예제 #1
        static public async Task <ListTransactionsResponse> GetTransactions(string id)
            TransactionsApi          api  = new TransactionsApi();
            ListTransactionsResponse resp = await api.ListTransactionsAsync(id);

예제 #2
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var txn_client = new TransactionsApi(new FireflyIII.Client.Configuration()
                BasePath    = ff3_demo_url,
                AccessToken = ff3_demo_pat,

            var txn = new FireflyIII.Model.TransactionSplit(
                date: DateTime.Now,
                description: "Test FireflyIII .Net Transaction",
                amount: 12.54,
                currencyCode: "EUR",
                type: TransactionSplit.TypeEnum.Withdrawal,
                // Can set source/dest by account ID or name
                // sourceId: 1,
                sourceName: "Checking Account",
                destinationId: 7

            var txn_rsp = txn_client.StoreTransaction(new FireflyIII.Model.Transaction(new[] { txn }.ToList()));

            Console.WriteLine($"Created transaction {txn_rsp.Data.Id}");

            // Set a breakpoint here:
            Console.WriteLine($"Deleted transaction");
        public void OnPost()
            string          nonce           = Request.Form["nonce"];
            TransactionsApi transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi();
            // Every payment you process with the SDK must have a unique idempotency key.
            // If you're unsure whether a particular payment succeeded, you can reattempt
            // it with the same idempotency key without worrying about double charging
            // the buyer.
            string uuid = NewIdempotencyKey();

            // Monetary amounts are specified in the smallest unit of the applicable currency.
            // This amount is in cents. It's also hard-coded for $1.00,
            // which isn't very useful.
            Money amount = new Money(100, Money.CurrencyEnum.USD);

            // To learn more about splitting transactions with additional recipients,
            // see the Transactions API documentation on our [developer site]
            // (https://docs.connect.squareup.com/payments/transactions/overview#mpt-overview).
            ChargeRequest body = new ChargeRequest(AmountMoney: amount, IdempotencyKey: uuid, CardNonce: nonce);

                var response = transactionsApi.Charge(LocationId, body);
                this.ResultMessage = "Transaction complete!   " + response.ToJson();
            catch (ApiException e)
                this.ResultMessage = e.Message;
        public static string Charge(string nonce)
            TransactionsApi transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi();
            // Every payment you process with the SDK must have a unique idempotency key.
            // If you're unsure whether a particular payment succeeded, you can reattempt
            // it with the same idempotency key without worrying about double charging
            // the buyer.
            string uuid = NewIdempotencyKey();

            // Monetary amounts are specified in the smallest unit of the applicable currency.
            // This amount is in cents. It's also hard-coded for $1.00,
            // which isn't very useful.
            Money amount = new Money(100, Money.CurrencyEnum.USD);

            ChargeRequest body = new ChargeRequest(AmountMoney: amount, IdempotencyKey: uuid, CardNonce: nonce);

                var response = transactionsApi.Charge(LocationId, body);
                return("Transaction complete\n" + response.ToJson());
            catch (ApiException e)
예제 #5
        public string SendTransferTransactionToDataBase <M>(string assetID, MetaDataSaved <M> metaData,
                                                            string senderPrivateSignKey, string recieverPublicSignKey, string inputTransID)
            var senderSignPrivateKey  = EncryptionService.getSignKeyFromPrivate(senderPrivateSignKey);
            var recieverSignPublicKey = EncryptionService.getSignPublicKeyFromString(recieverPublicSignKey);

            // Using TRANSFER: START
            // add input
            var input = new Omnibasis.BigchainCSharp.Model.FulFill();

            input.TransactionId = inputTransID;
            input.OutputIndex   = 0;
            Details details = null;

