public static TracingSession GetTracingSession(this IConnection @this, Guid tracingId) { string queryEvents = "select * from where session_id=" + tracingId.ToString(); List<TracingEvent> tracingEvents = new List<TracingEvent>(); IDataMapperFactory factory = new DataMapperFactory(null); foreach (IDictionary<string, object> mapEvents in CQLCommandHelpers.Query(@this, queryEvents, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, factory, ExecutionFlags.None).Result) { TracingEvent tracingEvent = new TracingEvent((string) mapEvents["activity"], (Guid) mapEvents["event_id"], (IPAddress) mapEvents["source"], (int) mapEvents["source_elapsed"], (string) mapEvents["thread"]); tracingEvents.Add(tracingEvent); } tracingEvents.Sort(CompareTracingEvent); TracingEvent[] events = tracingEvents.ToArray(); string querySession = "select * from system_traces.sessions where session_id=" + tracingId.ToString(); IDictionary<string, object> mapSession = (IDictionary<string, object>) CQLCommandHelpers.Query(@this, querySession, ConsistencyLevel.ONE, factory, ExecutionFlags.None).Result.Single(); TracingSession tracingSession = new TracingSession((IPAddress) mapSession["coordinator"], (int) mapSession["duration"], (IDictionary<string, string>) mapSession["parameters"], (string) mapSession["request"], (Guid) mapSession["session_id"], (DateTime) mapSession["started_at"], events); return tracingSession; }
public static TracingSession QueryTracingInfo(this ICluster @this, Guid tracingId) { var cmd = @this.CreatePocoCommand(); // query events and session string queryEvents = "select * from where session_id = " + tracingId; var obsEvents = cmd.WithConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ONE) .Execute <TracingEvent>(queryEvents) .AsFuture(); string querySession = "select * from system_traces.sessions where session_id = " + tracingId; var obsSession = cmd.WithConsistencyLevel(ConsistencyLevel.ONE) .Execute <TracingSession>(querySession) .AsFuture(); Task.WaitAll(obsEvents, obsSession); // format the events var tracingEvents = obsEvents.Result.ToList(); tracingEvents.Sort(CompareTracingEvent); TracingEvent[] events = tracingEvents.ToArray(); foreach (var evt in events) { string[] tmp = evt.Thread.Split(':'); evt.Stage = tmp[0]; evt.Thread = tmp[1]; } // build the result TracingSession tracingSession = obsSession.Result.Single(); tracingSession.TracingEvents = events; return(tracingSession); }
public async Task BasicFlow() { //Assume const string insertCql = @"insert into Test.BasicFlow (id,value) values (?,?);"; const string retrieveCql = @"select * from Test.BasicFlow;"; const int insertCount = 1000; //Act using (var connection = new CqlConnection(ConnectionString)) { await connection.OpenAsync(); var executions = new Task <ICqlQueryResult> [insertCount]; var options = new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 1 }; Parallel.For(0, insertCount, options, (i) => { var cmd = new CqlCommand(connection, insertCql, CqlConsistency.One); cmd.Prepare(); var b = new BasicFlowData { Id = i, Data = "Hallo " + i }; cmd.PartitionKey.Set(b); cmd.Parameters.Set(b); executions[i] = cmd.ExecuteNonQueryAsync(); }); await Task.WhenAll(executions); var presence = new bool[insertCount]; var selectCmd = new CqlCommand(connection, retrieveCql, CqlConsistency.One) { EnableTracing = true }; CqlDataReader <BasicFlowData> reader = await selectCmd.ExecuteReaderAsync <BasicFlowData>(); while (await reader.ReadAsync()) { BasicFlowData row = reader.Current; Assert.AreEqual(row.Data, "Hallo " + row.Id); presence[row.Id] = true; } Assert.IsTrue(presence.All(p => p)); var tracer = new QueryTraceCommand(connection, reader.TracingId.Value); TracingSession session = await tracer.GetTraceSessionAsync(); Assert.IsNotNull(session); } }
public void ServerTrace(InstrumentationToken token, TracingSession tracingSession) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (TracingEvent te in tracingSession.TracingEvents) { sb.AppendFormat("{0},{1},{2},{3},{4},{5}", tracingSession.SessionId, te.Activity, te.EventId, te.Source, te.SourceElapsed, te.Thread); sb.AppendLine(); } lock (_lock) _txtWriter.Write(sb); }
public void ServerTrace(InstrumentationToken token, TracingSession tracingSession) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.AppendFormat("INSTR {0} [{1}] - ", DateTime.Now, Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId); int len = sb.Length; string offset = new string(' ', len); sb.AppendFormat("sessionId:{0} startedAt:{1} coordinator:{2} duration:{3} request:{4}", tracingSession.SessionId, tracingSession.StartedAt, tracingSession.Coordinator, tracingSession.Duration, tracingSession.Parameters["query"]); foreach (TracingEvent tracingEvent in tracingSession.TracingEvents) { sb.AppendLine(); sb.Append(offset); sb.AppendFormat("sourceElapsed:{0} activity:{1} thread:{2}", tracingEvent.SourceElapsed, tracingEvent.Activity, tracingEvent.Thread); } Console.WriteLine(sb); }
public void ServerTrace(InstrumentationToken token, TracingSession tracingSession) { }