private async Task EditImage() { try { var path = GetSpriteInfo().Source; var stringPath = path?.ToString().Replace('/', '\\') ?? ""; if (!File.Exists(stringPath)) { await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "Couldn't find the file"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(stringPath) { UseShellExecute = true } }; process.StartInfo.Verb = process.StartInfo.Verbs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToLowerInvariant() == "edit"); process.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { var message = string.Format(Tr._p("Message", "There was a problem while editing the image.{0}"), ex.FormatSummary(true)); await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(message, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public void Empty_collections() { Tr.SetTypes(typeof(RowDefinitionCollection), typeof(ColumnDefinitionCollection)); var grid = new Grid { ColumnDefinitions = new ColumnDefinitionCollection(), RowDefinitions = new RowDefinitionCollection() }; var page = new ContentPage { Content = grid }; var ctx = new XenMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest>(r => { r.WidgetId = grid.Id.ToString(); }); XamarinFormsReaction.Register <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest, GetWidgetPropertiesReaction <VisualElement> >(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var response = ctx.Get <GetWidgetPropertiesResponse>(); foreach (var p in response.Properties) { var pv = p.XenType.PossibleValues; CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(pv); Assert.AreEqual("0", pv[0]); } }
private async Task ResetAllLayouts() { var assets = assetEditorsManager.OpenedAssets.Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); if (assets.Count > 0) { var message = Tr._p("Message", "To reset the layout, Game Studio needs to close and re-open all asset and document editors. You won't lose unsaved changes."); var buttons = DialogHelper.CreateButtons(new[] { "Reset layout", "Cancel" }, 1, 2); var result = await Editor.ServiceProvider.Get <IEditorDialogService>().MessageBox(message, buttons); if (result != 1) { return; } } // Close all editors assetEditorsManager.CloseAllEditorWindows(null); // Check if user cancelled closing some of the editors. if (assetEditorsManager.OpenedAssets.Any()) { return; } // Safely reset layout dockingLayout.ResetAllLayouts(); // Reopen editors await ReopenAssetEditors(assets); }
private async Task Explore() { try { var path = GetSpriteInfo().Source; var stringPath = path?.ToString().Replace('/', '\\') ?? ""; if (!File.Exists(stringPath)) { await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "Couldn't find the file"), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } var startInfo = new ProcessStartInfo("explorer.exe", "/select," + stringPath) { UseShellExecute = true }; var explorer = new Process { StartInfo = startInfo }; explorer.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { var message = string.Format(Tr._p("Message", "There was a problem opening Explorer.{0}"), ex.FormatSummary(true)); await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(message, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
public void Should_return_properties_for_ContentPage() { Tr.SetTypes(typeof(String)); var page = new ContentPage { Title = "Important", Content = new Label { Text = "Does Nothing" } }; var ctx = new XenMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest>(r => { r.WidgetId = page.Id.ToString(); }); XamarinFormsReaction.Register <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest, GetWidgetPropertiesReaction <VisualElement> >(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var response = ctx.Get <GetWidgetPropertiesResponse>(); var property = response?.Properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.PropertyName.Equals("Title")); Assert.IsNotNull(property, "Title property should have been found."); Assert.AreEqual(property.XenType.FullName, typeof(String).FullName); Assert.IsNotNull(property.Value, "Value should have been set."); }
