static public void InsertTradeLog(Trade TradeObject) { try { AlsiDBDataContext dc = new AlsiDBDataContext(); dc.Connection.ConnectionString = AlsiUtils.Data_Objects.GlobalObjects.CustomConnectionString; TradeLog l = new TradeLog { Time = TradeObject.TimeStamp, BuySell = TradeObject.BuyorSell.ToString(), Reason = TradeObject.Reason.ToString(), Notes = TradeObject.IndicatorNotes.ToString(), Price = (int)TradeObject.TradedPrice, Volume = TradeObject.TradeVolume, ForeColor = TradeObject.ForeColor.ToKnownColor().ToString(), BackColor = TradeObject.BackColor.ToKnownColor().ToString() }; dc.TradeLogs.InsertOnSubmit(l); dc.SubmitChanges(); } catch (Exception ex) { Debug.WriteLine("Cannot write Log"); Debug.WriteLine(ex.Message); } }
private async void CreateSellOrderAsync(TradeLog lastTrade) { if (SellDifferenceThreshold <= 0) { throw new Exception("Hit&RunTrading: SellDifferenceThreshold is less then zero! " + SellDifferenceThreshold); } decimal amountToSell = await GetSymbolBalance(BaseAsset); //bnb 9995 amountToSell = amountToSell.RoundTo(Decimals); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Hit&RunTrading: Order Creating : Sell | Quantity: " + amountToSell + " Price: " + lastTrade.Price + SellDifferenceThreshold); var order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Sell, Quantity = amountToSell, Price = lastTrade.Price + SellDifferenceThreshold }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; stablenessCheckTimer.Stop(); orderCheckTimer.Start(); }
public JsonResult SaveAnalysisContent(JObject jsonObj) { //_logger.LogInformation("开始运行"); AjaxRtnJsonData ajaxRtnJsonData = HandlerHelper.ActionWrap(() => { //参数 string Id = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "Id"); string AnalysisContent = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "AnalysisContent"); IFreeSql fsql = FreeSqlFactory.GetIFreeSql("rlfstock", FreeSql.DataType.Sqlite); TradeLog source = fsql.Select <TradeLog>().Where(t => t.Id == int.Parse(Id, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)).ToOne(); source.AnalysisContent = AnalysisContent; if (source != null) { fsql.Update <TradeLog>().SetSource(source).UpdateColumns(a => a.AnalysisContent).ExecuteAffrows(); } return(null); }); //_logger.LogInformation("结束运行"); return(new JsonResult(ajaxRtnJsonData)); }
private TradeLog MakeMatch(BidOrder bid, AskOrder ask) { decimal price = bid.Date < ask.Date ? bid.Price : ask.Price; decimal volume = bid.Remain() <= ask.Remain() ? bid.Remain() : ask.Remain(); var taker = bid.Date < ask.Date ? TradeParty.Seller : TradeParty.Buyer; bid.Volume += volume; ask.Volume += volume; if (ask.Remain() == 0) { TradeQueue.Instance.Remove(ask); } if (bid.Remain() == 0) { TradeQueue.Instance.Remove(bid); } var log = new TradeLog { Ask = ask, Bid = bid, Price = price, Volume = volume, Taker = taker, Time = DateTime.Now }; TradeLogger.Instance.Update(log); return(log); }
private void OnShopUpdated() { string[] messages = TradeLog.GetMessages(); for (int i = 0; i < messages.Length; i++) { AddMessageToPanel(messages[i]); Debug.Log(messages[i]); } }
// Draw messages onto this messagebox private void DrawMessages() { graphics.DrawString("Use ARROWKEYS : Navigate, SPACE : Buy, TAB : Switch inventory, C : Clear, R : Restock, E : Consume", SystemFonts.CaptionFont, Brushes.White, 0, 0); string[] messages = TradeLog.GetMessages(); for (int index = 0; index < messages.Length; index++) { String message = messages[index]; graphics.DrawString(message, SystemFonts.CaptionFont, Brushes.Black, 0, FONT_HEIGHT + index * FONT_HEIGHT); } }
public void Update(TradeLog trade) { TradeId = trade.TradeId; RequestForQuoteId = trade.RequestForQuoteId ?? ""; Volume = trade.Volume; Direction = trade.Direction; AssetPair = trade.AssetPair; Price = trade.Price; User = trade.User; Created = trade.Created; }
public void Throw() { // Pseudo code for measuring distance, always succeeds now float distanceToTarget = 0; if (distanceToTarget <= Range) { TradeLog.AddMessage($"{Owner.Name} was thrown and hit successfully"); } else { TradeLog.AddMessage($"{Owner.Name} was thrown and missed"); } }
