예제 #1
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new Dictionary <string, TopLevelOption>
                ["createSA"]        = new TopLevelOption("create Nirvana supplementary annotation database", MergeIntermediateTsvs.Run),
                ["createTSV"]       = new TopLevelOption("create intermediate tsv file for supplementary annotation", CreateIntermediateTsvsMain.Run),
                ["createOmimTsv"]   = new TopLevelOption("create omim tsv file", CreateOmimTsvMain.Run),
                ["geneScoresTsv"]   = new TopLevelOption("create gene scores tsv file", GeneScoresMain.Run),
                ["extractMiniSA"]   = new TopLevelOption("extracts mini SA", ExtractMiniSaMain.Run),
                ["extractMiniXml"]  = new TopLevelOption("extracts mini SA", ExtractMiniXmlMain.Run),
                ["createGnomadTsv"] = new TopLevelOption("create gnomAD tsv file", CreateGnomadTsvMain.Run),
                ["createTopMedTsv"] = new TopLevelOption("create TOPMed tsv file", CreateTopMedTsvMain.Run),
                ["createCosmicSvs"] = new TopLevelOption("create COSMIC SV tsv files", ExtractCosmicSvsMain.Run),
                ["remapWithDbsnp"]  = new TopLevelOption("remap a VCF file given source and destination rsID mappings", DbSnpRemapperMain.Run),

            var exitCode = new TopLevelAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Utilities focused on supplementary annotation")

예제 #2
        public void Parse_Nominal()
            var exitCode = new TopLevelAppBuilder(new[] { "combine", "dummy" }, _ops)

            Assert.Equal(ExitCodes.Success, exitCode);
예제 #3
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new Dictionary <string, TopLevelOption>
                ["clinvar"]           = new TopLevelOption("create ClinVar database", ClinVarMain.Run),
                ["cosmic"]            = new TopLevelOption("create COSMIC database", CreateCosmicDb.Main.Run),
                ["ClinGen"]           = new TopLevelOption("create ClinGen database", MakeClinGenDb.Main.Run),
                ["CustomVar"]         = new TopLevelOption("create custom variant annotation database", Custom.VariantMain.Run),
                ["CustomGene"]        = new TopLevelOption("create custom gene annotation database", Custom.GeneMain.Run),
                ["OneKGenSvVcfToBed"] = new TopLevelOption("convert 1000 Genomes structural variants VCF file into a BED-like file", OneKGenSvDb.VcfToBed.Run),
                ["OneKGenSv"]         = new TopLevelOption("create 1000 Genomes structural variants database", OneKGenSvDb.Create.Run),
                ["OneKGen"]           = new TopLevelOption("create 1000 Genome small variants database", CreateOneKgDb.Main.Run),
                ["RefMinor"]          = new TopLevelOption("create Reference Minor database from 1000 Genome ", RefMinorDb.Main.Run),
                ["ancestralAllele"]   = new TopLevelOption("create Ancestral allele database from 1000Genomes data", MakeAaDb.Main.Run),
                ["dbsnp"]             = new TopLevelOption("create dbSNP database", CreateDbsnpDb.Main.Run),