public async Task <bool> StartDebug(EditorViewModel editor, ProjectViewModel currentProject, LoggerResult logger) { if (currentProject == null) { await editor.Session.Dialogs.MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "An executable project must be set as current project in the session explorer in order to process build."), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return(false); } try { var projectWatcher = new ProjectWatcher(currentProject.Session, false); await projectWatcher.Initialize(); var executableOutputPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(projectWatcher.CurrentGameExecutable.OutputFilePath); var debuggerProcess = await GetDebuggerProcess(editor); var projectCouldFirstCompile = new TaskCompletionSource <bool>(); Task.Run(() => StartDebugHost(executableOutputPath, projectWatcher, projectCouldFirstCompile, RecompilationDelay, debuggerProcess, logger)).Forget(); return(await projectCouldFirstCompile.Task); } catch { return(false); } }
void SetupPage() { StackLayout.Children.Clear(); AddTitleRow("Title"); if (!ServiceNodeManager.Current.HadUnlockedServiceNode) { AddInfoRow("Auth", Tr.Get("App.FullName")); ServiceNodesPage.AddAuthorizeSection(ServiceNodeManager.Current.NewDefaultServiceNode, this, false); } else { if (UIAppSettings.AppReady) { IsBusy = true; if (ServiceNodeManager.Current.Ready) { UpdateChats(); } } else { ShowInfo(); } } UpdateSuspendedLayout(); }
public static async Task TaskAction(ExtContentPage page, TodoTask todoTask, TodoList todoList) { var submitAccount = TodoApp.Current.GetLastUsedSubmitAccount <SubmitAccount>(todoList.ListId.ToString()); if (submitAccount == null || !todoList.IsLastUsedSecretKey(submitAccount) || todoTask.Status != TodoTaskStatusTypes.Open) { await page.Navigation.PushAsync(new TodoTaskPage(todoList, todoTask)); } else { var editItem = Tr.Get("TodoListView.EditItem"); var markDone = Tr.Get("TodoListView.MarkDone"); var result = await page.DisplayActionSheet(Tr.Get("TodoListView.ItemTitle"), Tr.Get("Common.Cancel"), null, markDone, editItem); if (result == markDone) { if (await page.ConfirmTextAsync(Tr.Get("TodoListView.ConfirmStatus"))) { page.IsBusy = true; UIApp.Run(() => TodoApp.Current.UpdateTodoItemStatus(submitAccount, TodoTaskStatusTypes.Closed, todoList, todoTask)); } } else if (result == editItem) { await page.Navigation.PushAsync(new TodoTaskPage(todoList, todoTask)); } } }
public void Update(VerifyFileJson verifyItem) { if (verifyItem == null) { Reset(); return; } _filename.Text =; _hash.Text = verifyItem.hash; _hashtype.Text = Tr.Get($"HashTypes.{verifyItem.hashtype}"); _size.Text = Tr.Get("VerifyFileView.SizeInfo", verifyItem.length); if (_link != null) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty( { _link.Text = "-"; } else { _link.Text =; } } }
static ThemesSettings() { ThemeName = new SettingsKey <ThemeType>("Themes/ThemeName", EditorSettings.SettingsContainer, ThemeType.ExpressionDark) { DisplayName = $"{Themes}/{Tr._p("Settings", "Theme Name")}" }; }
/// <summary> /// Metodo utilizado para excluir um cliente na base de dados e seu respectivo endereco /// </summary> /// <param name="Id">Int Id (Código da entidade Cliente)</param> public void Delete(int Id) { try { OpenConnection(); Tr = Con.BeginTransaction(); string queryEndereco = "delete from Endereco where IdCliente = @Id"; Cmd = new SqlCommand(queryEndereco, Con, Tr); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", Id); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); string queryCliente = "delete from Cliente where IdCliente = @Id"; Cmd = new SqlCommand(queryCliente, Con, Tr); Cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@Id", Id); Cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Tr.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Erro ao excluir cliente. \n" + ex.Message); } finally { CloseConnection(); } }