public async Task <DefaultEventHandlerResponse> RecordTradeLogByOrderPay(EventHandleRequest <OperateOrderSuccDto> input) { return(await new DefaultEventHandlerResponse().RunAsync(nameof(RecordTradeLogByOrderPay), input.GetDataJson(), async() => { var eventData = input.GetData(); var order = await repository.GetAsync(eventData.OrderId); if (order == null) { throw new ApplicationServiceException($"没有找到订单"); } var tradeLog = new TradeLog(); tradeLog.CreateTradeLog(TradeLogState.PayOrder, eventData.OrderId, order.OrderNo, null, null, eventData.UserId, eventData.UserName); tradeLogRepository.Add(tradeLog); await unitofWork.CommitAsync(); })); }
public static TradeResponseDTO MapTradeLogToDto(TradeLog trade, ITradeService tradeService) { _tradeService = tradeService; var result = new TradeResponseDTO { ID = trade.TradeId, CreatedOn = trade.TradePlaceDate, Price = trade.Amount, UserId = trade.TraderUid, Arbitrage = trade.WasArbitrageSuggestion, Social = trade.Socialtrade, CurrencyPair = trade.CurrencyPair }; result.Exchange = _tradeService.GetExchangeTypeById(trade.ExchangeFromTypeId.Value) + "/" + _tradeService.GetExchangeTypeById(trade.ExchangeToTypeId.Value); result.Operation = _tradeService.GetTradeOperationById(trade.TradeTypeId.Value); return(result); }
public async Task <DefaultEventHandlerResponse> ExpireCancelOrder(EventHandleRequest <OperateOrderSuccDto> input) { return(await new DefaultEventHandlerResponse().RunAsync(nameof(ExpireCancelOrder), input.GetDataJson(), async() => { var eventData = input.GetData(); var order = await repository.GetAsync(eventData.OrderId); if (order == null) { throw new ApplicationServiceException($"没有找到订单"); } var cancelOrderService = new CancelOrderService(UnDeductionGoodsStock); if (await cancelOrderService.Cancel(order)) { repository.Update(order); var tradeLog = new TradeLog(); tradeLog.CreateTradeLog(TradeLogState.CancelOrder, eventData.OrderId, order.OrderNo, null, null, Guid.Empty, null); tradeLogRepository.Add(tradeLog); await unitofWork.CommitAsync(); } })); }
public async Task <DefaultEventHandlerResponse> RecordTradeLogByLogisticsReceiveSucc(EventHandleRequest <CreateLogisticsSuccDto> input) { return(await new DefaultEventHandlerResponse().RunAsync(nameof(RecordTradeLogByOrderPay), input.GetDataJson(), async() => { var eventData = input.GetData(); var order = await repository.GetAsync(eventData.OrderId); if (order == null) { throw new ApplicationServiceException($"没有找到订单"); } var log = await logisticsRepository.GetAsync(eventData.LogisticsId); if (log == null) { throw new ApplicationServiceException($"没有找到物流单"); } var tradeLog = new TradeLog(); tradeLog.CreateTradeLog(TradeLogState.ReceivingGoods, eventData.OrderId, order.OrderNo, log.Id, log.LogisticsNo, eventData.UserId, eventData.UserName); tradeLogRepository.Add(tradeLog); await unitofWork.CommitAsync(); })); }
public TradeLog GetLastTradeLog(string symbol = null) { isLocked = true; TradeLog tradeLog = null; if (tradeLogs.Any()) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(symbol)) { tradeLog = tradeLogs.Last(); } else { tradeLog = tradeLogs.Where(a => a.Symbol == symbol).LastOrDefault(); } } isLocked = false; return(tradeLog); }
void tradeStatusCheck(NPCManager.Trader t) { int count = 0; if (t != null) { foreach (NPCManager.NPCItem i in t.requirement) { if (i.collected >= t.requirementCount) { count++; } } if (count == t.requirementCount) { if (Accepted) { TradeLog log = new TradeLog(); log.tradeID =; log.tradeNPC =; log.tradeDetail = t.detail; tradeLog.Add(log); StartCoroutine(t.DelayReset(2f)); Accepted = false; currentTrader = null; traderInfo = null; tradeUI.SetActive(false); PlayerMovement.canMove = true; } } else if (count != t.requirementCount) { Accepted = false; } } }
public void Update(TradeLog log) { if (!logs.Any(e => e.SN == log.SN)) { logs.Add(log); } = log.Price; if ( < log.Price) { = log.Price; } if ( > log.Price) { = log.Price; } += log.Volume; CreateOrUpdateKLine(log.Time, log.Volume); }
