예제 #1
        public void TraversePairwise(TraverseFunc func)
            var funcContinue = true;
            var dirs         = new Stack <ParentNode>(10);


            while (funcContinue && dirs.Count > 0)
                var pn = dirs.Pop();

                if (pn.Children != null)
                    foreach (var n in pn.Children)
                        if (func != null)
                            funcContinue = func(pn, n);
                            if (!funcContinue)

                        if (n.Children.Count > 0)
예제 #2
파일: CommonEntry.cs 프로젝트: CDEApp/CDE
        public static void TraverseTreePair(IEnumerable <CommonEntry> rootEntries, TraverseFunc func)
            if (func == null)
            }                             // nothing to do.

            var funcContinue = true;
            var dirs         = new Stack <CommonEntry>(rootEntries.Reverse()); // Reverse to keep same traversal order as prior code.

            while (funcContinue && dirs.Count > 0)
                var commonEntry = dirs.Pop();
                if (commonEntry.Children == null)
                }                                               // empty directories may not have Children initialized.

                foreach (var dirEntry in commonEntry.Children)
                    funcContinue = func(commonEntry, dirEntry);
                    if (!funcContinue)

                    if (dirEntry.IsDirectory)
예제 #3
        public TraverseFunc GetFindFunc(int[] progressCount, int[] limitCount)
            var findPredicate = GetFindPredicate();

            TraverseFunc findFunc = (p, d) =>
                if (progressCount[0] <= SkipCount)
                {   // skip enforced

                if (progressCount[0] % ProgressModifier == 0)
                    ProgressFunc(progressCount[0], ProgressEnd);
                    // only check for cancel on progress modifier.
                    if (Worker != null && Worker.CancellationPending)
                        return(false);   // end the find.
                if (findPredicate(p, d))
                    if (!VisitorFunc(p, d) || --limitCount[0] <= 0)
                        return(false);   // end the find.

예제 #4
        public void TraversePairwise(TraverseFunc func)
            var funcContinue = true;
            var dirs = new Stack<ParentNode>(10);

            while (funcContinue && dirs.Count > 0)
                var pn = dirs.Pop();

                if (pn.Children != null)
                    foreach (var n in pn.Children)
                        if (func != null)
                            funcContinue = func(pn, n);
                            if (!funcContinue)

                        if (n.Children.Count > 0)
예제 #5
        String OutputGraph(TraverseFunc traverseFunc, SymbolContext <SymbolT, CtxKey> ctx,
                           int depth, int maxh, bool symbs)
            string text = (symbs ? ctx.ListContext() : ctx.ToString());

            text = String.Concat(Enumerable.Repeat("  ", depth)) + text + Environment.NewLine;
            if (maxh > 0)
                foreach (var p in traverseFunc(ctx))
                    text += OutputGraph(traverseFunc, p, depth + 1, maxh - 1, symbs);
예제 #6
        public void Given_FindOptions_config_match_all()
            _findOptions = new FindOptions();
            _visitorFunc = Substitute.For <TraverseFunc>();
            var matcherAll = Substitute.For <Func <CommonEntry, DirEntry, bool> >();

            matcherAll(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(true);

            _findOptions.VisitorFunc    = _visitorFunc;
            _findOptions.PatternMatcher = matcherAll;

            _rootEntry = new RootEntry {
                FullPath = @"C:\"
            _testFile = new DirEntry(false)
                Path = @"TestFile1"
            _testDir = new DirEntry(true)
                Path = @"TestDir"
예제 #7
        public void given_FindOptions_with_matcherAll()
            FindOptions  findOptions = null;
            TraverseFunc visitorFunc = null;
            TraverseFunc findFunc    = null;
            RootEntry    rootEntry   = null;
            DirEntry     testFile    = null;
            DirEntry     testDir     = null;

            before = () => {
                findOptions = new FindOptions();
                visitorFunc = Substitute.For <TraverseFunc>();
                var matcherAll = Substitute.For <Func <CommonEntry, DirEntry, bool> >();
                matcherAll(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(true);

                findOptions.VisitorFunc    = visitorFunc;
                findOptions.PatternMatcher = matcherAll;

                rootEntry = new RootEntry {
                    FullPath = @"C:\"
                testFile = new DirEntry(false)
                    Path = @"TestFile1"
                testDir = new DirEntry(true)
                    Path = @"TestDir"

            describe["with test entry \"TestFile1\""] = () => {
                describe["when find items before limit"] = () => {
                    before = () => {
                        findFunc = findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { int.MaxValue });

                    it["find calls found"] = () => {
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile);
                        //findOptions.VisitorFunc.Received().Invoke(rootEntry, testFile);
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc.Received()(rootEntry, testFile);

                    it["find returns true if found returns true"] = () => {
                        visitorFunc(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(true);
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile).should_be_true();

                    it["find returns false if found returns false"] = () => {
                        // findprecicate is seperate from foundVisitor :(........
                        // this is borked.
                        visitorFunc(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(false);
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile).should_be_false();

                describe["when find items at limit"] = () => {
                    before = () => {
                        findFunc = findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { 1 });

                    it["find calls found for first matched entry"] = () => {
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile);
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc.Received().Invoke(rootEntry, testFile);

                    it["find returns false if found returns true"] = () => {
                        visitorFunc(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(true);
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile).should_be_false();

                describe["given find excludes Files"] = () => {
                    before = () => {
                        findOptions.IncludeFiles = false;
                        findFunc = findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { int.MaxValue });