protected virtual void Update() { (var text, var link) = GetMessage(); _link = link; text = text ?? Tr.Get("Common.MessageMissing"); var message = new Span { Text = text }; message.SetStyle(Theme.TextFont, Theme.TextColor); var formattedString = new FormattedString { Spans = { message } }; if (HasAllAttachements) { var date = new Span { Text = (_link != null) ? $"\n {Time.DateTimeString(Transaction.Transaction.Timestamp)}, {_link}" : $"\n {Time.DateTimeString(Transaction.Transaction.Timestamp)}" }; date.SetStyle(Theme.DetailFont, Theme.TextColor); formattedString.Spans.Add(date); } TextLabel.FormattedText = formattedString; }
Assembly AssemblyResolve(object sender, ResolveEventArgs args) { if (Config.AssemblyResolveInfo) { Log.Warn(Tr.Get("Runtime.AssemblyResolve", args.Name, args.RequestingAssembly)); } try { var assemblyName = args.Name.Split(',')[0]; foreach (var di in _assemblyDirectories) { var assemblyPath = $"{di.FullName}/{assemblyName}.dll"; if (File.Exists(assemblyPath)) { return(Assembly.LoadFrom(assemblyPath)); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Error(Tr.Get("Runtime.AssemblyResolveException", args.Name, args.RequestingAssembly, ex.Message)); return(null); } Log.Error(Tr.Get("Runtime.AssemblyResolveFailed", args.Name, args.RequestingAssembly)); return(null); }
void SetupPage() { _more = null; _listView = null; StackLayout.Children.Clear(); var title = AddTitleRow("Title"); if (!ServiceNodeManager.Current.HadUnlockedServiceNode) { AddInfoRow("Info", Tr.Get("App.FullName")); AddSubmitRow("Add", Add); } else { if (!UIAppSettings.AppReady) { AddInfoRow("Info", Tr.Get("App.FullName")); AddSubmitRow("Add", Add); } _listView = new NoteListView(this, title); ToolbarItems.Add(new ExtToolbarItem(Tr.Get("Common.Refresh"), null, async() => { IsBusy = true; await NoteApp.Current.DownloadNoteData(false); })); AddFooterRow(); IsBusy = true; } }
public ReportEmail() { HtmlBody = new Body().Add <Class>("Body"); var oTbl = new Table().Add <Class>("Header"); HtmlBody.Append(oTbl); var oImgLogo = new Img() .Add <Class>("Logo") .Add <Src>(""); var oLogoLink = new A() .Add <Href>("") .Add <Class>("logo_ezbob") .Add <Class>("indent_text") .Add <ID>("ezbob_logo") .Add <Title>("Fast business loans for Ebay and Amazon merchants") .Add <Alt>("Fast business loans for Ebay and Amazon merchants") .Append(oImgLogo); var oTr = new Tr(); oTbl.Append(oTr); oTr.Append(new Td().Append(oLogoLink)); Title = new H1(); oTr.Append(new Td().Append(Title)); ReportBody = new P().Add <Class>("Body"); HtmlBody.Append(ReportBody); } // constructor
private void OnDestroy() { _dPong.Save.WriteCaches(); _dPong.Dispose(); Tr.UnloadLocale(); }
private static bool CheckOptions([NotNull] Options options, [NotNull] out StringBuilder message) { message = new StringBuilder(); try { if (options.InputFiles.Count == 0) { // Add all supported formats options.InputFiles.Add("*.cs"); options.InputFiles.Add("*.xaml"); } if (options.InputDirs.Count == 0) { options.InputDirs.Add(Environment.CurrentDirectory); } foreach (var dir in options.InputDirs) { if (!Directory.Exists(dir)) { message.AppendLine(string.Format(Tr._("Input directory '{0}' not found"), dir)); return(false); } } } catch (Exception e) { message.Append(e.Message); return(false); } return(true); }
private async void ButtonOk(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (!SelectedPlatforms.Any()) { await services.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "You must select at least one platform."), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } if (AvailablePlatforms.Any(x => x.MarkedToRemove)) { var buttons = DialogHelper.CreateButtons(new[] { Tr._p("Button", "Remove"), Tr._p("Button", "Cancel") }, 1, 2); var msg = string.Format(Tr._p("Message", "Are you sure you want to remove these {0} platform(s) from the package?"), AvailablePlatforms.Count(x => x.MarkedToRemove)); var result = await services.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(msg, buttons, MessageBoxImage.Question); if (result != 1) { return; } Result = Stride.Core.Presentation.Services.DialogResult.Ok; Close(); return; } Result = Stride.Core.Presentation.Services.DialogResult.Ok; Close(); }
