예제 #1
    //this animation routine was kinda just slapped together quickly and isnt commented the best

    IEnumerator RenderAnimatedCoroutine()
        print("start anim");
        while (Application.isPlaying)
            Time.timeScale = 1f;
            yield return(null);

            if (render)
                renderTex = new Texture2D((int)RenderResolution.x, (int)RenderResolution.y, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

                Time.timeScale = 0f;
                deltaTimeMult  = 0f;
                render         = false;

                List <AnimatedRay> animRays = new List <AnimatedRay>();

                //generate animated rays for each pixel in our render
                for (int rx = 0; rx < renderTex.width; rx++)
                    float xScreenCoord = (rx + 0.5f) / renderTex.width * Screen.width;
                    for (int ry = 0; ry < renderTex.height; ry++)
                        float yScreenCoord = (ry + 0.5f) / renderTex.height * Screen.height;
                        Ray   pixelRay     = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(xScreenCoord, yScreenCoord));

                        animRays.Add(new AnimatedRay()
                            ray      = pixelRay,
                            x        = rx,
                            y        = ry,
                            rayColor = Color.white

                //get all the lights in the scene and put em in an array
                lightSources = FindObjectsOfType <Light>();

                bool done  = true;
                int  steps = 0;

                int animUpdateRate = renderTex.width * renderTex.height;

                    done = true;

                    //loop over all the anim rays and update/draw them
                    for (int i = 0; i < animRays.Count; i++)
                        //if steps is is divisible evenly into our update rate, update the texture;
                        if (steps++ % animUpdateRate == 0)
                            //yield return null;

                        //if render shown is disabled while rendering, stop rendering and restart the render coroutine
                        if (!renderShown)
                            yield break;

                        //if animated render is disabled, stop and go start the other render method
                        if (!animatedRender)
                            render = true;
                            yield break;

                        AnimatedRay animRay = animRays[i];

                        if (animRay.animDone)
                            //if this ray is finished animating just draw its full path and continue
                        else if (animRay.length > animRay.maxLength)
                            //when the length is greater than its maxlength then the animation of the ray has completed

                            TracedRay tracedPixel = animRay.trace;

                            animRay.animDone       = true;
                            animRay.trace.hitPoint = animRay.ray.origin + animRay.ray.direction * animRay.maxLength;

                            if (animRay.isShadow)
                                //if this ray is a shadow ray, and it hits something, then the ray is in shadow and should change the color to match
                                if (animRay.trace.hit)
                                    animRay.rayColor = Color.black;

                                //add anim ray for transparent shadows
                                if (tracedPixel.transparency > 0)
                                    animRays.Add(new AnimatedRay()
                                        isShadow  = true,
                                        parentRay = animRay.parentRay,
                                        ray       = GetRefractionRay(animRay.ray, tracedPixel.hitPoint, tracedPixel.normal, tracedPixel.refractiveIndex),
                                        x         = animRay.x, y = animRay.y,
                                animRay.rayColor = tracedPixel.initialColor;

                                if (debugShadowRays)
                                    //add animated shadow rays for each light source if we are drawing shadow rays
                                    foreach (Light lite in lightSources)
                                        Vector3 hitPoint     = AddNormalBias(tracedPixel.hitPoint, tracedPixel.normal);
                                        Vector3 pointToLight = lite.transform.position - hitPoint;
                                        float   distToLight  = pointToLight.magnitude;

                                        animRays.Add(new AnimatedRay()
                                            isShadow  = true,
                                            parentRay = animRay,
                                            ray       = new Ray(hitPoint, pointToLight),
                                            maxLength = distToLight,
                                            rayColor  = lite.color,
                                            x         = animRay.x, y = animRay.y,

                                bool secondaries = false;

                                if (debugReflectionRays && tracedPixel.reflectivity > 0)
                                    secondaries = true;

                                    //add animated reflection ray if we are drawing reflection rays
                                    animRays.Add(new AnimatedRay()
                                        isSecondary = true,
                                        parentRay   = animRay,
                                        ray         = GetReflectionRay(animRay.ray.direction, tracedPixel.hitPoint, tracedPixel.normal),
                                        rayColor    = Color.gray,
                                        x           = animRay.x, y = animRay.y,

                                if (debugRefractionRays && tracedPixel.transparency > 0)
                                    secondaries = true;