private async void CheckForSell(TradeLog lastTrade = null) { if (SellDifferenceThreshold <= 0) { throw new Exception("Sell difference threshold is " + SellDifferenceThreshold + " in TradingService!"); } var lastSymbolLog = LogManager.Instance.GetLastSymbolLog(); if (lastSymbolLog != null) { decimal difference = 0; if (lastTrade != null) // if last trade made in the application { difference = lastSymbolLog.Value - lastTrade.Price; } else // last trade is null so last trade must be made in the site { if (priceLastBought == 0) { priceLastBought = await GetLastBoughtPrice(); } if (priceLastBought != 0) { difference = lastSymbolLog.Value - priceLastBought; } } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ThresholdTrading: Sell Check | Price: " + lastSymbolLog.Value + " | Difference: " + difference); if (difference != 0 && difference >= SellDifferenceThreshold) { // difference threshold is exceeded, time to give LIMIT order decimal amount = 0; if (lastTrade != null) { amount = lastTrade.Amount * 0.9995m; } else { var lastBoughtOrder = await GetLastBoughtOrder(); amount = lastBoughtOrder.OriginalQuantity * 0.9995m; } amount = decimal.Parse(amount.ToString("#.##")); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ThresholdTrading: Order Creating : Sell | Quantity: " + amount + " Price: " + lastSymbolLog.Value); var order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Sell, Quantity = amount, Price = lastSymbolLog.Value }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; } } }
//void rp_PolicyResult_Arrival(object sender, PolicyResultEventArgs args) //{ // //throw new NotImplementedException(); //} void rp_PolicyMessage_Arrival(object sender, PolicyMessageEventArgs args) { TradeLog.Log(args.Message); }
private async void CheckForBuy(TradeLog lastTrade = null) { //if (lastTrade != null) // last trade must be made in the application // totalUSD = lastTrade.Price * lastTrade.Amount; //else // last trade is null so last trade must be made in the site //{ // if (totalUSD == 0) // { // //var lastSoldOrder = await GetLastSoldOrder(); // //if (lastSoldOrder != null) // //{ // // priceLastSold = lastSoldOrder.Price; // // totalUSD = lastSoldOrder.Price * lastSoldOrder.OriginalQuantity; // //} // totalUSD = await GetUSDTBalance(); // } //} if (totalUSD == 0) { totalUSD = await GetUSDTBalance(); } totalUSD = totalUSD.RoundTo(2); var dateEnd = DateTime.UtcNow; var dateStart = dateEnd.AddMinutes(-30); var candlesticks = await Api.GetCandlesticksAsync(Symbol, CandlestickInterval.Minutes_3, dateStart, dateEnd); var minPrice = decimal.MaxValue; var maxPrice = decimal.MinValue; foreach (var candlestick in candlesticks) { var averageCandlestickPrice = candlestick.High + candlestick.Low / 2; if (averageCandlestickPrice < minPrice) { minPrice = averageCandlestickPrice; } if (averageCandlestickPrice > maxPrice) { maxPrice = averageCandlestickPrice; } } var difference = maxPrice - minPrice; FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog($"HitNRunTrading: Stableness Check | Difference: {difference}"); var lastPrice = LogManager.Instance.GetLastSymbolLog(); if (difference <= StablenessIndicatorThreshold && lastPrice != null && lastPrice.Value != 0) { // its stable, time to buy decimal amountToBuy = totalUSD / lastPrice.Value; amountToBuy = amountToBuy.RoundTo(Decimals); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog($"HitNRunTrading: Stableness Check | Difference is less than StablenessIndicatorThreshold! Time to buy!"); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("HitNRunTrading: Order Creating : Buy | Quantity: " + amountToBuy + " Price: " + lastPrice.Value); var order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Buy, Quantity = amountToBuy, Price = lastPrice.Value }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; stablenessCheckTimer.Stop(); orderCheckTimer.Start(); } }
public TradeEntity(TradeLog trade) { Update(trade); }