            // transfer transaction
            // assetId is the transactionId to the asset we want to change
            var transaction = BigchainDbTransactionBuilder <Asset <string>, MetaDataSaved <M> >
                              .addInput(details, input, senderSignPrivateKey.PublicKey)
                              .addOutput("1", recieverSignPublicKey)
                              .buildAndSignOnly(senderSignPrivateKey.PublicKey, senderSignPrivateKey);

            var createTransaction = TransactionsApi <Asset <string>, MetaDataSaved <M> > .sendTransactionAsync(transaction).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

예제 #6
        /// <summary>
        ///     Get transaction of account Retrieve the details of a single transaction by its ID associated to a specific account.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="accessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="accountId"></param>
        /// <param name="transactionId"></param>
        /// <returns>Transaction</returns>
        public async Task <Transaction> GetDetailAsync(AccessTokenDto accessToken, string accountId, string transactionId)
            if (accessToken == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accessToken));

            if (!accessToken.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(accessToken)} is expired.");

            if (accountId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accountId));

            if (transactionId == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(transactionId));

            this.Configuration.AccessToken = accessToken.AccessToken;
            var transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(this.Configuration, this.Logger);

            return(await transactionsApi
                   .GetTransctionOfAccountAsync(accountId, transactionId)
예제 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     List transactions Get a list of the transactions of all accounts. You can additionally constrain the amount of
        ///     transactions being returned by using the query parameters described below as filters.
        /// </summary>
        /// <exception cref="ApiException">Thrown when fails to make API call</exception>
        /// <param name="accessToken"></param>
        /// <param name="listFilter">
        ///     (optional)
        ///     count:
        ///     Limit the number of returned items. In combination with the offset parameter this can be used to
        ///     paginate the result list. (optional, default to 1000)
        ///     offset:
        ///     Skip this number of transactions in the response. In combination with the count parameter this can
        ///     be used to paginate the result list. (optional, default to 0)
        ///     since:
        ///     Return only transactions after this date based on since_type. This parameter can either
        ///     be a transaction ID or a date. Given at least one transaction matches the filter criterion, if provided as
        ///     transaction ID the result will *not* contain this ID. If provided as ISO date, the result *will* contain this date.
        ///     This behavior may change in the future. (optional)
        ///     sinceType:
        ///     This parameter defines how the parameter since will be interpreted. (optional,
        ///     default to created)
        ///     filter:
        ///     Filter transactions by given key:value combination. Possible keys:    - date (maps to
        ///     booked_at, please use ISO date here, not datetime)   - person (maps to payer/payee name)   - purpose
        ///     - amount  Values are interpreted using wildcards: person:John Doe will match %John Doe%.
        ///     (optional)
        ///     includePending:
        ///     This flag indicates whether pending transactions should be included in the response.
        ///     Pending transactions are always included as a complete set, regardless of the since parameter. (optional, default
        ///     to false)
        ///     sort
        ///     Determines whether results will be sorted in ascending or descending order. (optional)
        ///     until:
        ///     Return only transactions which were booked on or before this date. Please provide as ISO date. It
        ///     is not possible to use the since_type semantics with until. (optional)
        ///     includeStatistics:
        ///     If true includes statistics on the returned transactions: maximum deposit,
        ///     total deposits, maximum expense, total expenses.  (optional, default to false)
        ///     filter:
        ///     Filter transactions by given key:value combination. Possible keys:    - date (maps to
        ///     booked_at, please use ISO date here, not datetime)   - person (maps to payer/payee name)   - purpose
        ///     - amount  Values are interpreted using wildcards: person:John Doe will match %John Doe%.
        ///     (optional)
        /// </param>
        /// <returns>TransactionList</returns>
        public async Task <TransactionList> GetAllAsync(AccessTokenDto accessToken, AccountListFilter listFilter = default)
            if (accessToken == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(accessToken));

            if (!accessToken.IsValid)
                throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(accessToken)} is expired.");

            this.Configuration.AccessToken = accessToken.AccessToken;
            var transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(this.Configuration, this.Logger);

