public async Task TransferLocalDirectoryToAzureBlobDirectory(string LocalSourceDirPath, string ContainerName) { CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = GetBlobDirectory(ContainerName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; DirectoryTransferContext context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(10000000); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions() { Recursive = true }; try { task = TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(LocalSourceDirPath, blobDirectory, options, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { } stopWatch.Stop(); }
public async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(string connection, string region, string containerName, string sourcePath, string targetPath) { try { CloudStorageAccount account = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(connection); CloudBlobClient blobClient = account.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(containerName); CloudBlockBlob blob = container.GetBlockBlobReference(targetPath); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); Console.WriteLine("Transfer started..." + region + ""); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); if (await blob.ExistsAsync()) { //Log.WriteLog(region + " blob is exist."); await blob.DeleteIfExistsAsync(); } await TransferManager.UploadAsync(sourcePath, blob); stopWatch.Stop(); Log.WriteLog(region + " transfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds."); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteLog(e.Message, Log.Type.Exception); throw e; } }
public async Task TransferUrlToAzureBlob(Uri BlobUrl, string ContainerName, string BlobName) { CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(ContainerName, BlobName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(10000000); Task task; try { task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(BlobUrl, blob, true, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { if (_stopFlag) { return; } //autoretry } }
private async static void SaveTransferCheckpoint(string jobId, TransferCheckpoint transferCheckpoint) { try { // Get reference to storage account we are using for Web Jobs Storage CloudBlobDirectory directory = await GetCheckpointStorage(); CloudBlockBlob blob = directory.GetBlockBlobReference(jobId); await blob.DeleteIfExistsAsync(DeleteSnapshotsOption.None, null, _blobRequestOptions, _opContext); using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(stream, transferCheckpoint); stream.Position = 0; await blob.UploadFromStreamAsync(stream, null, _blobRequestOptions, _opContext); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error in SaveTransferCheckpoint(): " + ex.Message); } }
//Copies a blob between two azure containers. public async Task CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account, CloudBlockBlob sourceBlob, CloudBlockBlob destinationBlob) { TransferCheckpoint Checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext Context = GetSingleTransferContext(Checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource CancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Stopwatch StopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task Task; try { Task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, CopyMethod.ServiceSideSyncCopy, null, Context, CancellationSource.Token); await Task; } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Data.Add("sourceBlobName", sourceBlob); e.Data.Add("destinationBlocName", destinationBlob); throw; } catch (TransferException e) { _Log.LogInformation($"The Azure Blob {sourceBlob.Name} already exists in {destinationBlob.Parent.Container.Name} with message {e.Message}"); } catch (Exception e) { e.Data.Add("sourceBlobName", sourceBlob); e.Data.Add("destinationBlocName", destinationBlob); throw; } StopWatch.Stop(); _Log.LogInformation($"The Azure Blob {sourceBlob.Name} transfer to {destinationBlob.Name} completed in: {StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds."); }
public async Task DownloadAzureBlobDirectoryToLocalDirectory(string LocalSourceDirPath, string ContainerName, bool RecursiveDownload = true) { CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = GetBlobDirectory(ContainerName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; DirectoryTransferContext context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(10000000); Task task; DownloadDirectoryOptions options = new DownloadDirectoryOptions() { Recursive = RecursiveDownload }; try { task = TransferManager.DownloadDirectoryAsync(blobDirectory, LocalSourceDirPath, options, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { if (_stopFlag) { return; } //autoretry } }
