예제 #1
        public static bool IsUpdateDMS(TransLine transline, out Supplier supt)
            supt = null;

            //return transline.Wh != null && transline.Wh.Code.StartsWith("SHBJ");
            if (transline.Wh != null
                && PubHelper.IsWarehouse2DMS(transline.Wh)
                //&& PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.SupplierInfo)
                //// 批次供应商
                //string suptCode = transline.LotInfo.LotMaster_EntityID.DescFlexSegments.PrivateDescSeg1;
                //if (suptCode.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //    Supplier supt = Supplier.Finder.Find("Code=@Code"
                //        , new OqlParam(suptCode)
                //        );

                //    if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(supt))
                //    {
                //        return true;
                //    }

                // 刨除VMI结算
                if (IsUpdateWhqoh(transline))
                    // 如果不是DMS的出货单,才更新DMS;
                    if (!IsDMSShipment(transline))
                        // 如果存在货源表
                        bool bl = PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.LotInfo, out supt);

                        if (bl)
                            SupplySource supplySource = SupplySource.Finder.Find("ItemInfo.ItemID=@ItemID and SupplierInfo.Supplier=@SuptID"
                                , new OqlParam(transline.ItemInfo.ItemIDKey.ID)
                                , new OqlParam(supt.ID)

                            if (supplySource != null)
                                return SupplySourceInserted.IsUpdateDMS(supplySource);

            return false;
예제 #2
        public static bool IsUpdateDMS(TransLine transline, out Supplier supt)
            supt = null;

            //return transline.Wh != null && transline.Wh.Code.StartsWith("SHBJ");
            if (transline.Wh != null &&
                //&& PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.SupplierInfo)
                //// 批次供应商
                //string suptCode = transline.LotInfo.LotMaster_EntityID.DescFlexSegments.PrivateDescSeg1;
                //if (suptCode.IsNotNullOrWhiteSpace())
                //    Supplier supt = Supplier.Finder.Find("Code=@Code"
                //        , new OqlParam(suptCode)
                //        );

                //    if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(supt))
                //    {
                //        return true;
                //    }

                // 刨除VMI结算
                if (IsUpdateWhqoh(transline))
                    // 如果不是DMS的出货单,才更新DMS;
                    if (!IsDMSShipment(transline))
                        // 如果存在货源表
                        bool bl = PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(transline.LotInfo, out supt);

                        if (bl)
                            SupplySource supplySource = SupplySource.Finder.Find("ItemInfo.ItemID.Code=@ItemCode and SupplierInfo.Supplier.Code=@SuptCode"
                                                                                 , new OqlParam(transline.ItemInfo.ItemID.Code)
                                                                                 , new OqlParam(supt.Code)

                            if (supplySource != null)

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnGetAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            TransLine = await _context.TransLines.FirstOrDefaultAsync(m => m.Id == id);

            if (TransLine == null)
예제 #4
        private static bool IsDMSShipment(TransLine transline)
            if (transline.DocLine != null &&
                transline.DocLine.EntityID > 0 &&
                transline.DocLine.EntityType == typeof(ShipLine).FullName
                ShipLine shipline = ShipLine.Finder.FindByID(transline.DocLine.EntityID);

                if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(shipline))

        public async Task <IActionResult> OnPostAsync(int?id)
            if (id == null)

            TransLine = await _context.TransLines.FindAsync(id);

            if (TransLine != null)
                await _context.SaveChangesAsync();

예제 #6
        // 是否更新库存(刨除VMI结算)
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否更新库存(刨除VMI结算)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transline"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsUpdateWhqoh(TransLine transline)
            // QtyPriceDealFlg 数量价值处理       (消耗汇总,为4;不知道价值数量怎么取的,所以没用这个判断)

             * NotWorthAndQty	不处理数量和价值	3
             * Qty	只处理数量	1
             * QtyAndWorth	处理数量和价值	0
             * Worth	只处理价值	2
             * WorthAndWorthQty	处理价值及价值数量	4