private async void CheckForBuy(TradeLog lastTrade = null) { if (tempIncreaseIndicatorThreshold <= 0) { throw new Exception("Increase Indicator Threshold is" + tempIncreaseIndicatorThreshold + " in ChartFollowTradingService!"); } if (lastTrade != null) // if last trade made in the application { lastSellPrice = lastTrade.Price; if (totalMainFund == 0) { totalMainFund = await GetSymbolBalance(QuoteAsset);//GetBTCBalance(); } } else // last trade is null so last trade must be made in the site { if (lastSellPrice == 0 || totalMainFund == 0) { var lastSoldOrder = await GetLastSoldOrder(Symbol); if (lastSoldOrder != null) { lastSellPrice = lastSoldOrder.Price; totalMainFund = await GetSymbolBalance(QuoteAsset);//GetBTCBalance(); } } } var lastPrice = LogManager.Instance.GetLastSymbolLog(Symbol, TradeCheckInterval); if (lastPrice != null && totalMainFund != 0) { if (UnitType == UnitType.Percentage) { tempIncreaseIndicatorThreshold = (IncreaseIndicatorThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempDecreaseIndicatorThreshold = (DecreaseIndicatorThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempMinimumBuyDifferenceThreshold = (MinimumBuyDifferenceThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempMinimumSellDifferenceThreshold = (MinimumSellDifferenceThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempStopLossThreshold = (StopLossThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempLossBuyThreshold = (LossBuyThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; } var difference = lastSellPrice - lastPrice.Value; FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Buy Check | Price: " + lastPrice.Value + " | Difference: " + difference); if (lastPrice.Value < minPrice) { minPrice = lastPrice.Value; } totalIncrease = lastPrice.Value - minPrice; FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Buy Check | MinPrice: " + minPrice + " | Last Sold Price: " + lastSellPrice); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Buy Check | TotalIncrease: " + totalIncrease); if (totalIncrease >= tempIncreaseIndicatorThreshold && difference >= tempMinimumBuyDifferenceThreshold) { // increasing has been started, lets buy decimal amountToBuy = totalMainFund / lastPrice.Value; amountToBuy = amountToBuy.RoundTo(Decimals); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Order Creating : Buy | Quantity: " + amountToBuy + " Price: " + lastPrice.Value); Order order = null; if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Limit) { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Buy, Quantity = amountToBuy, Price = lastPrice.Value }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); } else if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Market) { marketBuyContinue = true; var success = false; var buyAll = true; while (!success || !buyAll) { var orderBookTop = await Api.GetOrderBookTopAsync(Symbol); amountToBuy = totalMainFund / orderBookTop.Bid.Price; amountToBuy = amountToBuy.RoundTo(Decimals); if (amountToBuy > orderBookTop.Bid.Quantity) { amountToBuy = orderBookTop.Bid.Quantity; buyAll = false; } totalMainFund -= amountToBuy * orderBookTop.Bid.Price; try { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new MarketOrder(User) { Quantity = amountToBuy, Side = OrderSide.Buy, Symbol = Symbol }); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { success = false; } if (!success || !buyAll) { await Task.Delay(250); } } var totalPrice = 0m; var fills = order.Fills.ToList(); foreach (var fill in fills) { totalPrice += fill.Price * fill.Quantity; } var averageOrderPrice = totalPrice / amountToBuy; LogManager.Instance.AddLog(new TradeLog() { Amount = amountToBuy, Price = averageOrderPrice, Side = order.Side == OrderSide.Buy ? TradeSide.Buy : TradeSide.Sell, Symbol = order.Symbol }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Buy from Market at Price Average: " + averageOrderPrice); } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; marketBuyContinue = false; } else if (LossBuyThreshold != 0 && lastSellDate != null && (DateTime.Now - lastSellDate).Value.TotalMinutes >= (double)LossBuyMinutes) { if (lastPrice.Value - minPrice >= tempLossBuyThreshold) { decimal amountToBuy = totalMainFund / lastPrice.Value; amountToBuy = amountToBuy.RoundTo(Decimals); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Buy Check | Increase from Min Price: " + (lastPrice.Value - minPrice)); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Order Creating : Loss Buy | Quantity: " + amountToBuy + " Price: " + lastPrice.Value); Order order = null; if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Limit) { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Buy, Quantity = amountToBuy, Price = lastPrice.Value }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); } else if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Market) { marketBuyContinue = true; var success = false; var buyAll = true; while (!success || !buyAll) { var orderBookTop = await Api.GetOrderBookTopAsync(Symbol); amountToBuy = totalMainFund / orderBookTop.Bid.Price; amountToBuy = amountToBuy.RoundTo(Decimals); if (amountToBuy > orderBookTop.Bid.Quantity) { amountToBuy = orderBookTop.Bid.Quantity; buyAll = false; } totalMainFund -= amountToBuy * orderBookTop.Bid.Price; try { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new MarketOrder(User) { Quantity = amountToBuy, Side = OrderSide.Buy, Symbol = Symbol }); success = true; } catch (Exception ex) { success = false; } if (!success || !buyAll) { await Task.Delay(250); } } marketBuyContinue = false; var totalPrice = 0m; var fills = order.Fills.ToList(); foreach (var fill in fills) { totalPrice += fill.Price * fill.Quantity; } var averageOrderPrice = totalPrice / amountToBuy; LogManager.Instance.AddLog(new TradeLog() { Amount = amountToBuy, Price = averageOrderPrice, Side = order.Side == OrderSide.Buy ? TradeSide.Buy : TradeSide.Sell, Symbol = order.Symbol }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("LossBuy from Market at Price Average: " + averageOrderPrice); } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; } } } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("-------------------------------------------------------------", false); }
private async void CheckForSell(TradeLog lastTrade = null) { if (tempDecreaseIndicatorThreshold <= 0) { throw new Exception("Decrease Indicator Threshold is" + tempDecreaseIndicatorThreshold + " in ChartFollowTradingService!"); } if (lastTrade != null) // if last trade made in the application { lastBuyPrice = lastTrade.Price; } else // last trade is null so last trade must be made in the site { if (lastBuyPrice == 0) { lastBuyPrice = await GetLastBoughtPrice(Symbol); } } var lastPrice = LogManager.Instance.GetLastSymbolLog(Symbol, TradeCheckInterval); if (lastPrice != null) { if (UnitType == UnitType.Percentage) { tempIncreaseIndicatorThreshold = (IncreaseIndicatorThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempDecreaseIndicatorThreshold = (DecreaseIndicatorThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempMinimumBuyDifferenceThreshold = (MinimumBuyDifferenceThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempMinimumSellDifferenceThreshold = (MinimumSellDifferenceThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempStopLossThreshold = (StopLossThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; tempLossBuyThreshold = (LossBuyThreshold / 100m) * lastPrice.Value; } var difference = lastPrice.Value - lastBuyPrice; FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Sell Check | Price: " + lastPrice.Value + " | Difference: " + difference); // look for highest price if (lastPrice.Value > maxPrice) { maxPrice = lastPrice.Value; } totalDecrease = maxPrice - lastPrice.Value; FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Sell Check | MaxPrice: " + maxPrice + " | Last Bought Price: " + lastBuyPrice); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Sell Check | TotalDecrease: " + totalDecrease); if (totalDecrease >= tempDecreaseIndicatorThreshold && difference >= tempMinimumSellDifferenceThreshold) { // decreasing has been started, lets sell decimal amountToSell = await GetSymbolBalance(BaseAsset); //bnb 9995 