예제 #1
    public void OnWindow(int windowID)
        float rowHeight = 25;

        keyboardEventEmulation    = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 0, 250, 20), keyboardEventEmulation, "Keyboard Event Emulation");
        wandMousePointerEmulation = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 1, 250, 20), wandMousePointerEmulation, "Wand-Mouse Pointer");
        mocapEmulation            = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 2, 250, 20), mocapEmulation, "Mocap Emulation");
        lockWandToHeadTransform   = GUI.Toggle(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 3, 250, 20), lockWandToHeadTransform, "Lock Wand to Head Transform");

        GUI.Label(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 4, 200, 20), "WASD Keys: ");
        WASDkeys    = (TrackerEmulated)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 4, 200, 20), (int)WASDkeys, trackerEmuStrings, 3);
        WASDkeyMode = (TrackerEmulationMode)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 5, 200, 20), (int)WASDkeyMode, trackerEmuModeStrings, 3);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 6, 200, 20), "IJKL Keys: ");
        IJKLkeys    = (TrackerEmulated)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 6, 200, 20), (int)IJKLkeys, trackerEmuStrings, 3);
        IJKLkeyMode = (TrackerEmulationMode)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 7, 200, 20), (int)IJKLkeyMode, trackerEmuModeStrings, 3);
예제 #2
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (simulatorMode)
            if (Camera.main != null && Camera.main.GetComponent <getRealCameraUpdater>())
                Camera.main.GetComponent <getRealCameraUpdater>().applyHeadPosition     = false;
                Camera.main.GetComponent <getRealCameraUpdater>().applyHeadRotation     = false;
                Camera.main.GetComponent <getRealCameraUpdater>().applyCameraProjection = false;

            keyboardEventEmulation    = true;
            wandMousePointerEmulation = true;
            mocapEmulation            = true;

            if (Input.GetKeyDown(toggleWandModeKey))
                wandModeToggled = !wandModeToggled;

            if (wandModeToggled)
                wandEmulationMode = toggleWandEmulationMode;
                wandEmulationMode = defaultWandEmulationMode;
            mouseDeltaPos = Input.mousePosition - mouseLastPos;
            mouseLastPos  = Input.mousePosition;

        wand1.UpdateState(Wand1, Wand1Mocap);
        wand2.UpdateState(Wand2, Wand2Mocap);

        float vertical   = Input.GetAxis(wandSimulatorAnalogUD) * axisSensitivity;
        float horizontal = Input.GetAxis(wandSimulatorAnalogLR) * axisSensitivity;
        float forward    = 0 * axisSensitivity;

        // Horizontal2, Vertical 2 are not a standard Input axis
        // catch exception to prevent console spamming if not set
            lookHorizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal2") * axisSensitivity;
            lookVertical   = Input.GetAxis("Vertical2") * axisSensitivity;

        uint flags = 0;

                #if USING_GETREAL3D
        // If using Omicron, make sure button events don't conflict
        if (!simulatorMode)
            vertical       = -getReal3D.Input.GetAxis("Forward") * axisSensitivity;
            horizontal     = getReal3D.Input.GetAxis("Yaw") * axisSensitivity;
            lookHorizontal = getReal3D.Input.GetAxis("Strafe") * axisSensitivity;
            lookVertical   = getReal3D.Input.GetAxis("Pitch") * axisSensitivity;

            float DPadUD = getReal3D.Input.GetAxis("DPadUD");
            float DPadLR = getReal3D.Input.GetAxis("DPadLR");
            if (DPadUD > 0)
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonUp;
            else if (DPadUD < 0)
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonDown;
            if (DPadLR > 0)
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonLeft;
            else if (DPadLR < 0)
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonRight;

            // Wand Button 1 (Triangle/Y)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("Jump"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button1;
            // F -> Wand Button 2 (Circle/B)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("Reset"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button2;
            // R -> Wand Button 3 (Cross/A)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("ChangeWand"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button3;
            // Wand Button 4 (Square/X)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("WandButton"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button4;
            // Wand Button 8 (R1/RB)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("NavSpeed"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button8;
            // Wand Button 5 (L1/LB)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("WandLook"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button5;
            // Wand Button 6 (L3)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("L3"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button6;
            // Wand Button 7 (L2)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("LT"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button7;
            // Wand Button 8 (R2)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("RT"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button8;
            // Wand Button 9 (R3)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("R3"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button9;
            // Wand Button SP1 (Back)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("Back"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.SpecialButton1;
            // Wand Button SP2 (Start)
            if (getReal3D.Input.GetButton("Start"))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.SpecialButton2;

        Vector2 wandAnalog  = new Vector2(horizontal, vertical);
        Vector2 wandAnalog2 = new Vector2(lookHorizontal, lookVertical);
        Vector2 wandAnalog3 = new Vector2(forward, 0);

        if (mouseHeadLook)
            Vector3 mouseDiff = Input.mousePosition - lastMousePosition;
            if (!mouseUsingGUI)
                headEmulatedRotation += new Vector3(-mouseDiff.y, mouseDiff.x, 0) * emulatedRotationSpeed;
            lastMousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
            mouseUsingGUI     = false;
        if (keyboardEventEmulation)
            if (WASDkeys == TrackerEmulated.CAVE)
                if (WASDkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Translate)
                    wandAnalog  = new Vector2(horizontal, vertical);
                    wandAnalog2 = new Vector2(lookHorizontal, lookVertical);
                    wandAnalog3 = new Vector2(forward, 0);
                else if (WASDkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Rotate)
                    wandAnalog  = new Vector2(0, vertical);
                    wandAnalog2 = new Vector2(horizontal, lookVertical);
                    wandAnalog3 = new Vector2(forward, 0);
            else if (WASDkeys == TrackerEmulated.Head)
                if (WASDkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Translate)
                    headEmulatedPosition += new Vector3(horizontal, 0, vertical) * Time.deltaTime;
                else if (WASDkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Rotate)
                    headEmulatedRotation += new Vector3(vertical, horizontal, 0);

            headEmulatedRotation += new Vector3(lookVertical, 0, 0) * emulatedRotationSpeed;