            /* UFIDA.U9.InvTrans.Trans.TransLine   UFIDA.U9.InvTrans.InvTransBE.dll
             *  public bool IsAffectQoh
             *  {
             *          get
             *          {
             *                  if ((this.QtyPriceDealFlg == QtyPriceDealFlgEnum.QtyAndWorth && !this.IsIPVChanged()) || this.QtyPriceDealFlg == QtyPriceDealFlgEnum.Qty)
             *                  {
             *                          this.isAffectQoh = true;
             *                  }
             *                  return this.isAffectQoh;
             *          }
             *          set
             *          {
             *                  this.isAffectQoh = value;
             *          }
             *  }
            if (transline != null
                //// PM035	VMI采购结算	322
                //&& transline.DocBizType != BusinessTypeEnum.PM035
                // 改成用 异动行公共方法
                && transline.IsAffectQoh

예제 #7
        public void Notify(params object[] args)
            if (args != null && args.Length != 0 && args[0] is EntityEvent)
                BusinessEntity.EntityKey key = ((EntityEvent)args[0]).EntityKey;
                if (!(key == null))
                    TransLine transline = key.GetEntity() as TransLine;
                    if (PubHelper.SaleOrg2DMS.Contains(Context.LoginOrg.Code))
                        bool flag = PubHelper.IsUsedDMSAPI();
                        if (flag)
                            Supplier supt;
                            //if (transline.Wh != null && transline.Wh.Code.StartsWith("SHBJ"))
                            if (TransLineInserted.IsUpdateDMS(transline, out supt))
                                //if (transline.DocLine != null && transline.DocLine.EntityType != "UFIDA.U9.InvDoc.PrdEndCheck.PrdEndChkBill" && transline.DocLine.EntityType != "UFIDA.U9.SM.Ship.ShipLine")
                                    //string ismiscship = string.Empty;
                                    //if (transline.DocLine.EntityType == "UFIDA.U9.InvDoc.MiscShip.MiscShipmentL" && transline.DocLine.EntityID > 0)
                                    //    MiscShipmentL misshipline = MiscShipmentL.Finder.FindByID(transline.DocLine.EntityID);
                                    //    if (misshipline != null)
                                    //    {
                                    //        ismiscship = misshipline.MiscShip.DescFlexField.PubDescSeg5;
                                    //    }
                                    //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ismiscship))
                                            //PI07ImplService service = new PI07ImplService();
                                            //DMSAsync_PI07.PI07Client service = new DMSAsync_PI07.PI07Client();
                                            //DMSAsync_PI07.PI07Client service = PubExtend.GetPI07Async();
                                            // 异步总会有返回结果丢失,改为同步了
                                            PI07ImplService service = new PI07ImplService();
                                            // service.Url = PubHelper.GetAddress(service.Url);
                                            //System.Collections.Generic.List<DMSAsync_PI07.stockDTO> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List<DMSAsync_PI07.stockDTO>();
                                            //DMSAsync_PI07.stockDTO dto = new DMSAsync_PI07.stockDTO();
                                            System.Collections.Generic.List <stockDTO> list = new System.Collections.Generic.List <stockDTO>();
                                            stockDTO dto = new stockDTO();
                                            dto.itemMaster = transline.ItemInfo.ItemID.Code;
                                            //if (transline.SupplierInfo != null && transline.SupplierInfo.Supplier != null)
                                            //    dto.supplier = transline.SupplierInfo.Supplier.Code;
                                            dto.supplier = supt != null ? supt.Code : string.Empty;
                                            //else if (transline.DocLine.EntityType == "UFIDA.U9.PM.Rcv.RcvLine")
                                            //    RcvLine rcvline = RcvLine.Finder.FindByID(transline.DocLine.EntityID);
                                            //    if (rcvline != null && rcvline.Receivement.ReceivementType == ReceivementTypeEnum.SaleReturn && rcvline.SrcDocType == RcvSrcDocTypeEnum.RMA && rcvline.SrcDoc != null && rcvline.SrcDoc.SrcDocLine != null && rcvline.SrcDoc.SrcDocLine.EntityID > 0)
                                            //    {
                                            //        RMALine rmaline = RMALine.Finder.FindByID(rcvline.SrcDoc.SrcDocLine.EntityID);
                                            //        if (rmaline != null && rmaline.SrcDocType == RMASrcDocTypeEnum.Ship && rmaline.SrcDocLine != null && rmaline.SrcDocLine.ID > 0)
                                            //        {
                                            //            ShipLine shipline = ShipLine.Finder.FindByID(rmaline.SrcDocLine.ID);
                                            //            if (shipline != null && shipline.Supplier != null && shipline.Supplier.Supplier != null)
                                            //            {
                                            //                dto.supplier = shipline.Supplier.Supplier.Code;
                                            //            }
                                            //        }
                                            //    }
                                            //dto.number = System.Convert.ToInt32(transline.StoreUOMQty);
                                            dto.number = transline.StoreUOMQty.GetInt();
                                            if (transline.LotInfo != null)
                                                dto.lot = transline.LotInfo.LotCode;
                                            // DMS仓库编码按照U9的建立,因为出库时还要传回来仓库编码;
                                            //dto.WH = "SHBJ";
                                            if (transline.Wh != null)
                                                dto.WH = transline.Wh.Code;
                                            //if (transline.Direction == TransDirectionEnum.Rcv)
                                            //    dto.actionType = 1;
                                            //    dto.actionType = 0;
                                            // actionType   0,入库;1,出库;2,盘点(库存全部更新)
                                            // Direction	异动方向   0,入/收;1,出/发
                                            // 删除时,是反着的
                                            dto.actionType = transline.Direction.Value == 0 ? 1 : 0;

