/// <summary>
        /// This CLUSTERING method is called only from IndexCalculate.cs
        ///    and TESTMETHOD_SpectralClustering(string wavFilePath, string outputDir, int frameSize)
        /// It estimates the number of spectral clusters in a spectrogram,
        /// and outputs two summary indices: cluster count (also called spectral diversity) and the threegram count.
        /// IMPORTANT NOTE: The passed spectrogram MUST be already noise reduced.
        /// This clustering algorithm is a highly reduced version of binary ART, Adaptive resonance Theory, designed for speed.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spectrogram">a collection of spectra that are to be clustered</param>
        /// <param name="lowerBinBound">lower end of the bird-band</param>
        /// <param name="upperBinBound">upper end of the bird-band</param>
        /// <param name="binaryThreshold">used to convert real value spectrum to binary</param>
        public static ClusterInfo ClusterTheSpectra(double[,] spectrogram, int lowerBinBound, int upperBinBound, double binaryThreshold)
            // Use verbose only when debugging
            // SpectralClustering.Verbose = true;

            var parameters        = new ClusteringParameters(lowerBinBound, upperBinBound, binaryThreshold, DefaultRowSumThreshold);
            TrainingDataInfo data = GetTrainingDataForClustering(spectrogram, parameters);

            // cluster pruning parameters
            const double weightThreshold = DefaultRowSumThreshold; // used to remove weight vectors whose sum of wts <= threshold
            const int    hitThreshold    = DefaultHitThreshold;    // used to remove weight vectors which have fewer than the threshold number of hits i.e. sets minimum cluster size

            // Skip clustering if not enough suitable training data
            if (data.TrainingData.Count <= 8)
                int freqBinCount = spectrogram.GetLength(1);
                return(new ClusterInfo(freqBinCount));

            var clusterInfo = ClusterAnalysis(data.TrainingData, weightThreshold, hitThreshold, data.SelectedFrames);

        /// <summary>
        /// Overlays the spectral cluster IDs on a spectrogram from which the clusters derived.
        /// </summary>
        public static Image DrawClusterSpectrogram(BaseSonogram sonogram, ClusterInfo clusterInfo, TrainingDataInfo data, int lowerBinBound)
            using (var img = sonogram.GetImage(doHighlightSubband: false, add1KHzLines: true, doMelScale: false))
                using (var image = new Image_MultiTrack(img))
                    //image.AddTrack(ImageTrack.GetScoreTrack(DataTools.Bool2Binary(clusterInfo.selectedFrames),0.0, 1.0, 0.0));
                    //add time scale
                    image.AddTrack(ImageTrack.GetTimeTrack(sonogram.Duration, sonogram.FramesPerSecond));

                    // add cluster track, show ID of cluster of each frame
                    string label  = string.Format(clusterInfo.ClusterCount + " Clusters");
                    var    scores = new Plot(label, DataTools.normalise(clusterInfo.ClusterHits2), 0.0); // location of cluster hits
                    image.AddTrack(ImageTrack.GetNamedScoreTrack(scores.data, 0.0, 1.0, scores.threshold, scores.title));

                    // overlay cluster hits on spectrogram
                    int[,] hits = AssembleClusterSpectrogram(sonogram.Data, lowerBinBound, clusterInfo, data);

                }// using
        /// <summary>
        /// This method was set up as a TESTMETHOD in May 2017 but has not yet been debugged.
        /// It was transferred from Sandpit.cls. It is several years old.
        /// Updated May 2017.
        /// </summary>
        public static void TESTMETHOD_SpectralClustering(string wavFilePath, string outputDir, int frameSize)
            string imageViewer = @"C:\Windows\system32\mspaint.exe";

            var recording = new AudioRecording(wavFilePath); // get recording segment

            // test clustering using amplitude spectrogram
            // double binaryThreshold = 0.07; // An amplitude threshold of 0.03 = -30 dB. A threshold of 0.05 = -26dB.
            // double[,] spectrogramData = GetAmplitudeSpectrogramNoiseReduced(recording, frameSize);

