentUser.UserID;
                            message.MessageApproved         = true;
                            // Is board moderated ?
                            message.MessageApprovedByUserID = 0;
                            message.MessageApproved         = !boardInfo.BoardModerated;
                        if (chkApproved.Checked)
                            // Set current user as approver
                            message.MessageApproved         = true;
                            message.MessageApprovedByUserID = currentUser.UserID;
                            message.MessageApproved         = false;
                            message.MessageApprovedByUserID = 0;

                    if (!AdvancedMode)
                        if (!BadWordInfoProvider.CanUseBadWords(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser, SiteContext.CurrentSiteName))
                            // Columns to check
                            Dictionary <string, int> collumns = new Dictionary <string, int>();
                            collumns.Add("MessageText", 0);
                            collumns.Add("MessageUserName", 250);

                            // Perform bad words check
                            bool validateUserName = plcUserName.Visible;
                            errorMessage = BadWordsHelper.CheckBadWords(message, collumns, "MessageApproved", "MessageApprovedByUserID",
                                                                        message.MessageText, currentUser.UserID, () => ValidateMessage(message, validateUserName));

                            // Additionally check empty fields
                            if (errorMessage == string.Empty)
                                if (!ValidateMessage(message, validateUserName))
                                    errorMessage = GetString("board.messageedit.emptybadword");

                    // Subscribe this user to message board
                    if (chkSubscribe.Checked)
                        string email = message.MessageEmail;

                        // Check for duplicate e-mails
                        DataSet ds = BoardSubscriptionInfoProvider.GetSubscriptions("((SubscriptionApproved = 1) OR (SubscriptionApproved IS NULL)) AND SubscriptionBoardID=" + MessageBoardID +
                                                                                    " AND SubscriptionEmail='" + SqlHelper.GetSafeQueryString(email, false) + "'", null);
                        if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                            BoardSubscriptionInfo bsi = new BoardSubscriptionInfo();
                            bsi.SubscriptionBoardID = MessageBoardID;
                            bsi.SubscriptionEmail   = email;
                            if (!currentUser.IsPublic())
                                bsi.SubscriptionUserID = currentUser.UserID;
                            BoardSubscriptionInfoProvider.Subscribe(bsi, DateTime.Now, true, true);

                            if (bsi.SubscriptionApproved)
                                Service <ICurrentContactMergeService> .Entry().UpdateCurrentContactEmail(bsi.SubscriptionEmail, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

                                LogSubscribingActivity(bsi, boardInfo);
                                string confirmation  = GetString("general.subscribed.doubleoptin");
                                int    optInInterval = BoardInfoProvider.DoubleOptInInterval(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName);
                                if (optInInterval > 0)
                                    confirmation += "<br />" + String.Format(GetString("general.subscription_timeintervalwarning"), optInInterval);
                            errorMessage = GetString("board.subscription.emailexists");

                    if (errorMessage == "")
                            // Save message info
                            Service <ICurrentContactMergeService> .Entry().UpdateCurrentContactEmail(message.MessageEmail, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);

                            LogCommentActivity(message, boardInfo);

                            if (BoardProperties.EnableContentRating && (ratingControl != null) && (ratingControl.GetCurrentRating() > 0))

                            // If the message is not approved let the user know message is waiting for approval
                            if (message.MessageApproved == false)

                            // Rise after message saved event
                            if (OnAfterMessageSaved != null)

                            // Hide message form if user has rated and empty rating is not allowed
                            if (BoardProperties.CheckIfUserRated)
                                if (!BoardProperties.AllowEmptyRating && TreeProvider.HasRated(DocumentContext.CurrentDocument))
                                    pnlMessageEdit.Visible  = false;
                                    lblAlreadyrated.Visible = true;
                                    // Hide rating form if user has rated
                                    if (BoardProperties.EnableContentRating && (ratingControl != null) && ratingControl.GetCurrentRating() > 0)
                                        plcRating.Visible = false;

                            // Clear form content
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            errorMessage = ex.Message;
                else if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
                    errorMessage = ResHelper.GetString("general.actiondenied");

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(errorMessage))
예제 #41
    /// <summary>
    /// Ensures the given node within the tree.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="node">Node to ensure</param>
    /// <param name="nodeId">Ensure by NodeID</param>
    protected void EnsureNode(TreeNode node, int nodeId)
        if (node == null)
            // If not already exists, do not add
            if (allNodes[nodeId] != null)
                // Get the node
                node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(nodeId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true);

                if (!SelectPublishedData)
                    node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, TreeProvider);
            nodeId = node.NodeID;

        if (node != null)
            // Get the correct parent node
            System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode parentNode = (System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode)allNodes[node.NodeParentID];
            if (parentNode != null)
                // Expand the parent
                parentNode.Expanded = true;

                // If still not present, add the node
                if (allNodes[nodeId] == null)
                    TreeSiteMapNode sourceNode = new TreeSiteMapNode(MapProvider, nodeId.ToString());
                    sourceNode.TreeNode = node;

                    System.Web.UI.WebControls.TreeNode newNode = CreateNode(sourceNode, 0, true);

                // Get the correct node and add it to list of processed nodes
                TreeSiteMapNode targetNode = MapProvider.GetNodeByAliasPath(node.NodeAliasPath);

                if (targetNode != null)
                    List <int> procNodes = new List <int>();

                    if (targetNode.ParentNode != null)
                        // Repeat until existing parent node in allNodes is found
                            int targetParentNodeId = (int)((TreeSiteMapNode)targetNode.ParentNode).NodeData["NodeID"];
                            targetNode = (TreeSiteMapNode)targetNode.ParentNode;
                        } while ((targetNode.ParentNode != null) && (allNodes[(int)(((TreeSiteMapNode)(targetNode.ParentNode)).NodeData["NodeID"])] == null));

                    // Process nodes in reverse order
                    if (!procNodes.Any(p => (p <= 0)))
                        foreach (int nodeID in procNodes)
                            EnsureNode(null, nodeID);
예제 #42
    /// <summary>
    /// Initializes the controls.
    /// </summary>
    private void SetupControls()
        lblRating.Text       = GetString("board.messageedit.rating");
        lblEmail.Text        = GetString("board.messageedit.email");
        lblMessage.Text      = GetString("board.messageedit.message");
        lblURL.Text          = GetString("board.messageedit.url");
        lblUserName.Text     = GetString("board.messageedit.username");
        lblAlreadyrated.Text = GetString("board.messageedit.alreadyrated");
        lblSubscribe.Text    = GetString("board.messageedit.subscribe");

        rfvMessage.ErrorMessage  = GetString("board.messageedit.rfvmessage");
        rfvUserName.ErrorMessage = GetString("board.messageedit.rfvusername");
        rfvEmail.ErrorMessage    = GetString("board.messageedit.rfvemail");

        btnOk.Text = GetString("board.messageedit.addmessage");

        txtUserName.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;
        rfvUserName.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;

        rfvEmail.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;

        txtMessage.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;
        rfvMessage.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;

        btnOk.ValidationGroup       = ValidationGroup;
        btnOkFooter.ValidationGroup = ValidationGroup;

        // Fields visibility
        plcUserName.Visible = BoardProperties.ShowNameField;
        plcEmail.Visible    = BoardProperties.ShowEmailField;
        plcUrl.Visible      = BoardProperties.ShowURLField;

        // Load message board
        if (BoardProperties != null)
            if (!BoardProperties.BoardRequireEmails)
                rfvEmail.Enabled = false;

            if ((BoardProperties.BoardUseCaptcha) && (!AdvancedMode))
                // Show captcha text and control
                pnlCaptcha.Visible = true;

        plcRating.Visible = false;

        // Show rating form only if user has not rated yet or rating check is disabled
        if (!AdvancedMode && BoardProperties.EnableContentRating && (!TreeProvider.HasRated(DocumentContext.CurrentDocument) || !BoardProperties.CheckIfUserRated))
            if (DocumentContext.CurrentDocument != null)
                plcRating.Visible = true;
                    // Insert rating control to page
                    ratingControl = (AbstractRatingControl)(Page.LoadUserControl(AbstractRatingControl.GetRatingControlUrl(BoardProperties.RatingType + ".ascx")));
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(ex.Message));

                // Init values
                ratingControl.ID                 = ID + "_RatingControl";
                ratingControl.MaxRating          = BoardProperties.MaxRatingValue;
                ratingControl.Visible            = true;
                ratingControl.Enabled            = true;
                ratingControl.RatingEvent       += ratingControl_RatingEvent;
                ratingControl.CurrentRating      = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(ViewState["ratingvalue"], 0);
                ratingControl.ExternalManagement = true;

        if (AdvancedMode)
            // Initialize advanced controls
            plcAdvanced.Visible        = true;
            lblApproved.Text           = GetString("board.messageedit.approved");
            lblSpam.Text               = GetString("board.messageedit.spam");
            lblInsertedCaption.Text    = GetString("board.messageedit.inserted");
            btnOk.ResourceString       = "general.saveandclose";
            btnOkFooter.ResourceString = "general.saveandclose";

