예제 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the net more or less reliable to a string which can be read as a *.dot-File by Graphviz (http://www.graphviz.org/)
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>Returns said string, which you have to put into a file.</returns>
        public String ConvertToDot()
            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

            content.Append("digraph TC {\n");
            // draw all places with their respective labels and amount of tokens (p0 [label="A (1)"])
            for (int index = 0; index <= Places.Count() - 1; index++)
                content.Append("p" + index + " [label=\"" + Places[index].Name + " (" + Places[index].Token + ")\"]\n");
            // draw all transitions with their respective labels (t0 [label="AtoB"])
            for (int index = 0; index <= Transitions.Count() - 1; index++)
                content.Append("t" + index + " [label=\"" + Transitions[index].Name + "\"]\n");
                // and for each transition draw the incoming (p0 -> t0)...
                foreach (Place incomingPlace in Transitions[index].IncomingPlaces)
                    content.Append("p" + Places.IndexOf(incomingPlace) + " -> " + "t" + index + "\n");
                // ... and outgoing (t0 -> p1) connections
                foreach (Place outgoingPlace in Transitions[index].OutgoingPlaces)
                    content.Append("t" + index + " -> " + "p" + Places.IndexOf(outgoingPlace) + "\n");

예제 #2
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns the number of transitions that are not AND-Transitions. Note that this method uses a cache for performance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <author>Jannik Arndt</author>
 public int CountTransitionsWithoutANDs()
     // Only go through all transitions if the overall number of transitions has changed
     // This has a HUGE performance impact!
     if (Transitions.Count() != _transitionsCountCache)
         int counter = Transitions.Count(transition => !transition.Name.StartsWith("AND") && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(transition.Name) && !transition.IsANDJoin && !transition.IsANDSplit);
         _transitionsCountCache           = Transitions.Count();
         _transitionsWithoutANDCountCache = counter;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Converts the net more or less reliable to a string which can be read as a *.pnml by (http://woped.dhbw-karlsruhe.de/woped/)
        /// </summary>
        /// /// <autor>Naby M. Sow</autor>
        /// <returns>Returns said string, which you have to put into a file.</returns>
        public String ConvertToPNML()
            const string cID = "cId-0";

            StringBuilder content = new StringBuilder();

            content.Append("<pnml xmlns=\"http://www.pnml.org/version-2009/grammar/pnml\">\n");
            content.Append("  <net id=\"" + cID + "\" type=\"http://www.pnml.org/version-2009/grammar/ptnet\">\n");
            content.Append("    <page id=\"page0\">\n");

            for (int index = 0; index < Places.Count(); index++)
                string placeId   = "p" + index;
                string placeName = Places[index].Name;
                int    positionX = Places[index].PositionX;
                int    positionY = Places[index].PositionY;

                content.Append("  <place id=\"" + placeId + "\">\n");
                content.Append("    <name>\n");
                content.Append("      <text>" + placeName + "</text>\n");
                content.Append("      <graphics>\n");
                content.Append("         <offset x=\"" + (positionX + 6) + "\" y=\"" + (positionY + 6) + " \"/>\n");
                content.Append("      </graphics>\n");
                content.Append("    </name>\n");
                content.Append("    <graphics>\n");
                content.Append("      <position x=\"" + positionX + "\" y=\"" + positionY + "\"/>\n");
                content.Append("    </graphics>\n");
                content.Append("   </place>\n");

            for (int index = 0; index < Transitions.Count(); index++)
                string transitionId   = "t" + index;
                string transitionName = Transitions[index].Name;
                int    positionX      = Transitions[index].PositionX;
                int    positionY      = Transitions[index].PositionY;

                content.Append("  <transition id=\"" + transitionId + "\">\n");
                content.Append("    <name>\n");
                content.Append("      <text>" + transitionName + "</text>\n");
                content.Append("      <graphics>\n");
                content.Append("         <offset x=\"" + (positionX + 9) + "\" y=\"" + (positionY + 9) + "\"/>\n");
                content.Append("      </graphics>\n");
                content.Append("    </name>\n");
                content.Append("    <graphics>\n");
                content.Append("      <position x=\"" + positionX + "\" y=\"" + positionY + "\"/>\n");
                content.Append("    </graphics>\n");
                content.Append("  </transition>\n");

            int sourcePlaceId = 0;

            foreach (Place sourcePlace in Places)
                int targetTransitionId = 0;
                foreach (Transition targetTransition in sourcePlace.OutgoingTransitions)
                    string arcId     = "p2t" + ((sourcePlaceId + 1) + (sourcePlaceId + 1) * (targetTransitionId + 1)); //calculation for unique id
                    string arcSource = GetPlaceID(sourcePlace);
                    string arcTarget = GetTransitionID(targetTransition);
                    content.Append("  <arc id=\"" + arcId + "\" " + "source=\"" + arcSource + "\" " + "target=\"" + arcTarget + "\">\n");
                    content.Append("    <graphics/>\n");
                    content.Append("  </arc>\n");


            int sourceTransitionId = 0;

            foreach (Transition sourceTransition in Transitions)
                int targetPlaceId = 0;
                foreach (Place targetPlace in sourceTransition.OutgoingPlaces)
                    string arcId     = "t2p" + ((sourceTransitionId + 1) + (sourceTransitionId + 1) * (targetPlaceId + 1)); //calculation for unique id
                    string arcSource = GetTransitionID(sourceTransition);
                    string arcTarget = GetPlaceID(targetPlace);
                    content.Append("  <arc id=\"" + arcId + "\" " + "source=\"" + arcSource + "\" " + "target=\"" + arcTarget + "\">\n");
                    content.Append("    <graphics/>\n");
                    content.Append("  </arc>\n");



            content.Append("    </page>\n");
            content.Append("    <name>\n");
            content.Append("      <text></text>\n");
            content.Append("    </name>\n");
            content.Append("  </net>\n");

예제 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Counts all Transitions that are marked as a loop (.IsLoop == true)
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns></returns>
 /// <author>Jannik Arndt</author>
 public int CountLoops()
     return(Transitions.Count(transition => transition.IsLoop));