//Copies a blob between two azure containers. public static async Task CopyAzureBlobToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account, CloudBlockBlob sourceBlob, CloudBlockBlob destinationBlob, ILogger log) { TransferCheckpoint Checkpoint = null; var Context = GetSingleTransferContext(Checkpoint, log); var CancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); var StopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task Task; try { Task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, true, null, Context, CancellationSource.Token); await Task; } catch (AggregateException e) { e.Data.Add("sourceBlobName", sourceBlob); e.Data.Add("destinationBlocName", destinationBlob); throw; } catch (Exception e) { e.Data.Add("sourceBlobName", sourceBlob); e.Data.Add("destinationBlocName", destinationBlob); throw; } StopWatch.Stop(); log.LogInformation("The Azure Blob " + sourceBlob + " transfer to " + destinationBlob + " completed in:" + StopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds."); }
public async Task TransferLocalDirectoryToAzureBlobDirectory(string localDirectoryPath) { NLogManager.LogInfo("Updating folder"); CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(_connectionString); CloudBlobClient blobClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient(); CloudBlobContainer container = blobClient.GetContainerReference(_containerName); container.CreateIfNotExistsAsync().Wait(); CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = container.GetDirectoryReference(""); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; DirectoryTransferContext context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions() { Recursive = true }; try { task = TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(localDirectoryPath, blobDirectory, options, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception e) { NLogManager.LogInfo("Updating folder Error: " + e); } // stopWatch.Stop(); }
public static TransferCheckpoint SaveAndReloadCheckpoint(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint) { //return checkpoint; Test.Info("Save and reload checkpoint"); #if BINARY_SERIALIZATION IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); #else var formatter = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TransferCheckpoint)); #endif TransferCheckpoint reloadedCheckpoint; string tempFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); using (var stream = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { formatter.Serialize(stream, checkpoint); } using (var stream = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)) { reloadedCheckpoint = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as TransferCheckpoint; } File.Delete(tempFileName); return(reloadedCheckpoint); }
public async Task DownloadAzureBlobToLocalFile(string DestinationFullFilePath, string ContainerName, string BlobName) { CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(ContainerName, BlobName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(10000000); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; try { task = TransferManager.DownloadAsync(blob, DestinationFullFilePath, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); //(LocalSourceFilePath, blob, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { //autoretry } stopWatch.Stop(); }
public async Task TransferAzureBlobToAzureBlob(string ContainerSourceName, string BlobSourceName, string ContainerDestinationName, string BlobDestinationName) { CloudBlockBlob sourceBlob = GetBlob(ContainerSourceName, BlobSourceName); CloudBlockBlob destinationBlob = GetBlob(ContainerDestinationName, BlobDestinationName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(100000000); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; try { task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, true, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { //autoretry } stopWatch.Stop(); }
/// <summary> /// Copy data between Azure storage. /// 1. Copy a CloudBlob /// 2. Cancel the transfer before it finishes with a CancellationToken /// 3. Store the transfer checkpoint after transfer being cancelled /// 4. Resume the transfer with the stored checkpoint /// </summary> private static async Task BlobCopySample() { string sourceBlobName = "azure_blockblob.png"; string destinationBlobName = "azure_blockblob2.png"; // Create the source CloudBlob instance CloudBlob sourceBlob = await Util.GetCloudBlobAsync(ContainerName, sourceBlobName, BlobType.BlockBlob); // Create the destination CloudBlob instance CloudBlob destinationBlob = await Util.GetCloudBlobAsync(ContainerName, destinationBlobName, BlobType.BlockBlob); // Create CancellationTokenSource used to cancel the transfer CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(); // Start the transfer try { // With the CopyMethod parameter, you can indicate how the content would be copied to destination blob. // SyncCopy is to download source blob content to local memory and then upload to destination blob. // ServiceSideAsyncCopy is to send a start-copy request to Azure Storage Sever, and Azure Storage Server will do the actual copy. // ServiceSideSyncCopy will leverage REST API of Put Block From URL, Append Block From URL and Put Page From URL in Azure Storage Server. // Please see <c></c> for Put Block From URL, // <c></c> for Append Block From URL, // <c></c> for Put Page From URL. // Following will use ServiceSideSyncCopy to copy a blob. Task task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, CopyMethod.ServiceSideSyncCopy, null /* options */, context, cancellationSource.Token); // Sleep for 1 seconds and cancel the transfer. // It may fail to cancel the transfer if transfer is done in 1 second. If so, no file will tranferred after resume. Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Cancel the transfer."); cancellationSource.Cancel(); await task; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer is cancelled: {0}", e.Message); } // Store the transfer checkpoint checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; // Create a new TransferContext with the store checkpoint SingleTransferContext resumeContext = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint); // Resume transfer from the stored checkpoint Console.WriteLine("Resume the cancelled transfer."); await TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, CopyMethod.ServiceSideSyncCopy, null /* options */, resumeContext); Console.WriteLine("CloudBlob {0} is copied to {1} successfully.", sourceBlob.Uri.ToString(), destinationBlob.Uri.ToString()); }
public static SingleTransferContext GetSingleTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint) { SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint); context.ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((progress) => { Console.Write("\rBytes transferred: {0}", progress.BytesTransferred); }); return(context); }
public static TransferCheckpoint RandomReloadCheckpoint(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint) { if (Helper.RandomBoolean()) { Test.Info("Save and reload checkpoint"); return(DMLibTestHelper.SaveAndReloadCheckpoint(checkpoint)); } return(checkpoint); }
/// <summary> /// Copy data between Azure storage. /// 1. Copy a CloudBlob /// 2. Cancel the transfer before it finishes with a CancellationToken /// 3. Store the transfer checkpoint after transfer being cancelled /// 4. Resume the transfer with the stored checkpoint /// </summary> private static async Task BlobCopySample() { string sourceBlobName = "azure_blockblob.png"; string destinationBlobName = "azure_blockblob2.png"; // Create the source CloudBlob instance CloudBlob sourceBlob = Util.GetCloudBlob(ContainerName, sourceBlobName, BlobType.BlockBlob); // Create the destination CloudBlob instance CloudBlob destinationBlob = Util.GetCloudBlob(ContainerName, destinationBlobName, BlobType.BlockBlob); // Create CancellationTokenSource used to cancel the transfer CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; TransferContext context = new TransferContext(); // Cancel the transfer after there's any progress reported Progress <TransferProgress> progress = new Progress <TransferProgress>( (transferProgress) => { if (!cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { Console.WriteLine("Cancel the transfer."); // Cancel the transfer cancellationSource.Cancel(); } }); context.ProgressHandler = progress; // Start the transfer try { await TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, false /* isServiceCopy */, null /* options */, context, cancellationSource.Token); } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer is cancelled: {0}", e.Message); } // Store the transfer checkpoint checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; // Create a new TransferContext with the store checkpoint TransferContext resumeContext = new TransferContext(checkpoint); // Resume transfer from the stored checkpoint Console.WriteLine("Resume the cancelled transfer."); await TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, false /* isServiceCopy */, null /* options */, resumeContext); Console.WriteLine("CloudBlob {0} is copied to {1} successfully.", sourceBlob.Uri.ToString(), destinationBlob.Uri.ToString()); }
public static async Task TransferLocalDirectoryToAzureBlobDirectory(CloudStorageAccount account) { string localDirectoryPath = GetDirSourcePath(); CloudBlobDirectory blobDirectory = GetBlobDirectory(account); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; DirectoryTransferContext context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\nPress 'c' to temporarily cancel your transfer...\n"); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo; UploadDirectoryOptions options = new UploadDirectoryOptions() { Recursive = true }; try { task = TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(localDirectoryPath, blobDirectory, options, context, cancellationSource.Token); while (!task.IsCompleted) { if (Console.KeyAvailable) { keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true); if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { cancellationSource.Cancel(); } } } await task; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe transfer is canceled: {0}", e.Message); } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer will resume in 3 seconds..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; context = GetDirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); Console.WriteLine("\nResuming transfer...\n"); await TransferManager.UploadDirectoryAsync(localDirectoryPath, blobDirectory, options, context); } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds."); //ExecuteChoice(account); }
