예제 #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Set live mode state of the algorithm run: Public setter for the algorithm property LiveMode.
 /// </summary>
 public void SetLiveMode(bool live)
     if (!_locked)
         _liveMode = live;
         Notify    = new NotificationManager(live);
예제 #2
        public override void OnData(Slice data)
            //if (!isSent)
            //    return;

            if (!data.Bars.ContainsKey(Symbol(BIST_SECURITY_NAME)))

            if (!security.Exchange.ExchangeOpen)
                Debug("----------- security exchange is not open");

            decimal holdingQty = Portfolio.GetHoldingsQuantity(Symbol(BIST_SECURITY_NAME));

            Debug("............Purchase Start.............. ");
            Debug("----------- Portfolio is invested? : " + Portfolio.Invested);
            Debug("----------- Portfolio.Count : " + Portfolio.Count);
            Debug("----------- Holding Quantity : " + holdingQty);
            Debug("----------- HasOpenPosition? : " + TradeBuilder.HasOpenPosition(Symbol(BIST_SECURITY_NAME)));

            //int quantity = (int)Math.Floor(Portfolio.Cash / data["AAPL"].Close);

            TradeBar bar = data.Bars[BIST_SECURITY_NAME];

            if (bar.DataType != MarketDataType.TradeBar)


            OrderTicket marketTicket = PlaceMarketOrder(bar);


            OrderTicket limitTicket = PlaceLimitOrder(bar);






            Debug("............Purchase End.............. ");
예제 #3
        public override void OnOrderEvent(OrderEvent orderEvent)
            if (orderEvent.Status == OrderStatus.Filled)
                Log($"OnOrderEvent(): New filled order event: {orderEvent}");
                // leave 1 unit as error in expected value
                if (Math.Abs(orderEvent.FillQuantity - _expectedOrderQuantity) > 1)
                    throw new Exception($"Unexpected order event fill quantity: {orderEvent.FillQuantity}. " +
                                        $"Expected {_expectedOrderQuantity}");

                var orderFeeInAccountCurrency = Portfolio.CashBook.ConvertToAccountCurrency(orderEvent.OrderFee.Value).Amount;
                var expectedOrderFee          = _spy.Holdings.TotalFees - _previousHoldingsFees;
                if (orderEvent.OrderFee.Value.Currency == AccountCurrency
                    // leave 0.00001m as error in expected fee value
                    || Math.Abs(expectedOrderFee - orderFeeInAccountCurrency) > 0.00001m)
                    throw new Exception($"Unexpected order fee: {orderFeeInAccountCurrency}. " +
                                        $"Expected {expectedOrderFee}");

                if (!TradeBuilder.HasOpenPosition(_spy.Symbol))
                    var lastTrade = TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades.Last();

                    var expectedProfitLoss = (lastTrade.ExitPrice - lastTrade.EntryPrice)
                                             * lastTrade.Quantity
                                             * _spy.QuoteCurrency.ConversionRate
                                             * (lastTrade.Direction == TradeDirection.Long ? 1 : -1);

                    if (Math.Abs(expectedProfitLoss - lastTrade.ProfitLoss) > 1)
                        throw new Exception($"Unexpected last trade ProfitLoss: {lastTrade.ProfitLoss}. " +
                                            $"Expected {expectedProfitLoss}");

                    // There is a difference in what does Holdings and TradeBuilder consider LastTrade
                    if (TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades.Count - _previousClosedTradesCount > 1)
                        var trade = TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades[_previousClosedTradesCount];
                        expectedProfitLoss += trade.ProfitLoss;

                    if (Math.Abs(_spy.Holdings.LastTradeProfit - expectedProfitLoss) > 1)
                        throw new Exception($"Unexpected Holdings.NetProfit: {_spy.Holdings.LastTradeProfit}. " +
                                            $"Expected {expectedProfitLoss}");

                _previousHoldingsFees      = _spy.Holdings.TotalFees;
                _previousClosedTradesCount = TradeBuilder.ClosedTrades.Count;
예제 #4
        public void ShouldGenerateTradeJson()
            var trade = new TradeBuilder()
                        .Set(x => x.Order, new OrderBuilder().Build)
                        .Set(x => x.Product, new ProductBuilder().Build)
            var payload  = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(trade, Formatting.Indented);
            var dir      = TestContext.CurrentContext.WorkDirectory;
            var saveFile = Path.Combine(dir, "trade.json");
            //File.WriteAllText(saveFile, payload);
            var copyDir = Path.Combine(dir, "..\\..\\Artifacts\\trade.json");

            File.WriteAllText(copyDir, payload);
예제 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// QCAlgorithm Base Class Constructor - Initialize the underlying QCAlgorithm components.
        /// QCAlgorithm manages the transactions, portfolio, charting and security subscriptions for the users algorithms.
        /// </summary>
        public QCAlgorithm()
            // AlgorithmManager will flip this when we're caught up with realtime
            IsWarmingUp = true;

            //Initialise the Algorithm Helper Classes:
            //- Note - ideally these wouldn't be here, but because of the DLL we need to make the classes shared across
            //  the Worker & Algorithm, limiting ability to do anything else.

