/// <summary>
        /// Esta funcion se encarga de generar un arbol de las celulas disponibles para dicho usuario, incluidas a las cuales es lider, lider del lider y la misma que el usuario mismo asiste
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="usuarioId"></param>
        /// <param name="mostrarCheckboxes"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public Ext.Net.TreeNode GenerarArbolDeCelulas(int usuarioId, ThreeStateBool mostrarCheckboxes, bool expandido)
            ManejadorDeCelulas manejadorCelulas = new ManejadorDeCelulas();

            List <Celula> celulasPermitidas = manejadorCelulas.ObtenerCelulasPermitidasPorMiembroComoCelulas(usuarioId);

            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dt = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();

            //Agregamos la celula a la que el miembro asiste, aun y cuando sera de solo lectura; solamente si no existia ya en la lista de celulas permitidas (es decir, asiste y es lider a la vez)
            Miembro miembro = (from o in SesionActual.Instance.getContexto <IglesiaEntities>().Miembro where o.MiembroId == usuarioId select o).SingleOrDefault();

            if (!(celulasPermitidas.Any(o => o.CelulaId == miembro.CelulaId)))
                dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(miembro.CelulaId.ToString(), string.Empty, miembro.Celula.Descripcion, atributoDeSoloLectura);

            string celulaId;
            string miembroCelulaId;
            string atributoExtra;

            foreach (Celula c in celulasPermitidas)
                celulaId = c.CelulaId.ToString();
                if (c.CelulaLider.Count > 0)
                    CelulaLider celulaLider = c.CelulaLider.FirstOrDefault(o => o.Borrado == false && o.Miembro.Borrado == false);
                    if (celulaLider != null)
                        miembroCelulaId = celulaLider.Miembro.CelulaId.ToString();
                        miembroCelulaId = (celulaId.Equals(miembroCelulaId)) ? string.Empty : miembroCelulaId; //Evitamos un loop infinito al momento en que el miembro sea lider de la celula a la que asiste
                        atributoExtra   = (string.IsNullOrEmpty(miembroCelulaId)) ? atributoDeSoloLectura : string.Empty;
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(celulaId, miembroCelulaId, c.Descripcion, atributoExtra);

            //Obtenemos las celulas sin "lideres"
            List <Celula> celulasSinLider = manejadorCelulas.ObtenerCelulasSinLideresComoCelulas();

            if (celulasSinLider.Count > 0)
                int idNodoCelulasSinLideres = 9999999;
                dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(idNodoCelulasSinLideres.ToString(), miembro.CelulaId.ToString(), "Celulas sin Asignacion de Lider", atributoDeSoloLectura);
                foreach (Celula c in celulasSinLider)
                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(c.CelulaId.ToString(), idNodoCelulasSinLideres.ToString(), c.Descripcion, string.Empty);

            Ext.Net.TreeNode navegacion = new Ext.Net.TreeNode("Celulas");
            navegacion.Expanded = expandido;
            if ((celulasPermitidas != null) && (celulasPermitidas.Count > 0))
                generarNodos(navegacion, TreeBuilder.GenerateTree(miembro.CelulaId.ToString(), dt), mostrarCheckboxes, expandido); //La celula inicial es la celula a la que el usuario asiste

예제 #2
        private TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable CreateDate()
            var treeData = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();

            foreach (var value in _values)
                if (value.CurrentState == MethodValue.State.FinalPath)

                var note = value.CurrentState switch
                    MethodValue.State.Changed => $"-({value.Selected?.row}, {value.Selected?.column})",
                    MethodValue.State.Trimmed => $"\u0304(\u0304{value.Selected?.row}\u0304,\u0304 \u0304{value.Selected?.column}\u0304)",
                    _ => $"({value.Selected?.row}, {value.Selected?.column})"
                var patentId = value.ParentValueId == -1? "" : value.ParentValueId.ToString();

                treeData.AddTreeDataTableRow(value.ValueId.ToString(), value.ParentValueId.ToString(), value.Value.HasValue? value.Value?.ToString() : "", note);