amountToSell = amountToSell.RoundTo(Decimals); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Order Creating : Sell | Quantity: " + amountToSell + " Price: " + lastPrice.Value); Order order = null; if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Limit) { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Sell, Quantity = amountToSell, Price = lastPrice.Value }); } else if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Market) { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new MarketOrder(User) { Quantity = amountToSell, Side = OrderSide.Sell, Symbol = Symbol }); var totalPrice = 0m; var fills = order.Fills.ToList(); foreach (var fill in fills) { totalPrice += fill.Price * fill.Quantity; } var averageOrderPrice = totalPrice / amountToSell; LogManager.Instance.AddLog(new TradeLog() { Amount = amountToSell, Price = averageOrderPrice, Side = order.Side == OrderSide.Buy ? TradeSide.Buy : TradeSide.Sell, Symbol = order.Symbol }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Sold from Market at Price Average: " + averageOrderPrice); } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; } else if (tempStopLossThreshold != 0) { if (lastBuyDate != null && Math.Abs(maxPrice - lastPrice.Value) >= tempStopLossThreshold && (DateTime.Now - lastBuyDate).Value.TotalMinutes >= (double)StopLossAfterMinutes) { // decreasing has been started, lets sell decimal amountToSell = await GetSymbolBalance(BaseAsset); //bnb 9995 amountToSell = amountToSell.RoundTo(Decimals); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Sell Check | Loss from MaxPrice: " + Math.Abs(maxPrice - lastPrice.Value)); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ChartFollowTrading: Order Creating : Stop Loss Sell | Quantity: " + amountToSell + " Price: " + lastPrice.Value); Order order = null; if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Limit) { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Sell, Quantity = amountToSell, Price = lastPrice.Value }); } else if (OrderType == Enum.OrderType.Market) { order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new MarketOrder(User) { Quantity = amountToSell, Side = OrderSide.Sell, Symbol = Symbol }); var totalPrice = 0m; var fills = order.Fills.ToList(); foreach (var fill in fills) { totalPrice += fill.Price * fill.Quantity; } var averageOrderPrice = totalPrice / amountToSell; LogManager.Instance.AddLog(new TradeLog() { Amount = amountToSell, Price = averageOrderPrice, Side = order.Side == OrderSide.Buy ? TradeSide.Buy : TradeSide.Sell, Symbol = order.Symbol }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("StopLoss Sold from Market at Price Average: " + averageOrderPrice); } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; } } } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("-------------------------------------------------------------", false); }
void IObserver <RedrawNotification> .OnNext(RedrawNotification notification) { TradeLog.AddMessage(notification.message); OnShopUpdated(); }
public JsonResult SaveRow(JObject jsonObj) { //_logger.LogInformation("开始运行"); AjaxRtnJsonData ajaxRtnJsonData = HandlerHelper.ActionWrap(() => { //参数 string Id = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "Id"); string TradeTime = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TradeTime"); string CompanyCode = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "CompanyCode"); string CompanyName = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "CompanyName"); string AgentType = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "AgentType"); string TradeVol = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TradeVol"); string TradePriceAverage = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TradePriceAverage"); string TradePrice = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TradePrice"); string Commission = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "Commission"); string TradeFees = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TradeFees"); string StampTax = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "StampTax"); string TransferFees = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TransferFees"); string TradeMkPlace = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "TradeMkPlace"); string Tag = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "Tag"); string UserId = HandlerHelper.GetValue(jsonObj, "UserId"); //更新/插入 IFreeSql fsql = FreeSqlFactory.GetIFreeSql("rlfstock", FreeSql.DataType.Sqlite); TradeLog tradelog = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) { tradelog = new TradeLog(); } else { tradelog = fsql.Select <TradeLog>().Where(t => t.Id == int.Parse(Id, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture)).ToOne(); } //tradelog.UserId = int.Parse(UserId); tradelog.TradeTime = Convert.ToDateTime(TradeTime, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.CompanyCode = CompanyCode; tradelog.CompanyName = CompanyName; tradelog.AgentType = AgentType; tradelog.TradeVol = int.Parse(TradeVol, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.TradePriceAverage = float.Parse(TradePriceAverage, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.TradePrice = float.Parse(TradePrice, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.Commission = float.Parse(Commission, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.TradeFees = float.Parse(TradeFees, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.StampTax = float.Parse(StampTax, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.TransferFees = float.Parse(TransferFees, CultureInfo.CurrentCulture); tradelog.TradeMkPlace = TradeMkPlace; tradelog.Tag = Tag; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Id)) { fsql.Update <TradeLog>().SetSource(tradelog).ExecuteAffrows(); } else { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(UserId)) { throw new BusinessException("用户Id为空!"); } tradelog.UserId = int.Parse(UserId); fsql.Insert <TradeLog>(tradelog).ExecuteAffrows(); } return(null); }); //_logger.LogInformation("结束运行"); return(new JsonResult(ajaxRtnJsonData)); }
private async void CheckForBuy(TradeLog lastTrade = null) { if (BuyDifferenceThreshold <= 0) { throw new Exception("Buy difference threshold is " + BuyDifferenceThreshold + " in TradingService!"); } var lastSymbolLog = LogManager.Instance.GetLastSymbolLog(); if (lastSymbolLog != null) { decimal difference = 0; if (lastTrade != null) // last trade must be made in the application { difference = lastSymbolLog.Value - lastTrade.Price; totalBTC = lastTrade.Price * lastTrade.Amount; } else // last trade is null so last trade must be made in the site { if (priceLastSold == 0 || totalBTC == 0) { var lastSoldOrder = await GetLastSoldOrder(); if (lastSoldOrder != null) { priceLastSold = lastSoldOrder.Price; totalBTC = lastSoldOrder.Price * lastSoldOrder.OriginalQuantity; } } if (priceLastSold != 0 && totalBTC != 0) { difference = lastSymbolLog.Value - priceLastSold; } } FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ThresholdTrading: Buy Check | Price: " + lastSymbolLog.Value + " | Difference: " + difference); // difference threshold is exceeded, time to give LIMIT order if (difference != 0 && difference <= -BuyDifferenceThreshold) { decimal amount = (totalBTC * 0.999m) / lastSymbolLog.Value; amount = decimal.Parse(amount.ToString("#.##")); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("ThresholdTrading: Order Creating : Buy | Quantity: " + amount + " Price: " + lastSymbolLog.Value); var order = await Api.PlaceAsync(new LimitOrder(User) { Symbol = Symbol, Side = OrderSide.Buy, Quantity = amount, Price = lastSymbolLog.Value }); FileLogger.Instance.WriteLog("Order Id : " + order.Id.ToString()); isOrderWaiting = true; waitingOrderId = order.Id; } else if (difference != 0) { if ((DateTime.Now - dateLastSold).TotalMinutes >= CheckTimeoutForBuying) { // time is out for checking for buying so lets control graph } } } }
private void Log(string desc, int noOfStocks, double quote) { string logEntry = $"{desc} {noOfStocks} stocks @ {quote:F3}"; TradeLog.Add(logEntry); }