예제 #1
        public TrackingDataSet TrackCartonsForStoreDetail(string clientID, string storeNumber, DateTime from, DateTime to, string by, string tl)
            //Get carton details
            TrackingDataSet       cartons = new TrackingDataSet();
            TrackingServiceClient client  = null;

            try {
                client = new TrackingServiceClient();
                DataSet ds = null;
                if (by.ToLower() == "delivery")
                    ds = client.TrackCartonsForStoreByDeliveryDate(clientID, storeNumber, from, to, null);
                    ds = client.TrackCartonsForStoreByPickupDate(clientID, storeNumber, from, to, null);

                //Snag the carton detail
                TrackingDataSet detail = new TrackingDataSet();
                if (ds.Tables["CartonDetailForStoreTable"] != null && ds.Tables["CartonDetailForStoreTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    detail.Merge(ds, true, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore);

                //Get all cartons for the specified tl
                cartons.Merge(detail.CartonDetailForStoreTable.Select("TL='" + tl + "'"));
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException <TrackingFault> tfe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tfe.Detail.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }
예제 #2
        public TrackingItems TrackCartons(string[] itemNumbers, string companyID)
            //Get invoices for the specified client
            TrackingItems         items   = null;
            TrackingServiceClient _Client = null;

            try {
                _Client = new TrackingServiceClient();
                items   = _Client.TrackCartons(itemNumbers, companyID);
            catch (FaultException fe) { throw new ApplicationException("TrackCartons() service error.", fe); }
            catch (TimeoutException te) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("TrackCartons() timeout error.", te); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { _Client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException("TrackCartons() communication error.", ce); }
예제 #3
        public TrackingItems TrackItemsByLabelNumber(string[] itemNumbers, string clientNumber, string vendorNumber)
            //Track items by Argix label number
            TrackingItems         items  = new TrackingItems();
            TrackingServiceClient client = null;

            try {
                client = new TrackingServiceClient();
                items  = client.TrackCartonsByLabelNumber(itemNumbers, clientNumber, vendorNumber);
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }
            finally { client.Close(); }
예제 #4
        public TrackingStoreItems TrackCartonsForStoreDetail(string clientID, string storeNumber, DateTime from, DateTime to, string vendorID, string by, string tl)
            //Get carton details
            TrackingStoreItems    items  = new TrackingStoreItems();
            TrackingServiceClient client = null;

            try {
                client = new TrackingServiceClient();
                items  = client.TrackCartonsForStoreDetail(clientID, storeNumber, from, to, vendorID, by, tl);
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException <TrackingFault> tfe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tfe.Detail.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }
예제 #5
        public TrackingDataSet GetClients()
            //Get a list of clients
            TrackingDataSet       clients = new TrackingDataSet();
            TrackingServiceClient client  = null;

            try {
                client = new TrackingServiceClient();

                //If user is:
                // Vendor: get list of all it's clients
                // Client: no need to get client's list - fill the drop-down with client's name
                // Argix: get list of all clients
                string      username = Membership.GetUser().UserName;
                ProfileBase profile  = HttpContext.Current.Profile;
                if (profile["ClientVendorID"].ToString() == "000" || Roles.IsUserInRole(username, "administrators"))
                    DataSet ds = client.GetClients(null);
                    if (ds.Tables["ClientTable"] != null && ds.Tables["ClientTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    if (profile["Type"].ToString().ToLower() == "vendor")
                        DataSet ds = client.GetClients(profile["ClientVendorID"].ToString());
                        if (ds.Tables["ClientTable"] != null && ds.Tables["ClientTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                        clients.ClientTable.AddClientTableRow(profile["ClientVendorID"].ToString(), "", profile["Company"].ToString(), "");
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }
            finally { client.Close(); }
예제 #6
        public TrackingDataSet TrackCartonsForStoreSummary(string clientID, string storeNumber, DateTime from, DateTime to, string by)
            //Get TL summary
            TrackingDataSet       tlSummary = new TrackingDataSet();
            TrackingServiceClient client    = null;

            try {
                client = new TrackingServiceClient();
                DataSet ds = null;
                if (by.ToLower() == "delivery")
                    ds = client.TrackCartonsForStoreByDeliveryDate(clientID, storeNumber, from, to, null);
                    ds = client.TrackCartonsForStoreByPickupDate(clientID, storeNumber, from, to, null);

                //Snag the carton detail
                TrackingDataSet detail = new TrackingDataSet();
                if (ds.Tables["CartonDetailForStoreTable"] != null && ds.Tables["CartonDetailForStoreTable"].Rows.Count > 0)
                    detail.Merge(ds, true, MissingSchemaAction.Ignore);

                //Build a summary by TL; start with a dataset of unique
                TrackingDataSet tls = new TrackingDataSet();
                tls.Merge(detail.CartonDetailForStoreTable.DefaultView.ToTable(true, new string[] { "TL" }));
                foreach (TrackingDataSet.CartonDetailForStoreTableRow tl in tls.CartonDetailForStoreTable.Rows)
                    //Get one of the cartons from this TL group
                    TrackingDataSet.CartonDetailForStoreTableRow tlCarton0 = (TrackingDataSet.CartonDetailForStoreTableRow)(detail.CartonDetailForStoreTable.Select("TL='" + tl.TL + "'", "TL ASC"))[0];

                    tl.Store       = tlCarton0.Store;
                    tl.CartonCount = detail.CartonDetailForStoreTable.Select("TL='" + tl.TL + "'").Length;
                    tl.Weight      = int.Parse(detail.CartonDetailForStoreTable.Compute("Sum(weight)", "TL='" + tl.TL + "'").ToString());
                    tl.CBOL        = tlCarton0.IsCBOLNull() ? "" : tlCarton0.CBOL;
                    object minDate = detail.CartonDetailForStoreTable.Compute("Min(PodDate)", "TL='" + tl.TL + "' AND (IsNull(PodDate,#01/01/1900#) <> #01/01/1900#)");
                    if (minDate != System.DBNull.Value)
                        tl.PodDate = DateTime.Parse(minDate.ToString());
                        if (!tlCarton0.IsOFD1Null())
                            tl.OFD1 = tlCarton0.OFD1;
                    tl.AG     = !tlCarton0.IsAGNull() ? tlCarton0.AG : "";
                    tl.AgName = tlCarton0.Trf == "N" ? tlCarton0.AgName : tlCarton0.AgName + " (Transfer)";
            catch (TimeoutException te) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(te.Message); }
            catch (FaultException <TrackingFault> tfe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(tfe.Detail.Message); }
            catch (FaultException fe) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(fe.Message); }
            catch (CommunicationException ce) { client.Abort(); throw new ApplicationException(ce.Message); }