                                    //add animated refraction ray if we are drawing refraction rays
                                    animRays.Add(new AnimatedRay()
                                        isSecondary = true,
                                        parentRay   = animRay,
                                        ray         = GetRefractionRay(animRay.ray, tracedPixel.hitPoint, tracedPixel.normal, tracedPixel.refractiveIndex),
                                        rayColor    = Color.gray,
                                        x           = animRay.x, y = animRay.y,

                                if (!animRay.isSecondary && !animRay.isShadow)
                                    //this is basically only triggered when the ray is a primary ray
                                    //sets the pixel of the primary ray to the initial color
                                    //the initial color doesnt contain reflections or refractions
                                    renderTex.SetPixel(animRay.x, animRay.y, tracedPixel.initialColor);
                                else if (!secondaries && animRay.isSecondary)
                                    //if we were animating a secondary ray, and it has not spawned any more secondary rays
                                    //update its pixel with the final color
                                    //this is how we get the sortve animated effect of initial color first, and reflections added as the reflection rays finish
                                    renderTex.SetPixel(animRay.x, animRay.y, animRay.parentRay.trace.finalColor);
                        else if (animRay.traceDone)
                            //if the trace for the ray is done but the animation isnt, update the animation ray length and draw it
                            animRay.length += animatedRayStepLength;


                            //if any ray is still animating in some way then it sets done to false so that it knows to keep running the loop for all rays to animate.
                            done = false;

                        if (!animRay.traceDone)
                            //this bit is the bit that actually does the trace for a ray
                            reflectionDepth = refractionDepth = 0;
                            TracedRay tracedPixel = TraceRay(animRay.ray, DebugRayType.MainRay, animRay.maxLength);
                            animRay.trace = tracedPixel;

                            if (tracedPixel.hit)
                                animRay.maxLength = Vector3.Distance(animRay.ray.origin, tracedPixel.hitPoint);
                                if (!animRay.isShadow && !debugMissedRays)
                                    //remove non shadow rays if they miss and we arent showing missed rays

                            animRay.traceDone = true;
                            done = false;

                    yield return(null);
                } while (!done);

                print("anim done");


                //this is a really weird bit of nonsense to do with how debug.drawray works
                deltaTimeMult = 0.9f;
                foreach (AnimatedRay animRay in animRays)
                deltaTimeMult = 0;

                yield return(new WaitForSecondsRealtime(animatedPauseTime));

                if (renderContinuous)
                    render = true;
예제 #2
    TracedRay TraceRay(Ray oRay, DebugRayType rayType, float maxDist = float.PositiveInfinity)
        RaycastHit hit;

        if (Physics.Raycast(oRay, out hit, maxDist))
            Material rendMat     = hit.collider.GetComponent <Renderer>().sharedMaterial;
            float    reflectance = rendMat.GetFloat("_Metallic");
            float    refInd      = rendMat.GetFloat("_Glossiness");
            float    opacity     = rendMat.color.a;
            float    diffuseCO   = 1f - ambientCO;

            Texture2D tex      = rendMat.mainTexture as Texture2D;
            Vector2   texCoord = Vector3.Scale(hit.textureCoord, rendMat.mainTextureScale);
            texCoord += rendMat.mainTextureOffset;
            Color texColor   = tex ? tex.GetPixelBilinear(texCoord.x, texCoord.y) * rendMat.color : rendMat.color;
            float texOpacity = tex ? texColor.a : 1f;
            opacity *= texOpacity;
            float transparency = 1f - opacity;

            Color pointColor      = texColor * ambientCO;
            Color unShadowedColor = pointColor;

            foreach (Light lite in lightSources)
                float   distToLight  = Vector3.Distance(lite.transform.position, hit.point);
                Vector3 lightPos     = lite.transform.position;
                Vector3 pointToLight = GetDirectionTo(hit.point, lightPos);
                Vector3 lightToPoint = -pointToLight;
                float   shade        = Mathf.Clamp01(Vector3.Dot(pointToLight, hit.normal));
                float   shadeValue   = (ambientCO + diffuseCO * shade);
                float   lightPower   = lite.intensity * shade;
                float   lightFalloff = Mathf.Clamp01((lite.range - distToLight) / lite.range);

                if (distToLight < lite.range)
                    Color tmpColor = texColor * lite.color;

                    if (shading)
                        tmpColor *= shadeValue;

                    unShadowedColor += tmpColor * lightPower * lightFalloff;

