예제 #1
            public static void Align(IList <Vector> C1
                                     , ref List <Vector> C2
                                     , HPack <List <Vector> > optMoveC2 = null
                                     , HPack <Trans3> outTrans          = null
                                     , HPack <double> optRmsd           = null
                Trans3 trans = GetTrans(C1, C2);

                Vector[] nC2 = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                if (optMoveC2 != null)
                    optMoveC2.value = new List <Vector>(nC2.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nC2.Length; i++)
                        optMoveC2.value[i] = nC2[i] - C2[i];
                if (optRmsd != null)
                    optRmsd.value = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < nC2.Length; i++)
                        optRmsd.value += (nC2[i] - C1[i]).Dist2;
                    optRmsd.value /= nC2.Length;
                C2 = new List <Vector>(nC2);
                if (outTrans != null)
                    outTrans.value = trans.Clone();
예제 #2
 public Pdb GetTransformed(Trans3 trans)
     Element[] nelements = new Element[elements.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < elements.Length; i++)
         if (typeof(Atom).IsInstanceOfType(elements[i]))
             Atom   atom = (Atom)elements[i];
             Vector pt   = atom.coord;
             pt           = trans.DoTransform(pt);
             atom         = Atom.FromString(atom.GetUpdatedLine(pt));
             nelements[i] = atom;
         else if (typeof(Hetatm).IsInstanceOfType(elements[i]))
             Hetatm hetatm = (Hetatm)elements[i];
             Vector pt     = hetatm.coord;
             pt           = trans.DoTransform(pt);
             hetatm       = Hetatm.FromString(hetatm.GetUpdatedLine(pt));
             nelements[i] = hetatm;
             nelements[i] = elements[i].UpdateElement();
     return(new Pdb(nelements));
예제 #3
            public static void Align(IList <Vector> C1
                                     , IList <Anisou> anisou1
                                     , ref IList <Vector> C2
                                     , ref IList <Anisou> anisou2
                                     , HPack <Trans3> outTrans  = null
                                     , HPack <double> optEnergy = null
                Trans3 trans = GetTrans(C1, anisou1, C2, anisou2, optEnergy: optEnergy);

                C2      = new List <Vector>(C2);
                anisou2 = new List <Anisou>(anisou2);

                Vector[] nC2 = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                for (int i = 0; i < C2.Count; i++)
                    Vector p2i  = C2[i];
                    Anisou a2i  = anisou2[i];
                    Vector np2i = trans.DoTransform(p2i);
                    Anisou na2i = a2i.Clone();
                    na2i.eigvecs[0] = (trans.DoTransform(p2i + a2i.eigvecs[0]) - np2i).UnitVector();
                    na2i.eigvecs[1] = (trans.DoTransform(p2i + a2i.eigvecs[1]) - np2i).UnitVector();
                    na2i.eigvecs[2] = (trans.DoTransform(p2i + a2i.eigvecs[2]) - np2i).UnitVector();
                    C2[i]           = np2i;
                    anisou2[i]      = na2i;
                if (outTrans != null)
                    outTrans.value = trans;
예제 #4
            public static void Align(IList <Vector> C1
                                     , IList <Anisou> anisou1
                                     , ref List <Vector> C2
                                     , HPack <List <Vector> > optMoveC2 = null
                                     , HPack <Trans3> outTrans          = null
                                     , HPack <double> optEnergy         = null
                Trans3 trans = GetTrans(C1, anisou1, C2, optEnergy: optEnergy);

                Vector[] nC2 = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                if (optMoveC2 != null)
                    optMoveC2.value = new List <Vector>(nC2.Length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < nC2.Length; i++)
                        optMoveC2.value.Add(nC2[i] - C2[i]);
                if (outTrans != null)
                    outTrans.value = trans;
                C2 = new List <Vector>(nC2);
예제 #5
        public double GetRMSD(IList <int> atomidxs, IList <Vector> atomcoords)
            List <Vector> coords = new List <Vector>();

            foreach (int atomidx in atomidxs)

            Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(coords, atomcoords);

            List <double> SDs = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < coords.Count; i++)
                Vector moved = trans.DoTransform(coords[i]);
                Vector to    = atomcoords[i];
                double SD    = (moved - to).Dist2;

            double RMSD = Math.Sqrt(SDs.Average());

예제 #6
            public static void GetEnergies(AlignData data1, IList <Vector> coords2
                                           , out double pot_rmsd, out double pot_enrg, out double pot_enrg_full, out double pot_enrg_anisou
                                           , Pdb pdb2           = null
                                           , string pdb2outpath = null
                Anisou[] anisous1;// = data1.GetAnisous();
                double[] bfactor1;
                    List <Mode> modes = new List <Mode>(data1.GetModes());
                    for (int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
                    bfactor1 = HBioinfo.GetBFactor(modes.ToArray(), data1.masses);
                    HDebug.Assert(data1.size == bfactor1.Length);
                    anisous1 = Anisou.FromBFactor(bfactor1, scale: 10000 * 1000);
                //Trans3 trans = MinAnisou.GetTrans(data1.coords, anisous1, coords2);
                Trans3        trans        = GetTrans(data1.coords, bfactor1, coords2);
                List <Vector> coords2trans = new List <Vector>(trans.GetTransformed(coords2));

                if (pdb2 != null && pdb2outpath != null)
                    data1.pdb.ToFile(pdb2outpath, coords2trans, anisous: anisous1.GetUs());

                pot_rmsd        = data1.GetRmsdFrom(coords2trans);
                pot_enrg        = data1.GetEnergyFromDiag(coords2trans);
                pot_enrg_full   = data1.GetEnergyFromFull(coords2trans);
                pot_enrg_anisou = data1.GetEnergyFromAnisou(coords2trans);
예제 #7
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Anisou> anisou1, IList <Vector> C2, HPack <double> optEnergy = null)
                int size = C1.Count;

                HDebug.Assert(size == C1.Count, size == C2.Count);

                Vector[] C1s   = C1.ToArray().Clone(3);
                Vector[] C2s   = C2.ToArray().Clone(3);
                double[] W1s   = new double[size * 3];
                double[] enrgs = new double[size * 3];
                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[0] >= 0); W1s[i * 3 + 0] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[0] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[0];
                    HDebug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[1] >= 0); W1s[i * 3 + 1] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[1] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[1];
                    HDebug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[2] >= 0); W1s[i * 3 + 2] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[2] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[2];
                    enrgs[i * 3 + 0] = enrgs[i * 3 + 1] = enrgs[i * 3 + 2] = double.NaN;

                //Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);
                Trans3 trans    = new Trans3(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);// = transICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, W1s);
                int    iter     = 0;
                int    iter_max = 1000;

                //double enrg = double.NaN;
                while (iter < iter_max)
                    Vector[] C2sUpdated = trans.GetTransformed(C2s);

