//creates a number of pilots public static void CreatePilots(int count) { List <Town> towns = Towns.GetTowns(); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Town town = towns[rnd.Next(towns.Count)]; DateTime birthdate = MathHelpers.GetRandomDate(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.AddYears(-Pilot.RetirementAge), GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.AddYears(-23)); PilotProfile profile = new PilotProfile(Names.GetInstance().getRandomFirstName(), Names.GetInstance().getRandomLastName(), birthdate, town); Dictionary <Pilot.PilotRating, int> rankings = new Dictionary <Pilot.PilotRating, int>(); rankings.Add(Pilot.PilotRating.A, 10); rankings.Add(Pilot.PilotRating.B, 20); rankings.Add(Pilot.PilotRating.C, 40); rankings.Add(Pilot.PilotRating.D, 20); rankings.Add(Pilot.PilotRating.E, 10); Pilot.PilotRating ranking = AIHelpers.GetRandomItem <Pilot.PilotRating>(rankings); int fromYear = Math.Min(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.Year - 1, birthdate.AddYears(23).Year); int toYear = Math.Min(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.Year, birthdate.AddYears(Pilot.RetirementAge).Year); DateTime educationTime = MathHelpers.GetRandomDate(birthdate.AddYears(23), new DateTime(toYear, 1, 1)); Pilot pilot = new Pilot(profile, educationTime, ranking); Pilots.AddPilot(pilot); } }
public TownsResponse Post(Towns request) { if (request.Town.Id > 0) { Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.Parameter.Town item = Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns[request.Town.Id]; item.CountryId = request.Town.Country.Id; item.EndingDate = request.Town.EndingDate; item.Name = request.Town.Name; item.StartingDate = request.Town.StartingDate; item.ZipCode = request.Town.ZipCode; Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns[request.Town.Id] = item; } else { Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.Parameter.Town item = new Data.Common.BLL.Parameter.Town() { CountryId = request.Town.Country.Id, EndingDate = request.Town.EndingDate, Name = request.Town.Name, StartingDate = request.Town.StartingDate, ZipCode = request.Town.ZipCode }; Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns.Add(item); request.Town.Id = item.Id; } TownsResponse response = new TownsResponse(); response.Towns.Add(request.Town); return response; }
public void TestUpdateTowns() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OlympicGamesDBContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "TestUpdateTownsDB") .Options; var data = new List <Towns>() { new Towns { Id = 1, Name = "Town1" }, new Towns { Id = 2, Name = "Town2" }, new Towns { Id = 3, Name = "Town3" }, }.AsQueryable(); using (OlympicGamesDBContext context = new OlympicGamesDBContext(options)) { TownsBusiness business = new TownsBusiness(context); data.ToList().ForEach(c => business.AddTown(c)); Towns c = business.GetTownById(2); c.Name = "Town22"; business.UpdateTown(c); Assert.AreEqual("Town22", business.GetTownById(2).Name); } }
/// <summary> /// Register employee with given FirstName, LastName, Password /// Check if there already Town in the database and creates if there is not /// </summary> /// <param name="FirstName">Given FirstName</param> /// <param name="LastName">GIven LastName</param> /// <param name="Password">Given passwor</param> /// <param name="TownName">Given TownName</param> public void Register(string FirstName, string LastName, string TownName, string Password) { //Registe employee var Town = this.officestoreContext.Towns.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Name == TownName); if (Town == null)//Checks if Town exists { //Creates new town Town = new Towns() { Name = TownName }; this.officestoreContext.Towns.Add(Town); } Employees employee = new Employees() { FirstName = FirstName, LastName = LastName, TownId = Town.Id, Password = Password, DutyId = 1 }; this.officestoreContext.Employees.Add(employee); this.officestoreContext.SaveChanges(); }
