예제 #1
    static private void SetPropDataFieldValue(PropData propData, string fieldName, string fieldValueString)
        // What extension of PropData is this?
        Type propDataType = propData.GetType();
        // Get the FieldInfo of the requested name from this propData's class.
        FieldInfo fieldInfo = propDataType.GetField(fieldName);

        // Get the VALUE of this field from the string!
        if (fieldInfo == null)
            Debug.LogError("We've been provided an unidentified prop field type. " + debug_roomDataLoadingRoomKey + ". PropData: " + propData + ", fieldName: " + fieldName);
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(bool))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, bool.Parse(fieldValueString));
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(float))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, TextUtils.ParseFloat(fieldValueString));
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(int))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, TextUtils.ParseInt(fieldValueString));
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(string))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, fieldValueString);
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(Rect))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, TextUtils.GetRectFromString(fieldValueString));
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(Vector2))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, TextUtils.GetVector2FromString(fieldValueString));
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(OnOfferData))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, OnOfferData.FromString(fieldValueString));
        else if (fieldInfo.FieldType == typeof(TravelMindData))
            fieldInfo.SetValue(propData, TravelMindData.FromString(fieldValueString));
            Debug.LogWarning("Unrecognized field type in Room file: " + debug_roomDataLoadingRoomKey + ". PropData: " + propData + ", fieldName: " + fieldName);