                    //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, size, delegate(int i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            Vector planeNormal = anisou1[i].axes[j];
                            Vector planeBase   = C1[i];
                            Vector query       = C2sUpdated[i * 3 + j];
                            Vector closest     = query - LinAlg.DotProd(planeNormal, query - planeBase) * planeNormal;
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, LinAlg.DotProd(closest - planeBase, planeNormal));
                            C1s[i * 3 + j]   = closest;
                            enrgs[i * 3 + j] = W1s[i * 3 + j] * (query - closest).Dist2;
                    Trans3 dtrans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2sUpdated, C1s, W1s);
                    trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans, dtrans);
                    double max_dtrans_matrix = (dtrans.TransformMatrix - LinAlg.Eye(4)).ToArray().HAbs().HMax();
                    if (max_dtrans_matrix < 0.0000001)

                if (optEnergy != null)
                    optEnergy.value = enrgs.Sum() / size;

예제 #8
            public static void Align(IList <Vector> C1, IList <double> bfactor, ref List <Vector> C2)
                Trans3 trans = GetTrans(C1, bfactor, C2);

                for (int i = 0; i < C2.Count; i++)
                    C2[i] = trans.DoTransform(C2[i]);
예제 #9
            public static void Align(List <Pdb.Atom> atoms1, ref List <Pdb.Atom> atoms2)
                PdbStatic.SelectCommonAtoms(ref atoms1, ref atoms2);
                List <Vector> coords1 = atoms1.ListCoord();
                List <Vector> coords2 = atoms2.ListCoord();

                Trans3        trans    = GetTrans(coords1, coords2);
                List <Vector> coords2a = new List <Vector>(trans.GetTransformed(coords2));

                atoms2 = atoms2.CloneByUpdateCoord(coords2a);
예제 #10
        public static Mode[] GetTransposed(this IList <Mode> modes, Trans3 trans)
            if ((trans.ds != 1) || (trans.dt.Dist2 != 0))       // if trans is rot+sca+mov,
                trans = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, trans.dr); // then redetermine trans as rot only
            Mode[] nmodes = new Mode[modes.Count];
            for (int i = 0; i < modes.Count; i++)
                nmodes[i] = modes[i].GetTransposed(trans);

예제 #11
파일: MinWRMSD.cs 프로젝트: htna/explsolv
            public static void Align(IList <Vector> C1
                                     , ref List <Vector> C2
                                     , IList <double> weight
                                     , HPack <Trans3> outTrans = null
                Trans3 trans = GetTrans(C1, C2, weight);

                Vector[] nC2 = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                C2 = new List <Vector>(nC2);
                if (outTrans != null)
                    outTrans.value = trans.Clone();
예제 #12
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Vector> C2, HPack <int> optIter = null, HPack <List <double> > optListWeightSum = null)
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                int size = C1.Count;

                if (optIter != null)
                    optIter.value = 0;

                Trans3 trans0 = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);
                Trans3 trans1 = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1);

                if (optListWeightSum != null)
                    optListWeightSum.value = new List <double>();
                while ((trans0.TransformMatrix - trans1.TransformMatrix).ToArray().HAbs().HMax() > 0.00000001)
                    if (optIter != null)
                    Vector[] C2trans = trans1.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();

                    double[] weight = new double[size];
                    double[] dist2s = new double[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        double dist2 = (C1[i] - C2trans[i]).Dist2;
                        dist2     = HMath.Between(0.001, dist2, double.PositiveInfinity);
                        weight[i] = 1 / dist2;
                        dist2s[i] = dist2;
                    if (optListWeightSum != null)

                    trans0 = trans1;
                    trans1 = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1, weight);

예제 #13
            public static void GetEnergies(AlignData data1, IList <Vector> coords2
                                           , out double geo_rmsd, out double geo_enrg, out double geo_enrg_full, out double geo_enrg_anisou
                                           , Pdb pdb2, string pdb2outpath
                Trans3        trans        = GetTrans(data1.coords, coords2);
                List <Vector> coords2trans = new List <Vector>(trans.GetTransformed(coords2).ToArray());

                if (pdb2 != null && pdb2outpath != null)
                    pdb2.ToFile(pdb2outpath, coords2);

                geo_rmsd        = data1.GetRmsdFrom(coords2trans);
                geo_enrg        = data1.GetEnergyFromDiag(coords2trans);
                geo_enrg_full   = data1.GetEnergyFromFull(coords2trans);
                geo_enrg_anisou = data1.GetEnergyFromAnisou(coords2trans);
예제 #14
            public static void Align(List <Vector> coords1
                                     , ref List <Vector> coords2
                                     , int maxiteration = int.MaxValue
                                     , HPack <List <Trans3[]> > outTrajTrans = null
                List <Vector>[] ensemble = new List <Vector>[]
                Align(ref ensemble, maxiteration: maxiteration, outTrajTrans: outTrajTrans);
                Trans3 trans = MinRMSD.GetTrans(coords1, ensemble[0]);

                Vector[] ensemble0 = trans.GetTransformed(ensemble[0]).ToArray();
                Vector[] ensemble1 = trans.GetTransformed(ensemble[1]).ToArray();
                coords2 = new List <Vector>(ensemble1);
예제 #15
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Vector> C2)
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                int size = C1.Count;

                double[] pakdens1 = new double[size];
                for (int i = 0; i < size - 1; i++)
                    for (int j = i + 1; j < size; j++)
                        double dist2 = (C1[i] - C1[j]).Dist2;
                        pakdens1[i] += 1 / dist2;
                        pakdens1[j] += 1 / dist2;

                Trans3 trans = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1, pakdens1);

예제 #16
            //public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList<Vector> C1, Matrix[] anisou1, IList<Vector> C2)
            //    int size = C1.Count;
            //    Tuple<Vector[], double[]>[] eigs1 = new Tuple<Vector[], double[]>[size];
            //    {
            //        for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
            //        {
            //            Vector[] eigvec;
            //            double[] eigval;
            //            Debug.Verify(NumericSolver.Eig(anisou1[i], out eigvec, out eigval));
            //            {   // normalize eigval and eigvec
            //                double l;
            //                l = eigvec[0].Dist; eigvec[0] /= l; eigval[0] *= (l*l); eigval[0] = Math.Pow(eigval[0], 2); Debug.Assert(eigval[0] >= 0);
            //                l = eigvec[1].Dist; eigvec[1] /= l; eigval[1] *= (l*l); eigval[1] = Math.Pow(eigval[1], 2); Debug.Assert(eigval[1] >= 0);
            //                l = eigvec[2].Dist; eigvec[2] /= l; eigval[2] *= (l*l); eigval[2] = Math.Pow(eigval[2], 2); Debug.Assert(eigval[2] >= 0);
            //            }
            //            {
            //                eigval[0] = 1 / eigval[0];
            //                eigval[1] = 1 / eigval[1];
            //                eigval[2] = 1 / eigval[2];
            //            }
            //            eigs1[i] = new Tuple<Vector[], double[]>(eigvec, eigval);
            //        }
            //    }
            //    return GetTrans(C1, eigs1, C2);

