public static string[] LanguageNames(string[] languageCodes) { if (admToken == null) // We initialize it just one until the timer expires { //Get Client Id and Client Secret from //Refer obtaining AccessToken ( AuthenticationToken admAuth = new AuthenticationToken(ClientID, ClientSecret); admToken = admAuth.GetAccessToken(); } TranslateService.LanguageServiceClient client = new TranslateService.LanguageServiceClient(); string[] langNames = client.GetLanguageNames("Bearer" + " " + admToken.access_token, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.Name, languageCodes); client.Close(); return langNames; }
public void WorkerProc() { _success = true; // all is good unless something fails _active = true; _client = new TranslateService.LanguageServiceClient(); // Get the manually corrected values if they exist System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<string, string> translatedValues = new SortedList<string, string>(); // automatic translations System.Collections.Generic.SortedList<string, string> manualValues = new SortedList<string, string>(); // User translations string fixedLanguageFileName = Path.Combine(_localisationPath, _languageCode + "-fixed.txt"); if (File.Exists(fixedLanguageFileName)) { using (CsvFileReader reader = new CsvFileReader(fixedLanguageFileName)) { CsvRow row = new CsvRow(); while (reader.ReadRow(row)) { if (row.Count > 1) { if (!manualValues.ContainsKey(row[0])) { manualValues.Add(row[0], row[1]); // Create a sorted list of values with manual updates } } } } } // Create the language file string languageFileName = Path.Combine(_localisationPath, _languageCode + ".txt"); // If the file already exists then don't overwrite it // So we don't overwrite from scratch. If new translations are required then the existing files needs to be deleted first // If the language file already exists then load the file so we can add new strings and deletes one not being used // BING now limits the amount of data that can be downloaded so we should only update what's required instead of downloading everthing again CsvRow orgRow = new CsvRow(); if (File.Exists(languageFileName)) { using (CsvFileReader orgReader = new CsvFileReader(languageFileName)) { while (orgReader.ReadRow(orgRow)) // Read all the data in { if (manualValues.ContainsKey(orgRow[0])) _manual++; // We have a manual translation if (!translatedValues.ContainsKey(orgRow[0])) translatedValues.Add(orgRow[0], orgRow[1]); // Add to the sorted listed - we don't add manual translations here, just track them. They are added on the fly at runtime else _duplicate++; // Duplicate } } } using (CsvFileWriter writer = new CsvFileWriter(languageFileName)) { using (CsvFileReader reader = new CsvFileReader(_englishFilePath)) { CsvRow row = new CsvRow(); while (reader.ReadRow(row)) { if (row.Count > 0) { while (row.Count > 1) row.RemoveAt(1); string transText = ""; if (translatedValues.ContainsKey(row[0])) { transText = translatedValues[row[0]]; _replaced++; } else { transText = TranslateText(row[0], _languageCode); // check for a null return, then BING failed due to quota issues if (transText == null) { _success = false; // break out and clean up the file break; } else _downloaded++; } row.Add(transText); writer.WriteRow(row); // Write the data _progress++; if (_cancelled) { _success = false; break; } if (Console.KeyAvailable) // check if any other thread caught the cancellation event (ESC) { ConsoleKeyInfo cki = Console.ReadKey(true); if ((cki.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape) || ((cki.Modifiers == ConsoleModifiers.Control) && (cki.Key == ConsoleKey.C))) { _cancelled = true; // signal all thread to exit _success = false; // Clean up the file break; } } } } } } _client.Close(); _active = false; // First set this to avoid overwriting console // Check for failure, if so delete the file - we do not keep partially translated files if (_success == false) { string consoleTxt = _languageCode + " (" + _languageName + ")" +" -> " + "Translation cancelled..."; TranslateAll.WriteStatus(consoleTxt, _row, ConsoleColor.DarkMagenta); File.Delete(languageFileName); } else { string consoleTxt = _languageCode + " (" + _languageName + ")" + " -> " + _progress + " translations complete! Downloaded " + _downloaded + " Existing " + _replaced + " Manual " + _manual + " Duplicate " + _duplicate; TranslateAll.WriteStatus(consoleTxt, _row, ConsoleColor.Green); } return; }