                    if (shadows && lite.shadows != LightShadows.None)
                        Ray        shadowRay = new Ray(AddNormalBias(hit.point, hit.normal), pointToLight);
                        RaycastHit shadowHit;
                        if (Physics.Raycast(shadowRay, out shadowHit, distToLight))
                            //light is blocked, in shadow
                            float trans = GetShadowTexOpacity(shadowHit);
                            if (trans < 1f)
                                //handle shadows on transparent objects
                                tmpColor *= Mathf.Clamp(RecursiveShadowRay(new Ray(AddNormalBias(shadowHit.point, shadowRay.direction), shadowRay.direction), 1f - diffuseCO * trans, lightPos), ambientCO, 1f);
                                tmpColor *= 1f - diffuseCO; //hard shadows
                            if (debugShadowRays)
                                DebugRay(DebugRayType.ShadowRayBlocked, shadowRay, shadowHit.point, tmpColor);
                            //light not blocked, not in shadow
                            if (debugShadowRays)
                                DebugRay(DebugRayType.ShadowRay, shadowRay, lite.transform.position, lite.color);

                            tmpColor *= lightPower * lightFalloff;

                    pointColor += tmpColor;

            if (debugMainRays)
                DebugRay(rayType, oRay, hit.point, pointColor);

            //most of this is only needed because of the animation process
            TracedRay hitRay = new TracedRay()
                hit             = true,
                initialColor    = pointColor,
                shadowedColor   = pointColor,
                hitPoint        = hit.point,
                normal          = hit.normal,
                reflectivity    = reflectance,
                transparency    = transparency,
                refractiveIndex = refInd

            if (reflectance > 0 || opacity < 1)
                TracedRay reflectRay, refractRay;
                reflectRay = refractRay = new TracedRay();
                if (reflectance > 0 && reflectionDepth < maxDepth)
                    reflectRay             = TraceRay(GetReflectionRay(oRay.direction, hit.point, hit.normal), DebugRayType.ReflectedRay);
                    reflectRay.finalColor *= reflectance;
                if (opacity < 1f && refractionDepth < maxDepth)
                    refractRay             = TraceRay(GetRefractionRay(oRay, hit.point, hit.normal, refInd), DebugRayType.RefractedRay);
                    refractRay.finalColor *= transparency;
                    pointColor            *= opacity;

                hitRay.reflectedColor = reflectRay.finalColor;
                hitRay.refractedColor = refractRay.finalColor;
                pointColor           += reflectRay.finalColor + refractRay.finalColor;

            hitRay.finalColor = pointColor;

            if (debugMissedRays)
                DebugRay(DebugRayType.MainRayMiss, oRay, Vector3.zero, bgColor);
            TracedRay tracedRay = new TracedRay()
                hit        = false,
                finalColor = bgColor
예제 #3
    //-----------------------------RENDERING ROUTINES-------------------------------

    IEnumerator RenderCoroutine()
        while (Application.isPlaying)
            Time.timeScale = 1f;
            yield return(null);

            if (render)
                if (!renderTex || renderTex.width != RenderResolution.x || renderTex.height != RenderResolution.y)
                    renderTex = new Texture2D((int)RenderResolution.x, (int)RenderResolution.y, TextureFormat.RGBAFloat, false);

                Time.timeScale = 0f;
                render         = false;

                deltaTimeMult = scanMode ? 0f : 0.1f;

                //get all the lights in the scene and put em in an array
                lightSources = FindObjectsOfType <Light>();

                for (int rx = 0; rx < renderTex.width; rx++)
                    float xScreenCoord = (rx + 0.5f) / renderTex.width * Screen.width;
                    for (int ry = 0; ry < renderTex.height; ry++)
                        float yScreenCoord = (ry + 0.5f) / renderTex.height * Screen.height;

                        //if render shown is disabled while rendering, stop rendering and restart the render coroutine
                        if (!renderShown)
                            yield break;

                        //if animated render is turned on, stop and go start the other render method
                        if (animatedRender)
                            render = true;
                            yield break;

                        reflectionDepth = refractionDepth = 0;
                        Ray       pixelRay    = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(new Vector3(xScreenCoord, yScreenCoord));
                        TracedRay tracedPixel = TraceRay(pixelRay, DebugRayType.MainRay);
                        renderTex.SetPixel(rx, ry, tracedPixel.finalColor);

                    //if rx is is divisible evenly into our update rate, update the texture;
                    if (rx % updateRate == 0)
                        yield return(null);

                //update the texture and start rendering again if continous is enabled
                if (renderContinuous)
                    render = true;