            public static void GetEnergies(AlignData data1, IList <Vector> coords2
                                           , out double pot_rmsd, out double pot_enrg, out double pot_enrg_full, out double pot_enrg_anisou
                                           , Pdb pdb2           = null
                                           , string pdb2outpath = null
                Anisou[]      anisous1     = data1.GetAnisous();
                Trans3        trans        = GetTrans(data1.coords, anisous1, coords2);
                List <Vector> coords2trans = new List <Vector>(trans.GetTransformed(coords2));

                if (pdb2 != null && pdb2outpath != null)
                    pdb2.ToFile(pdb2outpath, coords2trans);
                //data1.pdb.ToFile(pdb2outpath, coords2trans, anisous: anisous1.GetUs());

                pot_rmsd        = data1.GetRmsdFrom(coords2trans);
                pot_enrg        = data1.GetEnergyFromDiag(coords2trans);
                pot_enrg_full   = data1.GetEnergyFromFull(coords2trans);
                pot_enrg_anisou = data1.GetEnergyFromAnisou(coords2trans);
예제 #17
파일: MinWRMSD.cs 프로젝트: htna/explsolv
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1
                                          , IList <Vector> C2
                                          , IList <double> weight
                                          //, Pack<List<Vector>> C2new = null
                if (HDebug.Selftest())
                    double[] tweight = new double[weight.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < tweight.Length; i++)
                        tweight[i] = 0.2;
                    Trans3 ttrans0 = GetTrans(C1, C2, tweight);
                    Trans3 ttrans1 = MinRMSD.GetTrans(C1, C2);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.0001, ttrans0.ds - ttrans1.ds);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.0001, ttrans0.dt - ttrans1.dt);
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.0001, new Vector(ttrans0.dr.ToArray()) - ttrans1.dr.ToArray());
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.0001, (ttrans0.TransformMatrix - ttrans1.TransformMatrix));
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == weight.Count);
                //Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);
                Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, weight);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector[] C2updated = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                    double   RMSD0     = 0;
                    double   RMSD1     = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < C1.Count; i++)
                        RMSD0 += (C1[i] - C2[i]).Dist2;
                        RMSD1 += (C1[i] - C2updated[i]).Dist2;
                    //Debug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, Math.Abs(RMSD1 - RMSD0));
예제 #18
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1
                                          , IList <Vector> C2 // ref
                                                              //, Pack<List<Vector>> C2new = null
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector[] C2updated = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                    double   RMSD0     = 0;
                    double   RMSD1     = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < C1.Count; i++)
                        RMSD0 += (C1[i] - C2[i]).Dist2;
                        RMSD1 += (C1[i] - C2updated[i]).Dist2;
                    RMSD0 /= C1.Count;
                    RMSD1 /= C1.Count;
                    //HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, Math.Abs(RMSD1 - RMSD0));
예제 #19
파일: Mode.cs 프로젝트: htna/explsolv
        public Mode GetTransposed(Trans3 trans)
            /// trans(pt + mode) = R*(pt + mode) + T
            ///                  = R*pt + T + R*mode
            ///                  = (R*pt+T) + R*mode
            ///                  = trans(pt)+ R*mode
            Vector[] reigvec = GetEigvecsOfAtoms();

            if ((trans.ds != 1) || (trans.dt.Dist2 != 0))       // if trans is rot+sca+mov,
                trans = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, trans.dr); // then redetermine trans as rot only
            for (int i = 0; i < reigvec.Length; i++)
                reigvec[i] = trans.DoTransform(reigvec[i]);

            return(new Mode
                th = this.th,
                eigval = this.eigval,
                eigvec = reigvec.ToVector(),
예제 #20
        public static IEnumerable <ValueTuple <int, Pdb.Atom> > EnumAtomsInWaterBox
            (double maxx
            , double maxy
            , double maxz
            , double dist2water = 2.9 //2.8 // 2.7564;
            , bool randOrient   = true
            , string opt        = "water in uniform cube"
            System.Random rand = null;
            if (randOrient)
                rand = new System.Random();
            //List<Pdb.Atom> atoms = new List<Pdb.Atom>();
            int file   = 1;
            int serial = 1;
            int resSeq = 1;

            IEnumerable <Vector> enumer = null;

            switch (opt)
            case "water in uniform cube": enumer = Geometry.EnumPointsInVolume_UniformCube(maxx / dist2water, maxy / dist2water, maxz / dist2water); break;

            case "water in uniform tetrahedron": enumer = Geometry.EnumPointsInVolume_UniformTetrahedron(maxx / dist2water, maxy / dist2water, maxz / dist2water); break;

            foreach (Vector pt in enumer)
                double x = pt[0] * dist2water;
                double y = pt[1] * dist2water;
                double z = pt[2] * dist2water;
                //var atom = Pdb.Atom.FromData(i+1, "H", "HOH", '1', i+1, pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]);

                /// ATOM   8221  OH2 TIP32 547      11.474  41.299  26.099  1.00  0.00           O
                /// ATOM   8222  H1  TIP32 547      12.474  41.299  26.099  0.00  0.00           H
                /// ATOM   8223  H2  TIP32 547      11.148  42.245  26.099  0.00  0.00           H
                Vector[] pthoh = new Vector[]
                    new double[] { 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.000000 },
                    new double[] { 0.000000, 0.000000, 0.957200 },
                    new double[] { 0.926627, 0.000000, 0.239987 },
                if (randOrient != null)
                    Vector axis = new double[]
                    { (rand.NextDouble() * 10) % 5
                      , (rand.NextDouble() * 10) % 5
                      , (rand.NextDouble() * 10) % 5 };
                    Trans3 trans = Trans3.FromRotate(axis.UnitVector(), rand.NextDouble() * Math.PI * 4);

                if ((serial >= 99990) || (resSeq >= 9990))
                    serial = 1;
                    resSeq = 1;

                serial++; Pdb.Atom OH2 = Pdb.Atom.FromData(serial, "OH2", "HOH", '1', resSeq + 1, x + pthoh[0][0], y + pthoh[0][1], z + pthoh[0][2], element: "O"); yield return(new ValueTuple <int, Pdb.Atom>(file, OH2)); //atoms.Add(OH2);

                serial++; Pdb.Atom H1 = Pdb.Atom.FromData(serial, "H1", "HOH", '1', resSeq + 1, x + pthoh[1][0], y + pthoh[1][1], z + pthoh[1][2], element: "H"); yield return(new ValueTuple <int, Pdb.Atom>(file, H1));    //atoms.Add(H1 );

                serial++; Pdb.Atom H2 = Pdb.Atom.FromData(serial, "H2", "HOH", '1', resSeq + 1, x + pthoh[2][0], y + pthoh[2][1], z + pthoh[2][2], element: "H"); yield return(new ValueTuple <int, Pdb.Atom>(file, H2));    //atoms.Add(H2 );
예제 #21
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Vector> C2, HPack <int> optIter = null, HPack <List <double> > optListWeightSum = null)
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                int size = C1.Count;

                if (optIter != null)
                    optIter.value = 0;

                int    iter   = 0;
                Trans3 trans0 = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);
                Trans3 trans1 = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1);

                if (optListWeightSum != null)
                    optListWeightSum.value = new List <double>();
                double maxdist = 0;

                for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                    Vector diff = C1[i] - trans1.DoTransform(C2[i]); maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, diff.Dist);
                while ((trans0.TransformMatrix - trans1.TransformMatrix).ToArray().HAbs().HMax() > 0.00000001)
                    if (optIter != null)
                    Vector[] C2trans = trans1.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();

