예제 #1
    public int turnPlaced = 0;                               //< The turn this tower was placed in the level

    #region Major Monobehaviour Functions

     * Awake is called after initialization of gameobjects prior to the start of the game. Handle initialization tasks common to all towers
    protected virtual void Awake()
        // Get initialization values and set this towers basic values
        initValues = FindObjectOfType <ManagerIndex>();
        // Get the Tower Manager
        towerManager = FindObjectOfType <TowerManager>();
        // Get component references
        rangeEffect = GetComponent <TowerRangeEffect>();
     * Check for a tower and apply the effects that selecting a tower should trigger
     * @param hitObject GameObject The object that the raycast hit
     * @param isLeftMouse Bool dictating if the left mouse button was clicked or not
    private void CheckForTower(GameObject hitObject, bool isLeftMouse)
        // Flag to tell us later if we actually hit a tower
        bool hitTower = false;

        // Attempt to get the TowerBase component from the object if it has one
        TowerBase towerTemp = hitObject.GetComponent <TowerBase>();

        // Make sure that we found a TowerBase component that is active
        if (towerTemp != null && towerTemp.isActiveAndEnabled)
            // Set flag so we know later that we hit a tower
            hitTower = true;

            // Turn off previous effect if there was one
            if (selectedRangeEffect != null && selectedRangeEffect != hitObject.GetComponent <TowerRangeEffect>())
                // Turn the neutral range effect off

            // Set as selected tower
            selectedTower = towerTemp;

            // Get the range effect component and update it to show the neutral tower range effect
            selectedRangeEffect = hitObject.GetComponent <TowerRangeEffect>();
            selectedRangeEffect.UpdateEffect(selectedRangeEffect.State == TowerRangeEffect.EffectState.Off ? TowerRangeEffect.EffectState.Neutral : TowerRangeEffect.EffectState.Off);

        // If we did not hit a tower, remove selected tower
        if (!hitTower)
            // Remove reference
            if (selectedTower != null)
                selectedTower = null;

            // Remove references to other components
            if (selectedRangeEffect != null)
                // Turn the neutral range effect off
                selectedRangeEffect = null;
  * Handle initialization tasks common to all towers
 protected virtual void Awake()
     // get component references
     rangeEffect = GetComponent <TowerRangeEffect>();