            // Show or hide "Inserted" label
            bool showInserted = (MessageID > 0);
            lblInsertedCaption.Visible = showInserted;
            lblInserted.Visible        = showInserted;
            chkSubscribe.Visible       = false;
            // If is not moderated then autocheck approve
            if (!BoardProperties.BoardModerated)
                chkApproved.Checked = true;

        if (ModalMode)
            plcFooter.Visible   = true;
            pnlOkButton.Visible = false;
            plcFooter.Visible   = false;
            pnlOkButton.Visible = true;

        // Show/hide subscription option
        plcChkSubscribe.Visible = BoardProperties.BoardEnableSubscriptions && BoardProperties.ShowEmailField;

        // For new message hide Is approved chkbox (auto approve)
        if (MessageID <= 0)
            plcApproved.Visible = false;

        // Hide message form if empty rating is not allowed and user has rated
        if (!BoardProperties.AllowEmptyRating && BoardProperties.CheckIfUserRated && TreeProvider.HasRated(DocumentContext.CurrentDocument))
            pnlMessageEdit.Visible  = false;
            lblAlreadyrated.Visible = true;
예제 #43
    /// <summary>
    /// UniGrid action buttons event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void gridDocs_OnAction(string actionName, object actionArgument)
        switch (actionName.ToLowerCSafe())
        // Edit document
        case "edit":
            // Check group's permission to edit document if allowed
            if (CheckGroupPermission("editpages"))
                editDoc.NodeID           = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0);
                editDoc.Action           = "edit";
                editDoc.CheckPermissions = CheckPermissions;
                editDoc.AllowDelete      = AllowDelete && CheckGroupPermission("deletepages");

                pnlEdit.Visible = true;
                pnlList.Visible = false;

        // Delete document
        case "delete":
            // Check banned IP
            if (!BannedIPInfoProvider.IsAllowed(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, BanControlEnum.AllNonComplete))

            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

            // Delete specified node
            int      documentId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(actionArgument, 0);
            TreeNode node       = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(documentId, tree);
            if (node != null)
                // Check user's permission to delete document if allowed
                bool hasUserDeletePermission = !CheckPermissions || IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(node);
                // Check group's permission to delete document if allowed
                hasUserDeletePermission &= CheckGroupPermission("deletepages");

                if (hasUserDeletePermission)
                    DocumentHelper.DeleteDocument(node, tree, false, false, true);
                    if (LogActivity)
                        Activity activity = new ActivityUserContributionDelete(node, node.GetDocumentName(), CMSContext.ActivityEnvironmentVariables);

                    // Fire OnAfterDelete

                // Access denied - not authorized to delete the document
                    AddAlert(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtodeletedocument"), node.NodeAliasPath));
예제 #44
    /// <summary>
    /// Deletes document(s).
    /// </summary>
    private void Delete(object parameter)
        if (parameter == null || nodeIds.Count < 1)

        if (!LicenseHelper.LicenseVersionCheck(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Blogs, VersionActionEnum.Edit))
            AddError(ResHelper.GetString("cmsdesk.blogdeletelicenselimitations", currentCulture));

        if (!LicenseHelper.LicenseVersionCheck(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Documents, VersionActionEnum.Edit))
            AddError(ResHelper.GetString("cmsdesk.documentdeletelicenselimitations", currentCulture));
        int refreshId = 0;

        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(currentUser);

        tree.AllowAsyncActions = false;

            string[] parameters = ((string)parameter).Split(';');

            string siteName = parameters[1];

            // Prepare the where condition
            string where = SqlHelperClass.GetWhereCondition("NodeID", (int[])nodeIds.ToArray(typeof(int)));
            string columns = SqlHelperClass.MergeColumns(TreeProvider.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS, "NodeAliasPath, ClassName, DocumentCulture, NodeParentID");

            bool   combineWithDefaultCulture = chkAllCultures.Checked;
            string cultureCode = combineWithDefaultCulture ? TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES : parameters[0];

            // Begin log
            AddLog(ResHelper.GetString("ContentDelete.DeletingDocuments", currentCulture));

            // Get the documents
            DataSet ds = tree.SelectNodes(siteName, "/%", cultureCode, combineWithDefaultCulture, null, where, "NodeAliasPath DESC", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, columns);
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                // Delete the documents
                foreach (DataRow nodeRow in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                    // Get the current document
                    string className  = nodeRow["ClassName"].ToString();
                    string aliasPath  = nodeRow["NodeAliasPath"].ToString();
                    string docCulture = nodeRow["DocumentCulture"].ToString();
                    refreshId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeRow["NodeParentID"], 0);
                    if (refreshId == 0)
                        refreshId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeRow["NodeID"], 0);
                    TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, docCulture, false, className, null, null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, null, tree);

                    if (node == null)
                        AddLog(string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("ContentRequest.DocumentNoLongerExists", currentCulture), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(aliasPath)));

                    // Ensure current parent ID
                    int parentId = node.NodeParentID;

                    // Check delete permissions
                    if (IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(node) && (CanDestroy(node) || !chkDestroy.Checked))
                        // Delete the document
                        if (parentId <= 0)
                            parentId = node.NodeID;

                        // Delete document
                        refreshId = DocumentHelper.DeleteDocument(node, tree, chkAllCultures.Checked, chkDestroy.Checked, chkDeleteSKU.Checked) ? parentId : node.NodeID;
                    // Access denied - not authorized to delete the document
                        AddError(string.Format(ResHelper.GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtodeletedocument", currentCulture), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath)));
                AddError(ResHelper.GetString("DeleteDocument.CultureNotExists", currentCulture));
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            string state = ValidationHelper.GetString(ex.ExceptionState, string.Empty);
            if (state == CMSThread.ABORT_REASON_STOP)
                // When canceled
                AddError(ResHelper.GetString("DeleteDocument.DeletionCanceled", currentCulture));
                // Log error
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Log error
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentError))
                // Refresh tree
                ctlAsync.Parameter = "RefreshTree(" + refreshId + ", " + refreshId + "); \n" + "DisplayDocument(" + refreshId + ");";
                ctlAsync.Parameter = "RefreshTree(null, null);";
예제 #45
    private object gridData_OnExternalDataBound(object sender, string sourceName, object parameter)
        DataRowView row = parameter as DataRowView;

        if (DocumentListingDisplayed)
            switch (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe())
            case "skunumber":
            case "skuavailableitems":
            case "publicstatusid":
            case "allowforsale":
            case "skusiteid":
            case "typename":
            case "skuprice":

                if (ShowSections && (row["NodeSKUID"] == DBNull.Value))


            case "edititem":
                row = ((GridViewRow)parameter).DataItem as DataRowView;

                if ((row != null) && ((row["NodeSKUID"] == DBNull.Value) || showProductsInTree))
                    CMSGridActionButton btn = sender as CMSGridActionButton;
                    if (btn != null)
                        int currentNodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeID"], 0);
                        int nodeParentId  = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeParentID"], 0);

                        if (row["NodeSKUID"] == DBNull.Value)
                            btn.IconCssClass = "icon-eye";
                            btn.IconStyle    = GridIconStyle.Allow;
                            btn.ToolTip      = GetString("com.sku.viewproducts");

                        // Go to the selected document
                        btn.OnClientClick = "EditItem(" + currentNodeId + ", " + nodeParentId + "); return false;";


        switch (sourceName.ToLowerCSafe())
        case "skunumber":
            string skuNumber = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["SKUNumber"], null);
            return(HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(ResHelper.LocalizeString(skuNumber) ?? ""));

        case "skuavailableitems":
            var sku            = new SKUInfo(row.Row);
            int availableItems = sku.SKUAvailableItems;

            // Inventory tracked by variants
            if (sku.SKUTrackInventory == TrackInventoryTypeEnum.ByVariants)

            // Inventory tracking disabled
            if (sku.SKUTrackInventory == TrackInventoryTypeEnum.Disabled)

            // Ensure correct values for unigrid export
            if (sender == null)

            // Tracking by products
            InlineEditingTextBox inlineAvailableItems = new InlineEditingTextBox();
            inlineAvailableItems.Text          = availableItems.ToString();
            inlineAvailableItems.DelayedReload = DocumentListingDisplayed;
            inlineAvailableItems.EnableEncode  = false;

            inlineAvailableItems.Formatting += (s, e) =>
                var reorderAt = sku.SKUReorderAt;

                // Emphasize the number when product needs to be reordered
                if (availableItems <= reorderAt)
                    // Format message informing about insufficient stock level
                    string reorderMsg = string.Format(GetString("com.sku.reorderatTooltip"), reorderAt);
                    string message    = string.Format("<span class=\"alert-status-error\" onclick=\"UnTip()\" onmouseout=\"UnTip()\" onmouseover=\"Tip('{1}')\">{0}</span>", availableItems, reorderMsg);
                    inlineAvailableItems.FormattedText = message;

