예제 #1
파일: Gcmf.cs 프로젝트: trashbyte/LibGC
        internal void Load(EndianBinaryReader input, GcGame game)
            int baseOffset = Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position);

            // Load GCMF header
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != GcmfMagic)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x00] == GcmfMagic.");
            SectionFlags         = input.ReadUInt32();
            BoundingSphereCenter = new Vector3(input.ReadSingle(), input.ReadSingle(), input.ReadSingle());
            BoundingSphereRadius = input.ReadSingle();
            int numMaterials         = (int)input.ReadUInt16();
            int numLayer1Meshes      = (int)input.ReadUInt16();
            int numLayer2Meshes      = (int)input.ReadUInt16();
            int numTransformMatrices = (int)input.ReadByte();

            if (input.ReadByte() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x1F] == 0");
            int headerSize = input.ReadInt32();

            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x24] == 0");
            input.Read(TransformMatrixDefaultIdxs, 0, 8);
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x30] == 0");
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x34] == 0");
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x38] == 0");
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x3C] == 0");

            // Check that the combination of flags is correct
            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)~(GcmfSectionFlags._16Bit |
                                        GcmfSectionFlags.StitchingModel |
                                        GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel |
                                        GcmfSectionFlags.EffectiveModel)) != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Unknown GCMF section flags.");

            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0 && !GcmfVersionDetails.IsGcmfSkinModelSupported(game))
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("GCMF with skin model flag is not supported in this game.");

            // Load materials
            for (int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++)
                GcmfMaterial mat = new GcmfMaterial();
                mat.Load(input, i);

            // Load transform matrices
            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.StitchingModel) != 0 ||
                (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < numTransformMatrices; i++)
                    GcmfTransformMatrix tmtx = new GcmfTransformMatrix();
                if (numTransformMatrices != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("GcmfSection: No transform matrices expected, but transformMatrixCount != 0?");

            if (PaddingUtils.Align(Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position), 0x20) != baseOffset + headerSize)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [End Header Offset] mismatch.");

            input.BaseStream.Position = baseOffset + headerSize;

            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0 ||
                (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.EffectiveModel) != 0)
                int sectionBaseOffset = Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position);

                int numVertices             = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartType8Unknown1 = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartVertexPool    = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartMeshData      = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartType8Unknown2 = input.ReadInt32();
                if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf[PreSectionHdr-0x14]");
                if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf[PreSectionHdr-0x18]");
                if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf[PreSectionHdr-0x1C]");

                // Load the mesh headers
                List <GcmfMesh.HeaderSectionInfo> meshHeaderSectionInfos = new List <GcmfMesh.HeaderSectionInfo>();
                for (int i = 0; i < numLayer1Meshes + numLayer2Meshes; i++)
                    GcmfMesh mesh = new GcmfMesh();
                                                               (i < numLayer1Meshes) ? GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer1 : GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer2));

                if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartVertexPool)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartVertexPool doesn't match expected value.");

                // Load the vertex pool, i.e. the vertices referenced from the indexed triangle strips
                // On SMB1, the 16 bit flag is ignored in effective models
                bool isVtx16Bit = (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags._16Bit) != 0 &&

                for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                    GcmfVertex vtx = new GcmfVertex();
                    vtx.LoadIndexed(input, isVtx16Bit);

                // Load type 8 unknown 1 / unknown 2
                if (GcmfVersionDetails.IsGcmfSkinModelSupported(game))
                    if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartType8Unknown1)
                        throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown1 doesn't match expected value.");

                    if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < (offsetPartType8Unknown2 - offsetPartType8Unknown1) / 0x20; i++)
                            GcmfType8Unknown1 unk1 = new GcmfType8Unknown1();

                    if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartType8Unknown2)
                        throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown2 doesn't match expected value.");

                    if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0)
                        for (int i = 0; i < numTransformMatrices; i++)

                        if (PaddingUtils.Align(Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position), 0x20) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartMeshData)
                            throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartMeshData doesn't match expected value.");

                        input.BaseStream.Position = sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartMeshData;
                    // We already made sure that the section flags are not skin model if it's not supported,
                    // so if we're here, the flag is set to effective model.