public static SingleTransferContext GetSingleTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint, Stopwatch stopwatchTarea) { SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint); context.ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((progress) => { Log.Information("Mb descargados {0:F}\n", (progress.BytesTransferred / 1024) / 1024); stopwatchTarea.Restart(); }); return(context); }
private SingleTransferContext GetSingleTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint, string blobName) { SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint); context.ShouldOverwriteCallbackAsync = TransferContext.ForceOverwrite; context.ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((progress) => { _logger.LogDebug($"{blobName}: bytes transferred {progress.BytesTransferred}."); }); return(context); }
public DirectoryTransferContext GetDirectoryTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint) { DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); context.ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((progress) => { if (BytesTransferred != null) { BytesTransferred(progress.BytesTransferred); } }); return(context); }
public static async Task TransferAzureBlobToAzureBlob(CloudStorageAccount account) { CloudBlockBlob sourceBlob = GetBlob(account); CloudBlockBlob destinationBlob = GetBlob(account); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer started...\nPress 'c' to temporarily cancel your transfer...\n"); Stopwatch stopWatch = Stopwatch.StartNew(); Task task; ConsoleKeyInfo keyinfo; try { task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, true, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); while (!task.IsCompleted) { if (Console.KeyAvailable) { keyinfo = Console.ReadKey(true); if (keyinfo.Key == ConsoleKey.C) { cancellationSource.Cancel(); } } } await task; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("\nThe transfer is canceled: {0}", e.Message); } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer will resume in 3 seconds..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); Console.WriteLine("\nResuming transfer...\n"); await TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, false, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); } stopWatch.Stop(); Console.WriteLine("\nTransfer operation completed in " + stopWatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds + " seconds."); //ExecuteChoice(account); }
/// <summary> /// Copy data between Azure storage. /// 1. Copy a CloudBlob /// 2. Cancel the transfer before it finishes with a CancellationToken /// 3. Store the transfer checkpoint after transfer being cancelled /// 4. Resume the transfer with the stored checkpoint /// </summary> private static async Task BlobCopySample() { string sourceBlobName = "application-user-photos/azure_blockblob.png"; string destinationBlobName = "application-user-photos/azure_blockblob-2.png"; // Create the source CloudBlob instance CloudBlob sourceBlob = await Util.GetCloudBlobAsync(ContainerName, sourceBlobName, BlobType.BlockBlob); // Create the destination CloudBlob instance CloudBlob destinationBlob = await Util.GetCloudBlobAsync(ContainerName, destinationBlobName, BlobType.BlockBlob); // Create CancellationTokenSource used to cancel the transfer CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(); // Start the transfer try { Task task = TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, false /* isServiceCopy */, null /* options */, context, cancellationSource.Token); // Sleep for 1 seconds and cancel the transfer. // It may fail to cancel the transfer if transfer is done in 1 second. If so, no file will tranferred after resume. Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Cancel the transfer."); cancellationSource.Cancel(); await task; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer is cancelled: {0}", e.Message); } // Store the transfer checkpoint checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; // Create a new TransferContext with the store checkpoint SingleTransferContext resumeContext = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint); // Resume transfer from the stored checkpoint Console.WriteLine("Resume the cancelled transfer."); await TransferManager.CopyAsync(sourceBlob, destinationBlob, false /* isServiceCopy */, null /* options */, resumeContext); Console.WriteLine("CloudBlob {0} is copied to {1} successfully.", sourceBlob.Uri.ToString(), destinationBlob.Uri.ToString()); }
