public TreeItemDTO(TreeGroup treeGroup) { Header = treeGroup.Header; Children = AsDTO(treeGroup.Children); Favourites = AsDTO(treeGroup.Favourites); Kind = nameof(TreeGroup); }
private void AddNewGroup(object obj) { var helperTreeGroup = new TreeGroup("helper"); helperTreeGroup.AddGroupCommand.Execute(obj); Tree.Add(helperTreeGroup.Children.First()); }
public static GroupTree GetGroupsTree(String OrgID) { GroupTree groupTree = new GroupTree(); try { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fleetnetbaseConnectionString"]; DataBlock dataBlock = new DataBlock(connectionString, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["language"]); int orgId = Convert.ToInt32(OrgID); dataBlock.OpenConnection(); String name = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetOrganizationName(orgId); groupTree.OrgName = name; TreeGroup gr = new TreeGroup(); gr.GroupName = "Водители"; List<int> groupIds = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetAllGroupIds(orgId, dataBlock.cardsTable.driversCardTypeId); foreach (int grId in groupIds) { if (dataBlock.cardsTable.GetGroupCardTypeById(grId) != 0) { String name1 = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetGroupNameById(grId); gr.addValue(grId.ToString(), name1); } } gr.GroupId = 1; groupTree.addGroup(gr); gr = new TreeGroup(); gr.GroupName = "Транспортные средства"; gr.GroupId = 2; groupIds = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetAllGroupIds(orgId, dataBlock.cardsTable.vehicleCardTypeId); foreach (int grId in groupIds) { if (dataBlock.cardsTable.GetGroupCardTypeById(grId) != 0) { String name1 = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetGroupNameById(grId); gr.addValue(grId.ToString(), name1); } } groupTree.addGroup(gr); dataBlock.CloseConnection(); return groupTree; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; //return null; } }
private void updateSelection() { tree.Clear(); IGroup root = AccountApi.Smartschool.GroupManager.Root.Find(Target); var treeRoot = new TreeGroup(root); foreach (var child in treeRoot.Children) { tree.Add(child); } NumAccounts = treeRoot.CountAccount; PropertyChanged(this, new PropertyChangedEventArgs(nameof(Tree))); }
protected override void RenderSolidObjects(SortedList list, bool doLightIteration, List <Light> manualLightList) { if (renderingMainGroup) { if (!(renderingNoShadowQueue || (illuminationStage == IlluminationRenderStage.RenderModulativePass))) { TreeGroup.RenderAllTrees(targetRenderSystem); } } baseRenderSolidMeter.Enter(); base.RenderSolidObjects(list, doLightIteration, manualLightList); baseRenderSolidMeter.Exit(); }
public virtual bool IsTimeForPickupItem(GameUnit unit) { if (SecondaryGroundLvL.IsEmptyPos(unit.ChunkNumber, unit.CurrentPos)) { return(false); } var item = SecondaryGroundLvL.GetGroundEnt(unit.ChunkNumber, unit.CurrentPos); return(item != null && item.CanBePickuped && !item.SoloEvolution && item.Group == "item" && unit.pickUped == null && TreeGroup.IsPickableTreeLog(item) && unit.GroupObj.GetLairPos() != ChunkUtil.GetDovvner(unit.CurrentPos)); }
public CustomTreeViewModel() { AddNewGroupCommand = new RelayCommand(AddNewGroup); AddNewItemCommand = new RelayCommand(p => AddNewItem(p as IValueTag)); PersistTreeCommand = new RelayCommand(PersistTree); RetrieveTreeCommand = new RelayCommand(controller => RetrieveTree(controller as IConnector)); var helperTreeGroup = new TreeGroup("helper"); helperTreeGroup.AddGroup("test group"); if (Tree.Count() == 0) { Tree.Add(helperTreeGroup); } }
public void RealAddTreeType(String filename, float size, float sizeVariance, uint numInstances) { List <Vector3> locations = new List <Vector3>(); // create random locations for trees for (int i = 0; i < numInstances; i++) { locations.Add(RandomLocation()); } TreeGroup group = new TreeGroup(filename, size, sizeVariance, speedWind, this, locations); AddBounds(group.Bounds); group.WindStrength = WindStrength; groups.Add(group); }
public Tree(TreeGroup group, SpeedTreeWrapper speedTree, Vector3 location) { = group; this.location = location; this.speedTree = speedTree; billboard0 = new float[20]; billboard1 = new float[20]; // set location for the instance speedTree.TreePosition = SpeedTreeUtil.ToSpeedTree(location); // set bounding box AxisAlignedBox stbox = SpeedTreeUtil.FromSpeedTree(speedTree.BoundingBox); this.bounds = new AxisAlignedBox(stbox.Minimum + location, stbox.Maximum + location); }
public void DragDrop(object sender, DragEventArgs dragArgs) { DataContext = sender.As <FrameworkElement>().DataContext.As <TreeGroup>(); dragArgs .GetFrom <ValueTag>() .TryAs <IValueTag>() ?.Let(AddNewItem); dragArgs .GetFrom <VortexObjectDataTemplate>() .TryAs <TreeWrapperObject>() ?.Let(AddNewItem); dragArgs .GetFrom <TreeItemTemplate>() .TryAs <IValueTag>() ?.Let(AddToFavourites); dragArgs.Handled = true; }