            // Arrow keys -> DPad
            if (Input.GetKey(wandSimulatorDPadUp))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonUp;
            if (Input.GetKey(wandSimulatorDPadDown))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonDown;
            if (Input.GetKey(wandSimulatorDPadLeft))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonLeft;
            if (Input.GetKey(wandSimulatorDPadRight))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.ButtonRight;

            // F -> Wand Button 2 (Circle)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.F) || Input.GetButton(wandSimulatorButton2))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button2;
            // R -> Wand Button 3 (Cross)
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.R) || Input.GetButton(wandSimulatorButton3))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button3;

            // Wand (L2 Trigger)
            if (Input.GetKey(wandSimulatorButton7))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button7;

            // Wand (L1 Trigger)
            if (Input.GetKey(wandSimulatorButton5))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button5;

            // Wand (L3 Trigger)
            if (Input.GetButton(wandSimulatorButton6))
                flags += (int)EventBase.Flags.Button6;

            float headForward  = 0;
            float headStrafe   = 0;
            float headVertical = 0;

            float speed = emulatedTranslateSpeed;
            if (IJKLkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Translate)
                speed = emulatedTranslateSpeed;
            else if (IJKLkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Rotate)
                speed = emulatedRotationSpeed;

            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.I))
                headForward += speed * Time.deltaTime;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.K))
                headForward -= speed * Time.deltaTime;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.J))
                headStrafe -= speed * Time.deltaTime;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.L))
                headStrafe += speed * Time.deltaTime;
            if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.U))
                headVertical += speed * Time.deltaTime;
            else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.O))
                headVertical -= speed * Time.deltaTime;

            if (IJKLkeys == TrackerEmulated.Head)
                if (IJKLkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Translate)
                    headEmulatedPosition += new Vector3(headStrafe, headVertical, headForward);
                else if (IJKLkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Rotate)
                    headEmulatedRotation += new Vector3(headForward, headStrafe, headVertical);
            else if (IJKLkeys == TrackerEmulated.Wand)
                if (IJKLkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Translate)
                    wandEmulatedPosition += new Vector3(headStrafe, headVertical, headForward);
                else if (IJKLkeyMode == TrackerEmulationMode.Rotate)
                    wandEmulatedRotation += new Vector3(headForward, headStrafe, headVertical);

        if (!CAVE2Manager.UsingOmicronServer() || (CAVE2Manager.UsingOmicronServer() && CAVE2Manager.UsingGetReal3D()) || (keyboardEventEmulation && Input.anyKey))
            wand1.UpdateController(flags, wandAnalog, wandAnalog2, wandAnalog3);

        if (mocapEmulation)
            Vector3 lookAround = new Vector3(-wand1.GetAxis(Axis.RightAnalogStickUD), wand1.GetAxis(Axis.RightAnalogStickLR), 0);
            headEmulatedRotation += lookAround * emulatedRotationSpeed;

            // Update emulated positions/rotations
            head1.Update(headEmulatedPosition, Quaternion.Euler(headEmulatedRotation));

            if (lockWandToHeadTransform)
                wand1.UpdateMocap(headEmulatedPosition, Quaternion.Euler(headEmulatedRotation));
                wand1.UpdateMocap(wandEmulatedPosition, Quaternion.Euler(wandEmulatedRotation));

            if (cameraController != null)
                cameraController.transform.localPosition    = headEmulatedPosition;
                cameraController.transform.localEulerAngles = headEmulatedRotation;
                Debug.LogWarning("CAVE2Manager: No CameraController found. May not display properly in CAVE2!");
                        #if USING_GETREAL3D
            head1.Update(getReal3D.Input.head.position, getReal3D.Input.head.rotation);
            wand1.UpdateMocap(getReal3D.Input.wand.position, getReal3D.Input.wand.rotation);
예제 #3
    public void OnWindow(int windowID)
        float rowHeight = 25;

        keyboardEventEmulation = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 0, 250, 20), keyboardEventEmulation, "Keyboard Event Emulation");
        wandMousePointerEmulation = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 1, 250, 20), wandMousePointerEmulation, "Wand-Mouse Pointer");
        mocapEmulation = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 2, 250, 20), mocapEmulation, "Mocap Emulation");
        lockWandToHeadTransform = GUI.Toggle (new Rect (GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 3, 250, 20), lockWandToHeadTransform, "Lock Wand to Head Transform");

        GUI.Label(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 4, 200, 20), "WASD Keys: ");
        WASDkeys = (TrackerEmulated)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 4, 200, 20), (int)WASDkeys, trackerEmuStrings, 3);
        WASDkeyMode = (TrackerEmulationMode)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 5, 200, 20), (int)WASDkeyMode, trackerEmuModeStrings, 3);

        GUI.Label(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 20, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 6, 200, 20), "IJKL Keys: ");
        IJKLkeys = (TrackerEmulated)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 6, 200, 20), (int)IJKLkeys, trackerEmuStrings, 3);
        IJKLkeyMode = (TrackerEmulationMode)GUI.SelectionGrid(new Rect(GUIOffset.x + 100, GUIOffset.y + rowHeight * 7, 200, 20), (int)IJKLkeyMode, trackerEmuModeStrings, 3);