예제 #1
 public virtual DataPage <ForumPost> GetPageList(int topicId, int pageSize, int memberId)
     if (memberId > 0)
         return(db.findPage <ForumPost>("TopicId=" + topicId + " and Creator.Id=" + memberId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + " order by Id asc", pageSize));
     return(db.findPage <ForumPost>("TopicId=" + topicId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + " order by Id asc", pageSize));
예제 #2
        public virtual int GetPageCount(int topicId, int pageSize)
            String strCondition = "TopicId=" + topicId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition();
            int    count        = ForumPost.count(strCondition);
            int    page         = count / pageSize;
            int    imod         = count % pageSize;

            return(imod > 0 ? page + 1 : page);
예제 #3
        public virtual List <ForumTopic> GetByAppAndReplies(int appId, int count, int days)
            EntityInfo ei = Entity.GetInfo(typeof(User));

            String   t   = ei.Dialect.GetTimeQuote();
            String   fs  = " and Created between " + t + "{0}" + t + " and " + t + "{1}" + t + " ";
            DateTime now = DateTime.Now;
            String   dc  = string.Format(fs, now.AddDays(-days + 1).ToShortDateString(), now.AddDays(1).ToShortDateString());    // 加1表示包含今天

            return(ForumTopic.find("AppId=" + appId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + dc + " order by Replies desc, Id desc").list(count));
예제 #4
        private List <IBinderValue> getNewTopic(int count, Type ownerType)
            if (count <= 0)
                count = 10;

            List <ForumTopic> list = db.find <ForumTopic>(TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + " and OwnerType=:otype order by Id desc")
                                     .set("otype", ownerType.FullName)

예제 #5
        private List <IBinderValue> getNewPost(int boardId, int count, Type ownerType)
            if (count <= 0)
                count = 10;

            String bd = boardId > 0 ? " and ForumBoardId=" + boardId : "";

            List <ForumPost> list = db.find <ForumPost>(TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + bd + " and OwnerType=:otype order by Id desc")
                                    .set("otype", ownerType.FullName)

예제 #6
        public virtual List <IBinderValue> GetNewBoardTopic(String ids, int count)
            if (count <= 0)
                count = 10;

            String sids = checkIds(ids);

            if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(sids))
                return(new List <IBinderValue>());

            String bd = " and ForumBoardId in ( " + sids + " )";

            List <ForumTopic> list = db.find <ForumTopic>(TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + bd + " and OwnerType=:otype order by Id desc")
                                     .set("otype", typeof(Site).FullName)

예제 #7
        public virtual void UpdateLastInfo(ForumBoard fb)
            ForumTopic topic = ForumTopic
                               .find("ForumBoardId=" + fb.Id + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + " order by Id desc")

            LastUpdateInfo info = new LastUpdateInfo();

            info.PostId    = topic.Id;
            info.PostType  = typeof(ForumTopic).Name;
            info.PostTitle = topic.Title;

            User user = topic.Creator;

            info.CreatorName = user.Name;
            info.CreatorUrl  = user.Url;
            info.UpdateTime  = topic.Created;

            fb.LastUpdateInfo = info;
            fb.Updated        = info.UpdateTime;

예제 #8
 public virtual DataPage <ForumTopic> GetPickedByApp(int appId, int pageSize)
     return(ForumTopic.findPage("AppId=" + appId + " and IsPicked=1 and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition(), pageSize));
예제 #9
 public virtual DataPage <ForumTopic> GetByUser(int userId, int pageSize)
     if (userId <= 0)
         return(DataPage <ForumTopic> .GetEmpty());
     return(ForumTopic.findPage("CreatorId=" + userId + " and OwnerType='" + typeof(Site).FullName + "' and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition(), pageSize));
예제 #10
 public virtual DataPage <ForumTopic> GetByUserAndApp(int appId, int userId, int pageSize)
     if (userId <= 0 || appId <= 0)
         return(DataPage <ForumTopic> .GetEmpty());
     return(ForumTopic.findPage("AppId=" + appId + " and CreatorId=" + userId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition(), pageSize));
예제 #11
 public virtual List <ForumTopic> GetByApp(int appId, int count)
     return(ForumTopic.find("AppId=" + appId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition()).list(count));
예제 #12
        public virtual int GetPostPage(int postId, int topicId, int pageSize)
            int count = ForumPost.count("Id<=" + postId + " and TopicId=" + topicId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition());

            return(getPage(count, pageSize));
예제 #13
 public virtual DataPage <ForumPost> GetByAppAndUser(long appId, long userId, int pageSize)
     if (userId <= 0 || appId <= 0)
         return(DataPage <ForumPost> .GetEmpty());
     return(ForumPost.findPage("AppId=" + appId + " and CreatorId=" + userId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition(), pageSize));
예제 #14
 public virtual int CountPost(long forumBoardId)
     return(db.find <ForumPost>("ForumBoardId=" + forumBoardId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition()).count());
예제 #15
 public virtual DataPage <ForumPost> GetPageByApp(int appId, int pageSize)
     return(db.findPage <ForumPost>("AppId=" + appId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition(), pageSize));
예제 #16
 public virtual int CountTopic(int forumBoardId)
     return(db.find <ForumTopic>("ForumBoardId=" + forumBoardId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition()).count());
예제 #17
 public virtual List <ForumTopic> GetByAppAndViews(int appId, int count)
     return(ForumTopic.find("AppId=" + appId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition() + " order by Hits desc, Id desc").list(count));
예제 #18

        public virtual DataPage <ForumTopic> Search(int appId, string key, int pageSize)
            if (strUtil.IsNullOrEmpty(key))
                return(DataPage <ForumTopic> .GetEmpty());
            String q = strUtil.SqlClean(key, 10);

            return(ForumTopic.findPage("AppId=" + appId + " and Title like '%" + q + "%' and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition(), pageSize));
예제 #19
        public virtual int GetBoardPage(int topicId, int boardId, int pageSize)
            int count = ForumTopic.count("Id>=" + topicId + " and ForumBoardId=" + boardId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition());

            return(getPage(count, pageSize));
예제 #20
 public virtual List <ForumPost> GetRecentByApp(long appId, int count)
     return(ForumPost.find("AppId=" + appId + " and " + TopicStatus.GetShowCondition()).list(count));