                                            //DMSAsync_PI07.stockDTO[] dtolist = service.Do(list.ToArray());
                                            stockDTO[] dtolist = service.Do(list.ToArray());
                                            // 改为异步调用了
                                            //if (dtolist != null && dtolist.Length > 0 && dtolist[0].flag == 0)
                                            //    throw new BusinessException(dtolist[0].errMsg);
                                        catch (System.Exception e)
                                            throw new BusinessException("调用DMS接口错误:" + e.Message);
예제 #8
        // 是否更新库存(刨除VMI结算)
        /// <summary>
        /// 是否更新库存(刨除VMI结算)
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="transline"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static bool IsUpdateWhqoh(TransLine transline)
            // QtyPriceDealFlg 数量价值处理       (消耗汇总,为4;不知道价值数量怎么取的,所以没用这个判断)
            NotWorthAndQty	不处理数量和价值	3
            Qty	只处理数量	1
            QtyAndWorth	处理数量和价值	0
            Worth	只处理价值	2
            WorthAndWorthQty	处理价值及价值数量	4

            /* UFIDA.U9.InvTrans.Trans.TransLine   UFIDA.U9.InvTrans.InvTransBE.dll
            public bool IsAffectQoh
                if ((this.QtyPriceDealFlg == QtyPriceDealFlgEnum.QtyAndWorth && !this.IsIPVChanged()) || this.QtyPriceDealFlg == QtyPriceDealFlgEnum.Qty)
                    this.isAffectQoh = true;
                return this.isAffectQoh;
                this.isAffectQoh = value;
            if (transline != null
                //// PM035	VMI采购结算	322
                //&& transline.DocBizType != BusinessTypeEnum.PM035
                // 改成用 异动行公共方法
                && transline.IsAffectQoh
                return true;

            return false;
예제 #9
        private static bool IsDMSShipment(TransLine transline)
            if (transline.DocLine != null
                && transline.DocLine.EntityID > 0
                && transline.DocLine.EntityType == typeof(ShipLine).FullName
                ShipLine shipline = ShipLine.Finder.FindByID(transline.DocLine.EntityID);

                if (PubHelper.IsUpdateDMS(shipline))
                    return true;

            return false;