예제 #3
        private TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable GetTreeData(DataTable rxnsPaths)
            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dt = null;
            if (rxnsPaths != null && Paths != null)
                dt = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();
                //dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("1", "", "Localhost", "This is your Local Server");
                //dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("2", "1", "Child 1", "This is the first child.");
                //dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("3", "1", "Child 2", "This is the second child.");
                //dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("4", "1", "Child 3", "This is the third child.");
                //dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("5", "2", "GrandChild 1", "This is the only Grandchild.");
                //for (int i = 6; i < 150; i++)
                //    Random rand = new Random();
                //    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(i.ToString(), rand.Next(1, i).ToString(), "GrandChild " + i.ToString(), "This is the only Grandchild.");

                string rxnNo       = "";
                string paths       = "";
                string parentRxnNo = "";
                string steps       = "";

                for (int i = 0; i < rxnsPaths.Rows.Count; i++)
                    rxnNo       = "Rxn" + rxnsPaths.Rows[i]["RxnNo"].ToString();
                    parentRxnNo = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(rxnsPaths.Rows[i]["ParentRxnNo"].ToString()) ? "Rxn" + rxnsPaths.Rows[i]["ParentRxnNo"].ToString() : "";
                    paths       = rxnsPaths.Rows[i]["Paths"].ToString();
                    steps       = rxnsPaths.Rows[i]["Steps"].ToString();

                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(rxnNo, parentRxnNo, rxnNo, paths);
        private void 管理员录入界面_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            TreeGenerator.TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dtTree = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();
            string id, fatherid;
            string name;

            using (
                SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection("server=localhost;database=FamliyTree;uid=sa;pwd=123456"))
                if (con.State != ConnectionState.Open)
                SqlCommand cmd = con.CreateCommand();
                cmd.CommandText = @" Select  PERSON_NAME,PERSON_ID,FATHER_ID from PERSON_TABLE";//查询根节点
                SqlDataReader sdr = cmd.ExecuteReader();

                while (sdr.Read())
                    id       = sdr["PERSON_ID"].ToString();
                    fatherid = sdr["FATHER_ID"].ToString();
                    name     = sdr["PERSON_NAME"].ToString();
                    if (fatherid == "0")
                        dtTree.AddTreeDataTableRow(id, "", name, "");
                        dtTree.AddTreeDataTableRow(id, fatherid, name, "");

                //instantiate the object
                //myOrgChart = new OrgChartGenerator.OrgChart(myOrgData);
                myTree = new TreeBuilder(dtTree);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// show the agency tree
        /// </summary>
        public void ShowTree()
            panelTree.Location = new Point(0, 0);

            Agent[] agents = Connection.Instance.GetAgentDatas();

            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dtTree = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();

            for (int i = 0; i < agents.Length; i++)
                string status = "";

                string pOrVp = "";

                if (agents[i].ID == Connection.Instance.GetPrincipalOrViceDataFromBranchID(agents[i].BranchID, PrincipalOrVice.Principal)[1].ToString())
                    pOrVp = "P";
                else if (agents[i].ID == Connection.Instance.GetPrincipalOrViceDataFromBranchID(agents[i].BranchID, PrincipalOrVice.VicePrincipal)[1].ToString())
                    pOrVp = "VP";

                if (agents[i].Status == 0)
                    status = "(disabled)";
                    status = "(active)";
                dtTree.AddTreeDataTableRow(agents[i].ID, agents[i].UplineID, agents[i].Name + "\n Branch : " + agents[i].BranchID + "\n\n" + status + " \n\n" + pOrVp, "");

            TreeBuilder myTree = new TreeBuilder(dtTree);

            myTree.BoxHeight = 100;
            myTree.BoxWidth  = 200;