public static void RecolorObject(GameEntity ent, bool trueCall) { if (ent == null || ((Recolor.IsHided(ent) && !trueCall) && ChunkManager.staticFogEnabled)) { return; } var mod = 3f; var upper = ChunkUtil.GetUpper(ent.CurrentPos); if ((ChunkUtil.IsAnyEntity(ent.ChunkNumber, upper) || !SecondaryGroundLvL.IsEmptyPos(ent.ChunkNumber, upper)) && ent.CurrentPos.z + 1 != ChunkManager.MaxGroundsLvls) { mod += 2.5f; } var i = 1f / ((ent.CurrentPos.z + mod) * 0.3f); var color = new Color(i, i, i); if (ChunkUtil.IsEntity(ent.ChunkNumber, upper) && ent.CurrentPos.z + 1 != ChunkManager.MaxGroundsLvls) { var chunk = ChunkManager.GetChunkByNum(ent.ChunkNumber); var upperEnt = chunk.GetGameObjectByIndex(upper); if (upperEnt != null) { if (TreeGroup.IsTreeGroup(upperEnt.Group)) { color.r = 0.5f; color.b = 0.7f; color.g = 0.3f; } else if (upperEnt.Group == "rock") { color.r = 0.3f; color.b = 0.7f; color.g = 0.2f; } else if (upperEnt is GameUnit) { var unit = upperEnt as GameUnit; if (unit.IsEnemy(PlayersManager.GetMyPlayer())) { color.r = 1; color.b = 0.3f; color.g = 0.3f; } else { color.r = 0.1f; color.b = 0.1f; color.g = 0.6f; } } else { color.r = 0.1f; color.b = 0.1f; color.g = 0.6f; } } } if (!GroupUtil.isCreatureGroup(ent.Group) && !GroupUtil.isBuilding(ent.Group)) { var spriteRenderer = ent.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); spriteRenderer.color = color; } }
private List <TreePart> SolveSimpleGraph(Dictionary <ushort, Dictionary <ushort, int> > graph, IEnumerable <ushort> solveSet, int maxSize) { BucketQueue <TreeGroup> groups = new BucketQueue <TreeGroup>(); List <TreePart> initialParts = new List <TreePart>(); { foreach (ushort node in solveSet) { initialParts.Add(new TreePart(node)); } } TreeGroup initialGroup = new TreeGroup(initialParts.ToArray()); groups.Enqueue(initialGroup, initialGroup.Size); int generation = 0; HashSet <TreePart> solutions = new HashSet <TreePart>(EqualityComparer <TreePart> .Default); // DO WORK. while (!groups.IsEmpty()) { generation++; TreeGroup group = groups.Dequeue(); if (group.Size > maxSize) { break; } if (generation % 100000 == 0) { Console.WriteLine(generation + " " + group.Size); } TreePart smallest = group.Smallest; foreach (ushort node in smallest.Nodes.ToList()) { int remaining = maxSize - group.Size; foreach (var next in graph[node]) { if (smallest.Nodes.Contains(next.Key)) { continue; } if (next.Value > remaining) { continue; } TreePart part = new TreePart(smallest); Edge edge = new Edge(node, next.Key); part.Nodes.Add(next.Key); part.Edges.Add(edge); part.Size += next.Value; TreePart mergePart = group.Containing(next.Key); TreeGroup newGroup; if (mergePart != null) { part.merge(mergePart); TreePart[] other = new TreePart[group.Parts.Length - 1]; int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < group.Parts.Length; ++i) { if (group.Parts[i] != mergePart) { other[index++] = group.Parts[i]; } } newGroup = new TreeGroup(part, other); } else { newGroup = new TreeGroup(part, group.Parts); } if (newGroup.Parts.Length == 0) { if (newGroup.Size < maxSize) { solutions.Clear(); maxSize = newGroup.Size; } solutions.Add(newGroup.Smallest); // groups.CapPriority(maxSize); continue; } if (newGroup.Size >= maxSize) { continue; } groups.Enqueue(newGroup, newGroup.Size); } } group.Recycle(); } return(solutions.ToList()); }
public static GroupTree GetOverlookVehiclesTree(String OrgID) { GroupTree vehTree = new GroupTree(); try { string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["fleetnetbaseConnectionString"]; DataBlock dataBlock = new DataBlock(connectionString, ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["language"]); int orgId = Convert.ToInt32(OrgID); dataBlock.OpenConnection(); String name = dataBlock.organizationTable.GetOrganizationName(orgId); vehTree.OrgName = name; List<int> groupIds = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetAllGroupIds(orgId, dataBlock.cardsTable.vehicleCardTypeId); for (int i = 0; i < groupIds.Count; i++) { TreeGroup gr = new TreeGroup(); string grName = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetGroupNameById(groupIds[i]); gr.GroupName = grName; gr.GroupId = groupIds[i]; List<int> values = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetAllCardIdsByGroupId(orgId, dataBlock.cardsTable.vehicleCardTypeId, groupIds[i]); for (int j = 0; j < values.Count; j++) { String veh_name = dataBlock.cardsTable.GetCardHolderNameByCardId(values[j]); gr.addValue(values[j].ToString(), veh_name); } vehTree.addGroup(gr); } dataBlock.CloseConnection(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw ex; //return null; } return vehTree; }
// returns the height of a tree based on some noise public static int treeHeightNoise(int x, int y, int seed, TreeGroup treeGroup) { float noise = (terrainNoise(x, y, seed, treeGroup.scale, treeGroup.offset) + terrainNoise(-x, -y, -seed, treeGroup.scale, -treeGroup.offset)) / 2f; return(Mathf.RoundToInt((treeGroup.tree.maxHeight - treeGroup.tree.minHeight) * noise)); }