public void LoadCurrents(AbsolutePlace place) { var countries = namazApi.GetCountries(); countries.ForEach(c => Countries.Add(c)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(place.Country?.UlkeID) && Countries.Any()) { var selectedCnt = Countries.FirstOrDefault(c => c.UlkeID == place.Country?.UlkeID); SelectedCountry = selectedCnt; var cities = namazApi.GetCities(selectedCnt.UlkeID); cities.ForEach(c => Cities.Add(c)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(place.City?.SehirID)) { var selectedCity = Cities.FirstOrDefault(c => c.SehirID == place.City?.SehirID); SelectedCity = selectedCity; var towns = namazApi.GetTowns(selectedCity.SehirID); towns.ForEach(i => Towns.Add(i)); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(place.Town?.IlceID)) { var selectedTown = Towns.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IlceID == place.Town?.IlceID); SelectedTown = SelectedTown; } else { var cityCenter = towns.FirstOrDefault(t => t.IlceAdi == selectedCity.SehirAdi); SelectedTown = cityCenter; } } } }
/// <summary> /// 在省级区划范围内尝试通过县级区划反向查询市级区划 /// </summary> private void FindCityReverse() { var list = (from r in _Citys join c in Countys on r.ID equals c.ParentId let alias = c.Alias.Split(',').FirstOrDefault(_Address.Contains) let key = alias ?? c.Name let index = GetIndex(key) where index >= 0 orderby index select new { region = c, index, key }).ToList(); if (!list.Any()) { if (!"北京,天津,上海,重庆".Contains(_Province.Alias)) { return; } _City = Citys.Single(c => c.ParentId == _Province.ID && c.Name == "市辖区"); return; } var county = list.First(); _County = county.region; _City = Citys.Single(c => c.ID == _County.ParentId); _Towns = Towns.Where(t => t.ParentId == _County.ID).ToList(); SetIndex(county.index, _County.Name, county.key); FindTown(); }
/// <summary> /// Get towns sorted by distance to passed ID town. /// </summary> public List <string> GetTownsSortedByDistance(string p_ID) { var l_Town = Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == p_ID); var l_SortedTowns = Towns.Select(town => town.TownID).ToList(); for (var i = 0; i < Towns.Count; i++) { var min = i; var minDistance = Math.Sqrt( Math.Pow(Math.Abs((int.Parse(l_Town.IslandX) - int.Parse(Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == l_SortedTowns[i]).IslandX))), 2) + Math.Pow(Math.Abs((int.Parse(l_Town.IslandY) - int.Parse(Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == l_SortedTowns[i]).IslandY))), 2)); int j; for (j = i + 1; j < Towns.Count; j++) { var curDistance = Math.Sqrt( Math.Pow(Math.Abs((int.Parse(l_Town.IslandX) - int.Parse(Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == l_SortedTowns[j]).IslandX))), 2) + Math.Pow(Math.Abs((int.Parse(l_Town.IslandY) - int.Parse(Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == l_SortedTowns[j]).IslandY))), 2)); if (curDistance < minDistance) { min = j; minDistance = curDistance; } } var l_TownIndex = l_SortedTowns[min]; l_SortedTowns[min] = l_SortedTowns[i]; l_SortedTowns[i] = l_TownIndex; } return(l_SortedTowns); }
public void GetTownByName() { var options = new DbContextOptionsBuilder <OlympicGamesDBContext>() .UseInMemoryDatabase(databaseName: "GetTownByNameDB") .Options; var data = new List <Towns>() { new Towns { Id = 1, Name = "Town1" }, new Towns { Id = 2, Name = "Town2" }, new Towns { Id = 3, Name = "Town3" }, }.AsQueryable(); using (OlympicGamesDBContext context = new OlympicGamesDBContext(options)) { TownsBusiness business = new TownsBusiness(context); data.ToList().ForEach(t => business.AddTown(t)); Towns t = business.GetTownByName("Town1"); Assert.AreEqual("Town1", t.Name); } }