            // Unigrid with delayed reload in combination with inline edit control requires additional postback to sort data.
            // Update data only if external data bound is called for the first time.
            if (!forceReloadData)
                inlineAvailableItems.Update += (s, e) =>
                    var newNumberOfItems = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(inlineAvailableItems.Text, availableItems);

                    if (ValidationHelper.IsInteger(inlineAvailableItems.Text) && (-1000000000 <= newNumberOfItems) && (newNumberOfItems <= 1000000000))

                        // Ensures that grid will display inserted value
                        sku.SKUAvailableItems = newNumberOfItems;

                        // Document list is used to display products -> document has to be updated to ensure correct sku mapping
                        if (DocumentListingDisplayed)
                            int documentId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row.Row["DocumentID"], 0);

                            // Create an instance of the Tree provider and select edited document with coupled data
                            TreeProvider tree     = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
                            TreeNode     document = tree.SelectSingleDocument(documentId);

                            if (document == null)

                            document.SetValue("SKUAvailableItems", newNumberOfItems);

                            forceReloadData = true;
                        // Stand-alone product -> only product has to be updated

                        inlineAvailableItems.ErrorText = GetString("com.productedit.availableitemsinvalid");


        case "skuprice":

            SKUInfo product = new SKUInfo(row.Row);

            // Ensure correct values for unigrid export
            if (sender == null)

            InlineEditingTextBox inlineSkuPrice = new InlineEditingTextBox();
            inlineSkuPrice.Text          = product.SKUPrice.ToString();
            inlineSkuPrice.DelayedReload = DocumentListingDisplayed;

            inlineSkuPrice.Formatting += (s, e) =>
                // Format price
                inlineSkuPrice.FormattedText = CurrencyInfoProvider.GetFormattedPrice(product.SKUPrice, product.SKUSiteID);

            // Unigrid with delayed reload in combination with inline edit control requires additional postback to sort data.
            // Update data only if external data bound is called for the first time.
            if (!forceReloadData)
                inlineSkuPrice.Update += (s, e) =>

                    // Price must be a double number
                    double price = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(inlineSkuPrice.Text, -1);

                    if (ValidationHelper.IsDouble(inlineSkuPrice.Text) && (price >= 0))
                        // Ensures that grid will display inserted price
                        product.SKUPrice = price;

                        // Document list is used to display products -> document has to be updated to ensure correct sku mapping
                        if (DocumentListingDisplayed)
                            int documentId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row.Row["DocumentID"], 0);

                            // Create an instance of the Tree provider and select edited document with coupled data
                            TreeProvider tree     = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
                            TreeNode     document = tree.SelectSingleDocument(documentId);

                            if (document != null)
                                document.SetValue("SKUPrice", price);

                                forceReloadData = true;
                        // Stand-alone product -> only product has to be updated

                        inlineSkuPrice.ErrorText = GetString("com.productedit.priceinvalid");


        case "publicstatusid":
            int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["SKUPublicStatusID"], 0);
            PublicStatusInfo publicStatus = PublicStatusInfoProvider.GetPublicStatusInfo(id);
            if (publicStatus != null)
                // Localize and encode


        case "allowforsale":
            // Get "on sale" flag
            return(UniGridFunctions.ColoredSpanYesNo(ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(row["SKUEnabled"], false)));

        case "typename":
            string docTypeName = ValidationHelper.GetString(row["ClassDisplayName"], null);

            // Localize class display name
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(docTypeName))


예제 #46
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (!QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash"))

        // Check if hashtable containing dialog parameters is not empty
        if ((Parameters == null) || (Parameters.Count == 0))

        // Register CopyMove.js script file
        ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(Page, "~/CMSModules/Content/Controls/Dialogs/Properties/CopyMove.js");

        IsDialogAction = true;
        // Setup tree provider
        TreeProvider.AllowAsyncActions = false;

        // Initialize events
        ctlAsync.OnFinished   += ctlAsync_OnFinished;
        ctlAsync.OnError      += ctlAsync_OnError;
        ctlAsync.OnRequestLog += ctlAsync_OnRequestLog;
        ctlAsync.OnCancel     += ctlAsync_OnCancel;

        if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback())
            ClassID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Parameters["classid"], 0);

            // Get whether action is multiple
            multiple = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(Parameters["multiple"], false);

            // Get the source node
            string   nodeIdsString = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["sourcenodeids"], string.Empty);
            string[] nodeIdsArr    = nodeIdsString.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            foreach (string nodeId in nodeIdsArr)
                int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeId, 0);
                if (id != 0)
            // Get target node id
            targetId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Parameters["targetid"], 0);

            using (TreeNode tn = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(targetId))
                if ((tn != null) && (tn.NodeSiteID != CurrentSite.SiteID))
                    SiteInfo si = SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteInfo(tn.NodeSiteID);
                    if (si != null)
                        targetSite = si;
                    targetSite = CurrentSite;

            // Set if operation take place on same site
            sameSite = (CurrentSite == targetSite);

            btnCancel.Text = GetString("General.Cancel");
            btnCancel.Attributes.Add("onclick", ctlAsync.GetCancelScript(true) + "return false;");

            // Set introducing text
            if (targetId == 0)
                switch (CurrentAction)
                case Action.Move:
                case Action.Copy:
                case Action.Link:
                    lblEmpty.Text = GetString("dialogs.copymove.select");

                case Action.LinkDoc:
                    lblEmpty.Text = GetString("dialogs.linkdoc.select");

            // Check if target of action is another site
            if (!sameSite)
                plcCopyPermissions.Visible     = false;
                plcPreservePermissions.Visible = false;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                object check;

                // Preset checkbox value
                switch (CurrentAction)
                case Action.Copy:
                    // Ensure underlying items checkbox
                    check = WindowHelper.GetItem(Action.Copy + underlying);
                    if (check == null)
                        WindowHelper.Add(Action.Copy + underlying, true);
                    chkUnderlying.Checked = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(check, true);
                    if (sameSite)
                        chkCopyPermissions.Checked = CopyPermissions;

                case Action.Link:
                case Action.LinkDoc:
                    // Ensure underlying items checkbox
                    check = WindowHelper.GetItem(Action.Link + underlying);
                    if (check == null)
                        WindowHelper.Add(Action.Link + underlying, false);
                    chkUnderlying.Checked = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(check, false);
                    if (sameSite)
                        chkCopyPermissions.Checked = CopyPermissions;

                case Action.Move:
                    if (sameSite)
                        chkPreservePermissions.Checked = CopyPermissions;

            string listInfoString = string.Empty;

            // Set up layout and strings depending on selected action
            switch (CurrentAction)
            case Action.Move:
                listInfoString             = "dialogs.move.listinfo";
                canceledString             = "ContentRequest.MoveCanceled";
                plcUnderlying.Visible      = false;
                plcCopyPermissions.Visible = false;

            case Action.Copy:
                listInfoString = "dialogs.copy.listinfo";
                canceledString = "ContentRequest.CopyingCanceled";
                lblUnderlying.ResourceString   = "contentrequest.copyunderlying";
                plcUnderlying.Visible          = true;
                plcPreservePermissions.Visible = false;

            case Action.Link:
                listInfoString = "dialogs.link.listinfo";
                canceledString = "ContentRequest.LinkCanceled";
                lblUnderlying.ResourceString   = "contentrequest.linkunderlying";
                plcUnderlying.Visible          = true;
                plcPreservePermissions.Visible = false;

            case Action.LinkDoc:
                listInfoString = "dialogs.link.listinfo";
                canceledString = "ContentRequest.LinkCanceled";
                lblUnderlying.ResourceString   = "contentrequest.linkunderlying";
                plcUnderlying.Visible          = true;
                plcPreservePermissions.Visible = false;

            // Localize string
            canceledString = GetString(canceledString);

            // Get alias path of document selected in tree
            string selectedAliasPath = TreePathUtils.GetAliasPathByNodeId(targetId);

            // Set target alias path
            if ((CurrentAction == Action.Copy) || (CurrentAction == Action.Move) || (CurrentAction == Action.Link))
                lblAliasPath.Text = selectedAliasPath;

            if (nodeIds.Count == 1)
                TreeNode sourceNode      = null;
                string   sourceAliasPath = string.Empty;

                // Get source node
                if ((CurrentAction == Action.Copy) || (CurrentAction == Action.Move) || (CurrentAction == Action.Link))
                    int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeIds[0], 0);
                    sourceNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(nodeId);
                else if (CurrentAction == Action.LinkDoc)
                    sourceNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(targetId);
                    if (sourceNode != null)
                        sourceAliasPath = sourceNode.NodeAliasPath;
                    // Show document to be linked
                    lblDocToCopyList.Text = sourceAliasPath;

                // Hide checkbox if document has no children
                if ((sourceNode != null) && !sourceNode.NodeHasChildren)
                    plcUnderlying.Visible = false;