            Image temp = Image.FromStream(

            pictureBoxTree.Size  = temp.Size;
            pictureBoxTree.Image = temp;
예제 #6
        private void BuildTree()
            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dtTree =
                new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();
            var tree = ClassificationUtil.ExtractTree(GridData, Mode, (int)groupCountControl.Value);

            foreach (var treeEntry in tree)
                TreeNode node  = treeEntry.Item2;
                var      label = node is LeafNode ? ((LeafNode)node).ImageName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last() : "";
                dtTree.AddTreeDataTableRow(node.Id, treeEntry.Item1, label, node.GroupRoot);
            //instantiate the object
            var myTree = new TreeBuilder(dtTree);
            var rootId = tree.Find(t => t.Item1 == "").Item2.Id;

            treeBox.Image = Image.FromStream(
예제 #7
 private TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable GetTreeData()
     TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dt = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();
     dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("1", "", "Localhost", "This is your Local Server");
     dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("2", "1", "Child 1", "This is the first child.");
     dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("3", "1", "Child 2", "This is the second child.");
     dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("4", "1", "Child 3", "This is the third child.");
     dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("5", "2", "GrandChild 1", "This is the only Grandchild.");
     for (int i = 6; i < 150; i++)
         Random rand = new Random();
         dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(i.ToString(), rand.Next(1, i).ToString(), "GrandChild " + i.ToString(), "This is the only Grandchild.");
     return dt;
예제 #8
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: PKanokwan/AL3_61
        private TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable GetTreeData()
            int    ct = 1, cn = 0, lv = 0;
            String root;

            String[] roots;
            root  = Convert.ToString(tree.Root.Branches[0]);
            roots = root.Split(' ');
            cn    = tree.Root.Branches.Count;
            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dt = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();
            dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), "", "Root", roots[0]);
            lv = 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < cn; i++)
                ct = ct + 1;
                if (roots[0] == "Outlook")
                    lv = 1;
                    if (tree.Root.Branches[i].IsLeaf == false)
                        String   node  = Convert.ToString(tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[0]);
                        String[] nodes = node.Split(' ');
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn1[i], nodes[0]);
                        lv = ct;
                        int cn2 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < cn2; j++)
                            ct = ct + 1;
                            if (nodes[0] == "Outlook")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn1[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Temp")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn2[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Humid")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn3[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Wind")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn4[j], bn5[oo1]);
                        int oo = tree.Root.Branches[i].Output.Value;
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn1[i], bn5[oo]);
                else if (roots[0] == "Temp")
                    lv = 1;
                    if (tree.Root.Branches[i].IsLeaf == false)
                        String   node  = Convert.ToString(tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[0]);
                        String[] nodes = node.Split(' ');
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn2[i], nodes[0]);
                        lv = ct;
                        int cn2 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < cn2; j++)
                            ct = ct + 1;
                            if (nodes[0] == "Outlook")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn1[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Temp")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn2[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Humid")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn3[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Wind")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn4[j], bn5[oo1]);
                        int oo = tree.Root.Branches[i].Output.Value;
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn2[i], bn5[oo]);
                else if (roots[0] == "Humid")
                    lv = 1;
                    if (tree.Root.Branches[i].IsLeaf == false)
                        String   node  = Convert.ToString(tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[0]);
                        String[] nodes = node.Split(' ');
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn3[i], nodes[0]);
                        lv = ct;
                        int cn2 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < cn2; j++)
                            ct = ct + 1;
                            if (nodes[0] == "Outlook")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn1[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Temp")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn2[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Humid")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn3[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Wind")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn4[j], bn5[oo1]);
                        int oo = tree.Root.Branches[i].Output.Value;
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn3[i], bn5[oo]);
                else if (roots[0] == "Wind")
                    lv = 1;
                    if (tree.Root.Branches[i].IsLeaf == false)
                        String   node  = Convert.ToString(tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[0]);
                        String[] nodes = node.Split(' ');
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn4[i], nodes[0]);
                        lv = ct;
                        int cn2 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches.Count;
                        for (int j = 0; j < cn2; j++)
                            ct = ct + 1;
                            if (nodes[0] == "Outlook")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn1[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Temp")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn2[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Humid")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn3[j], bn5[oo1]);
                            else if (nodes[0] == "Wind")
                                if (tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].IsLeaf == true)
                                    int oo1 = tree.Root.Branches[i].Branches[j].Output.Value;
                                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn4[j], bn5[oo1]);
                        int oo = tree.Root.Branches[i].Output.Value;
                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(Convert.ToString(ct), Convert.ToString(lv), bn4[i], bn5[oo]);