public void BindExistingData() { if (ProductItemViewModel != null) { Title = "Edit Product"; SelectedTown = Towns.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ProductItemViewModel.TownId); SelectedListingType = ListingTypes.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ProductItemViewModel.ListingTypeId); ProductName = ProductItemViewModel.ProductName; IsHot = ProductItemViewModel.IsHot; Area = ProductItemViewModel.Area; HouseNumber = ProductItemViewModel.HouseNumber; SalePrice = (float)ProductItemViewModel.SalePrice; SelectedSaleUnit = SaleUnits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ProductItemViewModel.SaleUnitId); RentPrice = (float)ProductItemViewModel.RentPrice; SelectedRentUnit = RentUnits.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == ProductItemViewModel.RentUnitId); Mobile = ProductItemViewModel.OwnerInfo.Mobile; OwnerName = ProductItemViewModel.OwnerInfo.Name; Notes = ProductItemViewModel.Notes; if (ProductItemViewModel.ImageUrls != null && ProductItemViewModel.ImageUrls.Any()) { Photos = new ObservableCollection <ImageItemViewModel>(ProductItemViewModel.ImageUrls.Select(x => new ImageItemViewModel { Id = x.Id, ImageName = x.Name, ImageSource = new UriImageSource { Uri = new Uri(x.Url) } })); } } else { Title = "Add Product"; } }
/// <summary> /// Set Count of Unit in specific town. /// </summary> /// <param name="p_Unit">Unit name</param> /// <param name="p_Count">Unit count</param> /// <param name="p_HomeTown">HomeTown ID</param> /// <param name="p_CurrentTown">CurrentTown ID</param> public void SetUnitCount(string p_Unit, string p_Count, string p_HomeTown, string p_CurrentTown) { if (p_HomeTown.Equals(p_CurrentTown)) { var l_UnitIndex = Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == p_HomeTown).ArmyUnits.FindIndex(a => a.Name.ToString("G") == p_Unit); if (l_UnitIndex != -1)//All unknown or ignored units give -1, e.g. militia { Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == p_HomeTown).ArmyUnits[l_UnitIndex].CurrentAmount = int.Parse(p_Count); Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == p_HomeTown).ArmyUnits[l_UnitIndex].TotalAmount += int.Parse(p_Count); } } else { foreach (var town in Towns) { if (town.TownID.Equals(p_HomeTown)) { var l_UnitIndex = Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == p_HomeTown).ArmyUnits.FindIndex(a => a.Name.ToString("g") == p_Unit); if (l_UnitIndex != -1)//All unknown or ignored units give -1, e.g. militia { Towns.Single(x => x.TownID == p_HomeTown).ArmyUnits[l_UnitIndex].TotalAmount += int.Parse(p_Count); } break; } } } }
private static bool ParseTowns(NodeStruct node, FileLoader fileLoader) { byte type; NodeStruct nodeTown = fileLoader.GetChildNode(node, out type); while (nodeTown != null) { if (type != (byte)OtbmNodeTypes.Town) { return(false); } MemoryStream props; if (!fileLoader.GetProps(nodeTown, out props)) { return(false); } uint townId = props.ReadUInt32(); if (!Towns.ContainsKey(townId)) { Towns.Add(townId, new Town { TownId = townId }); } Town town = Towns[townId]; town.TownName = props.GetString(); town.TemplePosition = new Position(props.ReadUInt16(), props.ReadUInt16(), (byte)props.ReadByte()); nodeTown = fileLoader.GetNextNode(nodeTown, out type); } return(true); }
//Method to unlock new town public static bool UnlockNewTown(Towns newTown) { int newTownCost = NextPurchaseCost(); if (Inventory.Instance.GetUnlockedTowns().Contains(newTown)) { Debug.Log("UnlockNewTown(): " + newTown.ToString() + " is already unlocked."); return(false); } if (Inventory.Instance.RemoveGold(newTownCost)) { Inventory.Instance.UnlockTown(newTown); AchievementManager.Get("unlock_town_01"); AchievementManager.Increment("all_towns"); //unlockedTowns.Add(newTown); //lockedTowns.Remove(newTown); Debug.Log("Town is unlocked: " + newTown); return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private void PrintTown(Towns town) { Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40)); Console.WriteLine($"ID: {town.Id}"); Console.WriteLine($"Name: {town.Name}"); Console.WriteLine(new string('-', 40)); }
public static void ChangeCurrentTown(Towns newTown) { if (Inventory.Instance.GetUnlockedTowns().Contains(newTown)) { Inventory.Instance.SetCurrentTown(newTown); } }
