예제 #1
        //build dictionary relating share and date to trades for allshares over the required trading span
        private static Dictionary <string, Trade> BuildComprehensiveTradeHash(
            Dictionary <string, int> name2Number, TopupInformation topUpInfo, DateTime startDate,
            int tradingSpan, bool topUpOnly, Action <string> progresscallBack)
            var tradeHash = BuildTradeHashForAllShares(name2Number, startDate, tradingSpan, topUpInfo, topUpOnly, progresscallBack);

예제 #2
        //Create an object with a dictionary enabling a quick lookup of whether a date and share "YYMMDD,shareNum" as stored in all-tables)
        //is within the needed span. ('want')
        //The dictionary will also be used to note whether we already 'have' the data for the date/share in the All-Tables
        //Finally, also stores last row number as well as last date for each share
        //Initially 'wants' the data for every trading day in the range, and sets 'have' to false
        internal static TopupInformation InitializeTopupInfo(DateTime startDate, int tradingSpan, string[] allShares, Action <string> progress)
            var msg = $"InitializeTopupInfo...{startDate.ToShortDateString()} for {tradingSpan} days for {allShares.Count()} shares";

            Helper.Log("Info", msg);
            var topupInfo = new TopupInformation();

            foreach (string shareLine in allShares)
                //extract share number from each shareLine
                int shareNum = Helper.GetDigitsAtEnd(shareLine);
                if (shareNum > 0)
                    var runDate           = startDate.AddDays(0); // start at startDate with a new runDate object
                    int tradingDayCounter = 0;
                    while (tradingDayCounter < tradingSpan)
                        if (Helper.IsTradingDay(runDate))
                            //string compressedDate = runDate.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "").Substring(2); // YYMMDD in en-ZA culture
                            string compressedDate = runDate.ToString("yyMMdd"); // culture independent
                            string dateShareKey   = $"{compressedDate},{shareNum}";
                            topupInfo.DatesData[dateShareKey] = new WantHaveInfo(true, false);
                            topupInfo.LastDate[shareNum]      = compressedDate;
                            topupInfo.LastRow[shareNum]       = 0; // must be set right later
                        runDate = runDate.AddDays(1);
                    Helper.Log("Error", $"Unable to extract share number from '{shareLine}'");
            msg = $"topupInfo.DatesData has {topupInfo.DatesData.Keys.Count} keys. LastDate has {topupInfo.LastDate.Keys.Count} keys, LastRow has {topupInfo.LastRow.Keys.Count} keys.";
            Helper.Log("Info", msg);
예제 #3
        //Iterates over the allShares array passed in and instantiates queued async Tasks
        //which individually create an AllTable file for each share
        //NOTE: if topUpOnly then existing allTable files must be preserved and simply appended to
        //      if reloadOnly then just one day's worth of timebands within the existing all-table must be overwritten
        private static void UpdateAllTables(
            Dictionary <string, Trade> tradeHash, TopupInformation topUpInfo, DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate, int tradingSpan,
            string[] allShares, bool topUpOnly, string reloadDate, Action <string> progresscallBack)
            var appUserSettings = Helper.UserSettings();
            var atPath          = appUserSettings.AllTablesFolder;

            //skip 1st informational line of sharelist and sweep thru the rest of the shares
            //building new All-table files
            int numShares  = allShares.Count();
            int sharesDone = 0;

            foreach (string share in allShares)
                Match m = Regex.Match(share, @"(.+)\s(\d+)$");
                if (m.Success)
                    var shareName = m.Groups[1].Value.TrimEnd();
                    var shareNum  = Convert.ToInt16(m.Groups[2].Value);

                    var allTableFile = atPath + @"\" + $"alltable_{shareNum}.at";

                    var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
                    CancellationToken ct = tokenSource.Token;

                    var progressMessage = $"Please wait, All-Table files being written...";
                    Helper.Log("Info", progressMessage);
                    var genTask = Task.Run(() =>
                        //generate an all-table
                        GenerateSingleAllTable(ct, allTableFile, shareNum, shareName, startDate, tradingSpan, ref tradeHash, topUpOnly, topUpInfo, reloadDate);
                        //update AllTable calculations
                        PerformAllTableCalculation(new Share(shareName, shareNum), allTableFile);
                    }, tokenSource.Token);