public void Should_not_repeat_attached_properties_when_theyre_nested() { Dr.Add(typeof(ValueType), new StaticGenerator()); Dr.Add(typeof(Enum), new EnumGenerator()); Tr.SetTypes(typeof(BindableProperty)); var label = new Label(); var first = new Grid(); var second = new Grid(); var id = label.Id.ToString(); first.Children.Add(second); second.Children.Add(label); Grid.SetRow(label, 5); var page = new ContentPage { Content = first }; var ctx = new XenMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetAttachedPropertiesRequest>(req => { req.WidgetId = id; }); XamarinFormsReaction.Register <GetAttachedPropertiesRequest, GetAttachedPropertiesReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <GetAttachedPropertiesResponse>(); var row = res.Widget.AttachedProperties.First(f => f.XamlPropertyName == "Grid.Row"); Assert.AreEqual(5, row.Value); }
public void Should_return_parents_attached_properties() { Dr.Add(typeof(ValueType), new StaticGenerator()); Dr.Add(typeof(Enum), new EnumGenerator()); Tr.SetTypes(typeof(BindableProperty)); var label1 = new Label(); var label2 = new Label(); var grid = new Grid(); grid.ColumnDefinitions = new ColumnDefinitionCollection { new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(10, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new ColumnDefinition { Width = new GridLength(20, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, }; grid.RowDefinitions = new RowDefinitionCollection { new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(30, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, new RowDefinition { Height = new GridLength(40, GridUnitType.Absolute) }, }; grid.Children.Add(label1); grid.Children.Add(label2); Grid.SetRow(label1, 5); Grid.SetColumn(label1, 6); var page = new ContentPage { Content = grid }; var id = label1.Id.ToString(); var ctx = new XenMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetAttachedPropertiesRequest>(req => { req.WidgetId = id; }); XamarinFormsReaction.Register <GetAttachedPropertiesRequest, GetAttachedPropertiesReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <GetAttachedPropertiesResponse>(); var ap1 = res.Widget.AttachedProperties.First(p => p.Path[0] == "RowProperty"); var ap2 = res.Widget.AttachedProperties.First(p => p.Path[0] == "ColumnProperty"); Assert.AreEqual(4, res.Widget.AttachedProperties.Count); Assert.AreEqual(5, ap1.Value); Assert.AreEqual(6, ap2.Value); }
public async Task OpenFile(string filePath, bool tryEdit) { try { filePath = filePath.Replace('/', '\\'); if (!File.Exists(filePath)) { await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "You need to save the file before you can open it."), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } var process = new Process { StartInfo = new ProcessStartInfo(filePath) { UseShellExecute = true } }; if (tryEdit) { process.StartInfo.Verb = process.StartInfo.Verbs.FirstOrDefault(x => x.ToLowerInvariant() == "edit"); } process.Start(); } catch (Exception ex) { var message = $"{Tr._p("Message", "An error occurred while opening the file.")}{ex.FormatSummary(true)}"; await ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(message, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error); } }
private async void ButtonOk(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (Orientation == DisplayOrientation.Default) { await services.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "Select an orientation."), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } if (!SelectedPlatforms.Any()) { await services.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(Tr._p("Message", "Select at least one platform."), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } string error; if (!NamingHelper.IsValidNamespace(Namespace, out error)) { await services.Get <IDialogService>().MessageBox(string.Format(Tr._p("Message", "Type a valid namespace name. Error with {0}"), error), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); return; } Result = Stride.Core.Presentation.Services.DialogResult.Ok; Close(); }