                ["globalMinor"]       = new TopLevelOption("create global minor allele database", CreateGlobalAllelesDb.Main.Run),
                ["Dgv"]                = new TopLevelOption("create DGV database", makeDgvDb.Main.Run),
                ["Omim"]               = new TopLevelOption("create OMIM database", Omim.Main.Run),
                ["downloadOmim"]       = new TopLevelOption("download OMIM database", Omim.Downloader.Run),
                ["ExacScores"]         = new TopLevelOption("create ExAC gene scores database", ExacScores.Main.Run),
                ["extractMiniSA"]      = new TopLevelOption("extracts mini SA", ExtractMiniSaMain.Run),
                ["extractMiniXml"]     = new TopLevelOption("extracts mini XML (ClinVar)", ExtractMiniXmlMain.Run),
                ["gnomad"]             = new TopLevelOption("create gnomAD database", GnomadSnvMain.Run),
                ["gnomad-lcr"]         = new TopLevelOption("create gnomAD low complexity region database", LcrRegionsMain.Run),
                ["gnomadGeneScores"]   = new TopLevelOption("create gnomAD gene scores database", GnomadGenesMain.Run),
                ["TopMed"]             = new TopLevelOption("create TOPMed database", CreateTopMedDb.Main.Run),
                ["PhyloP"]             = new TopLevelOption("create PhyloP database", PhyloP.Main.Run),
                ["CosmicSv"]           = new TopLevelOption("create COSMIC SV tsv files", ExtractCosmicSvsMain.Run),
                ["remapWithDbsnp"]     = new TopLevelOption("remap a VCF file given source and destination rsID mappings", DbSnpRemapperMain.Run),
                ["filterSpliceNetTsv"] = new TopLevelOption("filter SpliceNet predictions", SpliceNetPredictionFilterMain.Run),
                ["mitomapVarDb"]       = new TopLevelOption("create MITOMAP small variants database", SmallVarDb.Run),
                ["mitomapSvDb"]        = new TopLevelOption("create MITOMAP structural variants database", StructVarDb.Run),
                ["spliceAi"]           = new TopLevelOption("create SpliceAI database", SpliceAiDb.Run),
                ["primateAi"]          = new TopLevelOption("create PrimateAI database", PrimateAiDb.Run),
                ["dosageMapRegions"]   = new TopLevelOption("create dosage map regions", DosageMapRegions.Run),
                ["dosageSensitivity"]  = new TopLevelOption("create dosage sensitivity database", DosageSensitivity.Run),
                ["diseaseValidity"]    = new TopLevelOption("create disease validity database", GeneDiseaseValidity.Run),
                ["MitoHet"]            = new TopLevelOption("create mitochondrial Heteroplasmy database", MitoHeteroplasmyDb.Run),
                ["Revel"]              = new TopLevelOption("create REVEL database", Revel.Create.Run),
                ["index"]              = new TopLevelOption("edit an index file", UpdateIndex.Run),
                ["concat"]             = new TopLevelOption("merge multiple NSA files for the same data source having non-overlapping regions", NsaConcatenator.NsaConcatenator.Run),
                ["AaCon"]              = new TopLevelOption("create AA conservation database", AAConservation.AaConservationMain.Run)