예제 #9
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: BrentKnowles/flow2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable GetTreeData(TreeBuilder.mode mode)
            List <string> strings = new List <string>();

            if (dataGridView1.DataSource != null)

            // Lowercase all strings
            if (textBox1.Text == "")
                textBox1.Text = "ceo;";
            if (textBoxPeople.Text == "")
                textBoxPeople.Text = "ceo;Joe";
            if (textBoxDuties.Text == "")
                textBoxDuties.Text = "a;b";

            // escape apostophes -- doing this in the google sheet instead
            textBoxDuties.Text = textBoxDuties.Text.Replace("'", "#");

            textBox1.Text      = textBox1.Text.ToLower();
            textBoxPeople.Text = textBoxPeople.Text.ToLower();
            textBoxDuties.Text = textBoxDuties.Text.ToLower();

            // -1 - Create People -> Rolemapping
            Hashtable peopleHash = new Hashtable();

            string[] textPeople = null;

            if (mode == TreeBuilder.mode.ORG)
                textPeople = textBoxPeople.Text.Split(new string[1] {
                }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            if (mode == TreeBuilder.mode.DUTY)
                textPeople = textBoxDuties.Text.Split(new string[1] {
                }, StringSplitOptions.None);

            string category = String.Empty;
            string SOD      = string.Empty;

            foreach (string s in textPeople)
                if (s == "")

                string[] values = s.Split(new char[1] {
                }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                if (values == null || values.Length < 2)
                    throw new Exception("Bad Data");
                string people_ref     = values[0].ToLower();
                string supervisor_ref = values[1].ToLower();

                if (values.Length >= 4)
                    category       = values[2];
                    SOD            = values[3];
                    supervisor_ref = string.Format("{0};{1};{2}", supervisor_ref, category, SOD);

                if (peopleHash[people_ref] == null)
                    // create a list for this hash
                    // we store a List of PEOPLE assigned to a role (i.e., multiple technical designers might exist
                    peopleHash[people_ref] = new List <string>();
                    (peopleHash[people_ref] as List <string>).Add(supervisor_ref);
                    // add to the list
                    (peopleHash[people_ref] as List <string>).Add(supervisor_ref);

            // 0 - Process text box
            string[] text = textBox1.Text.Split(new string[1] {
            }, StringSplitOptions.None);
            foreach (string s in text)
            System.Collections.Hashtable hash = new System.Collections.Hashtable();

            // 1 - Set the data up for parsing
            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Count; i++)
                string[] values = strings[i].Split(new char[1] {
                }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                if (values == null || values.Length < 2)
                    MessageBox.Show("Bad Data");
                    string supervisor_ref = values[1].ToLower();

                    if (mode == TreeBuilder.mode.DUTY)
                        if (supervisor_ref != "")
                            // when listing duties we use a flat org structure
                            supervisor_ref = "1";
                    string title = values[0];
                    // store the row index to later build the ORG tree
                    // if (supervisor == "") supervisor = ""; // CEO needs the number assignment

                    hash[title] = supervisor_ref;

            // 2 - now that processing is done we build the tree
            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dt = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();

            for (int i = 0; i < strings.Count; i++)
                string[] values = strings[i].Split(new char[1] {
                }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                if (values == null || values.Length < 2)
                    throw new Exception("Bad Data");
                string title_id = values[0];