            return(await transactionsApi.ListTransactionsAsync(
        public PageableTransactionList NewTransactions(string userId, string userPassword, long accountid, int page)
            var token = GetUserAccessToken(userId, userPassword);

            var api = new TransactionsApi(BasePath);

            api.ApiClient.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
            var ids = new List <long?>();

            var isNew = true;
            //var page = 1;
            var amount = 100;
            //var result = api.GetAndSearchAllTransactions("bankView", ids, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, null, isNew, null, null, null, null, page, amount, null);

            var request = new RestRequest("/api/v1/transactions", Method.GET);

            request.AddHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
            request.AddParameter("page", page);
            request.AddParameter("perPage", amount);
            request.AddParameter("isNew", isNew);
            request.AddParameter("accountIds", accountid);
            request.AddParameter("view", "bankView");
            var response = restClient.Execute <PageableTransactionList>(request);
            var result   = response.Data;

예제 #9
        public OrdersSample(JObject authConfig)
            Configuration config = Configuration.Default;

            config.ApiKey.Add("X-Auth-Token", (string)authConfig["accessToken"]);
            config.BasePath = config.BasePath.Replace("{$$.env.store_hash}", (string)authConfig["storeId"]);

            this.transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(config);
예제 #10
        public void Initialize()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); };

            _tokensApi       = new TokensApi(TestApiSettings.Uri);
            _transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(TestApiSettings.Uri);

            _tokensApi.Configuration.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", "Api-Key " + TestApiSettings.PublicKey);
            _transactionsApi.Configuration.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", "Api-Key " + TestApiSettings.PublicKey);
예제 #11
 public PaystackApi(string apiKey)
     _apiKey             = apiKey;
     SubAccounts         = new SubAccountApi(this);
     Transactions        = new TransactionsApi(this);
     Customers           = new CustomersApi(this);
     Miscellaneous       = new MiscellaneousApi(this);
     Charge              = new ChargeApi(this);
     _paystackApiBaseUrl = new Uri("https://api.paystack.co/");
예제 #12
        public void Initialize()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); };

            _transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(TestApiSettings.Uri);

            var plainTextBytes = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(TestApiSettings.Key + ":" + TestApiSettings.Secret);

            _transactionsApi.Configuration.AddDefaultHeader("Authorization", "Basic " + System.Convert.ToBase64String(plainTextBytes));
예제 #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Void authorized transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transactionId">Transaction ID</param>
        /// <returns>True if the transaction successfully voided; otherwise false. And/or errors if exist</returns>
        public PaymentResponse <bool> VoidTransaction(string transactionId)
                //try to get the selected location
                var selectedLocation = GetActiveLocations().FirstOrDefault(location => location.Id.Equals(_squarePaymentSettings.LocationId));
                if (selectedLocation == null)
                    throw new NopException("Location is a required parameter for payment requests");

                //create transaction API
                var configuration   = CreateApiConfiguration();
                var transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);

                //void transaction by identifier
                var voidTransactionResponse = transactionsApi.VoidTransaction(selectedLocation.Id, transactionId);
                if (voidTransactionResponse == null)
                    throw new NopException("No service response");

                //check whether there are errors in the service response
                if (voidTransactionResponse.Errors?.Any() ?? false)
                    var errorsMessage = string.Join(";", voidTransactionResponse.Errors.Select(error => error.ToString()));
                    throw new NopException($"There are errors in the service response. {errorsMessage}");

