예제 #1
파일: QHsm.cs 프로젝트: klhurley/qf4net
        private void TransitionDownToTargetState(
            QState targetState,
            ArrayList statesTargetToLCA,
            int indexFirstStateToEnter,
            TransitionChainRecorder recorder)
            // we enter the states in the passed in array in reverse order
            for (int stateIndex = indexFirstStateToEnter; stateIndex >= 0; stateIndex--)
                Trigger((QState)statesTargetToLCA[stateIndex], QSignals.Entry, recorder);

            m_MyState = targetState;

            // At last we are ready to initialize the target state.
            // If the specified target state handles init then the effective
            // target state is deeper than the target state specified in
            // the transition.
            while (Trigger(targetState, QSignals.Init, recorder) == null)
                // Initial transition must be one level deep
                Debug.Assert(targetState == GetSuperState(m_MyState));
                targetState = m_MyState;
                Trigger(targetState, QSignals.Entry, recorder);

            if (recorder != null)
                // We always make sure that the last entry in the recorder represents the entry to the target state.
                EnsureLastTransistionStepIsEntryIntoTargetState(targetState, recorder);
                Debug.Assert(recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain().Length > 0);
예제 #2
파일: QHsm.cs 프로젝트: ianblenke/qhsm
 private void TransitionToSynchronized(QState targetState, ref TransitionChain transitionChain)
     //The entire method had been embedded within [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.Synchronized)],
     //which is not available in .NET Core, and so a lock is used instead...
     lock (this)
         if (transitionChain != null)
             // We encountered a race condition. The first (non-synchronized) check indicated that the transition chain
             // is null. However, a second threat beat us in getting into this synchronized method and populated
             // the transition chain in the meantime. We can execute the regular method again now.
             TransitionTo(targetState, ref transitionChain);
             // The transition chain is not initialized yet, we need to dynamically retrieve
             // the required transition steps and record them so that we can subsequently simply
             // play them back.
             TransitionChainRecorder recorder = new TransitionChainRecorder();
             TransitionFromSourceToTarget(targetState.GetMethodInfo(), recorder);
             // We pass the recorded transition steps back to the caller:
             transitionChain = recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain();
예제 #3
파일: QHsm.cs 프로젝트: klhurley/qf4net
 private void EnsureLastTransistionStepIsEntryIntoTargetState(
     QState targetState,
     TransitionChainRecorder recorder)
     if (recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain().Length == 0)
         // Nothing recorded so far
         RecordEntryIntoTargetState(targetState, recorder);
         // We need to test whether the last recorded transition step is the entry into the target state
         TransitionChain transitionChain    = recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain();
         TransitionStep  lastTransitionStep = transitionChain[transitionChain.Length - 1];
         if (lastTransitionStep.State != targetState ||
             lastTransitionStep.QSignal != QSignals.Entry)
             RecordEntryIntoTargetState(targetState, recorder);
예제 #4
파일: QHsm.cs 프로젝트: klhurley/qf4net
 private void TransitionToSynchronized(QState targetState, ref TransitionChain transitionChain)
     if (transitionChain != null)
         // We encountered a race condition. The first (non-synchronized) check indicated that the transition chain
         // is null. However, a second threat beat us in getting into this synchronized method and populated
         // the transition chain in the meantime. We can execute the regular method again now.
         TransitionTo(targetState, ref transitionChain);
         // The transition chain is not initialized yet, we need to dynamically retrieve
         // the required transition steps and record them so that we can subsequently simply
         // play them back.
         TransitionChainRecorder recorder = new TransitionChainRecorder();
         TransitionFromSourceToTarget(targetState, recorder);
         // We pass the recorded transition steps back to the caller:
         transitionChain = recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain();
예제 #5
 private void TransitionToSynchronized(QState targetState, ref TransitionChain transitionChain)
     if (transitionChain != null)
         // We encountered a race condition. The first (non-synchronized) check indicated that the transition chain
         // is null. However, a second threat beat us in getting into this synchronized method and populated
         // the transition chain in the meantime. We can execute the regular method again now.
         TransitionTo(targetState, ref transitionChain);
         // The transition chain is not initialized yet, we need to dynamically retrieve
         // the required transition steps and record them so that we can subsequently simply
         // play them back.
         TransitionChainRecorder recorder = new TransitionChainRecorder();
         TransitionFromSourceToTarget(targetState.Method, recorder);
         // We pass the recorded transition steps back to the caller:
         transitionChain = recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain();
예제 #6
        private void TransitionDownToTargetState(
            MethodInfo targetStateMethod,
            ArrayList statesTargetToLCA,
            int indexFirstStateToEnter,
            TransitionChainRecorder recorder)
            // we enter the states in the passed in array in reverse order
            for (int stateIndex = indexFirstStateToEnter; stateIndex >= 0; stateIndex--)
                Trigger((MethodInfo)statesTargetToLCA[stateIndex], QSignals.Entry, recorder);

            m_MyStateMethod = targetStateMethod;

            // At last we are ready to initialize the target state.
            // If the specified target state handles init then the effective
            // target state is deeper than the target state specified in
            // the transition.
            while (Trigger(targetStateMethod, QSignals.Init, recorder) == null)
                // Initial transition must be one level deep
                Debug.Assert(targetStateMethod == GetSuperStateMethod(m_MyStateMethod));
                targetStateMethod = m_MyStateMethod;
                Trigger(targetStateMethod, QSignals.Entry, recorder);

            if (recorder != null)
                // We always make sure that the last entry in the recorder represents the entry to the target state.
                EnsureLastTransistionStepIsEntryIntoTargetState(targetStateMethod, recorder);
                Debug.Assert(recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain().Length > 0);
예제 #7
 private void EnsureLastTransistionStepIsEntryIntoTargetState(
     MethodInfo targetStateMethod,
     TransitionChainRecorder recorder)
     if (recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain().Length == 0)
         // Nothing recorded so far
         RecordEntryIntoTargetState(targetStateMethod, recorder);
         // We need to test whether the last recorded transition step is the entry into the target state
         TransitionChain transitionChain = recorder.GetRecordedTransitionChain();
         TransitionStep lastTransitionStep = transitionChain[transitionChain.Length - 1];
         if (lastTransitionStep.StateMethod != targetStateMethod ||
             lastTransitionStep.QSignal != QSignals.Entry)
             RecordEntryIntoTargetState(targetStateMethod, recorder);