/// <summary>
        /// Test Find using the Query class
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_30_TestFindByQuery_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                //Insert Mock Instance
                TransValue mock   = CreateMockInstance(tm);
                bool       result = DataRepository.TransValueProvider.Insert(tm, mock);

                Assert.IsTrue(result, "Could Not Test FindByQuery, Insert Failed");

                TransValueQuery query = new TransValueQuery();

                query.AppendEquals(TransValueColumn.TransNum, mock.TransNum.ToString());
                if (mock.Amount != null)
                    query.AppendEquals(TransValueColumn.Amount, mock.Amount.ToString());
                if (mock.Frcustomer != null)
                    query.AppendEquals(TransValueColumn.Frcustomer, mock.Frcustomer.ToString());
                if (mock.Forex != null)
                    query.AppendEquals(TransValueColumn.Forex, mock.Forex.ToString());

                TList <TransValue> results = DataRepository.TransValueProvider.Find(tm, query);

                Assert.IsTrue(results.Count == 1, "Find is not working correctly.  Failed to find the mock instance");
        /// <summary>
        /// Deep load all TransValue children.
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_03_DeepLoad_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                int count = -1;
                mock           = CreateMockInstance(tm);
                mockCollection = DataRepository.TransValueProvider.GetPaged(tm, 0, 10, out count);

                DataRepository.TransValueProvider.DeepLoading += new EntityProviderBaseCore <TransValue, TransValueKey> .DeepLoadingEventHandler(
                    delegate(object sender, DeepSessionEventArgs e)
                    if (e.DeepSession.Count > 3)
                        e.Cancel = true;

                if (mockCollection.Count > 0)
                    DataRepository.TransValueProvider.DeepLoad(tm, mockCollection[0]);
                    System.Console.WriteLine("TransValue instance correctly deep loaded at 1 level.");

                    // DataRepository.TransValueProvider.DeepSave(tm, mockCollection);

                //normally one would commit here
                //IDisposable will Rollback Transaction since it's left uncommitted
예제 #3
        ///  Update the Typed TransValue Entity with modified mock values.
        static public void UpdateMockInstance(TransactionManager tm, TransValue mock)
            TransValueTest.UpdateMockInstance_Generated(tm, mock);

            // make any alterations necessary
            // (i.e. for DB check constraints, special test cases, etc.)
        /// <summary>
        /// Check the foreign key dal methods.
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_10_FK_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                TransValue entity = CreateMockInstance(tm);
                bool       result = DataRepository.TransValueProvider.Insert(tm, entity);

                Assert.IsTrue(result, "Could Not Test FK, Insert Failed");
        /// <summary>
        /// Test methods exposed by the EntityHelper class.
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_20_TestEntityHelper_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                mock = CreateMockInstance(tm);

                TransValue entity = mock.Copy() as TransValue;
                entity = (TransValue)mock.Clone();
                Assert.IsTrue(TransValue.ValueEquals(entity, mock), "Clone is not working");
예제 #6
        ///  Returns a Typed TransValue Entity with mock values.
        static public TransValue CreateMockInstance(TransactionManager tm)
            // get the default mock instance
            TransValue mock = TransValueTest.CreateMockInstance_Generated(tm);

            // make any alterations necessary
            // (i.e. for DB check constraints, special test cases, etc.)

            // return the modified object
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize the mock TransValue entity into a temporary file.
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_06_SerializeEntity_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                mock = CreateMockInstance(tm);
                string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "temp_TransValue.xml");

                EntityHelper.SerializeXml(mock, fileName);
                Assert.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(fileName), "Serialized mock not found");

                System.Console.WriteLine("mock correctly serialized to a temporary file.");
        /// <summary>
        /// Inserts a mock TransValue entity into the database.
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_01_Insert_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                mock = CreateMockInstance(tm);
                Assert.IsTrue(DataRepository.TransValueProvider.Insert(tm, mock), "Insert failed");


                //normally one would commit here
                //IDisposable will Rollback Transaction since it's left uncommitted
        /// <summary>
        /// Serialize a TransValue collection into a temporary file.
        /// </summary>
        private void Step_08_SerializeCollection_Generated()
            using (TransactionManager tm = CreateTransaction())
                string fileName = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetTempPath(), "temp_TransValueCollection.xml");

                mock = CreateMockInstance(tm);
                TList <TransValue> mockCollection = new TList <TransValue>();

                EntityHelper.SerializeXml(mockCollection, fileName);

                Assert.IsTrue(System.IO.File.Exists(fileName), "Serialized mock collection not found");
                System.Console.WriteLine("TList<TransValue> correctly serialized to a temporary file.");
        ///  Returns a Typed TransValue Entity with mock values.
        static public TransValue CreateMockInstance_Generated(TransactionManager tm)
            TransValue mock = new TransValue();

            mock.TransNum   = TestUtility.Instance.RandomString(5, false);;
            mock.Amount     = (decimal)TestUtility.Instance.RandomShort();
            mock.Frcustomer = (decimal)TestUtility.Instance.RandomShort();
            mock.Forex      = TestUtility.Instance.RandomString(3, false);;