            // Set visibility of panels
            pnlGeneralTab.Visible = true;
            pnlLog.Visible        = false;

            // Get where condition for multiple operation
            whereCondition = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["where"], string.Empty);

            // Get the alias paths of the documents to copy/move/link
            parentAlias = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["parentalias"], string.Empty);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAlias))
                lblDocToCopy.Text     = GetString(listInfoString + "all") + ResHelper.Colon;
                lblDocToCopyList.Text = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(parentAlias);
                lblDocToCopy.Text = GetString(listInfoString) + ResHelper.Colon;

                // Get the list of alias paths
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeIdsString))
                    // Get alias paths from session
                    string aliasPaths = SessionHelper.GetValue("CopyMoveDocAliasPaths").ToString();

                    // Set alias paths
                    if ((CurrentAction == Action.Copy) || (CurrentAction == Action.Move) || (CurrentAction == Action.Link))
                        // As source paths
                        lblDocToCopyList.Text = aliasPaths;
                        // As target path
                        lblAliasPath.Text = aliasPaths;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack() && DoAction)
                // Perform Move / Copy / Link action

            pnlEmpty.Visible      = (targetId <= 0);
            pnlGeneralTab.Visible = (targetId > 0);
 /// <summary>
 /// Delete documents section.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">Node to be deleted</param>
 /// <param name="tree">Tree provider</param>
 private void DeleteDocumentSection(TreeNode node, TreeProvider tree)
     // Delete all document cultures
     DocumentHelper.DeleteDocument(node, tree, true);
예제 #48
    /// <summary>
    /// Saves edited SKU and returns it's ID. In case of error 0 is returned. Does not fire product saved event.
    /// </summary>
    private int SaveInternal()
        // Check permissions

        // If form is valid and enabled
        if (this.Validate() && this.FormEnabled)
            bool newItem = false;

            // Get SKUInfo
            SKUInfo skuiObj = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUInfo(mProductId);

            if (skuiObj == null)
                newItem = true;

                // Create new item -> insert
                skuiObj           = new SKUInfo();
                skuiObj.SKUSiteID = editedSiteId;
                SKUProductTypeEnum oldProductType = skuiObj.SKUProductType;
                SKUProductTypeEnum newProductType = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUProductTypeEnum((string)this.selectProductTypeElem.Value);

                // Remove e-product dependencies if required
                if ((oldProductType == SKUProductTypeEnum.EProduct) && (newProductType != SKUProductTypeEnum.EProduct))
                    // Delete meta files
                    MetaFileInfoProvider.DeleteFiles(skuiObj.SKUID, ECommerceObjectType.SKU, MetaFileInfoProvider.OBJECT_CATEGORY_EPRODUCT);

                    // Delete SKU files
                    DataSet skuFiles = SKUFileInfoProvider.GetSKUFiles("FileSKUID = " + skuiObj.SKUID, null);

                    foreach (DataRow skuFile in skuFiles.Tables[0].Rows)
                        SKUFileInfo skufi = new SKUFileInfo(skuFile);

                // Remove bundle dependencies if required
                if ((oldProductType == SKUProductTypeEnum.Bundle) && (newProductType != SKUProductTypeEnum.Bundle))
                    // Delete SKU to bundle mappings
                    DataSet bundles = BundleInfoProvider.GetBundles("BundleID = " + skuiObj.SKUID, null);

                    foreach (DataRow bundle in bundles.Tables[0].Rows)
                        BundleInfo bi = new BundleInfo(bundle);

            skuiObj.SKUName              = this.txtSKUName.Text.Trim();
            skuiObj.SKUNumber            = this.txtSKUNumber.Text.Trim();
            skuiObj.SKUDescription       = this.htmlTemplateBody.ResolvedValue;
            skuiObj.SKUPrice             = this.txtSKUPrice.Value;
            skuiObj.SKUEnabled           = this.chkSKUEnabled.Checked;
            skuiObj.SKUInternalStatusID  = this.internalStatusElem.InternalStatusID;
            skuiObj.SKUDepartmentID      = this.departmentElem.DepartmentID;
            skuiObj.SKUManufacturerID    = this.manufacturerElem.ManufacturerID;
            skuiObj.SKUPublicStatusID    = this.publicStatusElem.PublicStatusID;
            skuiObj.SKUSupplierID        = this.supplierElem.SupplierID;
            skuiObj.SKUSellOnlyAvailable = this.chkSKUSellOnlyAvailable.Checked;
            skuiObj.SKUNeedsShipping     = this.chkNeedsShipping.Checked;
            skuiObj.SKUWeight            = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(this.txtSKUWeight.Text.Trim(), 0);
            skuiObj.SKUHeight            = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(this.txtSKUHeight.Text.Trim(), 0);
            skuiObj.SKUWidth             = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(this.txtSKUWidth.Text.Trim(), 0);
            skuiObj.SKUDepth             = ValidationHelper.GetDouble(this.txtSKUDepth.Text.Trim(), 0);
            skuiObj.SKUConversionName    = ValidationHelper.GetString(this.ucConversion.Value, String.Empty);
            skuiObj.SKUConversionValue   = this.txtConversionValue.Text.Trim();

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtSKUAvailableItems.Text.Trim()))
                skuiObj.SetValue("SKUAvailableItems", null);
                skuiObj.SKUAvailableItems = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(this.txtSKUAvailableItems.Text.Trim(), 0);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtSKUAvailableInDays.Text.Trim()))
                skuiObj.SetValue("SKUAvailableInDays", null);
                skuiObj.SKUAvailableInDays = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(this.txtSKUAvailableInDays.Text.Trim(), 0);

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(this.txtMaxOrderItems.Text.Trim()))
                skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMaxItemsInOrder", null);
                skuiObj.SKUMaxItemsInOrder = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(this.txtMaxOrderItems.Text.Trim(), 0);

            if (!ProductOrdered)
                // Set product type
                skuiObj.SKUProductType = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUProductTypeEnum((string)this.selectProductTypeElem.Value);

            // Clear product type specific properties
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMembershipGUID", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUValidity", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUValidFor", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUValidUntil", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMaxDownloads", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUBundleInventoryType", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUPrivateDonation", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMinPrice", null);
            skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMaxPrice", null);

            // Set product type specific properties
            switch (skuiObj.SKUProductType)
            // Set membership specific properties
            case SKUProductTypeEnum.Membership:
                skuiObj.SKUMembershipGUID = this.membershipElem.MembershipGUID;
                skuiObj.SKUValidity       = this.membershipElem.MembershipValidity;

                if (skuiObj.SKUValidity == ValidityEnum.Until)
                    skuiObj.SKUValidUntil = this.membershipElem.MembershipValidUntil;
                    skuiObj.SKUValidFor = this.membershipElem.MembershipValidFor;

            // Set e-product specific properties
            case SKUProductTypeEnum.EProduct:
                skuiObj.SKUValidity = this.eProductElem.EProductValidity;

                if (skuiObj.SKUValidity == ValidityEnum.Until)
                    skuiObj.SKUValidUntil = this.eProductElem.EProductValidUntil;
                    skuiObj.SKUValidFor = this.eProductElem.EProductValidFor;

            // Set donation specific properties
            case SKUProductTypeEnum.Donation:
                skuiObj.SKUPrivateDonation = this.donationElem.DonationIsPrivate;

                if (this.donationElem.MinimumDonationAmount == 0.0)
                    skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMinPrice", null);
                    skuiObj.SKUMinPrice = this.donationElem.MinimumDonationAmount;

                if (this.donationElem.MaximumDonationAmount == 0.0)
                    skuiObj.SetValue("SKUMaxPrice", null);
                    skuiObj.SKUMaxPrice = this.donationElem.MaximumDonationAmount;

            // Set bundle specific properties
            case SKUProductTypeEnum.Bundle:
                skuiObj.SKUBundleInventoryType = this.bundleElem.RemoveFromInventory;

            // When creating new product option
            if ((this.ProductID == 0) && (this.OptionCategoryID > 0))
                skuiObj.SKUOptionCategoryID = this.OptionCategoryID;

            if ((newItem) && (!SKUInfoProvider.LicenseVersionCheck(URLHelper.GetCurrentDomain(), FeatureEnum.Ecommerce, VersionActionEnum.Insert)))
                lblError.Visible = true;
                lblError.Text    = GetString("ecommerceproduct.versioncheck");



            if (newItem)
                if (ECommerceSettings.UseMetaFileForProductImage)
                    // Get allowed extensions
                    string settingKey        = (skuiObj.IsGlobal) ? "CMSUploadExtensions" : (CMSContext.CurrentSiteName + ".CMSUploadExtensions");
                    string allowedExtensions = SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue(settingKey);

                    // Get posted file
                    HttpPostedFile file = this.ucMetaFile.PostedFile;

                    if ((file != null) && (file.ContentLength > 0))
                        // Get file extension
                        string extension = Path.GetExtension(file.FileName);