                    it["find doesn't call found"] = () => {
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile);
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc.DidNotReceiveWithAnyArgs().Invoke(null, null);

                describe["given find excludes Folders"] = () => {
                    before = () => {
                        findOptions.IncludeFolders = false;
                        findFunc = findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { int.MaxValue });

                    it["find calls found"] = () => {
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testFile);
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs().Invoke(null, null);

            describe["with test entry \"TestDir1\""] = () => {
                describe["given find excludes Files"] = () => {
                    before = () => {
                        findOptions.IncludeFiles = false;
                        findFunc = findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { int.MaxValue });

                    it["find calls found"] = () => {
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testDir);
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs().Invoke(null, null);

                describe["given find excludes Folders"] = () => {
                    before = () => {
                        findOptions.IncludeFolders = false;
                        findFunc = findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { int.MaxValue });

                    it["find doesn't call found"] = () => {
                        findFunc(rootEntry, testDir);
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc.DidNotReceiveWithAnyArgs().Invoke(null, null);
예제 #8
        public void FindFunc_Spec_for_limit()
            describe["given test entry tree"] = () =>
                // ReSharper disable TooWideLocalVariableScope
                DirEntry de2a;
                DirEntry de2b;
                DirEntry de2c;
                DirEntry de3a = null;
                DirEntry de4a = null;
                // ReSharper restore TooWideLocalVariableScope
                RootEntry   re          = null;
                FindOptions findOptions = null;
                Func <CommonEntry, DirEntry, bool> matcherAll = null;

                before = () =>
                    // NOTE: test tree entry entry  is de2c,de2a,de2b,de3a,de4a
                    re = RootEntryTestBase.NewTestRootEntry(out de2a, out de2b, out de2c, out de3a, out de4a);
                    matcherAll = Substitute.For <Func <CommonEntry, DirEntry, bool> >();
                    matcherAll(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(true);
                    findOptions = new FindOptions();

                describe["with FindOptions matching all entries"] = () =>
                    TraverseFunc visitorFunc = null;

                    before = () =>
                        visitorFunc = Substitute.For <TraverseFunc>();
                        visitorFunc(null, null).ReturnsForAnyArgs(x => true);
                        findOptions.Pattern        = string.Empty;
                        findOptions.PatternMatcher = matcherAll;
                        findOptions.VisitorFunc    = visitorFunc;

                    describe["given find limit 2"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 2;
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(2).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(2);

                    describe["given find limit 4"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 4;
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(4).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(4);

                    describe["given large limit"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = int.MaxValue;

                        describe["will find all"] = () =>
                            before = () => findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                            specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(5).Invoke(null, null);

                            specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(5);

                        describe["and given SkipCount 5"] = () =>
                            before = () =>
                                findOptions.SkipCount = 5;
                                findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                            specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(0).Invoke(null, null);

                            specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(5);

                        describe["and given SkipCount 6"] = () =>
                            before = () =>
                                findOptions.SkipCount = 6;
                                findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                            specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(0).Invoke(null, null);

                            specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(5);

                    describe["When find limit 2, pattern 'a'"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.Pattern          = "a";
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 2;
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(2).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.should_be(4);

                    describe["When find limit 2, pattern 'a' with Skip count 2"] = () =>
                        before = () =>
                            findOptions.LimitResultCount = 2;
                            findOptions.SkipCount        = 2;
                            findOptions.Pattern          = "a";
                            findOptions.Find(new[] { re });

                        specify = () => visitorFunc.ReceivedWithAnyArgs(2).Invoke(null, null);

                        specify = () => findOptions.ProgressCount.Is(5);

                        it["found received in expected order"] =
                            () => Received.InOrder(() =>
                            visitorFunc.Received().Invoke(Arg.Any <CommonEntry>(), de3a);
                            visitorFunc.Received().Invoke(Arg.Any <CommonEntry>(), de4a);
            // TODO - capture SkipCount and interface and pass it back later ? [ProgressCount from findOptions]
            //        maybe this involves holding onto FindOptions on serverside in Web ?
            // TODO - if SkipCount >= Limit then dont do any work return empty.
예제 #9
파일: CommonEntry.cs 프로젝트: CDEApp/CDE
        //public CommonEntry FindClosestParentDir(string relativePath)
        //    if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(relativePath))
        //    {
        //        throw new ArgumentException("Argument relativePath must be non empty.");
        //    }
        //    var indexOfDirectorySeperator = relativePath.IndexOf(Filesystem.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar);
        //    var firstPathElement = relativePath;
        //    var remainderPath = string.Empty;
        //    if (indexOfDirectorySeperator > 0)
        //    {
        //        firstPathElement = relativePath.Remove(indexOfDirectorySeperator);
        //        remainderPath = relativePath.Substring(indexOfDirectorySeperator + Filesystem.Path.DirectorySeparatorChar.Length);
        //    }
        //    var de = Children.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Path == firstPathElement);
        //    if (de != null)
        //    {
        //        if (remainderPath == string.Empty)
        //        {
        //            return de;
        //        }
        //        var foundDe = de.FindClosestParentDir(remainderPath);
        //        if (foundDe == null)
        //        {
        //            return de;
        //        }
        //        return foundDe;
        //    }
        //    return this;

        public void TraverseTreePair(TraverseFunc func)
            TraverseTreePair(new List <CommonEntry> {
            }, func);
예제 #10
 void And_given_Find_excludes_folders()
     _findOptions.IncludeFolders = false;
     _findFunc = _findOptions.GetFindFunc(new[] { 0 }, new[] { int.MaxValue });