public async Task CopyAsync( string blobName, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { var sourceBlob = _sourceContainer.GetBlobReference(blobName); var targetBlob = _targetContainer.GetBlobReference(blobName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint, blobName); await TransferManager.CopyAsync( sourceBlob : sourceBlob, destBlob : targetBlob, copyMethod : CopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy, options : null, context : context, cancellationToken : token).ConfigureAwait(false); }
//returns an Azure file transfer context for making a single file transfer. public static SingleTransferContext GetSingleTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint, ILogger log) { try { var Context = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint); Context.ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((Progress) => { log.LogInformation("\rBytes transferred: {0}", Progress.BytesTransferred); }); return(Context); } catch (Exception e) { log.LogInformation("\nGet transfer progress update fails.", e.Message); return(null); } }
static void retryTransferencia(SingleTransferContext context, CloudBlockBlob cloudBlockBlob, string localFile) { CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); Stopwatch stopwatchTareaRetry = new Stopwatch(); stopwatchTareaRetry.Start(); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint, stopwatchTareaRetry); Console.WriteLine("\nReanudando la transferencia...\n"); try { DownloadOptions optionsWithDisableContentMD5Validation2 = new DownloadOptions() { DisableContentMD5Validation = true }; var taskRetry = TransferManager.DownloadAsync(cloudBlockBlob, localFile, optionsWithDisableContentMD5Validation2, context, cancellationSource.Token); evaluacionDeCaracteresDeErrorYretry(taskRetry, stopwatchTareaRetry); taskRetry.Wait(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error("\nLa transferencia fue cancelada : {0}", e.Message); cancellationSource.Cancel(); } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { Console.WriteLine("\nLa transferencia será reanudada en 3 segundos..."); Thread.Sleep(3000); retryTransferencia(context, cloudBlockBlob, localFile); } }
//returns an Azure file transfer context for making a single file transfer. public SingleTransferContext GetSingleTransferContext(TransferCheckpoint checkpoint) { try { SingleTransferContext context = new SingleTransferContext(checkpoint) { ProgressHandler = new Progress <TransferStatus>((progress) => { _Log.LogInformation("\rBytes transferred: {0}", progress.BytesTransferred); }) }; return(context); } catch (Exception e) { _Log.LogInformation("\nGet transfer progress update fails.", e.Message); return(null); } }
internal static void Write(TransferCheckpoint transferCheckpoint, string transferCheckpointFilename) { lock (_lock) { using var writer = new FileStream(transferCheckpointFilename, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write); if (transferCheckpoint.GetType().IsSerializable) { var formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); formatter.Serialize(writer, transferCheckpoint); } else { var ser = new DataContractJsonSerializer(transferCheckpoint.GetType()); ser.WriteObject(writer, transferCheckpoint); } writer.Flush(); writer.Close(); } }
public async Task TransferLocalFileToAzureBlob(string LocalSourceFilePath, string ContainerName, string BlobName) { CloudBlockBlob blob = GetBlob(ContainerName, BlobName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(1000000); Task task; try { task = TransferManager.UploadAsync(LocalSourceFilePath, blob, null, context, cancellationSource.Token); if (ExposeTaskCancelation != null) { ExposeTaskCancelation(task, cancellationSource); } await task; } catch (Exception ex) { if (Error != null) { Error(ex); } } if (cancellationSource.IsCancellationRequested) { if (_stopFlag) { return; } Thread.Sleep(3000); checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint); await TransferManager.UploadAsync(LocalSourceFilePath, blob, null, context); } }
public async Task CopyAsync(string blobName, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken)) { var sourceBlob = _sourceContainer.GetBlobReference(blobName); var targetBlob = _targetContainer.GetBlobReference(blobName); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; SingleTransferContext context = GetSingleTransferContext(checkpoint, blobName); try { await TransferManager.CopyAsync( sourceBlob : sourceBlob, destBlob : targetBlob, copyMethod : CopyMethod.ServiceSideAsyncCopy, options : null, context : context, cancellationToken : token); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { _logger.LogInformation($"Failed to copy blob. You don't have permission to copy"); throw; } }
