/// <summary>
        /// resolves an instance of this type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Container">Container holding the registerd object</param>
        /// <param name="RegisteredObjectToBuild">Registered Object To Get The Instance Of</param>
        /// <returns>The resolved instance</returns>
        public object ResolveInstance(ToracDIContainer Container, RegisteredUnTypedObject RegisteredObjectToBuild)
            //**so expression tree is slower if you are just running resolve a handful of times. You would need to get into the 10,000 resolves before it starts getting faster.
            //**since an asp.net mvc site will handle request after request the pool won't get recycled before 10,000. So we are going to build it for scalability with expression trees

            //instead of using activator, we are going to use an expression tree which is a ton faster.

            //so we are going to build a func that takes a params object[] and then we just set it to each item.

            //if we haven't already built the expression, then let's build and compile it now

            //singleton will only create it once, so singleton's will use the regular activator because it won't benefit of creating the object once. The cost
            //of the expression tree compile is too hight.

            //do we need to create an instance? This handles the derived per thread scoped object
            if (Instance != null)
                //we have a valid instance, return it
                return Instance;

            //go build the instance and store it
            Instance = Activator.CreateInstance(RegisteredObjectToBuild.ConcreteType, RegisteredObjectToBuild.ResolveConstructorParametersLazy(Container).ToArray());

            //now return the object we created. Don't return the instance which could be a derived typed
            return Instance;
 /// <summary>
 /// Constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="FactoryNameToSet"> Unique Identifier when you have the same types to resolve. Abstract Factory Pattern usages</param>
 /// <param name="TypeToResolveToSet"> Type to resolve. ie: ILogger</param>
 /// <param name="ConcreteTypeToSet">Implementation of the Type to resolve. ie: TextLogger</param>
 /// <param name="ObjectScopeToSet">How long does does the object last in the di container</param>
 public AllRegistrationResult(string FactoryNameToSet, ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope ObjectScopeToSet, Type TypeToResolveToSet, Type ConcreteTypeToSet)
     //set all the properties
     FactoryName = FactoryNameToSet;
     TypeToResolve = TypeToResolveToSet;
     ConcreteType = ConcreteTypeToSet;
     ObjectScope = ObjectScopeToSet;
예제 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor to init the container
        /// </summary>
        static DIUnitTestContainer()
            //create the new di container
            DIContainer = new ToracDIContainer();

            //go configure the di container
        /// <summary>
        /// resolves an instance of this type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Container">Container holding the registerd object</param>
        /// <param name="RegisteredObjectToBuild">Registered Object To Get The Instance Of</param>
        /// <returns>The resolved instance</returns>
        public object ResolveInstance(ToracDIContainer Container, RegisteredUnTypedObject RegisteredObjectToBuild)
            //if we have a valid object and its still alive then return it
            if (Instance == null || !Instance.IsAlive)
                //at this point we don't have a valid object, we need to create it and put it in the property
                Instance = new WeakReference(CachedActivator.Invoke(RegisteredObjectToBuild.ResolveConstructorParametersLazy(Container).ToArray()));

            //now just return the instance's target.
            return Instance.Target;
            public static ControllerExtensionTestController MockController(ToracDIContainer DIContainer)
                //create the controller
                var MockedController = new ControllerExtensionTestController();

                //create the Mock controller
                MockedController.ControllerContext = new MockControllerContext(MockedController,

                //return the controller now
                return MockedController;
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructor
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ObjectScopeToSet">Scope of the object to use</param>
        /// <param name="TypeToResolveToSet">Type to resolve. Usually an interface</param>
        /// <param name="ConcreteTypeToSet">Concrete type to create. Usually a class that implements TTypeToResolveToSet.</param>
        public RegisteredUnTypedObject(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope ObjectScopeToSet, Type TypeToResolveToSet, Type ConcreteTypeToSet)
            //set the immutable properties
            TypeToResolve = TypeToResolveToSet;
            ConcreteType = ConcreteTypeToSet;
            ObjectScope = ObjectScopeToSet;

            //grab the constructor info
            var ConstructorInfoToUse = ConcreteType.GetConstructors().First();

            //grab the constructor parameters and store them
            ConcreteConstructorParameters = ConstructorInfoToUse.GetParameters();

            //depending on which scope to use, create the implementation
            ScopeImplementation = CreateScopeImplementation(ObjectScope, ConstructorInfoToUse);
            public static JsonNetCustomValueProviderFactoryControllerTest MockController(ToracDIContainer DIContainer)
                //create the controller
                var MockedController = new JsonNetCustomValueProviderFactoryControllerTest();