                    Vector dist2s = new double[size];
                    Vector dists  = new double[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        double dist2 = (C1[i] - C2trans[i]).Dist2;
                        dist2     = HMath.Between(0.00001, dist2, double.PositiveInfinity);
                        dist2s[i] = dist2;
                        dists[i]  = Math.Sqrt(dist2);
                    //int[] idxsort = dist2s.ToArray().IdxSorted().Reverse();
                    Vector weight = dists.Clone() / dists.ToArray().Max();
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        double w = weight[i];
                        //w = (w*2-1)*4;
                        w         = (w - 1) * 4;
                        w         = 1 / (1 + Math.Exp(-1 * w));
                        weight[i] = w;
                    //weight[idxsort[i]] = (i <= 6) ? 1 : 0;
                    if (optListWeightSum != null)

                    trans0 = trans1;
                    trans1 = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1, weight.ToArray());

                    maxdist = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        Vector diff = C1[i] - trans1.DoTransform(C2[i]); maxdist = Math.Max(maxdist, diff.Dist);

예제 #22
            public static void Align(ref List <Vector>[] ensemble
                                     , int maxiteration = int.MaxValue
                                     , HPack <List <Trans3[]> > outTrajTrans = null
                List <Vector>[] lensemble = ensemble.HClone <List <Vector> >();

                int size = lensemble[0].Count;

                for (int i = 1; i < lensemble.Length; i++)
                    HDebug.Assert(size == lensemble[i].Count);

                // initial alignment using RMSD
                Trans3[] transs = new Trans3[lensemble.Length];
                transs[0] = Trans3.UnitTrans;

                Vector[] coords             = new Vector[size];
                Anisou[] anisous            = new Anisou[size];
                double   anisou_eigvalthres = 0.00001 * 0.00001;

                double[] bfactors = new double[size];
                    // set ensemble[0] as the initial mean structure
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        coords[i] = lensemble[0][0].Clone();
                    // set anisou as sphere (with radii as one)
                    Anisou U0 = Anisou.FromMatrix(new double[3, 3] {
                        { 1, 0, 0 }, { 0, 1, 0 }, { 0, 0, 1 }
                    for (int i = 0; i < anisous.Length; i++)
                        anisous[i] = U0;
                    // set bfactor as one
                    for (int i = 0; i < bfactors.Length; i++)
                        bfactors[i] = 1;

                //List<double>[] bfactorss = new List<double>[ensemble.Length];
                //for(int i=0; i<bfactorss.Length; i++)
                //    bfactorss[i] = new List<double>(bfactors);
                //Pdb.ToFile("ensemble.000.pdb", null, lensemble, bfactorss);

                System.Console.WriteLine("begin iterative alignment");

                double move2 = double.PositiveInfinity;
                //double thres = 0.00001;// *size * lensemble.Length;
                double thres = 0.00001;// *size * lensemble.Length;

                //List<Pdb.Atom> atoms = null;
                //while(thres < move2)
                for (int iter = 0; iter < maxiteration; iter++)
                    transs = new Trans3[ensemble.Length];
                    move2  = Align(lensemble, coords, anisous, transs);

                    if (outTrajTrans != null)

                    System.Console.WriteLine(iter + "th alignment done: (move " + move2 + " Å)");
                    if (move2 < thres)

                    DetermineMeanConf(lensemble, coords);
                    DetermineThrmlFluc(lensemble, coords, anisous, null, anisou_eigvalthres);

                ensemble = lensemble;
예제 #23
            public int QuasiNewton(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                   , double threshold
                                   , double?k = null
                                   , double max_atom_movement = 0.01
                                   , int?max_iteration        = null
                                   , IMinimizeLogger logger   = null                  // logger = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath);

                                   , HPack <double> optOutEnergy        = null        // optional output for final energy
                                   , List <Vector> optOutForces         = null        // optional output for final force vectors
                                   , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm1   = null        // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                   , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm2   = null        // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                   , HPack <double> optOutForcesNormInf = null        // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                if (k == null)
                    k = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ForceField.IForceField frcfld in frcflds)
                        double?kk = frcfld.GetDefaultMinimizeStep();
                        if (kk.HasValue)
                            k = Math.Min(k.Value, kk.Value);

                Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                List <Universe.RotableInfo>            univ_rotinfos  = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                // double k = 0.0001;
                int iter = 0;

                // 0. Initial configuration of atoms
                Vector[] coords       = univ.GetCoords();
                Vector[] coords0      = univ.GetCoords();
                bool[]   atomsMovable = null;
                    atomsMovable = new bool[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        atomsMovable[i] = true;

                Dictionary <string, object> cache = new Dictionary <string, object>();

                Vector[]    forces = null;
                MatrixByArr hessian;
                double      energy = 0;

                double[] dtor;
                double   forces_NormInf;
                double   forces_Norm1;
                double   forces_Norm2;

                    if (logger != null)
                        if (forces != null)
                            logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                            Vector[] coordsx = coords.HClone <Vector>();
                            Trans3   trans   = ICP3.OptimalTransform(coordsx, coords0);
                            logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coordsx);

                    //GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords
                    //                       , out energy, out forces, out hessian, out dtor
                    //                       , cache);
                        MatrixByArr J = Paper.TNM.GetJ(univ, coords, univ_rotinfos);

                        Vector[] forces0 = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                        hessian = new double[size * 3, size *3];
                        energy  = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords, ref forces0, ref hessian, cache);
                        forces  = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                        dtor    = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, hessian, forces0, J: J, forceProjectedByTorsional: forces);

