/// <summary>
        /// Parses the translation file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>An array containing TranslationItems.</returns>
        internal TranslationCollection ParseTranslations()
            TranslationItemList controls = new TranslationItemList();
            TranslationItemList constants = new TranslationItemList();

            // For debug purposes, we add the first letter of the translation file to
            // the line.
            string suffix = "";
            #if DEBUG
            FileInfo info = new FileInfo(Filename);
            suffix = " (" + info.Name[0] + ")";

            string owner = Translation.GlobalId;
            // Run through contents, finding [Owner] and parsing other lines

            foreach (string currentLine in fileContents)
                string trimmedLine = currentLine.Trim();
                if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("#"))     // Comment, ignore
                if (trimmedLine.Equals(""))          // Empty line, ignore

                if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("[") && trimmedLine.EndsWith("]"))
                    // Owner specification, eg: [frmWizard]
                    owner = trimmedLine.Substring(1, trimmedLine.Length - 2);
                else if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("!"))
                    // Constant, eg: !Name = Value
                        TranslationItem constant =
                            TranslationItem.Parse(owner, currentLine + suffix);
                        constants.Add(constant.Key, constant);
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        // Ignore
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Constant error: " + ex.Message);
                } /* else if (trimmedLine.StartsWith("!")) */
                    // Standard line, parse it
                        TranslationItem translationItem
                            = TranslationItem.Parse(owner, currentLine + suffix);
                        controls.Add(translationItem.Key, translationItem);
                    catch(Exception ex)
                        // Ignore errors
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(false, "Constant error: " + ex.Message);
                } /* else */
            } /* foreach (string currentLine... */

            return new TranslationCollection(constants, controls);