                //create the Mock controller
                MockedController.ControllerContext = new MockControllerContext(MockedController,

                //return the controller now
                return MockedController;
        /// <summary>
        /// resolves an instance of this type
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Container">Container holding the registerd object</param>
        /// <param name="RegisteredObjectToBuild">Registered Object To Get The Instance Of</param>
        /// <returns>The resolved instance</returns>
        public object ResolveInstance(ToracDIContainer Container, RegisteredUnTypedObject RegisteredObjectToBuild)
            //use the activator and go create the instance
            //return Activator.CreateInstance(RegisteredObjectToBuild.ConcreteType, ConstructorParameters);

            //**so expression tree is slower if you are just running resolve a handful of times. You would need to get into the 10,000 resolves before it starts getting faster.
            //**since an asp.net mvc site will handle request after request the pool won't get recycled before 10,000. So we are going to build it for scalability with expression trees

            //instead of using activator, we are going to use an expression tree which is a ton faster.

            //so we are going to build a func that takes a params object[] and then we just set it to each item.

            //if we haven't already built the expression, then let's build and compile it now

            //transients will benefit from the expression tree. singleton will only create it once, so singleton's will use the regular activator

            //we have the expression, so let's go invoke it and return the results
            return CachedActivator.Invoke(RegisteredObjectToBuild.ResolveConstructorParametersLazy(Container).ToArray());
            public static MockHttpRequest MockRequest(ToracDIContainer DIContainer)
                //let's build a model with a stream
                var MemoryStreamToUse = new MemoryStream();

                //stream writer
                var StreamWriterToUse = new StreamWriter(MemoryStreamToUse);

                //write the string value

                //flush the data

                //reset the stream
                MemoryStreamToUse.Position = 0;

                //go build hte request and return it
                return new MockHttpRequest(null, null, null, null, AspNetConstants.JsonContentType, MemoryStreamToUse);
        public void AspMvcWorksWithDIContainerTest1()
            //first thing we need to do is declare the container
            var DIContainer = new ToracDIContainer();

            //let's go configure the bootstrapper

            //let's go create the default controller factory
            var MockedDefaultControllerFactory = new ToracDIDefaultControllerFactory(DIContainer);

            //let's go grab mock the request context
            var ControllerToUse = (HomeControllerDIContainerTest)MockedDefaultControllerFactory.GetControllerInstanceMock(new RequestContext(), typeof(HomeControllerDIContainerTest));

            //description to log
            const string DescriptionToLog = "Test123";

            //now go check that value
            Assert.Equal(DescriptionToLog, ControllerToUse.Logger.WriteToLog(DescriptionToLog));
예제 #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the parameter value for the given constructor parameter implementation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Container">Current container to fetch the parameter from</param>
 /// <returns>The parameter value</returns>
 public object GetParameterValue(ToracDIContainer Container)
     //just invoke the expression and return it
     return ResolveExpression(Container);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the parameter value for the given constructor parameter implementation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Container">The container which we are currently using to resolve items</param>
 /// <returns>The parameter value</returns>
 public object GetParameterValue(ToracDIContainer Container)
     //just return whatever we have saved
     return Container.Resolve(TypeToResolve);
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds and returns the concrete implementation of the IScopeImplementation.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Scope">Scope of the object to use</param>
        /// <param name="ConstructorToUse">Constructor to use to create the concrete type</param>
        /// <returns>new IScopeImplementation implementation</returns>
        internal IScopeImplementation CreateScopeImplementation(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope Scope, ConstructorInfo ConstructorToUse)
            //which scope is it?

            //this is probably the most used, so we will put it first
            if (Scope == ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Transient)
                return new TransientScopedObject(ConstructorToUse);

            if (Scope == ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Singleton)
                return new SingletonScopedObject();

            return new PerThreadScopedObject(ConstructorToUse);
 /// <summary>
 /// Get the constructor parameters to pass into the constructor
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="DIContainer">Container to build off of</param>
 /// <returns>Parameters to pass into the constructor</returns>
 internal IEnumerable<object> ResolveConstructorParametersLazy(ToracDIContainer DIContainer)
     //loop through the parameters and yield it (i don't want an interator inside interator so ResolveWhichConstructorParametersToImplement will not be lazy
     foreach (var ConstructorParameter in ResolveWhichConstructorParametersToImplement())
         //return this value
         yield return ConstructorParameter.GetParameterValue(DIContainer);
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the parameter value for the given constructor parameter implementation
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="Container">The container which we are currently using to resolve items</param>
 /// <returns>The parameter value</returns>
 public object GetParameterValue(ToracDIContainer Container)
     //just return whatever we have saved
     return ParameterValue;
 public ToracDIDefaultControllerFactory(ToracDIContainer ContainerToSet)
     this.Container = ContainerToSet;
 public static void Configure(ToracDIContainer ContainerToConfigure)
예제 #18
        private static void ConfigureDIContainer(ToracDIContainer Container)
            //start of entity framework configuration
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new EntityFrameworkDP<EntityFrameworkEntityDP>(false, true, false));