private async static Task <TransferCheckpoint> GetTransferCheckpoint(string jobId) { TransferCheckpoint transferCheckpoint = null; try { // Get reference to storage account we are using for Web Jobs Storage CloudBlobDirectory directory = await GetCheckpointStorage(); CloudBlockBlob blob = directory.GetBlockBlobReference(jobId); if (await blob.ExistsAsync(_blobRequestOptions, _opContext)) { using (var stream = new MemoryStream()) { await blob.DownloadToStreamAsync(stream, null, _blobRequestOptions, _opContext); stream.Position = 0; // Deserialize IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); transferCheckpoint = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as TransferCheckpoint; //_log.WriteLine("Resuming Copy. Job Id: " + jobId); await Logger.JobInfoAsync("Resuming Copy. Job Id: " + jobId); } // Clean up the serialized CheckPoint await blob.DeleteAsync(DeleteSnapshotsOption.None, null, _blobRequestOptions, _opContext); } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error in GetTransferCheckpoint(): " + ex.Message); } return(transferCheckpoint); }
/// <summary> /// Copy data between Azure storage. /// 1. Copy a CloudBlobDirectory /// 2. Cancel the transfer before it finishes with a CancellationToken /// 3. Store the transfer checkpoint into a file after transfer being cancelled /// 4. Reload checkpoint from the file /// 4. Resume the transfer with the loaded checkpoint /// </summary> private static async Task BlobDirectoryCopySample() { CloudBlobDirectory sourceBlobDir = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir"); CloudBlobDirectory destBlobDir = await Util.GetCloudBlobDirectoryAsync(ContainerName, "blobdir2"); // When source is CloudBlobDirectory: // 1. If recursive is set to true, data movement library matches the source blob name against SearchPattern as prefix. // 2. Otherwise, data movement library matches the blob with the exact name specified by SearchPattern. // // You can also replace the source directory with a CloudFileDirectory instance to copy data from Azure File Storage. If so: // 1. If recursive is set to true, SearchPattern is not supported. Data movement library simply transfer all azure files // under the source CloudFileDirectory and its sub-directories. // 2. Otherwise, data movement library matches the azure file with the exact name specified by SearchPattern. // // In the following case, data movement library will copy all blobs with the prefix "azure" in source blob directory. CopyDirectoryOptions options = new CopyDirectoryOptions() { SearchPattern = "azure", Recursive = true, }; DirectoryTransferContext context = new DirectoryTransferContext(); context.FileTransferred += FileTransferredCallback; context.FileFailed += FileFailedCallback; context.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback; // Create CancellationTokenSource used to cancel the transfer CancellationTokenSource cancellationSource = new CancellationTokenSource(); TransferCheckpoint checkpoint = null; TransferStatus trasferStatus = null; try { Task <TransferStatus> task = TransferManager.CopyDirectoryAsync(sourceBlobDir, destBlobDir, false /* isServiceCopy */, options, context, cancellationSource.Token); // Sleep for 1 seconds and cancel the transfer. // It may fail to cancel the transfer if transfer is done in 1 second. If so, no file will be copied after resume. Thread.Sleep(1000); Console.WriteLine("Cancel the transfer."); cancellationSource.Cancel(); trasferStatus = await task; } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine("The transfer is cancelled: {0}", e.Message); } // Store the transfer checkpoint checkpoint = context.LastCheckpoint; // Serialize the checkpoint into a file #if DOTNET5_4 var formatter = new DataContractSerializer(typeof(TransferCheckpoint)); #else IFormatter formatter = new BinaryFormatter(); #endif string tempFileName = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); using (var stream = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) { formatter.Serialize(stream, checkpoint); } // Deserialize the checkpoint from the file using (var stream = new FileStream(tempFileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.None)) { checkpoint = formatter.Deserialize(stream) as TransferCheckpoint; } File.Delete(tempFileName); // Create a new TransferContext with the store checkpoint DirectoryTransferContext resumeContext = new DirectoryTransferContext(checkpoint); resumeContext.FileTransferred += FileTransferredCallback; resumeContext.FileFailed += FileFailedCallback; resumeContext.FileSkipped += FileSkippedCallback; // Record the overall progress ProgressRecorder recorder = new ProgressRecorder(); resumeContext.ProgressHandler = recorder; // Resume transfer from the stored checkpoint Console.WriteLine("Resume the cancelled transfer."); trasferStatus = await TransferManager.CopyDirectoryAsync(sourceBlobDir, destBlobDir, false /* isServiceCopy */, options, resumeContext); // Print out the final transfer state Console.WriteLine("Final transfer state: {0}", TransferStatusToString(trasferStatus)); }