void SetupPage() { StackLayout.Children.Clear(); AddTitleRow("Title"); var profileData = ProfileManager.Current.GetCachedProfileData(WalletApp.CurrentAccountId); ProfilePageSections.AddProfileSections(this, profileData, "Profile"); AddHeaderRow("Profiles"); if (WalletApp.IsCoreAccountUnlocked) { if (UIAppSettings.JoinedProfile) { AddButtonRow("Edit", EditProfile); } else { AddTextRow("JoinInfo").Label.ColorStyle = Theme.InfoColor; AddLinkRow("Common.LearnMore", Tr.Get("Link.Profile")); AddSubmitRow("Join", Join, false); } } else { AddTextRow("Common.Unlock").Label.ColorStyle = Theme.InfoColor; } AddButtonRow("ViewProfile", ViewProfile); AddFooterRow(); UpdateSuspendedLayout(); }
private void btnExit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!Convert.ToBoolean(this.bView)) { if ((this.dsPR.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) || (this.groupPR.Enabled == false)) { if (NP.MSGB("The PO list will be cancel , Do you agree with this ?") == DialogResult.Yes) { // Cancel oConn = new SqlConnection(NP.ReadFileDB(Application.StartupPath + @"\DB\DB.ini")); if (oConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { oConn.Close(); } oConn.Open(); SqlTransaction Tr; Tr = oConn.BeginTransaction(); try { SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(); NP_Cls.SqlDel = "DELETE FROM t_PO WHERE (PONumber = @DocNumber)"; cmd.Parameters.Add("@DocNumber", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 12).Value = this.txtPR.Text.Trim(); cmd.CommandText = NP_Cls.SqlDel; cmd.Connection = oConn; cmd.Transaction = Tr; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); NP_Cls.SqlDel = "DELETE FROM t_PODetail WHERE (PONumber = @DocNumber)"; cmd.CommandText = NP_Cls.SqlDel; cmd.Connection = oConn; cmd.Transaction = Tr; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Tr.Commit(); } catch (Exception ex) { NP.MSGB(NP_Cls.NPMgsStyle.ErrorType, "Del : " + ex.Message); } finally { if (oConn.State == ConnectionState.Open) { oConn.Close(); } } this.Close(); return; } else { return; } } } if (NP.MSGB("Do you want to exit this screen ?") == DialogResult.Yes) { this.Close(); } else { return; } }
public void Private_setters_should_return_struct_as_readonly() { Tr.SetTypes(typeof(Rectangle)); var label = new Label(); var page = new ContentPage { Content = label }; var ctx = new UIMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetObjectRequest>(req => { req.Path = new [] { "Bounds" }; req.WidgetId = label.Id.ToString(); }); InspectorReaction.Register <GetObjectRequest, GetObjectReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <ObjectResponse>(); var prop = res.Property; Assert.AreEqual(prop.PropertyName, "Bounds"); Assert.IsFalse(prop.CanWrite); Assert.IsTrue(prop.UIType.Descriptor.HasFlag(UIPropertyDescriptors.ValueType)); }
public void Should_return_Guid_as_string() { Dr.Add(typeof(ValueType), new StaticGenerator()); Dr.Add(typeof(Enum), new EnumGenerator()); Tr.SetTypes(typeof(Guid)); var label = new Label(); var page = new ContentPage { Content = label }; var ctx = new UIMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest>(req => { req.WidgetId = label.Id.ToString(); }); InspectorReaction.Register <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest, GetWidgetPropertiesReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <GetWidgetPropertiesResponse>(); var prop = res.Properties[0]; Assert.IsFalse(prop.UIType.IsNullable); Assert.IsNotNull(prop.Value); }
public void Should_return_public_properties_of_Bounds_type() { Tr.SetTypes(typeof(Rectangle)); var label = new Label(); var page = new ContentPage { Content = label }; var ctx = new UIMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetObjectRequest>(req => { req.Path = new [] { "Bounds" }; req.WidgetId = label.Id.ToString(); }); InspectorReaction.Register <GetObjectRequest, GetObjectReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <ObjectResponse>(); var prop = res.Property; Assert.AreEqual(prop.PropertyName, "Bounds"); Assert.IsAssignableFrom <UIProperty[]>(prop.Value); var boundProps = (UIProperty[])prop.Value; var xProp = boundProps.FirstOrDefault(b => b.PropertyName == "X"); Assert.IsNotNull(xProp); Assert.AreEqual(xProp.UIType.FullName, typeof(double).FullName); }