            //Initialise Start and End Dates:
            _startDate = new DateTime(1998, 01, 01);
            _endDate   = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1);

            // intialize our time keeper with only new york
            _timeKeeper = new TimeKeeper(_startDate, new[] { TimeZones.NewYork });
            // set our local time zone
            _localTimeKeeper = _timeKeeper.GetLocalTimeKeeper(TimeZones.NewYork);

            //Initialise Data Manager
            SubscriptionManager = new SubscriptionManager(_timeKeeper);

            Securities     = new SecurityManager(_timeKeeper);
            Transactions   = new SecurityTransactionManager(Securities);
            Portfolio      = new SecurityPortfolioManager(Securities, Transactions);
            BrokerageModel = new DefaultBrokerageModel();
            Notify         = new NotificationManager(false); // Notification manager defaults to disabled.

            //Initialise Algorithm RunMode to Series - Parallel Mode deprecated:
            _runMode = RunMode.Series;

            //Initialise to unlocked:
            _locked = false;

            // get exchange hours loaded from the market-hours-database.csv in /Data/market-hours
            _exchangeHoursProvider = SecurityExchangeHoursProvider.FromDataFolder();

            UniverseSettings = new SubscriptionSettings(Resolution.Minute, 2m, true, false);

            // initialize our scheduler, this acts as a liason to the real time handler
            Schedule = new ScheduleManager(Securities, TimeZone);

            // initialize the trade builder
            TradeBuilder = new TradeBuilder(FillGroupingMethod.FillToFill, FillMatchingMethod.FIFO);
예제 #6
        public override void OnData(Slice data)
            //if (!isSent)
            //    return;

            if (!data.Bars.ContainsKey(Symbol(BIST_SYMBOL)))

            if (!security.Exchange.ExchangeOpen)
                Debug("----------- security exchange is not open");

            TradeBar bar = data.Bars[BIST_SYMBOL];

            if (bar.DataType != MarketDataType.TradeBar)
                Debug("............ bar is not TradeBar.............. ");

            // only once per day if (previous.Date == Time.Date)

            //only once per second
            if (previous.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss") == Time.ToString("yyyyMMdd-HH:mm:ss"))

            if (!macd.IsReady)

            var holding = Portfolio[BIST_SYMBOL];

            decimal signalDeltaPercent = (macd - macd.Signal) / macd.Fast;
            var     tolerance          = 0.0025m;

            bool isSent = false;

            // if our macd is greater than our signal, then let's go long
            if (holding.Quantity <= 0 && signalDeltaPercent > tolerance) // 0.01%
                // longterm says buy as well
                SetHoldings(BIST_SYMBOL, 1.0);
                isSent = true;
            // of our macd is less than our signal, then let's go short
            else if (holding.Quantity >= 0 && signalDeltaPercent < -tolerance)
                isSent = true;

            // plot both lines
            Plot("MACD", macd, macd.Signal);
            Plot(BIST_SYMBOL, "Open", data[BIST_SYMBOL].Open);
            Plot(BIST_SYMBOL, macd.Fast, macd.Slow);

            previous = Time;

            if (isSent)
                decimal holdingQty = Portfolio.GetHoldingsQuantity(Symbol(BIST_SYMBOL));

                Debug("----------- Portfolio is invested? : " + Portfolio.Invested);
                Debug("----------- Portfolio.Count : " + Portfolio.Count);
                Debug("----------- Holding Quantity : " + holdingQty);
                Debug("----------- HasOpenPosition? : " + TradeBuilder.HasOpenPosition(Symbol(BIST_SYMBOL)));

                //int quantity = (int)Math.Floor(Portfolio.Cash / data["AAPL"].Close);


                //OrderTicket marketTicket = PlaceMarketOrder(bar);


                //OrderTicket limitTicket = PlaceLimitOrder(bar);