                    var awaiter = genTask.GetAwaiter();
                    awaiter.OnCompleted(() =>
                        var progressMsg = $"All-Table {sharesDone} of {numShares}, share {shareName} ...";
                        Helper.LogStatus("Info", progressMsg);
                        if (sharesDone == numShares)
                            //end of run, ALL shares done (or task was cancelled)
                            var btnBusy = (Button)Helper.GetMainFormControl("buttonBusyAllTables");
                            if (btnBusy.Text.StartsWith("Stopping"))
                                //run tasks were cancelled
                                var msg = "All-Tables Run was cancelled.";
                                Helper.LogStatus("Info", msg);
                                MessageBox.Show(msg, "CANCELLED", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);
                                //normal end of run, store date range now held in the AllTables
                                //appUserSettings.AllTableDataStart = startDate.ToShortDateString();  // YYYY/MM/DD in en-ZA culture
                                appUserSettings.AllTableDataStart   = startDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); // culture independent
                                appUserSettings.AllTableDataEnd     = endDate.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd");
                                appUserSettings.AllTableTradingSpan = tradingSpan.ToString();
                                Helper.LogStatus("Info", $"{sharesDone} All-Tables COMPLETE. ===> Please click 'unlock' followed by 'lock' to restore normal buttons <===");
예제 #4
        //Build the dictionary which helps us in filling the alltables with price and volume info
        //We must also take note of the dates for which we already hold computed all-table records
        private static Dictionary <string, Trade> BuildTradeHashForAllShares(
            Dictionary <string, int> name2Number, DateTime startDate, int tradingSpan,
            TopupInformation tradingDatesInfo, bool topUpOnly, Action <string> progressCallback)
            //traverse Extra folder opening each day-data file which falls into the date range.
            //for each WERTPAPIER section, add/update entries to the Hash
            //day-data file excerpt:
            //WERTPAPIER; 09.07.2018; TMC CONTENT GR.AG INH.SF1; 121527.ETR
            //09:18:21; 0,19; 3400; 3400
            //17:35:39; 0,182; 0; 3400
            //WERTPAPIER; 09.07.2018; TMC CONTENT GR.AG INH.SF1; 121527.FFM
            //08:17:25; 0,142; 0; 0
            //14:16:22; 0,16; 2000; 2000

            var tradeHash = new Dictionary <string, Trade>();

            var msg = $"Building Trade Hash...";

            Helper.Log("Info", msg);
            string lastDate = tradingDatesInfo.EarliestLastDate();

            var runDate           = startDate.AddDays(0); // start at startDate with a new runDate object
            int tradingDayCounter = 0;

            //cover the entire span of days, but we skip forward if we already have data
            while (tradingDayCounter < tradingSpan)
                //string dateTest = runDate.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", ""); // YYYYMMDD in en-ZA culture
                string dateTest = runDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                if (Helper.IsTradingDay(runDate))
                    //ASSUME all trades inside the daydata file are dated the same as indicated by the file name
                    var tradeDate = dateTest.Substring(2); //YYMMDD
                    //does a data file exist for this day?
                    var dayFilename = Helper.BuildDayDataFilename(runDate);
                    var dayFile     = Helper.UserSettings().ExtraFolder + $"\\{dayFilename}";
                    if (File.Exists(dayFile))
                        progressCallback($"Processing {dayFilename} (XETRA trades only) ...");
                        //we can skip opening the data file if we already have the data and we are only topping up
                        if (topUpOnly && (String.Compare(tradeDate, lastDate) > 0))
                            AddUpdateAllShareTradeHash(ref tradeHash, name2Number, tradeDate, dayFile);
                        else if (!topUpOnly)
                            AddUpdateAllShareTradeHash(ref tradeHash, name2Number, tradeDate, dayFile);
                runDate = runDate.AddDays(1);

            var progressMsg = $"Trade Hash built...{tradeHash.Count} keys";

            Helper.Log("Info", progressMsg);