                    // In this case, the offsets of those sections must be zero

                    // SMB doesn't have have any 0x08 section flags, so those offsets are zero
                    if (offsetPartType8Unknown1 != 0)
                        throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown1 is not zero on SMB.");

                    if (offsetPartType8Unknown2 != 0)
                        throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown2 is not zero on SMB.");

                // Load the mesh data itself (the indexed triangle strips)
                if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartMeshData)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartMeshData doesn't match expected value.");

                for (int i = 0; i < numLayer1Meshes + numLayer2Meshes; i++)
                    Meshes[i].LoadIndexedData(input, isVtx16Bit, VertexPool, meshHeaderSectionInfos[i]);

                // Make sure that all the vertices in the vertex pool got their
                // vertex flags set when we read the indexed triangle strips,
                // that is, that they were referenced at least once.
                // Otherwise, we would have semi-initialized vertices in the vertex pool!
                if (VertexPool.Any(vtx => !vtx.IsIndexedVertexInitialized()))
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Not all vertex flags of all vertices in the vertex pool got initialized!");
                for (int i = 0; i < numLayer1Meshes + numLayer2Meshes; i++)
                    GcmfMesh mesh = new GcmfMesh();
                    GcmfMesh.HeaderSectionInfo headerSectionInfo = mesh.LoadHeader(input,
                                                                                   (i < numLayer1Meshes) ? GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer1 : GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer2);
                    mesh.LoadNonIndexedData(input, headerSectionInfo, (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags._16Bit) != 0);
예제 #2
        internal void Load(EndianBinaryReader input, GxGame game)
            int baseOffset = Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position);

            // Load GCMF header
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != GcmfMagic)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x00] == GcmfMagic.");
            SectionFlags         = input.ReadUInt32();
            BoundingSphereCenter = new Vector3(input.ReadSingle(), input.ReadSingle(), input.ReadSingle());
            BoundingSphereRadius = input.ReadSingle();
            int numMaterials         = (int)input.ReadUInt16();
            int numLayer1Meshes      = (int)input.ReadUInt16();
            int numLayer2Meshes      = (int)input.ReadUInt16();
            int transformMatrixCount = (int)input.ReadByte();

            if (input.ReadByte() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x1F] == 0");
            int headerSize = input.ReadInt32();

            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x24] == 0");
            input.Read(TransformMatrixDefaultIdxs, 0, 8);
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x30] == 0");
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x34] == 0");
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x38] == 0");
            if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Expected Gcmf[0x3C] == 0");

            // Load materials
            for (int i = 0; i < numMaterials; i++)
                GcmfMaterial mat = new GcmfMaterial();
                mat.Load(input, i);

            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)~(GcmfSectionFlags._16Bit |
                                        GcmfSectionFlags.StitchingModel |
                                        GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel |
                                        GcmfSectionFlags.EffectiveModel)) != 0)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Unknown GCMF section flags.");

            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.StitchingModel) != 0 ||
                (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0)
                for (int i = 0; i < transformMatrixCount; i++)
                    GcmfTransformMatrix tmtx = new GcmfTransformMatrix();
                if (transformMatrixCount != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("GcmfSection: No transform matrices expected, but transformMatrixCount != 0?");

            if (PaddingUtils.Align(Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position), 0x20) != baseOffset + headerSize)
                throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [End Header Offset] mismatch.");

            input.BaseStream.Position = baseOffset + headerSize;

            if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0 ||
                (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.EffectiveModel) != 0)
                int sectionBaseOffset = Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position);

                int numVertices             = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartType8Unknown1 = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartVertexPool    = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartMeshData      = input.ReadInt32();
                int offsetPartType8Unknown2 = input.ReadInt32();
                if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf[PreSectionHdr-0x14]");
                if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf[PreSectionHdr-0x18]");
                if (input.ReadUInt32() != 0)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf[PreSectionHdr-0x1C]");