                        // Check if file is an image and its extension is allowed
                        if (ImageHelper.IsImage(extension) && (String.IsNullOrEmpty(allowedExtensions) || FileHelper.CheckExtension(extension, allowedExtensions)))
                            // Upload SKU image meta file
                            this.ucMetaFile.ObjectID = skuiObj.SKUID;

                            // Update SKU image path
                            // Set error message
                            string error = ValidationHelper.GetString(SessionHelper.GetValue("NewProductError"), null);
                            error += ";" + String.Format(this.GetString("com.productedit.invalidproductimage"), extension);
                            SessionHelper.SetValue("NewProductError", error);
                    skuiObj.SKUImagePath = this.imgSelect.Value;

                // Upload initial e-product file
                if (skuiObj.SKUProductType == SKUProductTypeEnum.EProduct)
                    this.eProductElem.SKUID = skuiObj.SKUID;
                // Update SKU image path


            if ((mNodeId > 0) && (mProductId == 0))
                TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);
                TreeNode     node = tree.SelectSingleNode(mNodeId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES);
                node.NodeSKUID = skuiObj.SKUID;

                // Update search index for node
                if ((node.PublishedVersionExists) && (SearchIndexInfoProvider.SearchEnabled))
                    SearchTaskInfoProvider.CreateTask(SearchTaskTypeEnum.Update, PredefinedObjectType.DOCUMENT, SearchHelper.ID_FIELD, node.GetSearchID());

                // Log synchronization
                DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChange(node, TaskTypeEnum.UpdateDocument, tree);

                // Ensure new SKU values

            // If SKU is of bundle product type and bundle does not exist yet
            if ((skuiObj.SKUProductType == SKUProductTypeEnum.Bundle) && (this.bundleElem.BundleID == 0))
                // Set bundle ID
                this.bundleElem.BundleID = skuiObj.SKUID;

                // Save selected products

            this.ProductID = skuiObj.SKUID;

            // Reload form

            // Set changes saved message
            this.lblInfo.Text = this.GetString("general.changessaved");

            return(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(skuiObj.SKUID, 0));
예제 #49
    /// <summary>
    /// Translates document(s).
    /// </summary>
    private void Translate(object parameter)
        var parameters = parameter as AsyncParameters;

        if ((parameters == null) || nodeIds.Count < 1)

        AbstractMachineTranslationService machineService = null;
        AbstractHumanTranslationService   humanService   = null;
        TranslationSubmissionInfo         submission     = null;
        string submissionFileName        = "";
        int    charCount                 = 0;
        int    wordCount                 = 0;
        int    refreshId                 = 0;
        int    itemCount                 = 0;
        int    pageCount                 = 0;
        bool   oneSubmission             = translationElem.CreateSeparateSubmission;
        bool   success                   = false;
        bool   separateSubmissionCreated = false;

        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider();

        tree.AllowAsyncActions = false;

            // Begin log
            AddLog(GetString("contentrequest.starttranslate", parameters.UICulture));

            // Prepare translation settings
            var settings = PrepareTranslationSettings();

            // Check selected service
            var service = TranslationServiceInfoProvider.GetTranslationServiceInfo(translationElem.SelectedService);
            if (service == null)

            // Set if we need target tag (Translations.com workaround)
            settings.GenerateTargetTag = service.TranslationServiceGenerateTargetTag;

            if (service.TranslationServiceIsMachine)
                machineService = AbstractMachineTranslationService.GetTranslationService(service, CurrentSiteName);
                humanService = AbstractHumanTranslationService.GetTranslationService(service, CurrentSiteName);

            bool langSupported = (humanService == null) || CheckLanguageSupport(humanService, settings);
            if (!langSupported)

            if ((machineService != null) || (humanService != null))
                var data = tree.SelectNodes()
                           .WhereIn("NodeID", nodeIds)
                           .OrderBy("NodeLevel, NodeAliasPath")

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(data))
                    var processedNodes = new List <int>();

                    // Translate the documents
                    foreach (DataRow dr in data.Tables[0].Rows)
                        int nodeId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["NodeID"], 0);

                        // Get document in source language
                        var node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(nodeId, settings.SourceLanguage, false, tree);
                        if (node == null)
                            // Document doesn't exist in source culture, skip it

                        var targetLanguages = GetTargetLanguages(settings.TargetLanguages, node).ToList();
                        if (!targetLanguages.Any())

                        if ((submission == null) && (humanService != null))
                            // Create new submission if not exists for human translation service
                            submission = TranslationServiceHelper.CreateSubmissionInfo(settings, service, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, SiteInfoProvider.GetSiteID(CurrentSiteName), node.GetDocumentName());

                        // Handle duplicities
                        if (processedNodes.Contains(nodeId))

                        bool   targetLanguageVersionCreated = false;
                        bool   logged      = false;
                        string encodedPath = HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath);

                        foreach (var targetLanguage in targetLanguages)
                            // Log only once per document
                            if (!logged)
                                AddLog(String.Format(GetString("content.translating"), encodedPath, settings.SourceLanguage));
                                logged = true;

                            targetLanguageVersionCreated = true;

                            if (humanService != null)
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(submissionFileName))
                                    submissionFileName = node.NodeAlias;

                                var targetNode = TranslationServiceHelper.CreateTargetCultureNode(node, targetLanguage, true, false, !settings.TranslateAttachments);

                                TranslationSubmissionItemInfo submissionItem;
                                using (new CMSActionContext {
                                    TouchParent = false
                                    // Do not touch parent because all updated information are saved after last item
                                    submissionItem = TranslationServiceHelper.CreateSubmissionItemInfo(settings, submission, node, targetNode.DocumentID, targetLanguage);

                                charCount += submissionItem.SubmissionItemCharCount;
                                wordCount += submissionItem.SubmissionItemWordCount;
                                // Prepare local settings to translate per one target language
                                var localSettings = settings.Clone();

                                // Translate page via machine translator
                                TranslationServiceHelper.Translate(machineService, localSettings, node);

                        // Each page has own submission if human service is used
                        if (!oneSubmission && (humanService != null))
                            if (itemCount > 0)
                                SubmitSubmissionToService(itemCount, submission, charCount, wordCount, submissionFileName, humanService, true);

                                // Reset counters
                                itemCount = 0;
                                charCount = 0;
                                wordCount = 0;

                                // Reset submission file name
                                submissionFileName = null;

                                // At least one submission was created
                                separateSubmissionCreated = true;
                                // No documents were submitted to translation delete empty submission

                            // Reset submission to create new for next page
                            submission = null;

                        if (targetLanguageVersionCreated)
                            // Check if at least one target language version was created

                        // Store parent ID to refresh UI
                        refreshId = node.NodeParentID;

                    success = true;
                    AddError(GetString("TranslateDocument.NoSourceDocuments", parameters.UICulture));
                AddError(GetString("TranslateDocument.TranslationServiceNotFound", parameters.UICulture));
        catch (ThreadAbortException ex)
            if (CMSThread.Stopped(ex))
                // When canceled
                AddError(GetString("TranslateDocument.TranslationCanceled", parameters.UICulture));
                // Log error
                LogExceptionToEventLog(ex, parameters.UICulture);
        catch (Exception ex)
            // Log error
            LogExceptionToEventLog(ex, parameters.UICulture);
            var showAllAlreadyTranslatedError = false;
            if (itemCount > 0)
                // All pages are submitted via only one submission or using machine service
                if ((humanService != null) && (submission != null))
                    // Set submission name if more pages are translated
                    if (pageCount > 1)
                        submission.SubmissionName += " " + String.Format(GetString("translationservices.submissionnamesuffix"), pageCount - 1);
                        // Do not localize the file name
                        submissionFileName += String.Format(" (and {0} more)", pageCount - 1);

                    SubmitSubmissionToService(itemCount, submission, charCount, wordCount, submissionFileName, humanService, success);
            else if (oneSubmission)

                // Log error only if the translation was successfully processed
                if (success)
                    showAllAlreadyTranslatedError = true;
            else if (!separateSubmissionCreated)
                // Separate submissions were used and no one was created
                showAllAlreadyTranslatedError = true;

            if (showAllAlreadyTranslatedError)
                AddError(GetString("TranslateDocument.DocumentsAlreadyTranslated", parameters.UICulture));

            if (parameters.IsDialog)
                ctlAsyncLog.Parameter = "wopener.location.replace(wopener.location); CloseDialog(); if (wopener.RefreshTree) { wopener.RefreshTree(null, null);}";
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(CurrentError))
                    // Overwrite refreshId variable if sub-levels are visible
                    if (parameters.AllLevels && Parameters.ContainsKey("refreshnodeid"))
                        refreshId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(Parameters["refreshnodeid"], 0);