            var exitCode = new TopLevelAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Utilities focused on supplementary annotation")

예제 #4
        public void Parse_ShowHelpMenu()
            var validator = new TopLevelAppBuilder(null, _ops).Parse();


            var exitCode = validator

            Assert.Equal(ExitCodes.MissingCommandLineOption, exitCode);
예제 #5
        public void Parse_UnsupportedOption()
            var validator = new TopLevelAppBuilder(new[] { "--if", "-" }, _ops).Parse();

            Assert.True(validator.Data.Errors.Count > 0);

            var exitCode = validator

            Assert.Equal(ExitCodes.UnknownCommandLineOption, exitCode);
예제 #6
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new Dictionary <string, TopLevelOption>
                ["create"]    = new TopLevelOption("creates a full reference file", CreateReferenceMain.Run),
                ["substring"] = new TopLevelOption("creates a reference substring file", CreateSubstringMain.Run),
                ["testseq"]   = new TopLevelOption("creates a TestSeq_reference.dat file", CreateTestSeqMain.Run)

            var exitCode = new TopLevelAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Utilities focused on creating the reference files")

예제 #7
        public static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new Dictionary <string, TopLevelOption>
                ["clinvar"]            = new TopLevelOption("create ClinVar database", CreateClinvarDb.Main.Run),
                ["cosmic"]             = new TopLevelOption("create COSMIC database", CreateCosmicDb.Main.Run),
                ["ClinGen"]            = new TopLevelOption("create ClinGen database", MakeClinGenDb.Main.Run),
                ["Custom"]             = new TopLevelOption("create custom annotation database", Custom.Main.Run),
                ["OneKGenSv"]          = new TopLevelOption("create 1000 Genomes structural variants database", MakeOnekSvDb.Main.Run),
                ["OneKGen"]            = new TopLevelOption("create 1000 Genome small variants database", CreateOneKgDb.Main.Run),
                ["RefMinor"]           = new TopLevelOption("create Reference Minor database from 1000 Genome ", RefMinorDb.Main.Run),
                ["ancestralAllele"]    = new TopLevelOption("create Ancestral allele database from 1000Genomes data", MakeAaDb.Main.Run),
                ["Dbsnp"]              = new TopLevelOption("create dbSNP database", CreateDbsnpDb.Main.Run),
                ["globalMinor"]        = new TopLevelOption("create global minor allele database", CreateGlobalAllelesDb.Main.Run),
                ["Dgv"]                = new TopLevelOption("create DGV database", makeDgvDb.Main.Run),
                ["Omim"]               = new TopLevelOption("create OMIM database", Omim.Main.Run),
                ["ExacScores"]         = new TopLevelOption("create ExAC gene scores database", ExacScores.Main.Run),
                ["extractMiniSA"]      = new TopLevelOption("extracts mini SA", ExtractMiniSaMain.Run),
                ["extractMiniXml"]     = new TopLevelOption("extracts mini XML (ClinVar)", ExtractMiniXmlMain.Run),
                ["Gnomad"]             = new TopLevelOption("create gnomAD database", CreateGnomadDb.Main.Run),
                ["GnomadGeneScores"]   = new TopLevelOption("create gnomAD gene scores database", GnomadGenesMain.Run),
                ["TopMed"]             = new TopLevelOption("create TOPMed database", CreateTopMedDb.Main.Run),
                ["PhyloP"]             = new TopLevelOption("create PhyloP database", PhyloP.Main.Run),
                ["CosmicSv"]           = new TopLevelOption("create COSMIC SV tsv files", ExtractCosmicSvsMain.Run),
                ["remapWithDbsnp"]     = new TopLevelOption("remap a VCF file given source and destination rsID mappings", DbSnpRemapperMain.Run),
                ["filterSpliceNetTsv"] = new TopLevelOption("filter SpliceNet predictions", SpliceNetPredictionFilterMain.Run),
                ["mitomapVarDb"]       = new TopLevelOption("create MITOMAP small variants database", SmallVarDb.Run),
                ["mitomapSvDb"]        = new TopLevelOption("create MITOMAP structural variants database", StructVarDb.Run),
                ["spliceAi"]           = new TopLevelOption("create SpliceAI database", SpliceAiDb.Run),
                ["dosageSensitivity"]  = new TopLevelOption("create dosage sensitivity database", DosageSensitivity.Run)

            var exitCode = new TopLevelAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Utilities focused on supplementary annotation")

예제 #8
        private static int Main(string[] args)
            var ops = new Dictionary <string, TopLevelOption>
                ["combine"]  = new TopLevelOption("combine cache directories", CombineCacheDirectoriesMain.Run),
                ["create"]   = new TopLevelOption("create Nirvana cache files", CreateNirvanaDatabaseMain.Run),
                ["download"] = new TopLevelOption("downloads required files", DownloadMain.Run),
                ["extract"]  = new TopLevelOption("extracts transcripts", ExtractTranscriptsMain.Run),
                ["gene"]     = new TopLevelOption("updates the universal gene archive", UniversalGeneArchiveMain.Run),
                ["gff"]      = new TopLevelOption("export transcripts to GFF", CreateGffMain.Run),
                ["header"]   = new TopLevelOption("displays the header information", HeaderMain.Run),
                ["parse"]    = new TopLevelOption("parses the VEP cache files", ParseVepCacheDirectoryMain.Run),
                ["rgff"]     = new TopLevelOption("export regulatory regions to GFF", CreateRegulatoryGffMain.Run)

            var exitCode = new TopLevelAppBuilder(args, ops)
                           .ShowHelpMenu("Utilities focused on querying the cache directory")
