예제 #1
        public IActionResult Send(int trackeeId, string email)
            TrackingInvitation ti = null;

            if (trackeeId > 0)
                ti = _invitationRepository.Get(User.Identity.Name, trackeeId);
                //send notifictaion via application messaging
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(email))
                ti = _invitationRepository.Get(User.Identity.Name, email);

                    _mailServices.Send(User.Identity.Name, email, ti.TrackeeId);
                catch (Exception exc)
                    _logger.LogError(exc, "a problem when sending an invita email");

                //send email
            //return View(Load());
 public void Add(TrackingInvitation invitation)
     _logger.LogDebug($"TrackerId: {invitation.TrackerId}, TrackeeId: {invitation.TrackeeId}, email: {invitation.email}");
예제 #3
        public async Task Seed()

            var user = await this._userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

            if (user == null)
                user = new ApplicationUser()
                    FirstName = "first",
                    LastName  = "user",
                    UserName  = "******",
                    Email     = "*****@*****.**",

                var trackedUser = new ApplicationUser()
                    FirstName = "second",
                    LastName  = "user",
                    UserName  = "******",
                    Email     = "*****@*****.**"

                var result1 = await this._userManager.CreateAsync(user, "123456aB!");

                var result2 = await this._userManager.CreateAsync(trackedUser, "123456aB!");

                if (result1 != IdentityResult.Success || result2 != IdentityResult.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create default users");

            user = await this._userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

            if (user == null)
                var adminUser = new ApplicationUser()
                    FirstName = "admin",
                    LastName  = "user",
                    UserName  = "******",
                    Email     = "*****@*****.**",
                var result3 = await this._userManager.CreateAsync(adminUser, "123456aB!");

                if (result3 != IdentityResult.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create default users");

                var role = new ApplicationRole()
                    Name = "Admin", Description = "Administrator role"
                var result4 = await this._roleManager.CreateAsync(role);

                if (result4 != IdentityResult.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create admin roles");

                var result5 = await this._userManager.AddToRoleAsync(adminUser, "Admin");

                if (result5 != IdentityResult.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create admin roles");

            if (!_context.UserTrackings.Any())
                var firstUser = await this._userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

                var profileFirst = new UserProfile()
                    UserName   = firstUser.UserName,
                    AvatarType = Shared.Avatar.meh.ToString(),
                    Created    = DateTime.Now,
                    Gender     = true,
                    ImageUrl   = string.Empty

                var secondtUser = await this._userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

                var profileSecond = new UserProfile()
                    UserName   = secondtUser.UserName,
                    AvatarType = Shared.Avatar.poo.ToString(),
                    Created    = DateTime.Now,
                    Gender     = true,
                    ImageUrl   = string.Empty


                var trackedProfile = _context.UserProfiles.Where(up => up.UserName == secondtUser.UserName).FirstOrDefault();
                var trackerProfile = _context.UserProfiles.Where(up => up.UserName == firstUser.UserName).FirstOrDefault();

                UserTracking ut = new UserTracking()
                    OnlinePresence = new UserOnlinePresence()
                        IsActive  = false,
                        Location  = "somewhere in te mediratenean",
                        ProfileId = trackedProfile.Id
                    UserProfile   = trackedProfile,
                    UserProfileId = trackedProfile.Id,
                    //                    Tracker = profileFirst,
                    TrackerId = trackerProfile.Id


            user = await this._userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

            if (user == null)
                user = new ApplicationUser()
                    FirstName = "third",
                    LastName  = "user",
                    UserName  = "******",
                    Email     = "*****@*****.**",

                var result1 = await this._userManager.CreateAsync(user, "123456aB!");

                if (result1 != IdentityResult.Success)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to create third user");

                var profileThird = new UserProfile()
                    UserName   = user.UserName,
                    AvatarType = Shared.Avatar.female.ToString(),
                    Created    = DateTime.Now,
                    Gender     = true,
                    ImageUrl   = string.Empty


            user = await this._userManager.FindByEmailAsync("*****@*****.**");

            if (user == null)
                // this will a user created fro invitation without actual application user
                var profileFourth = new UserProfile()
                    UserName = "******",
                    Created  = DateTime.MinValue


            if (!_context.TrackingInvitations.Any())
                var trackingProfile     = _context.UserProfiles.Where(up => up.UserName == "firstuser").FirstOrDefault();
                var trackedProfile      = _context.UserProfiles.Where(up => up.UserName == "thirduser").FirstOrDefault();
                var trackedProfileEmail = _context.UserProfiles.Where(up => up.UserName == "*****@*****.**").FirstOrDefault();

                if (trackingProfile == null || trackedProfile == null || trackedProfileEmail == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Expected profiles are missing");

                var invitation = new TrackingInvitation()
                    TrackerId = trackingProfile.Id,
                    TrackeeId = trackedProfile.Id

                var invitationViaEmail = new TrackingInvitation()
                    TrackerId = trackingProfile.Id,
                    TrackeeId = trackedProfileEmail.Id,
                    email     = trackedProfileEmail.UserName