                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new EntityFrameworkDP<EntityFrameworkEntityDP>(true, true, false));
            //end of entity framework configuration


            //start of sql data provider configuration
            DIContainer.Register<IDataProvider, SQLDataProvider>()
                .WithConstructorParameters(new PrimitiveCtorParameter(SqlDataProviderTest.ConnectionStringToUse()));
            //end of sql data provider configuration


            //asp net shared mock start

            //now let's register a simple mock http response

            //add a mocked request (simple mock request)
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new MockHttpRequest(null, null, null, null, null, null));

            //add a mocked session state
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new MockHttpSessionState(null));

            //add the identity
                .WithConstructorParameters(new PrimitiveCtorParameter("TestUser"));

            //add the mocked principal
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new MockPrincipal(di.Resolve<MockIdentity>(), new string[] { "Role1", "Role2" }));

            //end of asp net shared mock.


            //start of html helper tests


            //register the IViewDataContainer
            DIContainer.Register<IViewDataContainer, MockIViewDataContainer>()

            //now let's register the actual html helper we are going to mock

            //end of html helper tests


            //start of json action result

               .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => JsonActionResultTest.JsonNetActionControllerTest.MockController(di));

            //end of json action result


            //start of json net custom value factory

              .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => JsonNetCustomValueProviderFactoryControllerTest.MockController(di));

            //register the mocked request
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => JsonNetCustomValueProviderFactoryControllerTest.MockRequest(di));

            //end of json net custom value factory


            //start of asp net test

              .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new MockHttpRequest(null, null, null, new HttpCookieCollection() { new HttpCookie(ExportCurrentSessionState.SessionStateCookieName, AspNetTest.SessionIdToTest) }, null, null));

            //end of asp net test


            //start of in memory cache

            //let's register my dummy cache container
            DIContainer.Register<ICacheImplementation<IEnumerable<DummyObject>>, InMemoryCache<IEnumerable<DummyObject>>>(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Singleton)
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new InMemoryCache<IEnumerable<DummyObject>>(InMemoryCacheTest.CacheKeyToUse, () => InMemoryCacheTest.DummyObjectCacheNoDI.BuildCacheDataSource()));

            //end of in memory cache


            //start of sql cache dep

            //let's register my dummy cache container
            DIContainer.Register<ICacheImplementation<IEnumerable<DummyObject>>, SqlCacheDependency<IEnumerable<DummyObject>>>(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Singleton)
                          .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new SqlCacheDependency<IEnumerable<DummyObject>>(
                                                                  () => SqlCacheDependencyTest.DummySqlCacheObjectCacheNoDI.BuildCacheDataSource(),

            //end of sql cache dep


            //start of email mock

            DIContainer.Register<ISMTPEmailServer, EmailTest.MockSMTPEmailServer>();

            //end of email mock


            //start of html parsing

               .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new HtmlParserWrapper(string.Format($"<html><span class='{HtmlParsingTest.ClassNameInSpan}'>{HtmlParsingTest.SpanInnerTextValue}</span></html>")));

            //end of html parsing


            //start of encryption

            //let's register the di container now (md5)
            DIContainer.Register<ITwoWaySecurityEncryption, MD5HashSecurityEncryption>(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Singleton)
                .WithConstructorParameters(new PrimitiveCtorParameter("Test"));

            //let's register the rijndael container now
            DIContainer.Register<ITwoWaySecurityEncryption, RijndaelSecurityEncryption>(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Singleton)
                .WithConstructorParameters(new PrimitiveCtorParameter("1234567891123456"), new PrimitiveCtorParameter("1234567891123456"));

            //let's register the 1 way data binding
            DIContainer.Register<IOneWaySecurityEncryption, SHA256SecurityEncryption>(ToracDIContainer.DIContainerScope.Singleton)

            //end of encryption


            //start of controller extensions tests

                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => ControllerExtensionTestController.MockController(di));

            //add the mock view engine
            DIContainer.Register<IViewEngine, MockIViewEngine>()
                .WithConstructorImplementation((di) => new MockIViewEngine(new Dictionary<string, IView>() { { "_TestView", new CustomView() } }));

            //we will need to mock a view engine

            //now add the new mock view engine

            //end of controller extension tests