                        for (int i = 0; i < forces0.Length; i++)
                            forces0[i] = forces0[i] * 0.001;
                        dtor = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, hessian, forces0, J: J);

                    forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable); // NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable); // Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable); // Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);

                    if (forces_NormInf < 0.0001)

                    coords = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dtor, univ_rotinfos);

                while (true)
//                    if(forces.IsComputable == false)
//                    {
//                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("non-computable components while doing steepest-descent");
//                        Environment.Exit(0);
//                    }
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                        logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coords);
                        //if(iter %10 == 0)
                        //    System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory("output");
                        //    string pdbname = string.Format("mini.conju.{0:D5}.pdb", iter);
                        //    pdb.ToFile("output\\"+pdbname, coords.ToArray());
                        //    System.IO.File.AppendAllLines("output\\mini.conju.[animation].pml", new string[] { "load "+pdbname+", 1A6G" });
                    // 1. Save the position of atoms
                    // 2. Calculate the potential energy of system and the net forces on atoms
                    // 3. Check if every force reaches to zero,
                    //    , and END if yes
                    bool stopIteration = false;
                    if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if ((max_iteration != null) && (iter >= max_iteration.Value))
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if (stopIteration)
                        // double check
                        cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        //energy = GetPotential(frcflds, coords, out forces, cache);
//                        energy = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords, ref forces._vecs, ref hessian, cache);
                        forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

                        if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                            if (iter != 1)
                            //    string pdbname = string.Format("mini.conju.{0:D5}.pdb", iter);
                            //    pdb.ToFile("output\\"+pdbname, coords.ToArray());
                            //    System.IO.File.AppendAllLines("output\\mini.conju.[animation].pml", new string[] { "load "+pdbname+", 1A6G" });
                                if (optOutEnergy != null)
                                    optOutEnergy.value = energy;
                                if (optOutForces != null)
                                    optOutForces.Clear(); optOutForces.AddRange(forces.ToArray());
                                if (optOutForcesNorm1 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm1.value = forces_Norm1;
                                if (optOutForcesNorm2 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm2.value = forces_Norm2;
                                if (optOutForcesNormInf != null)
                                    optOutForcesNormInf.value = forces_NormInf;
                    // 4. Move atoms with conjugated gradient
                    //Vectors coords_prd;
                        if ((iter > 0) && (iter % 100 == 0))
                            cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        if (iter > 1)
//                            Debug.Assert(forces0 != null);
//                            double r = Vectors.VtV(forces, forces).Sum() / Vectors.VtV(forces0, forces0).Sum();
//                            h          = forces + r * h;
//                            double kk      = k.Value;
//                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
//                            if(kk*hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
//                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
//                                kk = max_atom_movement/(hNormInf);
//                            //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
//                            //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h,atomsMovable));
//                            double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords._vecs, hessian, (kk * h)._vecs);
//                            coords_prd = TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
//                            // same to the steepest descent for the first iteration
//                            h          = forces;
//                            double kk      = k.Value;
//                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
//                            if(kk*hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
//                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
//                                kk = max_atom_movement/(hNormInf);
//                            //double kk = (k*h.NormsInf().NormInf() < max_atom_movement) ? k : (max_atom_movement/h.NormsInf().NormInf());
//                            //double   kk = (k.Value*NormInf(h,atomsMovable) < max_atom_movement)? k.Value : (max_atom_movement/NormInf(h, atomsMovable));
//                            //double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(this, coords, kk * h, 1);
//                            double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords._vecs, hessian, (kk * h)._vecs);
//                            coords_prd = TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
//    //                        coords_prd = AddConditional(coords, kk * h, atomsMovable);
                    // 5. Predict energy or forces on atoms
                    //double energy_prd;
                    Vectors     forces_prd  = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    MatrixByArr hessian_prd = new double[size * 3, size *3];
                    //double energy_prd = GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, out forces_prd, cache); iter++;

//                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
//                           , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs, out hessian_prd
//                           , cache);
//    //                double energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
//    //                Vector[] dcoord_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
//    //                double[] dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, forces_prd, 1, dcoordsRotated: dcoord_prd);
//    //                         dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, hessian_prd, forces_prd, forceProjectedByTorsional: dcoord_prd);
//                    //Vectors coords_prd2 = coords_prd.Clone();
//                    //TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords_prd2, dangles_prd, univ_rotinfos);
//                    double forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable); // NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    double forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    double forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    // 6. Check if the predicted forces or energy will exceed over the limit
//                    //    , and goto 1 if no
//    //                doSteepDeescent = true;
//                    //if((doSteepDeescent == false) || ((energy_prd <= energy) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf+1.0))
//                    if((energy_prd < energy+0.1) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf+0.0001))
//                    {
//                        energy0 = energy;
//                        forces0 = forces;
//                        coords = coords_prd;
//                        forces = forces_prd;
//                        hessian = hessian_prd;
//                        energy = energy_prd;
//                        forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
//                        forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
//                        forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
//                        continue;
//                    }
//                    if(logger != null)
//                        logger.log(iter, coords_prd, energy_prd, forces_prd, atomsMovable, "will do steepest");
//                    // 7. Back to saved configuration
//                    // 8. Move atoms with simple gradient
//                    {
//                        // same to the steepest descent
//                        h          = forces;
//                        double kk      = k.Value;
//                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
//                        if(kk*hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
//                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
//                            kk = max_atom_movement/(hNormInf);
//                        double[] dangles = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords._vecs, hessian, (kk * h)._vecs);
//                        coords_prd = TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
//                    }
//                    forces_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
//                    hessian_prd = new double[size*3, size*3];
//                    //energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
//                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
//                           , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs, out hessian_prd
//                           , cache);
//                    forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
//                    energy0 = energy;
//                    forces0 = forces;
//                    coords = coords_prd;
//                    forces = forces_prd;
//                    energy = energy_prd;
//                    forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
//                    forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
//                    forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
//                    // 9. goto 1
예제 #24
            public static void WriteResult(string pdbid, List <Pdb.Atom>[] ensemble, List <Trans3[]> trajtrans, string pathroot)
                List <Pdb.Atom> atoms = ensemble[0];

                int    size               = ensemble[0].Count;
                double bfactor0_min       = double.PositiveInfinity;
                double bfactor0_max       = double.NegativeInfinity;
                double anisou_eigvalthres = 0.00001 * 0.00001;
                    Trans3[]        trans     = trajtrans.First();
                    List <Vector>[] lensemble = new List <Vector> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ensemble.Length; i++)
                        lensemble[i] = new List <Vector>(trans[i].GetTransformed(ensemble[i].ListCoord()));
                    Vector[] coords   = new Vector[size];
                    Anisou[] anisous  = new Anisou[size];
                    double[] bfactors = new double[size];
                    DetermineMeanConf(lensemble, coords);
                    DetermineThrmlFluc(lensemble, coords, anisous, bfactors, anisou_eigvalthres);
                    List <double>[] bfactorss = new List <double> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < bfactorss.Length; i++)
                        bfactorss[i] = new List <double>(bfactors);

                    List <int> idxCa = atoms.IndexOfAtoms(atoms.SelectByName("CA"));
                    bfactor0_min = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMinNth(idxCa.Count / 10);
                    bfactor0_max = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMaxNth(idxCa.Count / 10);