            // create a temporary collection and add the item to it
            TList <TransValue> tempMockCollection = new TList <TransValue>();


 ///  Update the Typed TransValue Entity with modified mock values.
 static public void UpdateMockInstance_Generated(TransactionManager tm, TransValue mock)
     mock.Amount     = (decimal)TestUtility.Instance.RandomShort();
     mock.Frcustomer = (decimal)TestUtility.Instance.RandomShort();
     mock.Forex      = TestUtility.Instance.RandomString(3, false);;
예제 #12
 /// <summary>
 /// Make any alterations necessary (i.e. for DB check constraints, special test cases, etc.)
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="mock">Object to be modified</param>
 static private void SetSpecialTestData(TransValue mock)
     //Code your changes to the data object here.
예제 #13
        public void BillingData()
            Cursor.Current = Cursors.WaitCursor;
            using (SSLsEntities db = new SSLsEntities())
                DateTime   dateS       = dateTimePickerStart.Value;
                DateTime   dateE       = dateTimePickerEnd.Value;
                int        checkCombo1 = 0;
                int        checkCombo2 = 0;
                List <int> fkProHd     = new List <int>();
                string     code1       = textBox1.Text.Trim();
                string     code2       = textBox2.Text.Trim();
                if (code1 == "")
                    fkProHd = db.StoreFrontStock.Where(w => w.Enable == true).Select(w => w.FKProduct).Distinct().ToList();
                    fkProHd = Library.GetAllProDtlId(code1, code2);
                //if (comboBox1.Text != "ทั้งหมด")
                //    checkCombo1 = int.Parse(comboBox1.SelectedValue.ToString());
                //    checkCombo2 = int.Parse(comboBox2.SelectedValue.ToString());
                //    fkProHd = db.StoreFrontStock.Where(w => w.Enable == true).Select(w => w.FKProduct).Distinct().ToList();
                //    fkProHd = Library.GetAllProDtlId(code1, code2);
                //var txt1 = Singleton.SingletonProduct.Instance().ProductDetails.Where(ww => ww.Code == textBox1.Text & ww.Enable == true).Select(s => s.FKProduct).FirstOrDefault();