                    // Refresh tree
                    ctlAsyncLog.Parameter = "RefreshTree(" + refreshId + ", " + refreshId + "); \n" + "SelectNode(" + refreshId + ");";
                    ctlAsyncLog.Parameter = "RefreshTree(null, null);";
예제 #50
    /// <summary>
    /// Processes the callback action.
    /// </summary>
    void ICallbackEventHandler.RaiseCallbackEvent(string eventArgument)
        eventArgument = eventArgument.ToLowerCSafe();
        string[] parameters = eventArgument.Split(';');
        if (parameters.Length < 3)

        // Get the arguments
        string action   = parameters[0];
        int    nodeId   = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters[1], 0);
        int    targetId = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(parameters[2], 0);

        // Get the target node
        TreeNode targetNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(targetId, TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES);

        if (targetNode == null)
            AddError(GetString("ContentRequest.ErrorMissingTarget") + " " + eventArgument);
            mCallbackResult += GetFallBackToRootScript(true);

        // Get the node
        TreeNode node = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(nodeId);

        if (node == null)
            mCallbackResult += GetFallBackToRootScript(true);

        // Get new parent ID
        int newParentId = targetNode.NodeID;

        if (action.Contains("position"))
            if (action.Contains("move") && (nodeId == targetId))
                // There is no need to change position

            if (!targetNode.IsRoot())
                newParentId = targetNode.NodeParentID;
        else if (node.NodeParentID == newParentId)
            // Move/Copy/Link as the first node under the same parent
            if (action.EndsWithCSafe("position"))
                action = action.Substring(0, action.Length - 8);

            action += "first";

        bool copy = (action.Contains("copy"));
        bool link = (action.Contains("link"));

        // Do not allow to move or copy under itself
        if ((node.NodeID == newParentId) && !copy && !link)

        // Local action - Only position change
        if ((node.NodeParentID == newParentId) && !copy && !link)
            // Local action - Only position change
            int      originalPosition = node.NodeOrder;
            TreeNode newNode          = ProcessAction(node, targetNode, action, false, false, true);
            if ((newNode != null) && (originalPosition != newNode.NodeOrder))
                // Log the synchronization tasks for the entire tree level
                DocumentSynchronizationHelper.LogDocumentChangeOrder(SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, newNode.NodeAliasPath, TreeProvider);

                mCallbackResult += "CancelDragOperation(); RefreshTree(" + newNode.NodeParentID + ", currentNodeId);";
            // Different parent
            mCallbackResult += "DragOperation(" + nodeId + ", " + targetId + ", '" + action + "');";
    /// <summary>
    /// Yes button click event handler.
    /// </summary>
    protected void btnYes_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        if (IsBannedIP())

        // Prepare the where condition
        string where = "NodeID = " + NodeID;

        // Get the documents
        DataSet ds = null;

        if (chkAllCultures.Checked)
            ds = TreeProvider.SelectNodes(SiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, null, -1, false);
            ds = TreeProvider.SelectNodes(SiteName, "/%", CultureCode, false, null, where, null, -1, false);

        if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
            // Get node alias
            var nodeAlias = DataHelper.GetStringValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeAlias", string.Empty);
            // Get parent alias path

            var parentAliasPath = TreePathUtils.GetParentPath(DataHelper.GetStringValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeAliasPath", string.Empty));

            // Delete the documents
            foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
                var aliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["NodeAliasPath"], string.Empty);
                var culture   = ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["DocumentCulture"], string.Empty);
                var className = ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty);

                // Get the node
                var treeNode = TreeProvider.SelectSingleNode(SiteName, aliasPath, culture, false, className, false);

                if (treeNode != null)
                    // Check delete permissions
                    var hasUserDeletePermission = !CheckPermissions || IsUserAuthorizedToDeleteDocument(treeNode, chkDestroy.Checked);

                    if (hasUserDeletePermission)
                        // Delete the document
                            DocumentHelper.DeleteDocument(treeNode, TreeProvider, chkAllCultures.Checked, chkDestroy.Checked);
                        catch (Exception ex)
                            EventLogProvider.LogEvent(EventType.ERROR, "Content", "DELETEDOC", EventLogProvider.GetExceptionLogMessage(ex), RequestContext.RawURL, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserID, MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser.UserName, treeNode.NodeID, treeNode.GetDocumentName(), RequestContext.UserHostAddress, SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);
                            AddAlert(GetString("ContentRequest.DeleteFailed") + ": " + ex.Message);
                    // Access denied - not authorized to delete the document
                        AddAlert(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtodeletedocument"), treeNode.NodeAliasPath));


            string rawUrl = RequestContext.RawURL.TrimEnd(new[] { '/' });
            if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(nodeAlias)) && (rawUrl.Substring(rawUrl.LastIndexOfCSafe('/')).Contains(nodeAlias)))
                // Redirect to the parent url when current url belongs to deleted document
                // Redirect to current url
예제 #52
    protected void uniSelector_OnSelectionChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)

        bool relaodNeeded = false;

        // Remove old items
        string newValues = ValidationHelper.GetString(this.uniSelector.Value, null);
        string items = DataHelper.GetNewItemsInList(newValues, currentValues);
        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items))
            string[] newItems = items.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            if (newItems != null)
                // Initialize tree provider
                TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider();

                // Add all new items to site
                foreach (string item in newItems)
                    string cultureCode = ValidationHelper.GetString(item, "");

                    // Get the documents assigned to the culture being removed
                    DataSet nodes = tree.SelectNodes(siteName, "/%", cultureCode, false, null, null, null, -1, false);
                    if (DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(nodes))
                        CultureInfoProvider.RemoveCultureFromSite(cultureCode, siteName);
                        relaodNeeded = true;

                        this.lblError.Visible = true;
                        this.lblError.Text += String.Format(GetString("site_edit_cultures.errorremoveculturefromsite"), cultureCode) + '\n';

        // Catch license limitations Exception
            // Add new items
            items = DataHelper.GetNewItemsInList(currentValues, newValues);
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(items))
                string[] newItems = items.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                if (newItems != null)
                    // Add all new items to site
                    foreach (string item in newItems)
                        string cultureCode = ValidationHelper.GetString(item, "");
                        CultureInfoProvider.AddCultureToSite(cultureCode, siteName);
        catch (Exception ex)
            relaodNeeded = true;
            lblError.Text = ex.Message;
            lblError.Visible = true;

        this.lblInfo.Visible = true;
        this.lblInfo.Text = GetString("general.changessaved");

        if (relaodNeeded)
            // Get the active cultures from DB
            DataSet ds = CultureInfoProvider.GetCultures("CultureID IN (SELECT CultureID FROM CMS_SiteCulture WHERE SiteID = " + si.SiteID + ")", null, 0, "CultureCode");
            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                currentValues = TextHelper.Join(";", SqlHelperClass.GetStringValues(ds.Tables[0], "CultureCode"));
                uniSelector.Value = currentValues;
예제 #53
    /// <summary>
    /// Performs necessary checks and publishes document.
    /// </summary>
    /// <returns>TRUE if operation fails and whole process should be canceled.</returns>
    private bool PerformPublish(WorkflowManager wm, TreeProvider tree, string siteName, DataRow nodeRow)
        string aliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(nodeRow["NodeAliasPath"], string.Empty);

        return(PerformPublish(wm, GetDocument(tree, siteName, nodeRow), aliasPath));
예제 #54
    /// <summary>
    ///Creates the document, workflow scope and step needed for this example. Called when the "Create example objects" button is pressed.
    /// </summary>
    private bool CreateExampleObjects()
        // Create a new tree provider
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        // Get the root node
        TreeNode parent = tree.SelectSingleNode(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName, "/", "en-us");

        if (parent != null)
            // Create the API document
            TreeNode node = TreeNode.New("CMS.MenuItem", tree);

            node.DocumentName    = "API Example";
            node.DocumentCulture = "en-us";

            // Insert it to database
            DocumentHelper.InsertDocument(node, parent, tree);

            // Get the default workflow
            WorkflowInfo workflow = WorkflowInfoProvider.GetWorkflowInfo("default");

            if (workflow != null)
                // Get the document data
                node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(node, tree);

                // Create new workflow scope
                WorkflowScopeInfo scope = new WorkflowScopeInfo();

                // Assign to the default workflow and current site and set starting alias path to the example document
                scope.ScopeWorkflowID   = workflow.WorkflowID;
                scope.ScopeStartingPath = node.NodeAliasPath;
                scope.ScopeSiteID       = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;

                // Save the scope into the database

                // Create a new workflow step
                WorkflowStepInfo step = new WorkflowStepInfo();

                // Set its properties
                step.StepWorkflowID  = workflow.WorkflowID;
                step.StepName        = "MyNewWorkflowStep";
                step.StepDisplayName = "My new workflow step";
                step.StepOrder       = 1;

                // Save the workflow step

                // Ensure correct step order

                apiCreateExampleObjects.ErrorMessage = "The default workflow was not found.";

예제 #55
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Register main CMS script file

        if (QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash") && (Parameters != null))
            // Initialize current user
            currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