//creates a number of pilots public static void CreatePilots(int count) { List <Town> towns = Towns.GetTowns(); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Town town = towns[rnd.Next(towns.Count)]; DateTime birthdate = MathHelpers.GetRandomDate(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.AddYears(-Pilot.RetirementAge), GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.AddYears(-23)); PilotProfile profile = new PilotProfile(Names.GetInstance().getRandomFirstName(town.Country), Names.GetInstance().getRandomLastName(town.Country), birthdate, town); PilotRating rating = GetPilotRating(); int fromYear = Math.Min(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.Year - 1, birthdate.AddYears(23).Year); int toYear = Math.Min(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.Year, birthdate.AddYears(Pilot.RetirementAge).Year); DateTime educationTime = MathHelpers.GetRandomDate(birthdate.AddYears(23), new DateTime(toYear, 1, 1)); Pilot pilot = new Pilot(profile, educationTime, rating); pilot.Aircrafts = GetPilotAircrafts(pilot); Pilots.AddPilot(pilot); } }
//creates a number of instructors public static void CreateInstructors(int count) { List <Town> towns = Towns.GetTowns(); Random rnd = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { Town town = towns[rnd.Next(towns.Count)]; DateTime birthdate = MathHelpers.GetRandomDate(GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.AddYears(-Pilot.RetirementAge), GameObject.GetInstance().GameTime.AddYears(-23)); PilotProfile profile = new PilotProfile(Names.GetInstance().getRandomFirstName(town.Country), Names.GetInstance().getRandomLastName(town.Country), birthdate, town); Dictionary <PilotRating, int> rankings = new Dictionary <PilotRating, int>(); rankings.Add(PilotRatings.GetRating("A"), 10); rankings.Add(PilotRatings.GetRating("B"), 20); rankings.Add(PilotRatings.GetRating("C"), 40); rankings.Add(PilotRatings.GetRating("D"), 20); rankings.Add(PilotRatings.GetRating("E"), 10); PilotRating ranking = AIHelpers.GetRandomItem <PilotRating>(rankings); Instructor instructor = new Instructor(profile, ranking); Instructors.AddInstructor(instructor); } }
public IHttpActionResult PutTowns(int id, Towns towns) { if (!ModelState.IsValid) { return(BadRequest(ModelState)); } if (id != towns.ID) { return(BadRequest()); } db.Entry(towns).State = EntityState.Modified; try { db.SaveChanges(); } catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException) { if (!TownsExists(id)) { return(NotFound()); } else { throw; } } return(StatusCode(HttpStatusCode.NoContent)); }
public static Town GetTown(ushort townId) { if (Towns.ContainsKey(townId)) { return(Towns[townId]); } return(null); }
public void CreateTown(Account Player, UserGameSettings Settings) { Towns NewTown = new Towns(); SettingStats(Settings); SettingTown(NewTown, Player); Player.Towns.Add(NewTown); }
public ActionResult DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Towns towns = db.Ilceler.Find(id); db.Ilceler.Remove(towns); db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
public void TownsClassTest() { // Arrange & Act Towns towns = new Towns(); //Assert Assert.IsNotNull(towns); }
public static Towns Instance() { if (_instance == null) { _instance = new Towns(); } return(_instance); }
public async Task <ActionResult> DeleteConfirmed(int id) { Towns towns = await db.Towns.FindAsync(id); db.Towns.Remove(towns); await db.SaveChangesAsync(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); }
/// <summary> /// Убрать город /// </summary> /// <param name="Name">Название города</param> public static void RemoveTown(string Name) { Town finded = Towns.Find(x => x.Name == Name); if (finded != null) { Towns.Remove(finded); } }
public void Setup(Town town, Towns towns, Inventory inventory, GameDate gameDate) { this.town = town; this.towns = towns; this.inventory = inventory; this.gameDate = gameDate; FillRumors(); }
public void InitializeTowns(IEnumerable <TownEntity> towns) { if (Towns.Any()) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Townsは既に初期化されています"); } Towns = towns.ToList(); }
public TownsResponse Delete(Towns request) { Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.Parameter.Town item = Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns[request.Town.Id]; item.EndingDate = DateTime.Now; Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns[item.Id] = item; TownsResponse response = new TownsResponse(); response.Towns.Add(request.Town); return response; }