예제 #5
        //Creates from scratch, or 'tops up', or reloads a single day of, an All-Table for a single share for a period
        //spanning tradingSpan trading days starting at startDate.
        //If topupOnly, then a leading number of days get 'skipped' (since the AllTable is assumed to already have the data in it).
        //If reloadOffset is non zero, we skip that number of AllTable records into the AllTable file and then overwrite
        //the succeeding 104 bands (i.e. one days worth)
        //The passed in tradeHash holds the raw trading information needed to create each AllTable record.
        //tradeHash: Key: 'ShareName,YYMMDD,bandNum' e.g. "B+S BANKSYSTEME AG O.N.,180722,1" band 1 is from 09:00:00 to 09:04:59
        //           Value: Trade object with properties shareName,shareNum,tradeDate,line   ... but shareNum at this stage may be 0
        private static void GenerateSingleAllTable(
            CancellationToken ct, string allTableFile, int shareNum, string shareName, DateTime startDate, int tradingSpan,
            ref Dictionary <string, Trade> tradeHash, bool topUpOnly, TopupInformation topupInfo, string reloadDate)
            LogHeaderForGenerateSingleAllTable(allTableFile, startDate, topUpOnly, reloadDate);

            AllTable atRec;
            var      runDate = startDate.AddDays(0);

            //Create or Append to AllTable file?
            FileMode mode;

            if (reloadDate.Length == 6)
                // we are reloading... reloadDate = YYMMDD
                mode = FileMode.Open;
                //more usual case
                mode = topUpOnly ? FileMode.Append : FileMode.Create;

            using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(allTableFile, mode))
                int rowNum = 0;
                if (reloadDate.Length == 6)
                    //RELOAD of a single day
                    // advance the seek position to the start of the day we want to overwrite
                    var bf = new BinaryFormatter();
                    while (fs.Position != fs.Length)
                        var lastPos = fs.Position;
                        var testAt  = (AllTable)bf.Deserialize(fs);
                        if (testAt.Date == reloadDate)
                            fs.Position = lastPos; // back up
                            break;                 // and go on to writing out 104 bands
                    if (fs.Position == fs.Length)
                        Helper.LogStatus("Error", $"Could not find reloadDate '{reloadDate}' records in All-Table {allTableFile}");
                    if (topUpOnly)
                        //we're appending...
                        //no need to write rows 1 and 2 if this is a topup
                        //get starting RowNum to use from passed in TopupInformation
                        rowNum = topupInfo.LastRow[shareNum] + 1;
                        //we're creating from scratch
                        //do the first 2 rows right away (they are special)
                        atRec = AllTableFactory.InitialRow(rowNum++, "YYMMDD", "Day", "TimeFrom", "TimeTo");
                        Helper.SerializeAllTableRecord(fs, atRec);
                        atRec = AllTableFactory.InitialRow(rowNum++, "", "", "", "");
                        Helper.SerializeAllTableRecord(fs, atRec);

                //now consider every day in the trading span, but if topUpOnly, skip over those we already have.
                int tradingDays = 0; double yesterPrice = 0; double lastPrice = 0;
                while (!ct.IsCancellationRequested && tradingDays < tradingSpan)
                    if (Helper.IsTradingDay(runDate))
                        //var rowDate = runDate.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "").Substring(2); //YYMMDD in en-ZA culture
                        var rowDate      = runDate.ToString("yyMMdd"); // culture independent
                        var topupInfoKey = $"{rowDate},{shareNum}";
                        if (!topUpOnly || !topupInfo.DatesData[topupInfoKey].AlreadyHave)
                            //each day has 104 five-minute bands from 09h00 to 17h40 - save each one as an 'at' record to disk
                            var rowDay = runDate.DayOfWeek.ToString().Substring(0, 3);
                            lastPrice = yesterPrice;
                            for (int timeBand = 0; timeBand < 104; timeBand++)
                                int minsIntoDay = 9 * 60 + 5 * timeBand;
                                int hr          = minsIntoDay / 60;
                                int min         = minsIntoDay % (60 * hr);

                                string timeFrom = hr.ToString("00") + ":" + min.ToString("00") + ":00";
                                string timeTo   = hr.ToString("00") + ":" + (min + 4).ToString("00") + ":59";