            // Check permissions
            if (!currentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator &&
                !currentUser.IsAuthorizedPerResource("CMS.Content", "manageworkflow"))
                RedirectToAccessDenied("CMS.Content", "manageworkflow");

            // Set current UI culture
            currentCulture = CultureHelper.PreferredUICultureCode;

            // Initialize current site
            currentSiteName = SiteContext.CurrentSiteName;
            currentSiteId   = SiteContext.CurrentSiteID;

            // Initialize events
            ctlAsyncLog.OnFinished += ctlAsyncLog_OnFinished;
            ctlAsyncLog.OnError    += ctlAsyncLog_OnError;
            ctlAsyncLog.OnCancel   += ctlAsyncLog_OnCancel;

            if (!RequestHelper.IsCallback())
                DataSet      allDocs = null;
                TreeProvider tree    = new TreeProvider(currentUser);

                // Current Node ID to delete
                string parentAliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["parentaliaspath"], string.Empty);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath))
                    // Get IDs of nodes
                    string   nodeIdsString = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["nodeids"], string.Empty);
                    string[] nodeIdsArr    = nodeIdsString.Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    foreach (string nodeId in nodeIdsArr)
                        int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeId, 0);
                        if (id != 0)
                    var where = new WhereCondition(WhereCondition)
                                .WhereNotEquals("ClassName", SystemDocumentTypes.Root);
                    string columns = SqlHelper.MergeColumns(DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS,
                                                            "NodeParentID, DocumentName,DocumentCheckedOutByUserID");
                    allDocs = tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, parentAliasPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/%",
                                               TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, DataClassInfoProvider.GetClassName(ClassID), where.ToString(true), "DocumentName", 1, false, 0,

                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(allDocs))
                        foreach (DataRow row in allDocs.Tables[0].Rows)
                            nodeIds.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeID"], 0));

                // Initialize strings based on current action
                string titleText = null;

                switch (CurrentAction)
                case WorkflowAction.Archive:
                    headQuestion.ResourceString   = "content.archivequestion";
                    chkAllCultures.ResourceString = "content.archiveallcultures";
                    chkUnderlying.ResourceString  = "content.archiveunderlying";
                    canceledString = GetString("content.archivecanceled");

                    // Setup title of log
                    ctlAsyncLog.TitleText = GetString("content.archivingdocuments");
                    // Setup page title text and image
                    titleText = GetString("Content.ArchiveTitle");

                case WorkflowAction.Publish:
                    headQuestion.ResourceString   = "content.publishquestion";
                    chkAllCultures.ResourceString = "content.publishallcultures";
                    chkUnderlying.ResourceString  = "content.publishunderlying";
                    canceledString = GetString("content.publishcanceled");

                    // Setup title of log
                    ctlAsyncLog.TitleText = GetString("content.publishingdocuments");
                    // Setup page title text and image
                    titleText = GetString("Content.PublishTitle");

                PageTitle.TitleText = titleText;
                EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(PageBreadcrumbs, action: PageTitle.TitleText);

                if (nodeIds.Count == 0)
                    // Hide if no node was specified
                    pnlContent.Visible = false;

                // Register the dialog script

                // Set visibility of panels
                pnlContent.Visible = true;
                pnlLog.Visible     = false;

                // Set all cultures checkbox
                DataSet culturesDS = CultureSiteInfoProvider.GetSiteCultures(currentSiteName);
                if ((DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(culturesDS)) || (culturesDS.Tables[0].Rows.Count <= 1))
                    chkAllCultures.Checked = true;
                    plcAllCultures.Visible = false;

                if (nodeIds.Count > 0)
                    pnlDocList.Visible = true;

                    // Create where condition
                    string where = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("NodeID", nodeIds).ToString(true);
                    string columns = SqlHelper.MergeColumns(DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS, "NodeParentID, DocumentName,DocumentCheckedOutByUserID");

                    // Select nodes
                    DataSet ds = allDocs ?? tree.SelectNodes(currentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, "DocumentName", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, columns);

                    // Enumerate selected documents
                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                        cancelNodeId = DataHelper.GetIntValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeParentID");

                        foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows)

                        // Display enumeration of documents
                        foreach (KeyValuePair <int, string> line in list)
                            lblDocuments.Text += line.Value;

            // Set title for dialog mode
            string title = GetString("general.publish");

            if (CurrentAction == WorkflowAction.Archive)
                title = GetString("general.archive");

            pnlPublish.Visible = false;
예제 #56
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Register script files
        ScriptHelper.RegisterScriptFile(this, "~/CMSModules/Content/CMSDesk/Operation.js");

        if (!QueryHelper.ValidateHash("hash"))
            pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Setup page title text and image
        PageTitle.TitleText = GetString("Content.TranslateTitle");
        EnsureDocumentBreadcrumbs(PageBreadcrumbs, action: PageTitle.TitleText);

        if (IsDialog)

            plcInfo.Visible = false;

            pnlButtons.Visible = false;

        if (!TranslationServiceHelper.IsTranslationAllowed(CurrentSiteName))
            pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Initialize current user
        currentUser = MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser;

        // Initialize events
        ctlAsyncLog.OnFinished += ctlAsyncLog_OnFinished;
        ctlAsyncLog.OnError    += ctlAsyncLog_OnError;
        ctlAsyncLog.OnCancel   += ctlAsyncLog_OnCancel;

        isSelect = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("select", false);
        if (isSelect)
            pnlDocList.Visible     = false;
            pnlDocSelector.Visible = true;
            translationElem.DisplayMachineServices = false;

        var currentCulture        = LocalizationContext.CurrentCulture.CultureCode;
        var displayTargetLanguage = !IsDialog || isSelect;

        translationElem.DisplayTargetlanguage = displayTargetLanguage;

        // Get target culture(s)
        targetCultures = displayTargetLanguage ? translationElem.TargetLanguages : new HashSet <string>(new[] { QueryHelper.GetString("targetculture", currentCulture) });

        // Set the target settings
        var settings = new TranslationSettings();


        var useCurrentAsDefault = QueryHelper.GetBoolean("currentastargetdefault", false);

        if (!currentUser.CheckPrivilegeLevel(UserPrivilegeLevelEnum.Admin) && currentUser.UserHasAllowedCultures && !currentUser.IsCultureAllowed(currentCulture, CurrentSiteName))
            // Do not use current culture as default if user has no permissions to edit it
            useCurrentAsDefault = false;

        translationElem.UseCurrentCultureAsDefaultTarget = useCurrentAsDefault;

        // Do not include default culture if it is current one
        string defaultCulture = CultureHelper.GetDefaultCultureCode(CurrentSiteName);

        if (useCurrentAsDefault && !string.Equals(currentCulture, defaultCulture, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack())

        translationElem.TranslationSettings = settings;
        allowTranslate = true;

        if (RequestHelper.IsCallback())

        // If not in select mode, load all the document IDs and check permissions
        // In select mode, documents are checked when the button is clicked
        if (!isSelect)
            DataSet      allDocs = null;
            TreeProvider tree    = new TreeProvider();

            // Current Node ID to translate
            string parentAliasPath = string.Empty;
            if (Parameters != null)
                parentAliasPath = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["parentaliaspath"], string.Empty);
                nodeIdsArr      = ValidationHelper.GetString(Parameters["nodeids"], string.Empty).Trim('|').Split(new[] { '|' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath))
                if (nodeIdsArr == null)
                    // One document translation is requested
                    string nodeIdQuery = QueryHelper.GetString("nodeid", "");
                    if (nodeIdQuery != "")
                        // Mode of single node translation
                        pnlList.Visible           = false;
                        chkSkipTranslated.Checked = false;

                        translationElem.NodeID = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeIdQuery, 0);

                        nodeIdsArr = new[] { nodeIdQuery };
                        nodeIdsArr = new string[] { };

                foreach (string nodeId in nodeIdsArr)
                    int id = ValidationHelper.GetInteger(nodeId, 0);
                    if (id != 0)
                // Exclude root of the website from multiple translation requested by document listing bulk action
                var where = new WhereCondition(WhereCondition)
                            .WhereNotEquals("ClassName", SystemDocumentTypes.Root);

                allDocs = tree.SelectNodes(CurrentSiteName, parentAliasPath.TrimEnd(new[] { '/' }) + "/%",
                                           TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, ClassID > 0 ? DataClassInfoProvider.GetClassName(ClassID) : TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES, where.ToString(true),
                                           "DocumentName", AllLevels ? TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS : 1, false, 0,
                                           DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS + ",DocumentName,NodeParentID,NodeSiteID,NodeAliasPath");

