private void OnTransactionRemoved(TransactionRemovedFromMemoryPool transactionRemovedFromMempool)
            this.logger.LogDebug("Transaction '{0}' was removed from the mempool. RemovedForBlock={1}", transactionRemovedFromMempool.RemovedTransaction.GetHash(), transactionRemovedFromMempool.RemovedForBlock);

            // If the transaction was removed from the mempool because it's part of a block, we don't want to remove it.
            // It makes more sense to keep the current entry in the database and update it with the confirmation details
            // when the wallet processes that block. This also avoids race conditions where users might try and build transactions
            // right after this operation, but just before the wallet processes the next queued block.

            // However if it was removed for any other reason, we will be out of sync with what's in the mempool.
            // So lets remove it from the wallet to keep the wallet up to date.
            if (!transactionRemovedFromMempool.RemovedForBlock)
 private void OnTransactionRemoved(TransactionRemovedFromMemoryPool transactionRemoved)