public async STT.Task RebuildIndexAsync(Node node, CancellationToken cancellationToken, bool recursive = false, IndexRebuildLevel rebuildLevel = IndexRebuildLevel.IndexOnly) { // do nothing in case of IndexOnly level, because this is a NULL populator if (rebuildLevel == IndexRebuildLevel.IndexOnly) { return; } using (var op = SnTrace.Index.StartOperation("NullPopulator.RefreshIndex. Version: {0}, VersionId: {1}, recursive: {2}, level: {3}", node.Version, node.VersionId, recursive, rebuildLevel)) { using (new Storage.Security.SystemAccount()) { if (recursive) { using (await TreeLock.AcquireAsync(cancellationToken, node.Path).ConfigureAwait(false)) { foreach (var n in NodeEnumerator.GetNodes(node.Path)) { await DataStore.SaveIndexDocumentAsync(node, false, false, CancellationToken.None) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } } else { await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(cancellationToken, node.Path).ConfigureAwait(false); await DataStore.SaveIndexDocumentAsync(node, false, false, CancellationToken.None) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } op.Successful = true; } }
public async STT.Task TreeLock_TSQL_UnderscoreAsync() { // This test makes sure that it does not cause a problem if a path // contains an underscore. Previously this did not work correctly // because the SQL LIKE operator treated it as a special character. var token = CancellationToken.None; await Test(async() => { using (await TreeLock.AcquireAsync(token, "/Root/A/BxB/C")) { await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(token, "/Root/A/B_B"); using (await TreeLock.AcquireAsync(token, "/Root/A/B_B")) { await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(token, "/Root/A/B_"); await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(token, "/Root/A/ByB"); } var thrown = false; try { await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(token, "/Root/A/BxB"); } catch (LockedTreeException) { thrown = true; } Assert.IsTrue(thrown, "#1"); } }); }
private async STT.Task RebuildIndex_NoRecursiveAsync(Node node, bool databaseAndIndex, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(cancellationToken, node.Path).ConfigureAwait(false); var head = NodeHead.Get(node.Id); if (databaseAndIndex) { foreach (var version in head.Versions.Select(v => Node.LoadNodeByVersionId(v.VersionId))) { await DataStore.SaveIndexDocumentAsync(version, false, false, cancellationToken) .ConfigureAwait(false); } } var versioningInfo = new VersioningInfo { LastDraftVersionId = head.LastMinorVersionId, LastPublicVersionId = head.LastMajorVersionId, Delete = new int[0], Reindex = new int[0] }; await CreateActivityAndExecuteAsync(IndexingActivityType.Rebuild, node.Path, node.Id, 0, 0, versioningInfo, null, cancellationToken).ConfigureAwait(false); }
private static async STT.Task <bool> IsLockedAsync(string path, CancellationToken cancellationToken) { try { await TreeLock.AssertFreeAsync(cancellationToken, path); return(false); } catch (LockedTreeException) { return(true); } }