예제 #1
        public ActionResult All(string page)
            ActionResult returnResult;

            // *** Get proper page, default to 1 ***
            //int pageVal;
            //if (!int.TryParse(page, out pageVal))
            //    pageVal = 1;
            int pageNum = this.GetPage(page);

            // *** Get entries ***
            TrackingHistoryResult result = this.DashboardRepository.TrackingHistory.GetHistoryEntries(pageNum, ItemsPerPage);

            // *** Create model ***
            TrackingEntryList model = new TrackingEntryList();

            // *** Add data to model ***
            model.Entries          = result.TrackingEntries;
            model.ShowPatientLinks = true;

            // *** Add paging data ***
            model.Paging.SetPagingData(ItemsPerPage, pageNum, result.TotalEntries);
            model.Paging.BaseUrl = Url.Action("All", "TrackingHistory", new { page = "" });

            TempData[ReturnUrl] = Url.Action("All", "TrackingHistory", new { page = page });

            returnResult = View(model);

예제 #2
        public ActionResult ByPatient(string dfn, string page)
            // *** Show tracking history by patient and page ***

            ActionResult returnResult;

            // *** Get proper page, default to 1 ***
            //int pageVal;
            //if (!int.TryParse(page, out pageVal))
            //    pageVal = 1;
            int pageNum = this.GetPage(page);

            // *** Create model ***
            TrackingEntryList model = new TrackingEntryList();

            // *** Get current page of data from repository ***
            TrackingHistoryResult result = this.DashboardRepository.TrackingHistory.GetPatientEntries(dfn, pageNum, ItemsPerPage);

            // *** Check result ***
            if (result.Success)
                // *** Old code to manually filter by patient ***
                //model.Entries = new List<TrackingEntry>();
                //if (result.TrackingEntries != null)
                //    if (result.TrackingEntries.Count > 0)
                //        foreach (TrackingEntry entry in result.TrackingEntries)
                //            if (entry.PatientDfn == dfn)
                //                model.Entries.Add(entry);

                model.Entries = result.TrackingEntries;

                // *** Hide patient link ***
                model.ShowPatientLinks = false;

                // *** Set paging data ***
                model.Paging.SetPagingData(ItemsPerPage, pageNum, result.TotalEntries);
                model.Paging.BaseUrl = Url.Action("ByPatient", "TrackingHistory", new { page = "" });

            // *** Set return url ***
            if (TempData.ContainsKey(ReturnUrl))
                model.ReturnUrl     = TempData[ReturnUrl].ToString();
                TempData[ReturnUrl] = TempData[ReturnUrl];

            returnResult = View(model);

        public ActionResult Details(string dfn, string page)
            // *** Show details of a flagged patient ***

            FlaggedPatientDetail model = new FlaggedPatientDetail();

            // *** Get patient demographics ***
            model.Patient = this.CurrentPatient;

            // *** Check for success ***
            if (!model.Patient.NotFound)
                // *** Get patient flags ***
                TrackingHistoryResult trackingResult = this.DashboardRepository.TrackingHistory.GetPatientEntries(dfn);

                // *** Set tracking entries if successful ***
                if (trackingResult.Success)
                    model.TrackingEntries = trackingResult.TrackingEntries;

                NoteListResult notesResult = this.DashboardRepository.Notes.GetList(dfn);

                int pageNum = this.GetPage(page);

                if (notesResult.Success)
                    // *** Add current page's patients ***
                    int startIdx = (pageNum - 1) * ProgNotesPerPage;
                    int endIdx   = startIdx + ProgNotesPerPage - 1;
                    if (endIdx >= notesResult.Notes.Count)
                        endIdx = notesResult.Notes.Count - 1;

                    for (int i = startIdx; i <= endIdx; i++)

                    model.ProgressNotePaging.SetPagingData(ProgNotesPerPage, pageNum, notesResult.Notes.Count);
                    model.ProgressNotePaging.BaseUrl = Url.Action("Details", "FlaggedPatients", new { dfn = dfn, page = "" });
                    model.ProgressNotes = new List <TiuNote>();

            // *** Set return url ***
            if (TempData.ContainsKey(ReturnUrl))
                model.ReturnUrl     = TempData[ReturnUrl].ToString();
                TempData[ReturnUrl] = TempData[ReturnUrl];

            // *** Indicate proper action for details link ***
            model.DetailAction = "ProgressNote";