                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.pdb", atoms, lensemble, bfactorss);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.1.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.10.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.100.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(100), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.1000.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile(pathroot + "ensemble.000.anisou.10000.pdb", atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                int    iter         = trajtrans.Count - 1;
                double bfactorn_min = double.PositiveInfinity;
                double bfactorn_max = double.NegativeInfinity;
                    Trans3[] trans = new Trans3[ensemble.Length];
                    for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++)
                        trans[j] = Trans3.UnitTrans;
                    for (int i = 0; i < trajtrans.Count; i++)
                        for (int j = 0; j < trans.Length; j++)
                            trans[j] = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans[j], trajtrans[i][j]);

                    List <Vector>[] lensemble = new List <Vector> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < ensemble.Length; i++)
                        lensemble[i] = new List <Vector>(trans[i].GetTransformed(ensemble[i].ListCoord()));
                    Vector[] coords   = new Vector[size];
                    Anisou[] anisous  = new Anisou[size];
                    double[] bfactors = new double[size];
                    DetermineMeanConf(lensemble, coords);
                    DetermineThrmlFluc(lensemble, coords, anisous, bfactors, anisou_eigvalthres);
                    List <double>[] bfactorss = new List <double> [ensemble.Length];
                    for (int i = 0; i < bfactorss.Length; i++)
                        bfactorss[i] = new List <double>(bfactors);

                    List <int> idxCa = atoms.IndexOfAtoms(atoms.SelectByName("CA"));
                    bfactorn_min = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMinNth(idxCa.Count / 10);
                    bfactorn_max = bfactors.HSelectByIndex(idxCa).HMaxNth(idxCa.Count / 10);

                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, lensemble, bfactorss);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.1.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.100.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(100), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.1000.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(1000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    Pdb.ToFile((pathroot + "ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10000.pdb").Replace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000")), atoms, coords, anisous: anisous.GetUs(10000), bfactors: bfactors, append: false);
                    string[] lines = new string[] { @"load ensemble.{init}.pdb,              {init}.align"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.10.pdb,    {init}.anisou.10"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.100.pdb,   {init}.anisou.100"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.1000.pdb,  {init}.anisou.1000"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{init}.anisou.10000.pdb, {init}.anisou.10000"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.pdb,              {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10.pdb,    {finl}.anisou.10"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.100.pdb,   {finl}.anisou.100"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.1000.pdb,  {finl}.anisou.1000"
                                                    , @"load ensemble.{finl}.anisou.10000.pdb, {finl}.anisou.10000"
                                                    , @"load ..\theseus\{pdbid}_theseus_sup.pdb, theseus"
                                                    , @"align theseus, {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"orient {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"zoom {finl}.align"
                                                    , @""
                                                    , @"select sele, name ca and ({init}.anisou.* or {finl}.anisou.*)"
                                                    , @"hide everything"
                                                    , @"show ellipsoids, sele"
                                                    , @"delete sele"
                                                    , @""
                                                    , @"cartoon loop"
                                                    , @"set cartoon_loop_radius, 0.1"
                                                    , @"set all_states"
                                                    , @"show cartoon, {init}.align or {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"show cartoon, theseus"
                                                    , @"disable all"
                                                    , @""
                                                    , @"spectrum b, rainbow, minimum={bfactor-min}, maximum={bfactor-max}"
                                                    , @"spectrum b, rainbow, minimum=0, maximum=50"
                                                    , @"show line"
                                                    , @"enable {init}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{init}-line.png;  disable {init}.align;"
                                                    , @"enable {finl}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{finl}-line.png;  disable {finl}.align;"
                                                    , @"hide line"
                                                    , @"enable {init}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{init}.png;  disable {init}.align;"
                                                    , @"enable {finl}.align; png ..\{pdbid}-{finl}.png;  disable {finl}.align;"
                                                    , @"enable theseus;      png ..\{pdbid}-theseus.png; disable theseus;"
                                                    , @"enable {init}.align"
                                                    , @"enable {finl}.align"
                                                    , @"enable theseus" };
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{init}", "000");
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{finl}", iter.ToString("000"));
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{pdbid}", pdbid);
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{bfactor-min}", bfactorn_min.ToString());
                    lines = lines.HReplace("{bfactor-max}", bfactorn_max.ToString());

                    string pmlpath = pathroot + "align.pml";
                    HFile.WriteAllLines(pmlpath, lines);

                        HFile.AppendAllLines(pmlpath, "quit");
                        string curdirectory = System.Environment.CurrentDirectory;
                        string pmldirectory = pmlpath.Substring(0, pmlpath.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1);
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = pmldirectory;
                        System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo pymolStartInfo = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(@"C:\Program Files (x86)\PyMOL\PyMOL\PymolWin.exe ", "\"" + pmlpath + "\"");
                        pymolStartInfo.WindowStyle = System.Diagnostics.ProcessWindowStyle.Minimized;
                        System.Diagnostics.Process pymol = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(pymolStartInfo);
                        System.Environment.CurrentDirectory = curdirectory;
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(pmlpath, lines);
                        List <string> lines_notheseus = new List <string>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++)
                            if (lines[i].Contains("theseus") == false)
                        HFile.WriteAllLines(pathroot + "align.notheseus.pml", lines);
예제 #25
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <double> bfactor, IList <Vector> C2)
                Trans3 trans;

                double[] weight = new double[bfactor.Count];
                    for (int i = 0; i < weight.Length; i++)
                        weight[i] = 1.0 / bfactor[i];
                    int size = C1.Count;

                    Vector MassCenter1 = new double[3];
                    Vector MassCenter2 = new double[3];
                        double weight_sum = 0;
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            weight_sum  += weight[i];
                            MassCenter1 += weight[i] * C1[i];
                            MassCenter2 += weight[i] * C2[i];
                        MassCenter1 = MassCenter1 / weight_sum;
                        MassCenter2 = MassCenter2 / weight_sum;
                    Vector[] nc1 = new Vector[size];
                    Vector[] nc2 = new Vector[size];
                        for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                            nc1[i] = C1[i] - MassCenter1;
                            nc2[i] = C2[i] - MassCenter2;
                    Quaternion rot  = ICP3.OptimalRotationWeighted(nc2, nc1, weight);
                    Quaternion urot = Quaternion.UnitRotation;

                    Trans3 trans1 = new Trans3(-MassCenter2, 1, urot);
                    Trans3 trans2 = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, rot);
                    Trans3 trans3 = new Trans3(MassCenter1, 1, urot);

                    trans = trans1;
                    trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(Trans3.AppendTrans(trans1, trans2), trans3);

                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, trans.DoTransform(MassCenter2) - MassCenter1);