                //if there are no errors in the response, transaction was successfully voided
                return(new PaymentResponse <bool> {
                    ResponseValue = true
            catch (Exception exception)
                //log full error
                var errorMessage = exception.Message;
                _logger.Error($"Square payment error: {errorMessage}.", exception, _workContext.CurrentCustomer);

                if (exception is ApiException apiException)
                    //try to get error details
                    var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <VoidTransactionResponse>(apiException.ErrorContent) as VoidTransactionResponse;
                    if (response?.Errors?.Any() ?? false)
                        errorMessage = string.Join(";", response.Errors.Select(error => error.Detail));

                return(new PaymentResponse <bool> {
                    Error = errorMessage
예제 #14
        private async Task <List <TransactionDetail> > GetVenmoDeposits(Database.Models.VenmoUser venmoUser, Configuration configuration)
            TransactionsApi      transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);
            TransactionsResponse transactions    = await transactionsApi.GetTransactionsByAccountAsync(Default, venmoUser.YNAB !.DefaultAccount);

            var venmoDeposits = transactions.Transactions
                                .Where(t => t.PayeeName != null && t.PayeeName.ToLower().Contains("from venmo"))
                                .OrderByDescending(t => t.Date)

예제 #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a refund of the transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transactionId">Transaction ID</param>
        /// <param name="refundRequest">Request parameters to create refund</param>
        /// <param name="storeId">Store identifier for which refund should be created</param>
        /// <returns>Refund and/or errors if exist</returns>
        public (Refund, string) CreateRefund(string transactionId, CreateRefundRequest refundRequest, int storeId)
                var settings = _settingService.LoadSetting <SquarePaymentSettings>(storeId);

                //try to get the selected location
                var selectedLocation = GetActiveLocations(storeId).FirstOrDefault(location => location.Id.Equals(settings.LocationId));
                if (selectedLocation == null)
                    throw new NopException("Location is a required parameter for payment requests");

                //create transaction API
                var configuration   = CreateApiConfiguration(storeId);
                var transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);

                //create refund
                var createRefundResponse = transactionsApi.CreateRefund(selectedLocation.Id, transactionId, refundRequest);
                if (createRefundResponse == null)
                    throw new NopException("No service response");

                //check whether there are errors in the service response
                if (createRefundResponse.Errors?.Any() ?? false)
                    var errorsMessage = string.Join(";", createRefundResponse.Errors.Select(error => error.ToString()));
                    throw new NopException($"There are errors in the service response. {errorsMessage}");

                return(createRefundResponse.Refund, null);
            catch (Exception exception)
                //log full error
                var errorMessage = exception.Message;
                _logger.Error($"Square payment error: {errorMessage}.", exception, _workContext.CurrentCustomer);

                if (exception is ApiException apiException)
                    //try to get error details
                    var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <CreateRefundResponse>(apiException.ErrorContent) as CreateRefundResponse;
                    if (response?.Errors?.Any() ?? false)
                        errorMessage = string.Join(";", response.Errors.Select(error => error.Detail));

                return(null, errorMessage);
예제 #16
        public async Task <IActionResult> ValidateAsync(string transactionId)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(transactionId))

                var conn1Config = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                //config connection 1
                conn1Config.Add("baseUrl", "http://ebcl1.ici.ro");
                BlockchainConnection conn1 = new BlockchainConnection(conn1Config);

                var conn2Config = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                var headers2    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                //config connection 2
                conn2Config.Add("baseUrl", "http://ebcl2.ici.ro");
                BlockchainConnection conn2 = new BlockchainConnection(conn2Config);

                var conn3Config = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                var headers3    = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                //config connection 2
                conn3Config.Add("baseUrl", "http://ebcl3.ici.ro");
                BlockchainConnection conn3 = new BlockchainConnection(conn2Config);

                //add connections
                IList <BlockchainConnection> connections = new List <BlockchainConnection>();

                //multiple connections
                var builderWithConnections = BigchainDbConfigBuilder
                                             .setTimeout(60000); //override default timeout of 20000 milliseconds

                await builderWithConnections.setup();

                var testTran2 = await TransactionsApi <object, object> .getTransactionByIdAsync(transactionId);