                // If our supervisor is CEO we need to use "1" instead of label
                string supervisor = hash[title_id].ToString();

                if (supervisor == CEO)
                    supervisor = "1";

                //RULE first row is CEO
                if (i == 0)
                    title_id = "1";

                bool   addedBoss = false;
                string person    = "";// NO_PERSON;

                if (peopleHash.Count <= 0)
                    person = "";
                if (peopleHash[title_id] != null)
                    if (peopleHash[title_id] is List <string> )
                        person = "";
                        if (mode == TreeBuilder.mode.DUTY)
                            person = "";
                        //   string[] values_Detail = supervisor.Split(new char[1] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.None);

                        List <string> tempList = (peopleHash[title_id] as List <string>);
                        if (tempList.Count > 1)
                            /* Intentionally breaking the Person system 9/28/2017 to allow wordwrap

                            dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(title_id, supervisor, values[0].ToUpper(), "zzap", "", "", "", "");

                            addedBoss = true;
                            string _id = title_id;
                            foreach (string s in tempList)
                                string[] values2 = s.Split(new char[1] {
                                }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                                if (values2.Length >= 3)
                                    category = "boom"; // values2[1];
                                    SOD      = "carl"; // values2[2];

                                dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(s, _id, values2[0], "justperson", category, SOD, "", "");
                                _id = s;

                                if (mode == TreeBuilder.mode.DUTY)
                                    // Add Category if DUTY-VIEW
                                    // Add person actualy doing this

                                //person = person + "\n" + s;
                            person = tempList[0];

                if (addedBoss == false)
                    // * Break string mode

                    string titletext = values[0];
                    string line2text = "";

                    /*  int idx = titletext.IndexOf("*");
                     * if (idx > -1)
                     * {
                     *    line2text = titletext.Substring(idx);
                     *    titletext = titletext.Substring(0, idx);
                     * }
                     * don't actually need since word wrap ALREADY HAPPENS?S?

                    dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(title_id, supervisor, titletext.ToUpper(), line2text, "", "", "", "");
                addedBoss = false;

             * dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("Project Director", "1", "PD", "This is the first child.");
             * dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("3", "1", "Child 2", "This is the second child.");
             * dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("4", "1", "Child 3", "This is the third child.");
             * dt.AddTreeDataTableRow("5", "Project Director", "GrandChild 1", "This is the only Grandchild.");
예제 #10
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: BrentKnowles/flow2
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable LoadFromDatabase()
            DataTable table       = ds.Tables[0];
            const int key         = 0;
            const int parentkey   = 1;
            const int description = 2;
            const int note        = 3;
            const int scripting   = 4;
            const int ntype       = 5;

            TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable dt = new TreeData.TreeDataTableDataTable();
            foreach (DataRow dr in table.Rows)
                if (dr[key].ToString() != "")
                    NodeDetails nodeDetails = new NodeDetails(1);
                    nodeDetails.nodeID       = dr[key].ToString();
                    nodeDetails.parentNodeID = dr[parentkey].ToString();

                    if (dr[description] != null)
                        nodeDetails.nodeDescription = dr[description].ToString();
                    if (dr[note] != null)
                        nodeDetails.nodeNote = dr[note].ToString();
                    if (dr[scripting] != null)
                        nodeDetails.scripting = dr[scripting].ToString();
                    if (dr[ntype] != null)
                        nodeDetails.nodetype = dr[ntype].ToString();

                        dt.AddTreeDataTableRow(nodeDetails.nodeID, nodeDetails.parentNodeID, nodeDetails.nodeDescription,
                                               nodeDetails.nodeNote, nodeDetails.nodeCategory, nodeDetails.nodeSOD, nodeDetails.scripting, nodeDetails.nodetype);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        MessageBox.Show("Data may be lost, error with unique key.");
                    // -1 is a control row
                    // scripting column contains a stylesheet to load
                    if (dr[key].ToString() == "-1" && dr[scripting] != null)
                        string filename = dr[scripting].ToString();
                        if (File.Exists(filename))