                //  /// original source
                //  {
                //      trans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, weight);
                //      if(HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                //      {
                //          Vector[] C2updated = trans.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();
                //          double RMSD0 = 0;
                //          double RMSD1 = 0;
                //          for(int i=0; i<C1.Count; i++)
                //          {
                //              RMSD0 += (C1[i]-C2[i]).Dist2;
                //              RMSD1 += (C1[i]-C2updated[i]).Dist2;
                //          }
                //          HDebug.Assert(RMSD1 <= RMSD0);
                //      }
                //      return trans;
                //  }
            public int ConjugateGradient(List <ForceField.IForceField> frcflds
                                         , double threshold
                                         , double?k = null
                                         , double max_atom_movement = 0.01
                                         , int?max_iteration        = null
                                         , IMinimizeLogger logger   = null            // logger = new MinimizeLogger_PrintEnergyForceMag(logpath);

                                         , HPack <double> optOutEnergy        = null  // optional output for final energy
                                         , List <Vector> optOutForces         = null  // optional output for final force vectors
                                         , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm1   = null  // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                         , HPack <double> optOutForcesNorm2   = null  // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                                         , HPack <double> optOutForcesNormInf = null  // optional output for norm of final force vectors
                if (k == null)
                    k = double.MaxValue;
                    foreach (ForceField.IForceField frcfld in frcflds)
                        double?kk = frcfld.GetDefaultMinimizeStep();
                        if (kk.HasValue)
                            k = Math.Min(k.Value, kk.Value);

                Graph <Universe.Atom[], Universe.Bond> univ_flexgraph = univ.BuildFlexibilityGraph();
                List <Universe.RotableInfo>            univ_rotinfos  = univ.GetRotableInfo(univ_flexgraph);
                // double k = 0.0001;
                int iter = 0;

                // 0. Initial configuration of atoms
                Vector[] coords0 = univ.GetCoords();
                Vectors  coords  = univ.GetCoords();

                bool[] atomsMovable = null;
                if (atomsMovable == null)
                    atomsMovable = new bool[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        atomsMovable[i] = true;

                Vectors h      = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                Vectors forces = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                Dictionary <string, object> cache;
                double energy;

                cache = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords
                                        , out energy, out forces._vecs
                                        , cache);

                double  forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                double  forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                double  forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);
                Vectors forces0        = forces;
                double  energy0        = energy;

                while (true)
                    if (forces.IsComputable == false)
                        System.Console.Error.WriteLine("non-computable components while doing steepest-descent");
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.log(iter, coords, energy, forces, atomsMovable);
                        {   // logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coords);
                            Vector[] coordsx = coords._vecs.HClone <Vector>();
                            Trans3   trans   = ICP3.OptimalTransform(coordsx, coords0);
                            logger.logTrajectory(univ, iter, coordsx);
                    // 1. Save the position of atoms
                    // 2. Calculate the potential energy of system and the net forces on atoms
                    // 3. Check if every force reaches to zero,
                    //    , and END if yes
                    bool stopIteration = false;
                    if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if ((max_iteration != null) && (iter >= max_iteration.Value))
                        stopIteration = true;
                    if (stopIteration)
                        // double check
                        cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords
                                                , out energy, out forces._vecs
                                                , cache);
                        forces_NormInf = NormInf(forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces, atomsMovable);
                        forces_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces, atomsMovable);

                        if (forces_NormInf < threshold)
                            if (iter != 1)
                                if (optOutEnergy != null)
                                    optOutEnergy.value = energy;
                                if (optOutForces != null)
                                    optOutForces.Clear(); optOutForces.AddRange(forces.ToArray());
                                if (optOutForcesNorm1 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm1.value = forces_Norm1;
                                if (optOutForcesNorm2 != null)
                                    optOutForcesNorm2.value = forces_Norm2;
                                if (optOutForcesNormInf != null)
                                    optOutForcesNormInf.value = forces_NormInf;
                    // 4. Move atoms with conjugated gradient
                    Vectors coords_prd;
                        if ((iter > 0) && (iter % 100 == 0))
                            cache = new Dictionary <string, object>(); // reset cache
                        if (iter >= 1)
                            HDebug.Assert(forces0 != null);
                            double r = Vectors.VtV(forces, forces).Sum() / Vectors.VtV(forces0, forces0).Sum();
                            h = forces + r * h;
                            double kk       = k.Value;
                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                            if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                                kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);

                            Vector dangles = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, kk * h, 1);
                            //dangles *= -1;
                            coords_prd = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
                            // same to the steepest descent for the first iteration
                            h = forces;
                            double kk       = k.Value;
                            double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                            if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                                // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                                kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);

                            Vector dangles = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, kk * h, 1);
                            //dangles *= -1;
                            coords_prd = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
                    // 5. Predict energy or forces on atoms
                    double  energy_prd;
                    Vectors forces_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
                                            , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs
                                            , cache);

                    //                double energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
                    //                Vector[] dcoord_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    //                double[] dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, forces_prd, 1, dcoordsRotated: dcoord_prd);
                    //                         dangles_prd = TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords_prd, hessian_prd, forces_prd, forceProjectedByTorsional: dcoord_prd);
                    //Vectors coords_prd2 = coords_prd.Clone();
                    //TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords_prd2, dangles_prd, univ_rotinfos);

                    double forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable); // NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    double forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    double forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable); // Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    // 6. Check if the predicted forces or energy will exceed over the limit
                    //    , and goto 1 if no
                    if ((energy_prd < energy + 0.1) && (forces_prd_NormInf < forces_NormInf + 0.0001))
                        energy0        = energy;
                        forces0        = forces;
                        coords         = coords_prd;
                        forces         = forces_prd;
                        energy         = energy_prd;
                        forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                        forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                        forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                    if (logger != null)
                        logger.log(iter, coords_prd, energy_prd, forces_prd, atomsMovable, "will do steepest");
                    // 7. Back to saved configuration
                    // 8. Move atoms with simple gradient
                        // same to the steepest descent
                        h = forces;
                        double kk       = k.Value;
                        double hNormInf = NormInf(h, atomsMovable);
                        if (kk * hNormInf > max_atom_movement)
                            // make the maximum movement as atomsMovable
                            kk = max_atom_movement / (hNormInf);
                        Vector dangles = Paper.TNM.GetRotAngles(univ, coords, kk * h, 1);
                        //dangles *= -1;
                        coords_prd = Paper.TNM.RotateTorsionals(coords, dangles, univ_rotinfos);
                    forces_prd = univ.GetVectorsZero();
                    //energy_prd = univ.GetPotential(frcflds, coords_prd, ref forces_prd._vecs, ref hessian_prd, cache);
                    GetPotentialAndTorForce(frcflds, coords_prd
                                            , out energy_prd, out forces_prd._vecs
                                            , cache);
                    forces_prd_NormInf = NormInf(forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_prd_Norm1   = Norm(1, forces_prd, atomsMovable);
                    forces_prd_Norm2   = Norm(2, forces_prd, atomsMovable);