            // test clustering using decibel spectrogram
            double binaryThreshold = DefaultBinaryThresholdInDecibels; // A decibel threshold for converting to binary

            double[,] spectrogramData = GetDecibelSpectrogramNoiseReduced(recording, frameSize);

            int    nyquistFreq  = recording.Nyquist;
            int    frameCount   = spectrogramData.GetLength(0);
            int    freqBinCount = spectrogramData.GetLength(1);
            double binWidth     = nyquistFreq / (double)freqBinCount;

            // We only use the midband of the Spectrogram, i.e. the band between lowerBinBound and upperBinBound.
            // int lowFreqBound = 1000;
            // int upperBinBound = freqBinCount - 5;
            // In June 2016, the mid-band was set to lowerBound=1000Hz, upperBound=8000hz, because this band contains most bird activity, i.e. it is the Bird-Band
            // This was done in order to make the cluster summary indices more reflective of bird call activity.
            // int lowerFreqBound = 482;
            int lowerFreqBound = 1000;
            int lowerBinBound  = (int)Math.Ceiling(lowerFreqBound / binWidth);
            int upperFreqBound = 8000;
            int upperBinBound  = (int)Math.Ceiling(upperFreqBound / binWidth);

            var midBandSpectrogram = MatrixTools.Submatrix(spectrogramData, 0, lowerBinBound, spectrogramData.GetLength(0) - 1, upperBinBound);
            var clusterInfo        = ClusterTheSpectra(midBandSpectrogram, lowerBinBound, upperBinBound, binaryThreshold);

            // transfer cluster info to spectral index results
            var clusterSpectrum1 = RestoreFullLengthSpectrum(clusterInfo.ClusterSpectrum, freqBinCount, lowerBinBound);

            Console.WriteLine("Lower BinBound=" + lowerBinBound);
            Console.WriteLine("Upper BinBound=" + upperBinBound);
            Console.WriteLine("Binary Threshold=" + binaryThreshold);
            Console.WriteLine("Cluster Count =" + clusterInfo.ClusterCount);
            Console.WriteLine("Three Gram Count=" + clusterInfo.TriGramUniqueCount);

            // ###################################################################################

            // Now repeat the entire process again. This time we want to get intermediate results to superimpose on spectrogram
            // Need to specify additional parameters. ACTIVITY THRESHOLD - require activity in at least N bins to include spectrum for training
            double           rowSumThreshold = DefaultRowSumThreshold;
            var              parameters      = new ClusteringParameters(lowerBinBound, upperBinBound, binaryThreshold, rowSumThreshold);
            TrainingDataInfo data            = GetTrainingDataForClustering(midBandSpectrogram, parameters);

            // make a normal standard decibel spectogram on which to superimpose cluster results
            var stdSpectrogram = GetStandardSpectrogram(recording, frameSize);
            var image          = DrawSonogram(stdSpectrogram, null, null, 0.0, null);

            SaveAndViewSpectrogramImage(image, outputDir, "test0Spectrogram.png", imageViewer);

            // Debug.Assert(data.TrainingDataAsSpectrogram != null, "data.TrainingDataAsSpectrogram != null");
            double[,] overlay = ConvertOverlayToSpectrogramSize(data.TrainingDataAsSpectrogram, lowerBinBound, frameCount, freqBinCount);
            image             = DrawSonogram(stdSpectrogram, null, null, 0.0, overlay);
            SaveAndViewSpectrogramImage(image, outputDir, "test1Spectrogram.png", imageViewer);