/// <summary> /// Вернуть ID города по имени города /// </summary> /// <param name="s">Имя города</param> /// <returns>ID города</returns> private static int IdTownByName(string s) { Town t1 = Towns.Find(x => x.Name == s); if (t1 != null) { return(t1.Id); } return(-1); }
public void UpdateTown(Towns town) { var item = olympicGamesDBContext.Towns.Find(town.Id); if (item != null) { olympicGamesDBContext.Entry(item).CurrentValues.SetValues(town); olympicGamesDBContext.SaveChanges(); } }
public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,Ilce")] Towns towns) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(towns).State = EntityState.Modified; db.SaveChanges(); return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } return(View(towns)); }
void AddMinion() { Minions minions = new Minions(); Console.Write("Enter minions name ="); minions.Name = Console.ReadLine(); Console.Write("Enter minions age ="); minions.Age = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()); Towns towns = new Towns(); Console.Write("Enter minions town ="); towns.Name = Console.ReadLine(); Villains villains = new Villains(); Console.Write("Enter villains name ="); villains.Name = Console.ReadLine(); var checkVillainsName = from v in villainsRepository.GetAll() where v.Name.ToLower() == villains.Name.ToLower() select v.Name; int countVillains = checkVillainsName.Count(); if (countVillains == 0) { villains.EvilnessFactorId = 4; villainsRepository.Insert(villains); Console.WriteLine($"Villain {villains.Name} was added to the database."); } var checkTownsName = from t in townsRepository.GetAll() where t.Name.ToLower() == towns.Name.ToLower() select t.Name; int countTowns = checkTownsName.Count(); if (countTowns == 0) { towns.CountryCode = 4; townsRepository.Insert(towns); Console.WriteLine($"Town {towns.Name} was added to the database."); } foreach (var item in townsRepository.GetAll()) { if (item.Name.ToLower() == towns.Name.ToLower()) { minions.TownId = item.Id; } } minionsRepositroy.Insert(minions); Console.WriteLine($"Successfully added {minions.Name} to be minion of {villains.Name}."); }
void Update() { Towns.Clear(); var list = townsService.GetAsync().Result; foreach (var n in list) { Towns.Add(n); } MessengerInstance.Send(new ObservableCollection <TownsModel>()); }
public TownsResponse Get(Towns request) { TownsResponse response = new TownsResponse(); List<Bm2s.Data.Common.BLL.Parameter.Town> items = new List<Data.Common.BLL.Parameter.Town>(); if (!request.Ids.Any()) { items.AddRange(Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns.Where(item => (request.CountryId == 0 || item.CountryId == request.CountryId) && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.Name) || item.Name.ToLower().Contains(request.Name.ToLower())) && (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(request.ZipCode) || item.ZipCode.ToLower().Contains(request.ZipCode.ToLower())) && (!request.Date.HasValue || (request.Date >= item.StartingDate && (!item.EndingDate.HasValue || request.Date < item.EndingDate.Value))) )); } else { items.AddRange(Datas.Instance.DataStorage.Towns.Where(item => request.Ids.Contains(item.Id))); } var collection = (from item in items select new Bm2s.Poco.Common.Parameter.Town() { Country = new CountriesService().Get(new Countries() { Ids = new List<int>() { item.CountryId } }).Countries.FirstOrDefault(), EndingDate = item.EndingDate, Id = item.Id, Name = item.Name, StartingDate = item.StartingDate, ZipCode = item.ZipCode }).AsQueryable().OrderBy(request.Order, !request.DescendingOrder); response.ItemsCount = collection.Count(); if (request.PageSize > 0) { response.Towns.AddRange(collection.Skip((request.CurrentPage - 1) * request.PageSize).Take(request.PageSize)); } else { response.Towns.AddRange(collection); } try { response.PagesCount = collection.Count() / response.Towns.Count + (collection.Count() % response.Towns.Count > 0 ? 1 : 0); } catch { response.PagesCount = 1; } return response; }