                // Load the mesh headers
                List <GcmfMesh.HeaderSectionInfo> meshHeaderSectionInfos = new List <GcmfMesh.HeaderSectionInfo>();
                for (int i = 0; i < numLayer1Meshes + numLayer2Meshes; i++)
                    GcmfMesh mesh = new GcmfMesh();
                                                               (i < numLayer1Meshes) ? GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer1 : GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer2));

                if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartVertexPool)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartVertexPool doesn't match expected value.");

                // Load the vertex pool, i.e. the vertices referenced from the indexed triangle strips
                for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                    GcmfVertex vtx = new GcmfVertex();

                // Just because it probably won't be there doesn't mean we shouldn't allow it
                // and some stages have the things that are not allowed

                /*if ((game == GxGame.SuperMonkeyBall || game == GxGame.SuperMonkeyBallDX) && (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.EffectiveModel) != 0)
                 * {
                 *  // SMB doesn't have have any 0x08 section flags, so it's unknown how this field may work in that case
                 *  if (offsetPartType8Unknown1 != 0)
                 *      throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown1 is not zero on SMB.");
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {*/
                if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartType8Unknown1)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown1 doesn't match expected value.");

                if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0)
                    for (int i = 0; i < (offsetPartType8Unknown2 - offsetPartType8Unknown1) / 0x20; i++)
                        GcmfType8Unknown1 unk1 = new GcmfType8Unknown1();

                // Just because it probably won't be there doesn't mean we shouldn't allow it
                // and some stages have the things that are not allowed

                /*if ((game == GxGame.SuperMonkeyBall || game == GxGame.SuperMonkeyBallDX) && (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.EffectiveModel) != 0)
                 * {
                 *  // SMB doesn't have have any 0x08 section flags, so it's unknown how this field may work in that case
                 *  if (offsetPartType8Unknown2 != 0)
                 *      throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown2 is not zero on SMB.");
                 * }
                 * else
                 * {*/
                if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartType8Unknown2)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartType8Unknown2 doesn't match expected value.");

                if ((SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags.SkinModel) != 0)
                    // TODO figure out a better way to calculate this
                    int numEntriesPart3 = Type8Unknown1.Max(u1 => u1.unk18) + 1;
                    for (int i = 0; i < numEntriesPart3; i++)

                    if (PaddingUtils.Align(Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position), 0x20) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartMeshData)
                        throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPart4 doesn't match expected value.");

                    input.BaseStream.Position = sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartMeshData;

                if (Convert.ToInt32(input.BaseStream.Position) != sectionBaseOffset + offsetPartMeshData)
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Gcmf [PreSectionHdr] offsetPartMeshData doesn't match expected value.");

                // Load the mesh data itself (the indexed triangle strips)
                for (int i = 0; i < numLayer1Meshes + numLayer2Meshes; i++)
                    Meshes[i].LoadIndexedData(input, VertexPool, meshHeaderSectionInfos[i]);

                // Make sure that all the vertices in the vertex pool got their
                // vertex flags set when we read the indexed triangle strips,
                // that is, that they were referenced at least once.
                // Otherwise, we would have semi-initialized vertices in the vertex pool!
                if (VertexPool.Any(vtx => !vtx.IsIndexedVertexInitialized()))
                    throw new InvalidGmaFileException("Not all vertex flags of all vertices in the vertex pool got initialized!");
                for (int i = 0; i < numLayer1Meshes + numLayer2Meshes; i++)
                    GcmfMesh mesh = new GcmfMesh();
                    GcmfMesh.HeaderSectionInfo headerSectionInfo = mesh.LoadHeader(input,
                                                                                   (i < numLayer1Meshes) ? GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer1 : GcmfMesh.MeshLayer.Layer2);
                    mesh.LoadNonIndexedData(input, headerSectionInfo, (SectionFlags & (uint)GcmfSectionFlags._16Bit) != 0);