                //var txt2 = Singleton.SingletonProduct.Instance().ProductDetails.Where(ww => ww.Code == textBox2.Text & ww.Enable == true).Select(s => s.FKProduct).FirstOrDefault();
                // var listData = db.StoreFrontStockDetails.Where(w => w.Enable == true &&
                // fkProHd.Contains(w.StoreFrontStock.FKProduct) &&
                // DbFunctions.TruncateTime(w.CreateDate) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateS) &&
                // DbFunctions.TruncateTime(w.CreateDate) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateE) &&
                //(checkCombo1 == 0 && checkCombo2 == 0 ?
                //(w.StoreFrontStock.Products.FKProductGroup > 0) :
                //(w.StoreFrontStock.Products.FKProductGroup >= checkCombo1 &&
                //w.StoreFrontStock.Products.FKProductGroup <= checkCombo2))).ToList();
                var listData = db.StoreFrontStockDetails.Where(w => w.Enable == true &&
                                                               fkProHd.Contains(w.StoreFrontStock.FKProduct) &&
                                                               DbFunctions.TruncateTime(w.CreateDate) >= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateS) &&
                                                               DbFunctions.TruncateTime(w.CreateDate) <= DbFunctions.TruncateTime(dateE)
                var list1 = listData
                            .GroupBy(g => new
                    g.StoreFrontStock.Products.ProductDetails.OrderBy(w => w.PackSize).FirstOrDefault().Code,
                    UnitName = g.StoreFrontStock.Products.ProductDetails.Where(w => w.PackSize == 1).Select(ss => (ss.ProductUnit.Name == null ? "ไม่มี" : ss.ProductUnit.Name)).FirstOrDefault(),
                    ยอดยกมา  = 0,
                    ยอดยกไป  = 0,
                    Price    = 0
                            .Select(s => new { ProductId = s.Key.FKProduct, Product = s.Key.Code + " " + s.Key.ThaiName, FKS = s.Key.FKStoreFrontStock, Id = s.Key.FKTransactionType, s.Key.UnitName, s.Key.ยอดยกมา, s.Key.ยอดยกไป, ActionQty = (s.Sum(ss => ss.ActionQty) == null ? 0 : s.Sum(ss => ss.ActionQty)), s.Key.Price }).GroupBy(g => new { g.ProductId, g.Product, g.UnitName, g.ยอดยกมา, g.ยอดยกไป, g.Price, g.Id })
                            .Select(s => new
                    ProuctId     = s.Key.ProductId,
                    Product      = s.Key.Product,
                    UnitName     = s.Key.UnitName,
                    Summit       = s.Key.ยอดยกมา,
                    LiftUp       = s.Key.ยอดยกไป,
                    Price        = s.Key.Price,
                    Buy          = (s.Key.Id == 19 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    SendVender   = (s.Key.Id == 3 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    Sell         = (s.Key.Id == 2 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    SellGive     = (s.Key.Id == 11 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    Cn           = (s.Key.Id == 4 || s.Key.Id == 22 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    CnGive       = (s.Key.Id == 12 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    CnCancel     = (s.Key.Id == 5 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    CnGiveCancel = (s.Key.Id == 17 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    Rcv          = (s.Key.Id == 1 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    RcvPo        = (s.Key.Id == 10 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    OutUse       = (s.Key.Id == 14 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    Out          = (s.Key.Id == 8 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    AdjustCost   = (s.Key.Id == 20 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0),
                    Tran         = (s.Key.Id == 9 ? s.Sum(m => m.ActionQty) : 0)
                }).GroupBy(g => new { g.ProuctId, g.Product, g.UnitName, g.Summit, g.LiftUp, g.Price })
                            .Select(s => new
                    ProuctId     = s.Key.ProuctId,
                    Product      = s.Key.Product,
                    UnitName     = s.Key.UnitName,
                    Summit       = s.Key.Summit,
                    LiftUp       = s.Key.LiftUp,
                    Price        = s.Key.Price,
                    Buy          = s.Sum(ss => ss.Buy),
                    SendVender   = s.Sum(ss => ss.SendVender),
                    Sell         = s.Sum(ss => ss.Sell),
                    SellGive     = s.Sum(ss => ss.SellGive),
                    Cn           = s.Sum(ss => ss.Cn),
                    CnGive       = s.Sum(ss => ss.CnGive),
                    CnCancel     = s.Sum(ss => ss.CnCancel),
                    CnGiveCancel = s.Sum(ss => ss.CnGiveCancel),
                    Rcv          = s.Sum(ss => ss.Rcv),
                    RcvPo        = s.Sum(ss => ss.RcvPo),
                    OutUse       = s.Sum(ss => ss.OutUse),
                    Out          = s.Sum(ss => ss.Out),
                    AdjustCost   = s.Sum(ss => ss.AdjustCost),
                    Tran         = s.Sum(ss => ss.Tran)
                List <TransValue> ls = new List <TransValue>();
                int i           = 0;
                int countListpg = list1.Count();
                progressBar1.Minimum = 0;
                progressBar1.Maximum = countListpg;
                foreach (var item in list1)
                    TransValue c = new TransValue();
                    c.ProuctId     = item.ProuctId.ToString();
                    c.Product      = item.Product.ToString();
                    c.UnitName     = item.UnitName;
                    c.Summit       = GetResult(item.ProuctId, dateS);
                    c.LiftUp       = GetBalance(item.ProuctId, dateS, dateE);
                    c.Price        = Library.GetAverage(item.ProuctId);
                    c.Buy          = item.Buy;
                    c.SendVender   = item.SendVender;
                    c.Sell         = item.Sell;
                    c.SellGive     = item.SellGive;
                    c.Cn           = item.Cn;
                    c.CnCancel     = item.CnCancel;
                    c.CnGiveCancel = item.CnGiveCancel;
                    c.Rcv          = item.Rcv;
                    c.RcvPo        = item.RcvPo;
                    c.OutUse       = item.OutUse;
                    c.Out          = item.Out;
                    c.AdjustCost   = item.AdjustCost;
                    c.Tran         = item.Tran;
                    progressBar1.Value = i;
                if (list1.Count > 0)
                    string User, WhereDate, WhereProduct, WhereGroupP;
                    //User = Singleton.SingletonAuthen.Instance().Name;
                    User         = Singleton.SingletonAuthen.Instance().Name;
                    WhereDate    = Library.ConvertDateToThaiDate(dateS) + "  ถึง  " + Library.ConvertDateToThaiDate(dateE);
                    WhereProduct = (textBox1.Text == "" ? "ค้นหา รหัส Barcode สินค้าทั้งหมด" : "ค้นหา รหัส Barcode สินค้า : " + textBox1.Text + " ถึง " + textBox2.Text);
                    WhereGroupP  = (comboBox1.Text == "ทั้งหมด" ? "ค้นหา หมวดสินค้าทั้งหมด" : "ค้นหา หมวดสินค้า : " + comboBox1.Text + " ถึง " + comboBox2.Text);
                    DataTable     dt  = CodeFileDLL.ConvertToDataTable(ls);
                    frmMainReport frm = new frmMainReport(this, dt, User, WhereDate, WhereProduct, WhereGroupP);
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;
                    Cursor.Current = Cursors.Default;