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(allDocs))
                    foreach (DataTable table in allDocs.Tables)
                        foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows)
                            nodeIds.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(row["NodeID"], 0));

            if (nodeIds.Count > 0)
                var where = new WhereCondition().WhereIn("NodeID", nodeIds).ToString(true);
                DataSet ds = allDocs ?? tree.SelectNodes(CurrentSiteName, "/%", TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, null, where, "DocumentName", TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false);

                if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                    string docList = null;

                    cancelNodeId = string.IsNullOrEmpty(parentAliasPath)
                        ? DataHelper.GetIntValue(ds.Tables[0].Rows[0], "NodeParentID")
                        : TreePathUtils.GetNodeIdByAliasPath(CurrentSiteName, parentAliasPath);

                    foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                        foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                            bool   isLink = (dr["NodeLinkedNodeID"] != DBNull.Value);
                            string name   = (string)dr["DocumentName"];
                            docList += HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(name);
                            if (isLink)
                                docList += DocumentUIHelper.GetDocumentMarkImage(Page, DocumentMarkEnum.Link);
                            docList          += "<br />";
                            lblDocuments.Text = docList;

                            // Set visibility of checkboxes
                            TreeNode node = TreeNode.New(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty), dr);

                            if (!TranslationServiceHelper.IsAuthorizedToTranslateDocument(node, currentUser, targetCultures))
                                allowTranslate = false;

                                plcMessages.AddError(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtotranslatedocument"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath)));

                    if (!allowTranslate && !RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                        // Hide UI only when security check is performed within first load, if postback used user may loose some setting

                // Display check box for separate submissions for each document if there is more than one document
                translationElem.DisplaySeparateSubmissionOption = (nodeIds.Count > 1);
                // Hide everything
                pnlContent.Visible = false;

        // Register the dialog script

        ctlAsyncLog.TitleText = GetString("contentrequest.starttranslate");
        // Set visibility of panels
        pnlContent.Visible = true;
        pnlLog.Visible     = false;
예제 #57
    protected void btnTranslate_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
        // Check if data are correct
        var error = translationElem.ValidateData();

        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(error) || !allowTranslate)

        if (isSelect)
            // If in select mode, prepare node IDs now
            TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider();
            DataSet      ds   = tree.SelectNodes(CurrentSiteName, pathElem.Value.ToString(), TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES, true, TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES, null,
                                                 null, TreeProvider.ALL_LEVELS, false, 0, DocumentColumnLists.SELECTNODES_REQUIRED_COLUMNS + ",DocumentName,NodeParentID,NodeSiteID,NodeAliasPath");

            if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                foreach (DataTable table in ds.Tables)
                    foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                        TreeNode node = TreeNode.New(ValidationHelper.GetString(dr["ClassName"], string.Empty), dr);

                        if (TranslationServiceHelper.IsAuthorizedToTranslateDocument(node, currentUser, translationElem.TargetLanguages))
                            nodeIds.Add(ValidationHelper.GetInteger(dr["NodeID"], 0));
                            plcMessages.AddError(String.Format(GetString("cmsdesk.notauthorizedtotranslatedocument"), HTMLHelper.HTMLEncode(node.NodeAliasPath)));

            targetCultures = translationElem.TargetLanguages;

        pnlLog.Visible     = true;
        pnlContent.Visible = false;

        CurrentError = string.Empty;

        var parameters = new AsyncParameters
            IsDialog  = IsDialog,
            AllLevels = AllLevels,
            UICulture = CultureHelper.PreferredUICultureCode

        ctlAsyncLog.RunAsync(p => Translate(parameters), WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent());
예제 #58
    private void ReloadData()
        if (StopProcessing)
            // Do nothing
            gridDocs.StopProcessing = true;
            editDoc.StopProcessing  = true;
            if (((AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.Authenticated) || (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)) &&
                // Not authenticated, do not display anything
                pnlList.Visible = false;
                pnlEdit.Visible = false;

                StopProcessing = true;

                // Hide document list
                gridDocs.Visible = false;

                // If the list of documents should be displayed ...
                if (DisplayList)
                    // Get all documents of the current user
                    TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

                    // Generate additional where condition
                    string classWhere = null;
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ClassNames))
                        // Remove ending semicolon
                        classWhere = ClassNames.TrimEnd(';');
                        // Replace single apostrophs
                        classWhere = SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(classWhere, false);
                        // Replace ; with ','
                        classWhere = classWhere.Replace(";", "','");
                        if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(classWhere))
                            classWhere = String.Format("ClassName IN ('{0}')", classWhere);

                    string where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(WhereCondition, classWhere);

                    // Add user condition
                    if (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)
                        where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "NodeOwner = " + CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID);

                    // Ensure that required columns are included in "Columns" list
                    string columns = EnsureColumns();

                    // Get the documents
                    DataSet ds = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments(SiteName, CMSContext.ResolveCurrentPath(Path), CultureCode, CombineWithDefaultCulture, null, where, OrderBy, MaxRelativeLevel, SelectOnlyPublished, 0, columns, tree);
                    if (CheckPermissions)
                        ds = TreeSecurityProvider.FilterDataSetByPermissions(ds, NodePermissionsEnum.Read, CMSContext.CurrentUser);

                    if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(ds))
                        // Display and initialize grid if datasource is not empty
                        gridDocs.Visible            = true;
                        gridDocs.DataSource         = ds;
                        gridDocs.OrderBy            = OrderBy;
                        editDoc.AlternativeFormName = AlternativeFormName;

                bool isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = false;
                if (ParentNode != null)
                    // Check if single class name is set
                    string className = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(AllowedChildClasses) && !AllowedChildClasses.Contains(";")) ? AllowedChildClasses : null;

                    // Check user's permission to create new document if allowed
                    isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = !CheckPermissions || CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedToCreateNewDocument(ParentNodeID, className);
                    // Check group's permission to create new document if allowed
                    isAuthorizedToCreateDoc &= CheckGroupPermission("createpages");

                    if (!CheckDocPermissionsForInsert && CheckPermissions)
                        // If document permissions are not required check create permission on parent document
                        isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsAuthorizedPerDocument(ParentNode, NodePermissionsEnum.Create) == AuthorizationResultEnum.Allowed;

                    if (AllowUsers == UserContributionAllowUserEnum.DocumentOwner)
                        // Do not allow documents creation under virtual user
                        if (CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsVirtual)
                            isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = false;
                            // Check if user is document owner (or global admin)
                            isAuthorizedToCreateDoc = isAuthorizedToCreateDoc && ((ParentNode.NodeOwner == CMSContext.CurrentUser.UserID) || CMSContext.CurrentUser.IsGlobalAdministrator);

                // Enable/disable inserting new document
                pnlNewDoc.Visible = (isAuthorizedToCreateDoc && AllowInsert);

                if (!gridDocs.Visible && !pnlNewDoc.Visible && pnlList.Visible)
                    // Not authenticated to create new docs and grid is hidden
                    StopProcessing = true;

예제 #59
    /// <summary>
    /// Gets parent node ID.
    /// </summary>
    private TreeNode GetParentNode()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        return(tree.SelectSingleNode(SiteName, CMSContext.ResolveCurrentPath(NewDocumentPath), TreeProvider.ALL_CULTURES));
예제 #60
    /// <summary>
    /// If the document hasn't been checked out, creates a new modified version of the document. If it has, the example modifies the checked out version. Called when the "Edit document" button is pressed.
    /// Expects the "CreateExampleObjects" method and optionally the "CheckOut" method to be run first.
    /// </summary>
    private bool EditDocument()
        TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(CMSContext.CurrentUser);

        // Prepare parameters
        string siteName  = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
        string aliasPath = "/API-Example";
        string culture   = "en-us";
        bool   combineWithDefaultCulture = false;
        string classNames = TreeProvider.ALL_CLASSNAMES;

        string where = null;
        string orderBy             = null;
        int    maxRelativeLevel    = -1;
        bool   selectOnlyPublished = false;
        string columns             = null;

        // Get the document
        TreeNode node = DocumentHelper.GetDocument(siteName, aliasPath, culture, combineWithDefaultCulture, classNames, where, orderBy, maxRelativeLevel, selectOnlyPublished, columns, tree);

        if (node != null)
            WorkflowManager workflowmanager = new WorkflowManager(tree);

            // Make sure the document uses workflow
            WorkflowInfo workflow = workflowmanager.GetNodeWorkflow(node);

            if (workflow != null)
                // Check if the workflow uses check-in/check-out
                bool autoCheck = !workflow.UseCheckInCheckOut(CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);

                // Create a new version manager instance
                VersionManager versionmanager = new VersionManager(tree);

                // If it does not use check-in/check-out, check out the document automatically
                if (autoCheck)

                if (node.IsCheckedOut)
                    // Edit the last version of the document
                    string newName = node.DocumentName.ToLower();

                    node.DocumentName = newName;
                    node.SetValue("MenuItemName", newName);

                    // Save the document version
                    DocumentHelper.UpdateDocument(node, tree);

                    // Automatically check in
                    if (autoCheck)
                        versionmanager.CheckIn(node, null, null);

                    apiEditDocument.ErrorMessage = "The document hasn't been checked out.";
                apiEditDocument.ErrorMessage = "The document doesn't use workflow.";