public void Should_return_LayoutOption_property_and_possible_values() { Tr.SetTypes(typeof(LayoutOptions)); Dr.Add(typeof(ValueType), new StaticGenerator()); Dr.Add(typeof(Enum), new EnumGenerator()); var label = new Label(); var page = new ContentPage { Content = label }; var ctx = new UIMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetObjectRequest>(req => { req.Path = new [] { "HorizontalOptions" }; req.WidgetId = label.Id.ToString(); }); InspectorReaction.Register <GetObjectRequest, GetObjectReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <ObjectResponse>(); var p = res.Property; Assert.AreEqual(p.PropertyName, "HorizontalOptions"); Assert.IsTrue(p.UIType.Descriptor.HasFlag(UIPropertyDescriptors.ValueType | UIPropertyDescriptors.Literals)); Assert.AreEqual(8, p.UIType.PossibleValues.Length); Assert.IsAssignableFrom <UIProperty[]>(p.Value); var alignmentProp = (p.Value as UIProperty[])?[0]; Assert.AreEqual(alignmentProp?.Value, "Fill"); CollectionAssert.IsNotEmpty(alignmentProp?.UIType.PossibleValues); }
public void Color_test() { Tr.SetTypes(typeof(Color)); var label = new Label { BackgroundColor = Color.Red }; var page = new ContentPage { Content = label }; var ctx = new UIMessageContext(); ctx.SetRequest <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest>(req => { req.WidgetId = label.Id.ToString(); req.IncludeValues = true; }); InspectorReaction.Register <GetWidgetPropertiesRequest, GetWidgetPropertiesReaction>(page); Reaction.Execute(ctx); var res = ctx.Get <GetWidgetPropertiesResponse>(); var p = res.Properties.First(f => f.PropertyName == "BackgroundColor"); }
private bool CanUpdateName([CanBeNull] string newName) { // empty names are not allowed if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(newName)) { return(false); } // folder separator is not allowed if (newName.Contains(FolderSeparator)) { return(false); } // check for name collision if (Parent == null) { throw new InvalidOperationException($"{nameof(Parent)} cannot be null"); } var canRename = Parent.Folders.All(x => x == this || !string.Equals(x.Name, newName, FolderCase)); if (!canRename) { ServiceProvider.Get <IDialogService>() .BlockingMessageBox(string.Format(Tr._p("Message", "Unable to rename the folder '{0}' to '{1}'. A folder with the same name already exists."), name, newName), MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information); } return(canRename); }
private void MkTbBody(List<List<Info>> infos) { for (int i = 1; i <= infos.Count; ++i) { Tr tr = new Tr(infos[i - 1], i); tr.ID = "row" + i; TableBody.Controls.Add(tr); } }
public void Start2() { if (mf == null) mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); elements.Clear(); //mf.gameObject.AddComponent<MeshCollider>(); //mf.gameObject.layer =; lab = new Dictionary<int, List<Tr>>(); //triangles = mf.mesh.triangles.ToList(); vertices = mf.mesh.vertices; oldVertices = (Vector3[])vertices.Clone(); normals = mf.mesh.normals; tangents = mf.mesh.tangents; uvs = mf.mesh.uv; //crs = new Color32[mf.mesh.colors32.Length]; for (int x = 0; x < mf.mesh.subMeshCount; x++) { var trs = mf.mesh.GetIndices(x); for (int i = 0; i < trs.Length; i += 3) { var tr = new Tr() { ind = new[] { trs[i], trs[i + 1], trs[i + 2] }, pointers = new[] { i, i + 1, i + 2 }, group = x }; flat.Add(tr); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { List<Tr> lt; if (!lab.TryGetValue(trs[i + j], out lt)) lab[trs[i + j]] = lt = new List<Tr>(); lt.Add(tr); } } } foreach (Tr t in flat) { if (!t.went) { Element element = new Element(); element.MeshTest = this; elements.Add(element); var color32 = new Color32((byte)(Random.value * 255), (byte)(Random.value * 255), (byte)(Random.value * 255), 255); Go(t, color32, element); } } //mf.mesh.colors32 = crs; }