                BlockchainTransaction bt = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <BlockchainTransaction>(testTran2.Asset.Data.ToString());

            catch (Exception e)
                return(Content("Error connecting to the blockchain"));
예제 #17
        public M GetMetadataFromAssetPublicKey <M>(string assetID, string signPublicKey)
            var rawPublicKey      = EncryptionService.getRawBase58PublicKey(signPublicKey);
            var unspentOutsList   = OutputsApi.getUnspentOutputsAsync(rawPublicKey).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var assetTransactions = TransactionsApi <object, object> .getTransactionsByAssetIdAsync(assetID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var neededTransaction = from a in unspentOutsList.AsQueryable()
                                    join b in assetTransactions.AsQueryable()
                                    on a.TransactionId equals b.Id
                                    select b.MetaData.Metadata;
            MetaDataSaved <M> result = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <MetaDataSaved <M> >(neededTransaction.FirstOrDefault().ToString());

예제 #18
 public AtriumClient(string apiKey, string clientID, string basePath = "https://vestibule.mx.com")
     this.accounts      = new AccountsApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.connectWidget = new ConnectWidgetApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.holdings      = new HoldingsApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.identity      = new IdentityApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.institutions  = new InstitutionsApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.members       = new MembersApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.merchants     = new MerchantsApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.statements    = new StatementsApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.transactions  = new TransactionsApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.users         = new UsersApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
     this.verification  = new VerificationApi(apiKey, clientID, basePath);
예제 #19
        static string GetTransactionFromErrorMessageExample(Configuration configuration)
            // Please see https://docs.transferzero.com/docs/transaction-flow/#receiving-error-messages
            // on details about error messages

            Guid transationId = Guid.Parse("2cf44191-ffff-ffff-ffff-f0d133a709f1");

            TransactionsApi transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);

            TransactionResponse response = transactionsApi.GetTransaction(transactionID: transationId);

            System.Console.WriteLine("Payout error message on recipient: " + response.Object.Recipients[0].StateReason);

예제 #20
        public FlutterwaveApi(string apiKey)
            _apiKey = apiKey;
            _flutterwaveApiBaseUrl = new Uri("https://api.flutterwave.com/v3/");

            Card          = new CardPaymentApi(this);
            Transactions  = new TransactionsApi(this);
            Verifications = new VerificationApi(this);
            Banks         = new BanksApi(this);
            Bills         = new BillsApi(this);
            Settlements   = new SettlementsApi(this);
            Otps          = new OtpsApi(this);
            Chargebacks   = new ChargebacksApi(this);
            Misc          = new MiscApi(this);
예제 #21
        public string SendCreateTransactionToDataBase <A, M>(AssetSaved <A> asset, MetaDataSaved <M> metaData, string privateSignKey)
            var signPrivateKey = EncryptionService.getSignKeyFromPrivate(privateSignKey);

            var transaction = BigchainDbTransactionBuilder <AssetSaved <A>, MetaDataSaved <M> >
                              .buildAndSignOnly(signPrivateKey.PublicKey, signPrivateKey);

            var createTransaction = TransactionsApi <AssetSaved <A>, MetaDataSaved <M> > .sendTransactionAsync(transaction).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

예제 #22
        public OkraApi(string accessToken, bool useSandBox)
            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(accessToken))
                throw new ArgumentException("Okra api token cannot be empty", nameof(accessToken));

            var baseUrl = useSandBox ? "https://api.okra.ng/sandbox/v1/" : "https://api.okra.ng/v1/";

            _client = CreateClient(baseUrl, accessToken);

            Auth         = new AuthApi(this);
            Balance      = new BalanceApi(this);
            Identity     = new IdentityApi(this);
            Income       = new IncomeApi(this);
            Transactions = new TransactionsApi(this);
예제 #23
        public AtriumClient(string apiKey, string clientID)
            Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("MX-API-Key", apiKey);
            Configuration.Default.AddApiKey("MX-Client-ID", clientID);