                                atRec    = AllTableFactory.InitialRow(rowNum++, rowDate, rowDay, timeFrom, timeTo);
                                atRec.FP = lastPrice;
                                // now fill from passed in tradeHash
                                lastPrice = FillAllTableRowFromTradehash(shareNum, atRec, timeBand + 1, tradeHash, lastPrice);
                                //save AllTable row record to disk - this will be overwriting of reloadDate has been set
                                Helper.SerializeAllTableRecord(fs, atRec);
                            yesterPrice = lastPrice;
                    runDate = runDate.AddDays(1);
            if (ct.IsCancellationRequested)
                //delete the All-Table file just saved
                catch (Exception ex)
예제 #6
        // Sweep thru the the shares either deleting early part of existing All-Tables or
        // the entire file (depending on passed in topUp parameter)
        // If topUpOnly is true, data in the All-Tables is effectively 'shuffled up'.
        // If topUpOnly is false, each All-Table is deleted.
        // This will leave an All-Table to which data must be appended (or else which must be written anew,
        // which is akin to appending to a zero size file)
        // Also, once complete, there will in general be a tail bit of the toupInfo object for whose dates have
        // values of 'alreadyHave' remaining false.
        // These will be the dates for which new All-Table records will need to be appended
        private static void PrepareAllTables(ref TopupInformation topupInfo, DateTime startDate,
                                             int tradingSpan, string[] allShares, bool topUpOnly, Action <string> progress)
            var atPath = Helper.UserSettings().AllTablesFolder;

            var msg = $"Preparing all *.at files";

            Helper.Log("Info", msg);
            //var shares = allShares;
            foreach (string share in allShares)
                Match m = Regex.Match(share, @"(.+)\s(\d+)$");
                if (m.Success)
                    var shareName    = m.Groups[1].Value.TrimEnd();
                    var shareNum     = Convert.ToInt32(m.Groups[2].Value);
                    var allTableFile = atPath + @"\" + $"alltable_{shareNum}.at";
                    var tmpFile      = allTableFile + ".tmp";
                    if (File.Exists(allTableFile))
                        if (topUpOnly)
                            //prepare a 'new' all-table file by skipping over data in the existing all-table which has fallen
                            //out of range, retaining the run of records to the end (for subsequent appending to with new data)
                            //essentially chopping off the first bit.
                            using (FileStream fs1 = new FileStream(allTableFile, FileMode.Open))
                                //read entire existing alltable file into memory (can be 10400 records!)
                                var oldRows = Helper.DeserializeAllTable <AllTable>(fs1).Skip(2).ToList();

                                //skip to first record in oldRows holding the first wanted date, then start writing to a NEW version
                                using (FileStream fs2 = new FileStream(tmpFile, FileMode.Create, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None, 131072)) // 128K
                                    //do the first 2 rows right away (they are special)
                                    Helper.SerializeAllTableRecord(fs2, AllTableFactory.InitialRow(0, "YYMMDD", "Day", "TimeFrom", "TimeTo"));
                                    Helper.SerializeAllTableRecord(fs2, AllTableFactory.InitialRow(1, "", "", "", ""));

                                    int rowNum = 2;
                                    foreach (AllTable at in oldRows)
                                        // must this old row be kept?
                                        var topupInfoKey = $"{at.Date},{shareNum}";
                                        // key may not be found if previously the date was processed and subsequently was
                                        // classified a public holiday. (it would have had no trading, all bands empty anyway)
                                        if (topupInfo.DatesData.ContainsKey(topupInfoKey) && topupInfo.DatesData[topupInfoKey].Wanted)
                                            //yes, so append it to tmp file
                                            at.Row = rowNum;
                                            at.F   = rowNum - 1;
                                            Helper.SerializeAllTableRecord(fs2, at);
                                            //note that we now have data for the date (will be repeatedly done for 104 such bands)
                                            topupInfo.DatesData[topupInfoKey].AlreadyHave = true;
                                            topupInfo.LastRow[shareNum] = at.Row;
                            //delete old alltable and replace with smaller new one, to which new data will be appended
                            if (File.Exists(tmpFile))
                                File.Move(tmpFile, allTableFile);
                                progress($"AllTable prepared, (share {shareNum})");
                            progress($"{allTableFile} deleted...");
                    var auditFile = atPath + @"\Audit\" + $"{shareNum.ToString("000")}.txt";
                    if (File.Exists(auditFile))
                        if (topUpOnly)
                            //TODO: decide if Audit file should be peserved and allowed to grow indefinitely
            Helper.Log("Info", $"{allShares.Count()} '.at' files participating");