                    energy0        = energy;
                    forces0        = forces;
                    coords         = coords_prd;
                    forces         = forces_prd;
                    energy         = energy_prd;
                    forces_NormInf = forces_prd_NormInf;
                    forces_Norm1   = forces_prd_Norm1;
                    forces_Norm2   = forces_prd_Norm2;
                    // 9. goto 1
예제 #27
                public static void WriteCircles(string pmlpath
                                                , string objname
                                                , IList <Circle> lst_circle
                                                //, int numLinesInCircle = 50
                                                //, double? linewidth = null
                                                //, double alpha=1.0, double red=1.0, double green=1.0, double blue=1.0
                                                , bool append = false
                    StreamWriter file;

                    if (append)
                        file = HFile.AppendText(pmlpath);
                        file = HFile.CreateText(pmlpath);
                        //StreamWriter file = File.AppendText(pypath);
                        file.WriteLine("from pymol.cgo import *");
                        file.WriteLine("from pymol import cmd");
                        file.WriteLine("obj = [");
                        foreach (var circle in lst_circle)
                            //Vector center        = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item1;
                            //Vector normal        = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item2;
                            //double radii         = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item3;
                            //int numLinesInCircle = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item4;
                            //double? alpha        = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item5.Item1;
                            //double? red          = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item5.Item2;
                            //double? green        = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item5.Item3;
                            //double? blue         = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item5.Item4;
                            //double? linewidth    = center_normal_radii_numseg_color_width.Item6;

                            Trans3 trans = Trans3.GetTransformNoScale(new double[3] {
                                0, 0, 0
                                                                      , new double[3] {
                                0, 0, 1
                                                                      , circle.center
                                                                      , circle.center + circle.normal.UnitVector()
                            Vector[] pts = new Vector[circle.numLinesInCircle + 1];
                            double   di  = (2 * Math.PI) / circle.numLinesInCircle;
                            for (int i = 0; i < circle.numLinesInCircle; i++)
                                Vector lpt = new double[3] {
                                    circle.radii *Math.Cos(di * i), circle.radii *Math.Sin(di * i), 0
                                pts[i] = trans.DoTransform(lpt);
                            pts[circle.numLinesInCircle] = pts[0];

                            file.Write("BEGIN, LINE_STRIP, ");
                            if (circle.linewidth != null)
                                file.Write("LINEWIDTH, {0:0.000}, ", circle.linewidth);
                            if (circle.alpha != null)
                                file.Write("ALPHA, {0:0.000},", circle.alpha);
                            if (circle.color != null)
                                file.Write("COLOR, {0:0.000}, {1:0.000}, {2:0.000}, ", circle.color.Item1, circle.color.Item2, circle.color.Item3);
                            for (int i = 0; i < pts.Length; i++)
                                if (i % 10 == 0)
                                    file.Write("       ");
                                file.Write("VERTEX,   {0:0.000},  {1:0.000},   {2:0.000}, ", pts[i][0] + 0.000001, pts[i][1] + 0.000001, pts[i][2] + 0.000001);
                            file.WriteLine("       END, ");
                        // file.WriteLine("cmd.load_cgo(obj,\"channel_path\")");
                        file.WriteLine("cmd.load_cgo(obj,\"" + objname + "\")");
예제 #28
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Anisou> anisou1, IList <Vector> C2, IList <Anisou> anisou2, HPack <double> optEnergy = null)
                int size = C1.Count;

                HDebug.Assert(size == C1.Count, size == C2.Count);

                Vector[] srcs = new Vector[size * 3 * 2]; // sources
                Vector[] tars = new Vector[size * 3 * 2]; // targets
                double[] weis = new double[size * 3 * 2]; // weights
                double[] engs = new double[size * 3 * 2]; // energies

                //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                //    Debug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[0] >= 0); W1s[i*3+0] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[0] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[0];
                //    Debug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[1] >= 0); W1s[i*3+1] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[1] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[1];
                //    Debug.Assert(anisou1[i].eigvals[2] >= 0); W1s[i*3+2] = (anisou1[i].eigvals[2] <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / anisou1[i].eigvals[2];
                //    enrgs[i*3+0] = enrgs[i*3+1] = enrgs[i*3+2] = double.NaN;

                //Trans3 trans = ICP3.OptimalTransform(C2, C1);
                Trans3 trans    = new Trans3(new double[] { 0, 0, 0 }, 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);// = transICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(C2, C1, W1s);
                int    iter     = 0;
                int    iter_max = 1000;

                //double enrg = double.NaN;
                while (iter < iter_max)

                    //for(int i=0; i<size; i++)
                    System.Threading.Tasks.Parallel.For(0, size, delegate(int i)
                        for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
                            Vector p1 = C1[i];
                            Vector n1 = anisou1[i].axes[j];
                            double w1 = anisou1[i].eigvals[j]; w1 = (w1 <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / w1;

                            Vector p2 = trans.DoTransform(C2[i]);
                            Vector n2 = (trans.DoTransform(C2[i] + anisou2[i].axes[j]) - p2).UnitVector();
                            double w2 = anisou2[i].eigvals[j]; w2 = (w2 <= 0) ? 0 : 1 / w2;

                            Vector clo12 = p2 - LinAlg.DotProd(n1, p2 - p1) * n1; // closest point from p1 to plane2
                            Vector clo21 = p1 - LinAlg.DotProd(n2, p1 - p2) * n2; // closest point from p1 to plane2
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, LinAlg.DotProd(clo12 - p1, n1));
                            HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00001, LinAlg.DotProd(clo21 - p2, n2));

                            // p2 -> (pt closest to p2 on plane1 with w1)
                            srcs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = p2;
                            tars[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = clo12;
                            weis[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = w1;
                            engs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 0] = w1 * (p2 - clo12).Dist2;
                            // inverse of {p1 -> (pt closest to p1 on plane2 with w2)}
                            // = (pt closest to p1 on plane2 with w2) -> p1
                            srcs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = clo21;
                            tars[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = p1;
                            weis[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = w2;
                            engs[(i * 3 + j) * 2 + 1] = w2 * (clo21 - p1).Dist2;
                    Trans3 dtrans = ICP3.OptimalTransformWeighted(srcs, tars, weis);
                    trans = Trans3.AppendTrans(trans, dtrans);
                    double max_dtrans_matrix = (dtrans.TransformMatrix - LinAlg.Eye(4)).ToArray().HAbs().HMax();
                    if (max_dtrans_matrix < 0.0000001)

                if (optEnergy != null)
                    optEnergy.value = engs.Sum() / size;

예제 #29
            public static void Align(List <Vector> coords1, ref List <Vector> coords2)
                Trans3 trans = GetTrans(coords1, coords2);

                coords2 = new List <Vector>(trans.GetTransformed(coords2));