            this.accounts      = new AccountsApi();
            this.connectWidget = new ConnectWidgetApi();
            this.holdings      = new HoldingsApi();
            this.identity      = new IdentityApi();
            this.institutions  = new InstitutionsApi();
            this.members       = new MembersApi();
            this.merchants     = new MerchantsApi();
            this.statements    = new StatementsApi();
            this.transactions  = new TransactionsApi();
            this.users         = new UsersApi();
            this.verification  = new VerificationApi();
예제 #24
        public MetaData <MetaDataSaved <M> > GetMetadataIDFromAssetPublicKey <M>(string assetID, string signPublicKey)
            var rawPublicKey      = EncryptionService.getRawBase58PublicKey(signPublicKey);
            var unspentOutsList   = OutputsApi.getUnspentOutputsAsync(rawPublicKey).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
            var assetTransactions = TransactionsApi <object, MetaDataSaved <M> > .getTransactionsByAssetIdAsync(assetID).GetAwaiter().GetResult();

            var neededTransaction = from a in unspentOutsList.AsQueryable()
                                    join b in assetTransactions.AsQueryable()
                                    on a.TransactionId equals b.Id
                                    select new MetaData <MetaDataSaved <M> >
                Id       = b.Id,
                Metadata = b.MetaData.Metadata
            var result = neededTransaction.FirstOrDefault();

        public void GetAllTransactionsTest()

            var client       = new TransactionsApi();
            var transactions = client.GETTransactions(
                "Organisation ID",

예제 #26
        /// <summary>
        /// Void authorized transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transactionId">Transaction ID</param>
        /// <returns>True if the transaction successfully voided; otherwise false</returns>
        public bool VoidTransaction(string transactionId)
                //try to get the selected location
                var selectedLocation = GetActiveLocations().FirstOrDefault(location => location.Id.Equals(_squarePaymentSettings.LocationId));
                if (selectedLocation == null)
                    throw new NopException("Location is a required parameter for payment requests");

                //create transaction API
                var configuration = CreateApiConfiguration();
                var transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);

                //void transaction by identifier
                var voidTransactionResponse = transactionsApi.VoidTransaction(selectedLocation.Id, transactionId);
                if (voidTransactionResponse == null)
                    throw new NopException("No service response");

                //check whether there are errors in the service response
                if (voidTransactionResponse.Errors?.Any() ?? false)
                    var errorsMessage = string.Join(";", voidTransactionResponse.Errors.Select(error => error.ToString()));
                    throw new NopException($"There are errors in the service response. {errorsMessage}");

                //if there are no errors in the response, transaction was successfully voided
                return true;
            catch (Exception exception)
                var errorMessage = $"Square payment error: {exception.Message}.";
                if (exception is ApiException apiException)
                    errorMessage = $"{errorMessage} Details: {apiException.ErrorCode} - {apiException.ErrorContent}";

                //log errors
                _logger.Error(errorMessage, exception, _workContext.CurrentCustomer);

                return false;
예제 #27
        /// <summary>
        /// Charge transaction
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="chargeRequest">Request parameters to charge transaction</param>
        /// <returns>Transaction</returns>
        public Transaction Charge(ChargeRequest chargeRequest)
                //try to get the selected location
                var selectedLocation = GetActiveLocations().FirstOrDefault(location => location.Id.Equals(_squarePaymentSettings.LocationId));
                if (selectedLocation == null)
                    throw new NopException("Location is a required parameter for payment requests");

                //create transaction API
                var configuration = CreateApiConfiguration();
                var transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);

                //create charge transaction
                var chargeResponse = transactionsApi.Charge(selectedLocation.Id, chargeRequest);
                if (chargeResponse == null)
                    throw new NopException("No service response");

                //check whether there are errors in the service response
                if (chargeResponse.Errors?.Any() ?? false)
                    var errorsMessage = string.Join(";", chargeResponse.Errors.Select(error => error.ToString()));
                    throw new NopException($"There are errors in the service response. {errorsMessage}");

                return chargeResponse.Transaction;
            catch (Exception exception)
                var errorMessage = $"Square payment error: {exception.Message}.";
                if (exception is ApiException apiException)
                    errorMessage = $"{errorMessage} Details: {apiException.ErrorCode} - {apiException.ErrorContent}";