internal static object tr_trans(object str, Frame caller, Proc block, object src, object repl, bool sflag) { Tr trSrc, trRepl; bool cflag = false; int[] trans = new int[256]; int i, c; bool modify = false; int s, send; System.Text.StringBuilder t = new System.Text.StringBuilder(); string sString = StringValue(str, caller); string srcString = StringValue(src, caller); string replString = StringValue(repl, caller); if (((String)str).value == null || ((String)str).value.Length == 0) { return null; } trSrc = new Tr(srcString); if (srcString.Length >= 2 && srcString[0] == '^') { cflag = true; trSrc.MoveNext(); } if (replString.Length == 0) { return Ruby.Methods.rb_str_delete_bang.singleton.Call(null, str, caller, block, new Array(src)); } trRepl = new Tr(replString); if (cflag) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { trans[i] = 1; } while (trSrc.HasMore()) { c = trSrc.Next(); trans[c] = -1; } while (trRepl.HasMore()) { /* retrieve last replacer */ c = trRepl.Next(); } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { if (trans[i] >= 0) { trans[i] = trRepl.Now; } } } else { int r; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { trans[i] = -1; } while (trSrc.HasMore()) { c = trSrc.Next(); r = trRepl.Next(); if (r == -1) { r = trRepl.Now; } trans[c] = r; } } s = 0; send = s + sString.Length; if (sflag) { int c0, last = -1; while (s < send) { c0 = sString[s++]; if ((c = trans[c0]) >= 0) { if (last == c) continue; last = c; t.Append((char)c); modify = true; } else { last = -1; t.Append((char)c0); } } } else { while (s < send) { if ((c = trans[(int)sString[s]]) >= 0) { t.Append((char)c); modify = true; } else { t.Append((char)sString[s]); } s++; } } if (modify) { ((String)str).value = t.ToString(); return str; } else { return null; } }
private void Go(Tr tr, Color32 color, Element element) { if (tr.went) return; tr.went = true; element.materialGroup =; element.pointers.AddRange(tr.pointers); element.list.AddRange(tr.ind); foreach (int a in tr.ind) { element.b.Encapsulate(vertices[a]); //crs[a] = color; } foreach(var i in tr.ind) { List<Tr> lt; if (lab.TryGetValue(i, out lt)) foreach (Tr t in lt) Go(t, color, element); } }
// tr_setup_table internal static void SetupTable(string str, char[] table, bool init) { char[] buf = new char[256]; Tr tr = new Tr(str); int i, c; int cflag = 0; if (str.Length > 1 && str[0] == '^') { cflag = 1; tr.MoveNext(); } if (init) { for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { table[i] = (char)1; } } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { buf[i] = (char)cflag; } while (tr.HasMore()) { c = tr.Next(); if (cflag == 1) { buf[c] = (char)0; } else { buf[c] = (char)1; } } for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { char test = (char)(table[i] & buf[i]); table[i] = (char)(table[i] & buf[i]); } }
public void Start2() { if (mf == null) mf = GetComponent<MeshFilter>(); if (meshList.Count > 0) { var list = new List<CombineInstance>(); var r = mf.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>(); var enumerable = new[] { mf.renderer }.Concat(meshList); r.sharedMaterials = enumerable.SelectMany(a => a.sharedMaterials).ToArray(); foreach (var a in enumerable) { var sharedMesh = a.GetComponent<MeshFilter>().sharedMesh; for (int i = 0; i < sharedMesh.subMeshCount; i++) { var ci = new CombineInstance(); ci.transform = tr.worldToLocalMatrix * a.transform.localToWorldMatrix; ci.mesh = sharedMesh; ci.subMeshIndex = i; list.Add(ci); } } mf.mesh.CombineMeshes(list.ToArray(), false); foreach (var a in meshList) Destroy(a.gameObject); } lossyScale = mf.transform.lossyScale; elements.Clear(); lab = new Dictionary<int, List<Tr>>(); vertices = mf.mesh.vertices; oldVertices = (Vector3[])vertices.Clone(); normals = mf.mesh.normals; tangents = mf.mesh.tangents; uvs = mf.mesh.uv; for (int x = 0; x < mf.mesh.subMeshCount; x++) { var trs = mf.mesh.GetIndices(x); for (int i = 0; i < trs.Length; i += 3) { var tr = new Tr() { ind = new[] { trs[i], trs[i + 1], trs[i + 2] }, pointers = new[] { i, i + 1, i + 2 }, group = x }; flat.Add(tr); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { List<Tr> lt; if (!lab.TryGetValue(trs[i + j], out lt)) lab[trs[i + j]] = lt = new List<Tr>(); lt.Add(tr); } } } foreach (Tr t in flat) { if (!t.went) { Element element = new Element(); element.MeshTest = this; elements.Add(element); var color32 = new Color32((byte)(Random.value * 255), (byte)(Random.value * 255), (byte)(Random.value * 255), 255); Go(t, color32, element, 0); } } }