            // Return if no suitable training data for clustering
            if (data.TrainingData.Count <= 8)
                Console.WriteLine("Abort clustering. Only {0} spectra available for training data. Must be at least 9.", data.TrainingData.Count);
                // the following are pruning parameters
                double wtThreshold  = rowSumThreshold;     // used to remove wt vectors whose sum of wts <= threshold
                int    hitThreshold = DefaultHitThreshold; // used to remove wt vectors which have < N hits, i.e. cluster size < N

                clusterInfo = ClusterAnalysis(data.TrainingData, wtThreshold, hitThreshold, data.SelectedFrames);
                Console.WriteLine("Binary Threshold=" + binaryThreshold);
                Console.WriteLine("Weight Threshold=" + wtThreshold);
                Console.WriteLine("Hit Threshold=" + hitThreshold);
                Console.WriteLine("Cluster Count=" + clusterInfo.ClusterCount);
                Console.WriteLine("Three Gram Count=" + clusterInfo.TriGramUniqueCount);

                image = DrawClusterSpectrogram(stdSpectrogram, clusterInfo, data, lowerBinBound);
                SaveAndViewSpectrogramImage(image, outputDir, "test2Spectrogram.png", imageViewer);

                // transfer cluster info to spectral index results
                var clusterSpectrum2 = RestoreFullLengthSpectrum(clusterInfo.ClusterSpectrum, freqBinCount, lowerBinBound);
                TestTools.CompareTwoArrays(clusterSpectrum1, clusterSpectrum2);
        /// <summary>
        /// this method is used only to visualize the clusters and which frames they hit.
        /// Create a new spectrogram of same size as the passed spectrogram.
        /// Later on it is superimposed on a detailed spectrogram.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="spectrogram">spectrogram used to derive spectral richness indices. Orientation is row=frame</param>
        /// <param name="lowerBinBound">bottom N freq bins are excluded because likely to contain traffic and wind noise.</param>
        /// <param name="clusterInfo">information about accumulated clusters</param>
        /// <param name="data">training data</param>
        public static int[,] AssembleClusterSpectrogram(double[,] spectrogram, int lowerBinBound, ClusterInfo clusterInfo, TrainingDataInfo data)
            // the weight vector for each cluster - a list of double-arrays
            var clusterWts = clusterInfo.PrunedClusterWts;

            // an array indicating which cluster each frame belongs to. Zero = no cluster
            int[]  clusterHits  = clusterInfo.ClusterHits2;
            bool[] activeFrames = clusterInfo.SelectedFrames;
            int    frameCount   = spectrogram.GetLength(0);
            int    freqBinCount = spectrogram.GetLength(1);

            //reassemble spectrogram to visualise the clusters
            var clusterSpectrogram = new int[frameCount, freqBinCount];

            for (int row = 0; row < frameCount; row++)
                if (activeFrames[row])
                    int clusterId = clusterHits[row];
                    if (clusterId == 0)
                        // cluster zero does not exist. Place filler

                    double[] wtVector = clusterWts[clusterId];
                    if (wtVector == null)
                        // This should not happen but ...
                        LoggedConsole.WriteErrorLine($"WARNING: Cluster {clusterId} = null");

                    double[] fullLengthSpectrum = RestoreFullLengthSpectrum(wtVector, freqBinCount, data.LowBinBound);

                    //for (int j = lowerBinBound; j < freqBinCount; j++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < freqBinCount; j++)
                        //if (spectrogram[row, j] > data.intensityThreshold)
                        if (fullLengthSpectrum[j] > 0.0)
                            clusterSpectrogram[row, j] = clusterId + 1; //+1 so do not have zero index for a cluster
                            clusterSpectrogram[row, j] = 0; //correct for case where set hit count < 0 for pruned wts.

            //add in the weights to first part of spectrogram
            //int space = 10;
            //int col = space;
            //for (int i = 0; i < clusterWts.Count; i++)
            //    if (clusterWts[i] == null) continue;
            //    for (int c = 0; c < space; c++)
            //    {
            //        col++;
            //        //for (int j = 0; j < clusterSpectrogram.GetLength(1); j++) clusterSpectrogram[col, j] = clusterWts.Count+3;
            //        for (int j = 0; j < clusterWts[i].Length; j++)
            //        {
            //            if (clusterWts[i][j] > 0.0) clusterSpectrogram[col, excludeBins + j - 1] = i + 1;
            //        }
            //    }
            //    //col += 2;