                //log errors
                _logger.Error(errorMessage, exception, _workContext.CurrentCustomer);

                return null;
예제 #28
파일: Form1.cs 프로젝트: JosPlays/YNAB
        private void btnSpendByPayee_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
            var payeesApi = new PayeesApi();
            var payees    = payeesApi.GetPayees(_selectedBudget.Id);

            List <PaidPerPayeeModel> models         = new List <PaidPerPayeeModel>();
            TransactionsApi          transactionApi = new TransactionsApi();

            foreach (var payee in payees.Data.Payees)
                PaidPerPayeeModel newModel = new PaidPerPayeeModel();
                var transactions           = transactionApi.GetTransactionsByPayee(_selectedBudget.Id, payee.Id, null, string.Empty);
                newModel.Name = payee.Name;
                foreach (var transaction in transactions.Data.Transactions)
                    double transAsDecimal = Convert.ToDouble(transaction.Amount) / 1000;
                    if (transaction.Amount != null)
                        newModel.TotalSpend += transAsDecimal;


            using (System.IO.StreamWriter file = new System.IO.StreamWriter(@"test.csv"))
                file.WriteLine($"\"Name\";\"Total Spend\"");
                foreach (var model in models)
                    if (model.TotalSpend >= 0 || model.Name.StartsWith("Transfer :"))

        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ParasutClient"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">The url<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="version">The version<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="companyId">The companyId<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="clientId">The clientId<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="clientSecret">The clientSecret<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="username">The username<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        /// <param name="password">The password<see cref="string"/>.</param>
        public ParasutClient(string url          = null,
                             string version      = null,
                             string companyId    = null,
                             string clientId     = null,
                             string clientSecret = null,
                             string username     = null,
                             string password     = null) : base()
            Url          = ParasutApiSettings.Url(url);
            Version      = ParasutApiSettings.Version(version);
            CompanyId    = ParasutApiSettings.CompanyId(companyId);
            ClientId     = ParasutApiSettings.ClientId(clientId);
            ClientSecret = ParasutApiSettings.ClientSecret(clientSecret);
            Username     = ParasutApiSettings.Username(username);
            Password     = ParasutApiSettings.Password(password);


            Home            = new ApiHomeApi(Configuration);
            ItemCategories  = new ItemCategoriesApi(Configuration);
            Accounts        = new AccountsApi(Configuration);
            BankFees        = new BankFeesApi(Configuration);
            Contacts        = new ContactsApi(Configuration);
            EArchives       = new EArchivesApi(Configuration);
            EInvoiceInboxes = new EInvoiceInboxesApi(Configuration);
            EInvoices       = new EInvoicesApi(Configuration);
            Employees       = new EmployeesApi(Configuration);
            Products        = new ProductsApi(Configuration);
            PurchaseBills   = new PurchaseBillsApi(Configuration);
            Salaries        = new SalariesApi(Configuration);
            SalesInvoices   = new SalesInvoicesApi(Configuration);
            Tags            = new TagsApi(Configuration);
            Taxes           = new TaxesApi(Configuration);
            TrackableJobs   = new TrackableJobsApi(Configuration);
            Transactions    = new TransactionsApi(Configuration);
예제 #30
        static Transaction GetTransactionFromExternalId(Configuration configuration)
            // Please see https://docs.transferzero.com/docs/transaction-flow/#external-id
            // for more details on external IDs

            TransactionsApi transactionsApi = new TransactionsApi(configuration);
            String          externalId      = "TRANSACTION-00001";

            TransactionListResponse transactionListResponse = transactionsApi.GetTransactions(externalId: externalId);

            if (transactionListResponse.Object.Count > 0)
                System.Console.WriteLine("Transaction found");
                Transaction result = transactionListResponse.Object[0];
                System.Console.WriteLine("Transaction not found");